Declan Hayes
October 1, 2023
© Photo: Public domain

As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians.

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As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians. And, while we are at it, the Syrians, Assyrians, Palestinians, and Tigrayans.

Here is Irish born war criminal Samantha Power being booed in Yerevan, where the Yanks have been trying to engineer one of their Russophobic colour counter revolutions for over a decade now.

Once that Grim Reaper shows up, you know trouble beckons. Here, for example, is the CIA’s Human Rights Watch front group demanding that Vietnam apologise for its “appalling” human rights’ record and that the CIA’s front groups, their Quiet Americans, be given unrestricted access to each and every Vietnamese based group that might collaborate with them.

Not that it matters but I gave free lodgings to a number of Vietnamese women, one of whom lost 50 of her family fighting for the Vietcong and another of whom, a Catholic, lost several of hers fighting with the South Vietnamese air force. They are but two of the tens of millions of Vietnamese, whose lives were rent asunder by the criminal actions of those who fund Human Rights Watch and all CIA front groups like it.

I have seen those same vacant looks in the eyes of the Armenian children of north west Syria and the survivors of the massacres of Maaloula and the other towns and hamlets of Syria’s Qalamoun Hills the heroes of Hezbollah liberated during their first major Syrian offensive.

Though they are ghoulish horrors I still find hard to dwell on, they are mirrored in the pictures of the Palestinian women who survived, in body at least, Israel’s Sabra and Shatila massacre.

As they are in the eyes of Leaterberhan, Terhaz and Yohanna, three of a small number of Tigrayans who washed up here in Ireland and who recently celebrated their Meskel, their remembrance of Jesus’ True Cross where, in happier times, they would light bonfires and do all the harmless, family friendly things the Christians of the Qalamoun Hills also did before NATO sent their proxies to hack their heads off and gang rape their daughters and grand daughters.

So here they are in Borrell’s European garden, looking back like Lot’s wife at their home town of Shire Endalselassie, which was at the heart of Ethiopia’s recent ethnic cleansing campaign and where all the schools remain closed because of the unspeakable horrors you may care to read about through these NATO sites here, here and here.

I have tried, in my own small way, to redress these iniquities, trying, for example, to get the Irish government to send baby milk powder via the Russian Air Force to Syria or to condemn the mass slaughter of Syrian Shia children from Fu’ah and Kafriya by Irish passport holders, who also did the Moscow Theatre massacre and who I am on record as naming to the Irish Minister for Justice.

But all to no avail as the Irish Parliament is too busy giving standing ovations to Armenia’s Azeri overlords and collaborating with their American owners in the ongoing Siege of Donbas and wilfully ignoring the Tigrayan Holocaust whose survivors, like those of government-held Syria, receive no international aid from any of the wide number of outwardly respectable NGOs NATO controls.

It is that widespread Western collusion in genocide that begets the blank stares, the memories of the living nightmares these people have gone through and from which there can be no real recovery this side of the grave.

These people and millions like them have been put in the darkest of dark places. I remember one September evening on the roof of Saidnaya Monastery as the mortars thud thudded a wee walk down the road speaking to this refugee kid from Maaloula, who was easily the brightest button I ever met. Had NATO not set their dogs on Syria, that kid would have sailed through Oxbridge and had a glorious life his family would have been justly very proud of. But there he was, dependent upon the kindness of strangers, on the great Orthodox nuns of Our Lady’s Monastery in this case.

Although I gave them and other heroes as much as I could, my main conduit was Irish Salesian nun Sr Brigid Doody, who is in this video with me cracking good natured jokes as I give her money from Irish donors who must stay anonymous because of the scum who occupy positions of power in Dublin. If you watch the video, you will see her stress the importance of baby milk powder as that allows the Salesians and Syria’s other heroes save the maximum amount of children from NATO’s starvation policies.

Sr Doody, sadly, recently passed, in Damascus, where she is now interred far from the soft green hills of her native Limerick. But she, and her fellow Salesians, are amongst the heroes of that heaven NATO turned into hell for they not only stayed at their posts during years of relentless shelling by NATO’s proxies but they helped countless mothers and their babies that the world abandoned.

