Declan Hayes
December 21, 2023
© Photo: Public domain

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival.

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Although it is just shy of 200 years since the poet Alexander Pushkin wrote To The Slanderers Of Russia, it seems the “babblers” and “lords of popular wonder” he addressed it to have yet to explain why they still thunder with “such anathemas ‘gainst Russia”, what moves their idle rage and why they think “Slavonic kin” contending amongst themselves is any of their concern.

Pushkin’s poem rightfully expressed his contempt and that of large swathes of Russian opinion for the French, who were threatening to intervene against Russia in the 1830-31 Polish-Russian War, less than 20 years after the French last invaded Russia. Pushkin, in modern parlance, asked them to bring it on.

Which is exactly what Hitler did 110 years later. And, though Russophobes argue that 1831 and 1941 might both have been different had the West attacked on this flank rather than on that flank, or had attacked some months earlier or some months later, the fact is that Russia prevailed in both conflicts.

Just as Russia has prevailed today against those same babblers and lords of popular wonder whose best shot it is to get their cat stranglers to tear down a statue of Pushkin in Kharkov.

As regards Pushkin himself, his poetry, in its Russian original, is, by all accounts, the very best, most polished and most accomplished there is in that language. Although poetry never translates really well, that is not the issue here. The issue is that Pushkin, whose personal life was as volatile and mercurial as that of any other great poet in any other language, is Russian and, no matter whether we are talking about Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka or anything in between, that is something up with which these Western Philistines will not put. When you reject those poles of Russia greatness, and everything in between, it is you and not those Russians who are the problem.

But hark! You have Zelensky, a corrupt and contemptible clown that over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have given their lives for and who is now putting pregnant women and great grandfathers into uniform to throw them onto his infernal pyre as well. And all to feed his bank balances and that of his fellow grifters, and to feed the prejudices of Olena Semenyaka and other sociopaths, who lurk around Ukraine like jackals loitering around a rotting carcass.

Forget Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka and The Brothers Karamazov. What about The Brothers Klitschko, former world heavyweight champion boxers both, who both rallied to Zelensky’s banner, one as mayor of Kiev and the other to a cushy number in the Ukrainian military? Between them, they have not the moral courage that Chilean-American dumpling Gonzalo Lira, or any of the priests or Orthodox grannies Zelensky has tortured, never mind The Brothers Kononovich or Djokovic the Serb, have in their small fingers.

The Klitschkos’ most recent mouse squeaks notwithstanding, it would take word-smiths of the calibre of Dostoevsky or Pushkin to fully describe how contemptibly cowardly they both are. World heavyweight boxers, who cower before Zelensky, who was raised through Russian, a language he feigns is foreign to him and who was elected on the promise of making peace with Russia.

Of course, it is easy for me to call out those two boxers for the bums that they are, as I do not have the thugs of the SBU, Zelensky’s CIA trained Gestapo, breathing down my neck. But I do not claim to be a Ukrainian leader and the Klitschkos do. But they have done absolutely nothing to stop the destruction of either Ukraine or Ukrainians. Though God might forgive them, the mothers, wives and daughters of the fallen never should.

And what of Ukraine’s fallen and those generals, who led them to their doom? A good general is one like the Wehrmacht’s General Heinrici, the “tough little bastard”, who was idolised by his men because he fought with their welfare in mind. Or Hitler’s Field Marshal Walter Model who, when he finally realised Hitler had conned him and his men, put his revolver to his head and blew his brains out.

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival. Not only has this cause been a lost one from the beginning but it has been a massive swindle as well. Any Ukrainian general who does not yet see that should quickly take a leaf out of Field Marshal Model’s play book, do the honourable thing and exit the stage for the good of his men.

Although POTUS Biden has raised the prospects of American troops directly combatting Russia, not only will that not happen but there is absolutely no prospect of any of the drug addicts and serial criminals who comprise the Biden family playing any active role in any of that. Dying is for Ukrainians, not for the Beltway’s bandits, whose job it is to enrich themselves by insider trading.

Though the Americans do not have a Pushkin or even a Masha & Mishka they do, at least, have an ironic sense of humour that would make even Dostoevsky scratch his head. Their most recent stunt is that they have charged four Russian soldiers with war crimes and, for good measure, these hypocrites now also allege both sides committed war crimes in Sudan, even as they declare themselves immune to such charges, the overwhelming evidence from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria notwithstanding. American politics is a moral desert and jokers like Robert Kennedy Junior are nothing more than mirages, political sleights of hand we should despise.

