Tag: Culture War

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“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
July 17, 2024

Hubris is an impressive poison, capable of making the government of the most powerful nation in the world hand over its resources to a bunch of drug addicts.

“Viajando na utopia”: Um bom livro sobre cientistas doidos e seu impacto na cultura
July 13, 2024

A utopia das drogas tem um passado mais remoto do que imaginávamos, mas ela não acabou nos anos 70.

“Viajando na utopia”: Um bom livro sobre cientistas doidos e seu impacto na cultura
The past is a different country: we do things differently there
The past is a different country: we do things differently there
July 8, 2024

No matter who wins the plethora of NATO’s pending elections and no matter who gets to occupy the White House in 2025, NATO’s killing machine will continue to murder the innocent.

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
June 26, 2024

What are Russians to do, when bums like Lebrecht are bad mouthing them to any and all venues that will platform them?

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
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A duel of French YouTubers
Editor's Сhoice
A duel of French YouTubers
June 25, 2024

For several weeks now, France’s two most famous YouTubers, known as Squeezie and Tibo InShape, have been locked in a fierce virtual war. Behind the duel between these two men lie two trends that divide French youth: progressivism versus identity. 

Art appreciation is not learned
June 21, 2024

Often the appreciation of art is framed as if it were a matter of understanding something that one doesn’t yet understand. That is, if one only knew certain things about an alleged work of art, one would appreciate that artwork.

Art appreciation is not learned
Editor's Сhoice
The “wind of change” blew in the wrong direction
The “wind of change” blew in the wrong direction
June 19, 2024

More than three decades after the “wind of change”, integration between Russia and the West appears to have failed.

O “vento da mudança” soprou na direção errada
June 18, 2024

Mais de três décadas após o “vento da mudança”, integração entre Rússia e o Ocidente parece ter fracassado.

O “vento da mudança” soprou na direção errada