And the same goes for Tigray’s Sisters of Charity, whose “Lebanese, Egyptian, Romanian and Ethiopian [nuns run] a nursery school for about 400 children; a clinic, including a maternity ward, which receives an average of 200 sick people a day; a house for young students from distant villages; a hotel school and a workroom. We must not forget the farm where cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits… and the garden and vegetable garden”, a not inconsiderable point when near starvation is rife there and all hope seems to be lost.

But all hope is not gone. These brave women from those great orders have lived the good life and fought the good fight even more bravely than St Paul himself did. And it is because of that they need our help in ways great or small.

I was happy to have helped Sr Doody by cajoling money from billionaires, millionaires, Communists, atheists and anybody else, Syrians excepted, I could tap up. But the problem there is one cannot go to the same well all the time and the purpose of NATO’s NGOs is to squeeze us out so that Syria’s Salesians or Tigray’s already overwhelmed Sisters of Charity barely get even the crumbs.

Though that disparity is Jesus’ Lazarus literally brought back to life, such is NATO’s values in action. And such is the evil we are duty bound to oppose. Although Sr Doody’s Mother Superior wrote to me as follows “Dear Dr. Hayes, Thank you for your kindness and support over many years to Sr Bridie. May Sr Bridie now rest in beautiful peace. God bless Mary” the truth is, like Schindler before me, I have not done nearly enough partly through my own fault and partly because of those smug butcher boys who rule over us all.

If you wish to help the Palestinians, there is Fra Hughes, a bloke from North Belfast, which suffered ethnic cleansing at the start of the Troubles. At the time of writing, he is walking the Spanish Camino to raise funds for Palestine. He writes “Have a look at Palestine Aid Belfast on FB we send 1200 dollars a to date over 50,000 32,000 since May 21. All monies go to our team in Gaza no one takes anything just bank charges.”

As regards Tigray, Yohanna writes “The UN has a big camp and operation there [Shire Endalselassie], but they are dedicated to taking in Eritrean refugees coming over the border. There are also Italian nuns [Sisters of Charity] running a small hospital and preschool, but they are overwhelmed. They don’t have anywhere near the capacity to cope with the huge influx.”

She continues: “Dec, if you are raising funds, you can trust us to send funds directly to poor families in our district in Shire Endaselassie. One of our neighbors speaks English and she can send video calls to verify donations to families in need. We have made such donations ourselves. The funds go directly to mothers and children. No middlemen NGOs involved. We can facilitate if it suits. Voluntarily.”

Before returning to their offer, one can contact the Tigrayan Sisters of Charity through their website which also gives the contacts for their head office in Rome, The Eternal City, where I will be shortly with a wad of bills for worthy causes like those adumbrated above.

Although I previously mentioned Sr Doody’s good work, I have since abandoned my own website (a devil to keep up with the apps) but you can still donate here and, believe me, all donations, big or small, will be put to the best of use. When I phoned back one of the billionaires who previously contributed and told him that the Syrian Salesians had convened meetings to determine how best to spend his donation, his office told me that I was the only such “leper”, that the NGO fat asses just regard sizeable donations as their right.

As regards the Tigrayan women’s offer, the best way to donate to them is through my Syrian page but to leave a note that it is for them and to email my email address with instructions.

Now, though your donations, big or small, will not change the world, they will signal that not all the world has abandoned them for NATO’s pottage and that there is hope, however faint.

Although I am not including Armenian links, they, unfortunately, must wait even though they abound with fair weather companions but also some excellent Romanian and Spanish ones who were with me in Syria.

Your donation is like the widow’s mite, given at Jacob’s Well, where St Philoumenos was brutally martyred in 1979 and where I met the nicest and holiest of Orthodox nuns who do the same good work, God’s work, the French nuns on Bethlehem’s orphanage and the good Salesian and Sisters of Charity nuns do not only in Tigray and Syria but worldwide as well.

If you do have any spare shekels, you could not give them to worthier causes. And though I hate passing the begging bowl, not least because there are so many equally worthy causes that NATO’s charlatans have likewise sidelined and marginalised, I tend to follow the Japanese maxim that, away from home, there is no shame. There is certainly no shame in helping these people. Quite the reverse in fact, only priceless honour and eternal gratitude from war’s victims who also deserve to savour some semblance of the sunny side of the street that is as much their due as it is ours.

Let’s Now Speak of the Ongoing Annihilation of the Armenians. And the Syrians and Tigrayans

As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians.