And the same goes for their Pushkin experts, folk like Yale’s Edyta M. Bojanowska, who tries to shoehorn the great poet into her myopic Russophobic vista. And, though irrelevant academic carpet baggers like Bojanowska might be vastly over-paid for their puerile slurs, they know, as the Klitschkos know, that they have not an ounce of the integrity or moral backbone Pushkin possessed and that his legacy will outlive them and the destruction they mete out to statues in Kharkov or to poetry lovers in Kiev.

Let’s not forget MI6’s BBC in all this, which, despite the horrors of Gaza they cheer-lead, is still obsessed with linking Putin and his allies to baby snatching. Although the BBC has featured in far too many of my previous articles, that is because, like the incontinent wretches that they are, they spread their toxic droppings everywhere, the advice of Pushkin to mind their own business notwithstanding. The same applies to Pope Francis, the Argentinian imbecile who is the current Pope, whose party piece was to wave Ukrainian Nazi flags and allow that Zelensky criminal insult him to his face.

And so to conclude, not so much to the slanderers of Russia but to those who study the literature of Russia, Pushkin in particular. Although your professors will appraise you of their artistic genius, one of the reasons for their brilliance is that they see and then conceptualise nuggets into the human and national psyches we lesser mortals cannot. Enjoy their insights and the beauty of their works, which will outlast and forever outshine all the evil the cat strangling, morally challenged Zelensky enablers have wrought. Enjoy Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Masha & Mishka too and know that, in your appreciation of those works, you have affirmed not only their greatness but all that is great in literature and in the world and, compared to the jackals of Kiev, the BBC and the Beltway, that is a very valuable gift indeed.

To the Slanderers of Russia

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival.

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Although it is just shy of 200 years since the poet Alexander Pushkin wrote To The Slanderers Of Russia, it seems the “babblers” and “lords of popular wonder” he addressed it to have yet to explain why they still thunder with “such anathemas ‘gainst Russia”, what moves their idle rage and why they think “Slavonic kin” contending amongst themselves is any of their concern.

Pushkin’s poem rightfully expressed his contempt and that of large swathes of Russian opinion for the French, who were threatening to intervene against Russia in the 1830-31 Polish-Russian War, less than 20 years after the French last invaded Russia. Pushkin, in modern parlance, asked them to bring it on.

Which is exactly what Hitler did 110 years later. And, though Russophobes argue that 1831 and 1941 might both have been different had the West attacked on this flank rather than on that flank, or had attacked some months earlier or some months later, the fact is that Russia prevailed in both conflicts.

Just as Russia has prevailed today against those same babblers and lords of popular wonder whose best shot it is to get their cat stranglers to tear down a statue of Pushkin in Kharkov.

As regards Pushkin himself, his poetry, in its Russian original, is, by all accounts, the very best, most polished and most accomplished there is in that language. Although poetry never translates really well, that is not the issue here. The issue is that Pushkin, whose personal life was as volatile and mercurial as that of any other great poet in any other language, is Russian and, no matter whether we are talking about Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka or anything in between, that is something up with which these Western Philistines will not put. When you reject those poles of Russia greatness, and everything in between, it is you and not those Russians who are the problem.

But hark! You have Zelensky, a corrupt and contemptible clown that over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have given their lives for and who is now putting pregnant women and great grandfathers into uniform to throw them onto his infernal pyre as well. And all to feed his bank balances and that of his fellow grifters, and to feed the prejudices of Olena Semenyaka and other sociopaths, who lurk around Ukraine like jackals loitering around a rotting carcass.

Forget Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka and The Brothers Karamazov. What about The Brothers Klitschko, former world heavyweight champion boxers both, who both rallied to Zelensky’s banner, one as mayor of Kiev and the other to a cushy number in the Ukrainian military? Between them, they have not the moral courage that Chilean-American dumpling Gonzalo Lira, or any of the priests or Orthodox grannies Zelensky has tortured, never mind The Brothers Kononovich or Djokovic the Serb, have in their small fingers.

The Klitschkos’ most recent mouse squeaks notwithstanding, it would take word-smiths of the calibre of Dostoevsky or Pushkin to fully describe how contemptibly cowardly they both are. World heavyweight boxers, who cower before Zelensky, who was raised through Russian, a language he feigns is foreign to him and who was elected on the promise of making peace with Russia.

Of course, it is easy for me to call out those two boxers for the bums that they are, as I do not have the thugs of the SBU, Zelensky’s CIA trained Gestapo, breathing down my neck. But I do not claim to be a Ukrainian leader and the Klitschkos do. But they have done absolutely nothing to stop the destruction of either Ukraine or Ukrainians. Though God might forgive them, the mothers, wives and daughters of the fallen never should.

