Tag: Culture War

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A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
Editor's Сhoice
A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
October 1, 2024

In the age in which we live, basic terms of reality are undermined, words are subverted, and their meaning changed. We are almost daily assailed by ugly neologisms.

Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
September 26, 2024

You have to respect American culture; they sing “oh babe, babe” and dance in tights even in wakes, over the coffin.

Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
Por que a Fundação Ford odeia o Brasil e Martin Luther King
Por que a Fundação Ford odeia o Brasil e Martin Luther King
September 25, 2024

Há mais de um jeito de propagandear a inferioridade de um grupo. Alguém que desgoste do povo dos Estados Unidos poderia, com facilidade, selecionar Britney Spears como representação arquetípica dos cidadãos daquele país para dizer que lá só há idiotas frívolos.

William Dalrymple’s colonial complex
September 17, 2024

There was a time, still hovering on the limits of living memory, when Britain specialised in the manufacture of William Dalrymples. Eton and Harrow squabbled annually over who had produced the most William Dalrymples; Oxbridge was little more than a William Dalrymple finishing-school, where the ambitious sons of Scots baronets were whipped into shape.

William Dalrymple’s colonial complex
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Culture Foundation
As mulheres devem temer o Ocidente LGBT, não o Oriente muçulmano
As mulheres devem temer o Ocidente LGBT, não o Oriente muçulmano
September 14, 2024

O local onde as mulheres ocidentais deveriam temer a possibilidade de virarem escravas parideiras é o Ocidente

Enabling a “Brutus” to slay the Elon Musk “Caesar”
September 9, 2024

War has broken out. There is no need for further pretence about it.

Enabling a “Brutus” to slay the Elon Musk “Caesar”
Anarcho-capitalism and U.S. Jews
Anarcho-capitalism and U.S. Jews
August 7, 2024

The U.S. culture reinforces the Jewish characteristic of maintaining an ethnic identity, meaning that no one, except white Protestants, can simply be American.

From Caracas to Paris and Puccini, Zelensky’s acultural clowns are in retreat
August 6, 2024

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves and NATO and its North London fellow travelers have inflicted untold sufferings on all Venezuelans because it wants to rob Venezuela’s oil.

From Caracas to Paris and Puccini, Zelensky’s acultural clowns are in retreat