❗️Join us on Telegram Twitter , and VK .

As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians. And, while we are at it, the Syrians, Assyrians, Palestinians, and Tigrayans.

Here is Irish born war criminal Samantha Power being booed in Yerevan, where the Yanks have been trying to engineer one of their Russophobic colour counter revolutions for over a decade now.

Once that Grim Reaper shows up, you know trouble beckons. Here, for example, is the CIA’s Human Rights Watch front group demanding that Vietnam apologise for its “appalling” human rights’ record and that the CIA’s front groups, their Quiet Americans, be given unrestricted access to each and every Vietnamese based group that might collaborate with them.

Not that it matters but I gave free lodgings to a number of Vietnamese women, one of whom lost 50 of her family fighting for the Vietcong and another of whom, a Catholic, lost several of hers fighting with the South Vietnamese air force. They are but two of the tens of millions of Vietnamese, whose lives were rent asunder by the criminal actions of those who fund Human Rights Watch and all CIA front groups like it.

I have seen those same vacant looks in the eyes of the Armenian children of north west Syria and the survivors of the massacres of Maaloula and the other towns and hamlets of Syria’s Qalamoun Hills the heroes of Hezbollah liberated during their first major Syrian offensive.

Though they are ghoulish horrors I still find hard to dwell on, they are mirrored in the pictures of the Palestinian women who survived, in body at least, Israel’s Sabra and Shatila massacre.

As they are in the eyes of Leaterberhan, Terhaz and Yohanna, three of a small number of Tigrayans who washed up here in Ireland and who recently celebrated their Meskel, their remembrance of Jesus’ True Cross where, in happier times, they would light bonfires and do all the harmless, family friendly things the Christians of the Qalamoun Hills also did before NATO sent their proxies to hack their heads off and gang rape their daughters and grand daughters.

So here they are in Borrell’s European garden, looking back like Lot’s wife at their home town of Shire Endalselassie, which was at the heart of Ethiopia’s recent ethnic cleansing campaign and where all the schools remain closed because of the unspeakable horrors you may care to read about through these NATO sites here, here and here.

I have tried, in my own small way, to redress these iniquities, trying, for example, to get the Irish government to send baby milk powder via the Russian Air Force to Syria or to condemn the mass slaughter of Syrian Shia children from Fu’ah and Kafriya by Irish passport holders, who also did the Moscow Theatre massacre and who I am on record as naming to the Irish Minister for Justice.

But all to no avail as the Irish Parliament is too busy giving standing ovations to Armenia’s Azeri overlords and collaborating with their American owners in the ongoing Siege of Donbas and wilfully ignoring the Tigrayan Holocaust whose survivors, like those of government-held Syria, receive no international aid from any of the wide number of outwardly respectable NGOs NATO controls.

It is that widespread Western collusion in genocide that begets the blank stares, the memories of the living nightmares these people have gone through and from which there can be no real recovery this side of the grave.

These people and millions like them have been put in the darkest of dark places. I remember one September evening on the roof of Saidnaya Monastery as the mortars thud thudded a wee walk down the road speaking to this refugee kid from Maaloula, who was easily the brightest button I ever met. Had NATO not set their dogs on Syria, that kid would have sailed through Oxbridge and had a glorious life his family would have been justly very proud of. But there he was, dependent upon the kindness of strangers, on the great Orthodox nuns of Our Lady’s Monastery in this case.

Although I gave them and other heroes as much as I could, my main conduit was Irish Salesian nun Sr Brigid Doody, who is in this video with me cracking good natured jokes as I give her money from Irish donors who must stay anonymous because of the scum who occupy positions of power in Dublin. If you watch the video, you will see her stress the importance of baby milk powder as that allows the Salesians and Syria’s other heroes save the maximum amount of children from NATO’s starvation policies.

Sr Doody, sadly, recently passed, in Damascus, where she is now interred far from the soft green hills of her native Limerick. But she, and her fellow Salesians, are amongst the heroes of that heaven NATO turned into hell for they not only stayed at their posts during years of relentless shelling by NATO’s proxies but they helped countless mothers and their babies that the world abandoned.