And what of Ukraine’s fallen and those generals, who led them to their doom? A good general is one like the Wehrmacht’s General Heinrici, the “tough little bastard”, who was idolised by his men because he fought with their welfare in mind. Or Hitler’s Field Marshal Walter Model who, when he finally realised Hitler had conned him and his men, put his revolver to his head and blew his brains out.

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival. Not only has this cause been a lost one from the beginning but it has been a massive swindle as well. Any Ukrainian general who does not yet see that should quickly take a leaf out of Field Marshal Model’s play book, do the honourable thing and exit the stage for the good of his men.

Although POTUS Biden has raised the prospects of American troops directly combatting Russia, not only will that not happen but there is absolutely no prospect of any of the drug addicts and serial criminals who comprise the Biden family playing any active role in any of that. Dying is for Ukrainians, not for the Beltway’s bandits, whose job it is to enrich themselves by insider trading.

Though the Americans do not have a Pushkin or even a Masha & Mishka they do, at least, have an ironic sense of humour that would make even Dostoevsky scratch his head. Their most recent stunt is that they have charged four Russian soldiers with war crimes and, for good measure, these hypocrites now also allege both sides committed war crimes in Sudan, even as they declare themselves immune to such charges, the overwhelming evidence from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria notwithstanding. American politics is a moral desert and jokers like Robert Kennedy Junior are nothing more than mirages, political sleights of hand we should despise.

And the same goes for their Pushkin experts, folk like Yale’s Edyta M. Bojanowska, who tries to shoehorn the great poet into her myopic Russophobic vista. And, though irrelevant academic carpet baggers like Bojanowska might be vastly over-paid for their puerile slurs, they know, as the Klitschkos know, that they have not an ounce of the integrity or moral backbone Pushkin possessed and that his legacy will outlive them and the destruction they mete out to statues in Kharkov or to poetry lovers in Kiev.

Let’s not forget MI6’s BBC in all this, which, despite the horrors of Gaza they cheer-lead, is still obsessed with linking Putin and his allies to baby snatching. Although the BBC has featured in far too many of my previous articles, that is because, like the incontinent wretches that they are, they spread their toxic droppings everywhere, the advice of Pushkin to mind their own business notwithstanding. The same applies to Pope Francis, the Argentinian imbecile who is the current Pope, whose party piece was to wave Ukrainian Nazi flags and allow that Zelensky criminal insult him to his face.

And so to conclude, not so much to the slanderers of Russia but to those who study the literature of Russia, Pushkin in particular. Although your professors will appraise you of their artistic genius, one of the reasons for their brilliance is that they see and then conceptualise nuggets into the human and national psyches we lesser mortals cannot. Enjoy their insights and the beauty of their works, which will outlast and forever outshine all the evil the cat strangling, morally challenged Zelensky enablers have wrought. Enjoy Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Masha & Mishka too and know that, in your appreciation of those works, you have affirmed not only their greatness but all that is great in literature and in the world and, compared to the jackals of Kiev, the BBC and the Beltway, that is a very valuable gift indeed.

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival.

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Although it is just shy of 200 years since the poet Alexander Pushkin wrote To The Slanderers Of Russia, it seems the “babblers” and “lords of popular wonder” he addressed it to have yet to explain why they still thunder with “such anathemas ‘gainst Russia”, what moves their idle rage and why they think “Slavonic kin” contending amongst themselves is any of their concern.

Pushkin’s poem rightfully expressed his contempt and that of large swathes of Russian opinion for the French, who were threatening to intervene against Russia in the 1830-31 Polish-Russian War, less than 20 years after the French last invaded Russia. Pushkin, in modern parlance, asked them to bring it on.

Which is exactly what Hitler did 110 years later. And, though Russophobes argue that 1831 and 1941 might both have been different had the West attacked on this flank rather than on that flank, or had attacked some months earlier or some months later, the fact is that Russia prevailed in both conflicts.

Just as Russia has prevailed today against those same babblers and lords of popular wonder whose best shot it is to get their cat stranglers to tear down a statue of Pushkin in Kharkov.

As regards Pushkin himself, his poetry, in its Russian original, is, by all accounts, the very best, most polished and most accomplished there is in that language. Although poetry never translates really well, that is not the issue here. The issue is that Pushkin, whose personal life was as volatile and mercurial as that of any other great poet in any other language, is Russian and, no matter whether we are talking about Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka or anything in between, that is something up with which these Western Philistines will not put. When you reject those poles of Russia greatness, and everything in between, it is you and not those Russians who are the problem.