And the same goes for Tigray’s Sisters of Charity, whose “Lebanese, Egyptian, Romanian and Ethiopian [nuns run] a nursery school for about 400 children; a clinic, including a maternity ward, which receives an average of 200 sick people a day; a house for young students from distant villages; a hotel school and a workroom. We must not forget the farm where cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits… and the garden and vegetable garden”, a not inconsiderable point when near starvation is rife there and all hope seems to be lost.

But all hope is not gone. These brave women from those great orders have lived the good life and fought the good fight even more bravely than St Paul himself did. And it is because of that they need our help in ways great or small.

I was happy to have helped Sr Doody by cajoling money from billionaires, millionaires, Communists, atheists and anybody else, Syrians excepted, I could tap up. But the problem there is one cannot go to the same well all the time and the purpose of NATO’s NGOs is to squeeze us out so that Syria’s Salesians or Tigray’s already overwhelmed Sisters of Charity barely get even the crumbs.

Though that disparity is Jesus’ Lazarus literally brought back to life, such is NATO’s values in action. And such is the evil we are duty bound to oppose. Although Sr Doody’s Mother Superior wrote to me as follows “Dear Dr. Hayes, Thank you for your kindness and support over many years to Sr Bridie. May Sr Bridie now rest in beautiful peace. God bless Mary” the truth is, like Schindler before me, I have not done nearly enough partly through my own fault and partly because of those smug butcher boys who rule over us all.

If you wish to help the Palestinians, there is Fra Hughes, a bloke from North Belfast, which suffered ethnic cleansing at the start of the Troubles. At the time of writing, he is walking the Spanish Camino to raise funds for Palestine. He writes “Have a look at Palestine Aid Belfast on FB we send 1200 dollars a to date over 50,000 32,000 since May 21. All monies go to our team in Gaza no one takes anything just bank charges.”

As regards Tigray, Yohanna writes “The UN has a big camp and operation there [Shire Endalselassie], but they are dedicated to taking in Eritrean refugees coming over the border. There are also Italian nuns [Sisters of Charity] running a small hospital and preschool, but they are overwhelmed. They don’t have anywhere near the capacity to cope with the huge influx.”

She continues: “Dec, if you are raising funds, you can trust us to send funds directly to poor families in our district in Shire Endaselassie. One of our neighbors speaks English and she can send video calls to verify donations to families in need. We have made such donations ourselves. The funds go directly to mothers and children. No middlemen NGOs involved. We can facilitate if it suits. Voluntarily.”

Before returning to their offer, one can contact the Tigrayan Sisters of Charity through their website which also gives the contacts for their head office in Rome, The Eternal City, where I will be shortly with a wad of bills for worthy causes like those adumbrated above.

Although I previously mentioned Sr Doody’s good work, I have since abandoned my own website (a devil to keep up with the apps) but you can still donate here and, believe me, all donations, big or small, will be put to the best of use. When I phoned back one of the billionaires who previously contributed and told him that the Syrian Salesians had convened meetings to determine how best to spend his donation, his office told me that I was the only such “leper”, that the NGO fat asses just regard sizeable donations as their right.

As regards the Tigrayan women’s offer, the best way to donate to them is through my Syrian page but to leave a note that it is for them and to email my email address with instructions.

Now, though your donations, big or small, will not change the world, they will signal that not all the world has abandoned them for NATO’s pottage and that there is hope, however faint.

Although I am not including Armenian links, they, unfortunately, must wait even though they abound with fair weather companions but also some excellent Romanian and Spanish ones who were with me in Syria.

Your donation is like the widow’s mite, given at Jacob’s Well, where St Philoumenos was brutally martyred in 1979 and where I met the nicest and holiest of Orthodox nuns who do the same good work, God’s work, the French nuns on Bethlehem’s orphanage and the good Salesian and Sisters of Charity nuns do not only in Tigray and Syria but worldwide as well.

If you do have any spare shekels, you could not give them to worthier causes. And though I hate passing the begging bowl, not least because there are so many equally worthy causes that NATO’s charlatans have likewise sidelined and marginalised, I tend to follow the Japanese maxim that, away from home, there is no shame. There is certainly no shame in helping these people. Quite the reverse in fact, only priceless honour and eternal gratitude from war’s victims who also deserve to savour some semblance of the sunny side of the street that is as much their due as it is ours.

As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians.

❗️Join us on Telegram Twitter , and VK .

As Armenians are once again being subjected to NATO rubber-stamped ethnic cleansing, it is once again incumbent on us to spit in Hitler’s face and once again speak of the annihilation of the Armenians. And, while we are at it, the Syrians, Assyrians, Palestinians, and Tigrayans.

Here is Irish born war criminal Samantha Power being booed in Yerevan, where the Yanks have been trying to engineer one of their Russophobic colour counter revolutions for over a decade now.

Once that Grim Reaper shows up, you know trouble beckons. Here, for example, is the CIA’s Human Rights Watch front group demanding that Vietnam apologise for its “appalling” human rights’ record and that the CIA’s front groups, their Quiet Americans, be given unrestricted access to each and every Vietnamese based group that might collaborate with them.

Not that it matters but I gave free lodgings to a number of Vietnamese women, one of whom lost 50 of her family fighting for the Vietcong and another of whom, a Catholic, lost several of hers fighting with the South Vietnamese air force. They are but two of the tens of millions of Vietnamese, whose lives were rent asunder by the criminal actions of those who fund Human Rights Watch and all CIA front groups like it.

I have seen those same vacant looks in the eyes of the Armenian children of north west Syria and the survivors of the massacres of Maaloula and the other towns and hamlets of Syria’s Qalamoun Hills the heroes of Hezbollah liberated during their first major Syrian offensive.

Though they are ghoulish horrors I still find hard to dwell on, they are mirrored in the pictures of the Palestinian women who survived, in body at least, Israel’s Sabra and Shatila massacre.

As they are in the eyes of Leaterberhan, Terhaz and Yohanna, three of a small number of Tigrayans who washed up here in Ireland and who recently celebrated their Meskel, their remembrance of Jesus’ True Cross where, in happier times, they would light bonfires and do all the harmless, family friendly things the Christians of the Qalamoun Hills also did before NATO sent their proxies to hack their heads off and gang rape their daughters and grand daughters.

So here they are in Borrell’s European garden, looking back like Lot’s wife at their home town of Shire Endalselassie, which was at the heart of Ethiopia’s recent ethnic cleansing campaign and where all the schools remain closed because of the unspeakable horrors you may care to read about through these NATO sites here, here and here.

I have tried, in my own small way, to redress these iniquities, trying, for example, to get the Irish government to send baby milk powder via the Russian Air Force to Syria or to condemn the mass slaughter of Syrian Shia children from Fu’ah and Kafriya by Irish passport holders, who also did the Moscow Theatre massacre and who I am on record as naming to the Irish Minister for Justice.

But all to no avail as the Irish Parliament is too busy giving standing ovations to Armenia’s Azeri overlords and collaborating with their American owners in the ongoing Siege of Donbas and wilfully ignoring the Tigrayan Holocaust whose survivors, like those of government-held Syria, receive no international aid from any of the wide number of outwardly respectable NGOs NATO controls.

It is that widespread Western collusion in genocide that begets the blank stares, the memories of the living nightmares these people have gone through and from which there can be no real recovery this side of the grave.

These people and millions like them have been put in the darkest of dark places. I remember one September evening on the roof of Saidnaya Monastery as the mortars thud thudded a wee walk down the road speaking to this refugee kid from Maaloula, who was easily the brightest button I ever met. Had NATO not set their dogs on Syria, that kid would have sailed through Oxbridge and had a glorious life his family would have been justly very proud of. But there he was, dependent upon the kindness of strangers, on the great Orthodox nuns of Our Lady’s Monastery in this case.

Although I gave them and other heroes as much as I could, my main conduit was Irish Salesian nun Sr Brigid Doody, who is in this video with me cracking good natured jokes as I give her money from Irish donors who must stay anonymous because of the scum who occupy positions of power in Dublin. If you watch the video, you will see her stress the importance of baby milk powder as that allows the Salesians and Syria’s other heroes save the maximum amount of children from NATO’s starvation policies.

Sr Doody, sadly, recently passed, in Damascus, where she is now interred far from the soft green hills of her native Limerick. But she, and her fellow Salesians, are amongst the heroes of that heaven NATO turned into hell for they not only stayed at their posts during years of relentless shelling by NATO’s proxies but they helped countless mothers and their babies that the world abandoned.