But hark! You have Zelensky, a corrupt and contemptible clown that over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have given their lives for and who is now putting pregnant women and great grandfathers into uniform to throw them onto his infernal pyre as well. And all to feed his bank balances and that of his fellow grifters, and to feed the prejudices of Olena Semenyaka and other sociopaths, who lurk around Ukraine like jackals loitering around a rotting carcass.

Forget Dostoevsky, Masha & Mishka and The Brothers Karamazov. What about The Brothers Klitschko, former world heavyweight champion boxers both, who both rallied to Zelensky’s banner, one as mayor of Kiev and the other to a cushy number in the Ukrainian military? Between them, they have not the moral courage that Chilean-American dumpling Gonzalo Lira, or any of the priests or Orthodox grannies Zelensky has tortured, never mind The Brothers Kononovich or Djokovic the Serb, have in their small fingers.

The Klitschkos’ most recent mouse squeaks notwithstanding, it would take word-smiths of the calibre of Dostoevsky or Pushkin to fully describe how contemptibly cowardly they both are. World heavyweight boxers, who cower before Zelensky, who was raised through Russian, a language he feigns is foreign to him and who was elected on the promise of making peace with Russia.

Of course, it is easy for me to call out those two boxers for the bums that they are, as I do not have the thugs of the SBU, Zelensky’s CIA trained Gestapo, breathing down my neck. But I do not claim to be a Ukrainian leader and the Klitschkos do. But they have done absolutely nothing to stop the destruction of either Ukraine or Ukrainians. Though God might forgive them, the mothers, wives and daughters of the fallen never should.

And what of Ukraine’s fallen and those generals, who led them to their doom? A good general is one like the Wehrmacht’s General Heinrici, the “tough little bastard”, who was idolised by his men because he fought with their welfare in mind. Or Hitler’s Field Marshal Walter Model who, when he finally realised Hitler had conned him and his men, put his revolver to his head and blew his brains out.

The only good Ukrainian officer is one who raises a white flag, surrenders to the Russians and thereby gives his men their only hope of survival. Not only has this cause been a lost one from the beginning but it has been a massive swindle as well. Any Ukrainian general who does not yet see that should quickly take a leaf out of Field Marshal Model’s play book, do the honourable thing and exit the stage for the good of his men.

Although POTUS Biden has raised the prospects of American troops directly combatting Russia, not only will that not happen but there is absolutely no prospect of any of the drug addicts and serial criminals who comprise the Biden family playing any active role in any of that. Dying is for Ukrainians, not for the Beltway’s bandits, whose job it is to enrich themselves by insider trading.

Though the Americans do not have a Pushkin or even a Masha & Mishka they do, at least, have an ironic sense of humour that would make even Dostoevsky scratch his head. Their most recent stunt is that they have charged four Russian soldiers with war crimes and, for good measure, these hypocrites now also allege both sides committed war crimes in Sudan, even as they declare themselves immune to such charges, the overwhelming evidence from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria notwithstanding. American politics is a moral desert and jokers like Robert Kennedy Junior are nothing more than mirages, political sleights of hand we should despise.

And the same goes for their Pushkin experts, folk like Yale’s Edyta M. Bojanowska, who tries to shoehorn the great poet into her myopic Russophobic vista. And, though irrelevant academic carpet baggers like Bojanowska might be vastly over-paid for their puerile slurs, they know, as the Klitschkos know, that they have not an ounce of the integrity or moral backbone Pushkin possessed and that his legacy will outlive them and the destruction they mete out to statues in Kharkov or to poetry lovers in Kiev.

Let’s not forget MI6’s BBC in all this, which, despite the horrors of Gaza they cheer-lead, is still obsessed with linking Putin and his allies to baby snatching. Although the BBC has featured in far too many of my previous articles, that is because, like the incontinent wretches that they are, they spread their toxic droppings everywhere, the advice of Pushkin to mind their own business notwithstanding. The same applies to Pope Francis, the Argentinian imbecile who is the current Pope, whose party piece was to wave Ukrainian Nazi flags and allow that Zelensky criminal insult him to his face.

And so to conclude, not so much to the slanderers of Russia but to those who study the literature of Russia, Pushkin in particular. Although your professors will appraise you of their artistic genius, one of the reasons for their brilliance is that they see and then conceptualise nuggets into the human and national psyches we lesser mortals cannot. Enjoy their insights and the beauty of their works, which will outlast and forever outshine all the evil the cat strangling, morally challenged Zelensky enablers have wrought. Enjoy Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Masha & Mishka too and know that, in your appreciation of those works, you have affirmed not only their greatness but all that is great in literature and in the world and, compared to the jackals of Kiev, the BBC and the Beltway, that is a very valuable gift indeed.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 16, 2025

See also

February 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.