And the same goes for Tigray’s Sisters of Charity, whose “Lebanese, Egyptian, Romanian and Ethiopian [nuns run] a nursery school for about 400 children; a clinic, including a maternity ward, which receives an average of 200 sick people a day; a house for young students from distant villages; a hotel school and a workroom. We must not forget the farm where cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits… and the garden and vegetable garden”, a not inconsiderable point when near starvation is rife there and all hope seems to be lost.

But all hope is not gone. These brave women from those great orders have lived the good life and fought the good fight even more bravely than St Paul himself did. And it is because of that they need our help in ways great or small.

I was happy to have helped Sr Doody by cajoling money from billionaires, millionaires, Communists, atheists and anybody else, Syrians excepted, I could tap up. But the problem there is one cannot go to the same well all the time and the purpose of NATO’s NGOs is to squeeze us out so that Syria’s Salesians or Tigray’s already overwhelmed Sisters of Charity barely get even the crumbs.

Though that disparity is Jesus’ Lazarus literally brought back to life, such is NATO’s values in action. And such is the evil we are duty bound to oppose. Although Sr Doody’s Mother Superior wrote to me as follows “Dear Dr. Hayes, Thank you for your kindness and support over many years to Sr Bridie. May Sr Bridie now rest in beautiful peace. God bless Mary” the truth is, like Schindler before me, I have not done nearly enough partly through my own fault and partly because of those smug butcher boys who rule over us all.

If you wish to help the Palestinians, there is Fra Hughes, a bloke from North Belfast, which suffered ethnic cleansing at the start of the Troubles. At the time of writing, he is walking the Spanish Camino to raise funds for Palestine. He writes “Have a look at Palestine Aid Belfast on FB we send 1200 dollars a to date over 50,000 32,000 since May 21. All monies go to our team in Gaza no one takes anything just bank charges.”

As regards Tigray, Yohanna writes “The UN has a big camp and operation there [Shire Endalselassie], but they are dedicated to taking in Eritrean refugees coming over the border. There are also Italian nuns [Sisters of Charity] running a small hospital and preschool, but they are overwhelmed. They don’t have anywhere near the capacity to cope with the huge influx.”

She continues: “Dec, if you are raising funds, you can trust us to send funds directly to poor families in our district in Shire Endaselassie. One of our neighbors speaks English and she can send video calls to verify donations to families in need. We have made such donations ourselves. The funds go directly to mothers and children. No middlemen NGOs involved. We can facilitate if it suits. Voluntarily.”

Before returning to their offer, one can contact the Tigrayan Sisters of Charity through their website which also gives the contacts for their head office in Rome, The Eternal City, where I will be shortly with a wad of bills for worthy causes like those adumbrated above.

Although I previously mentioned Sr Doody’s good work, I have since abandoned my own website (a devil to keep up with the apps) but you can still donate here and, believe me, all donations, big or small, will be put to the best of use. When I phoned back one of the billionaires who previously contributed and told him that the Syrian Salesians had convened meetings to determine how best to spend his donation, his office told me that I was the only such “leper”, that the NGO fat asses just regard sizeable donations as their right.

As regards the Tigrayan women’s offer, the best way to donate to them is through my Syrian page but to leave a note that it is for them and to email my email address with instructions.

Now, though your donations, big or small, will not change the world, they will signal that not all the world has abandoned them for NATO’s pottage and that there is hope, however faint.

Although I am not including Armenian links, they, unfortunately, must wait even though they abound with fair weather companions but also some excellent Romanian and Spanish ones who were with me in Syria.

Your donation is like the widow’s mite, given at Jacob’s Well, where St Philoumenos was brutally martyred in 1979 and where I met the nicest and holiest of Orthodox nuns who do the same good work, God’s work, the French nuns on Bethlehem’s orphanage and the good Salesian and Sisters of Charity nuns do not only in Tigray and Syria but worldwide as well.

If you do have any spare shekels, you could not give them to worthier causes. And though I hate passing the begging bowl, not least because there are so many equally worthy causes that NATO’s charlatans have likewise sidelined and marginalised, I tend to follow the Japanese maxim that, away from home, there is no shame. There is certainly no shame in helping these people. Quite the reverse in fact, only priceless honour and eternal gratitude from war’s victims who also deserve to savour some semblance of the sunny side of the street that is as much their due as it is ours.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.