Tag: Middle East

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Segundo Israel Shahak, o próprio judaísmo é supremacista
Segundo Israel Shahak, o próprio judaísmo é supremacista
December 6, 2024

Dado que o pensamento supremacista baliza o judaísmo, e o judaísmo baliza o Estado de Israel, só por aí já dá para saber que a conversa de dois Estados é enrolação, pois, no que depender de Israel, os palestinos não terão nenhum Estado.

La larga guerra para reafirmar la primacía occidental e israelí sufre un cambio de forma
December 6, 2024

Oriente Medio ya no es ‘conservador’. Más bien se está gestando un ‘Despertar’ muy diferente

La larga guerra para reafirmar la primacía occidental e israelí sufre un cambio de forma
Erdogan’s Idlib shock shadows “Kursk”
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Erdogan’s Idlib shock shadows “Kursk”
December 6, 2024

To seek a deal on Ukraine is to treat the symptom and to ignore a cure, Alastair Crooke writes.

El enigma de Siria: Cómo podría convertirse en la primera guerra de los BRICS
December 5, 2024

La Mayoría Global debe estar en alerta máxima. El atentado del Gran Idiblistán forma parte de una compleja operación interconectada.

El enigma de Siria: Cómo podría convertirse en la primera guerra de los BRICS
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How the U.S. and Israel Quietly Revived Al-Qaeda Allies in Syria’s Idlib Offensive
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How the U.S. and Israel Quietly Revived Al-Qaeda Allies in Syria’s Idlib Offensive
December 5, 2024

As Syrian opposition forces, spearheaded by the Al-Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, intensify their offensive to seize more territory after capturing Aleppo, Washington has distanced itself from the attack—a remarkable reversal, considering its longstanding support for weaponizing so-called “moderate rebel” groups based in Idlib.

According to Israel Shahak, Judaism itself is supremacist
December 5, 2024

Given that supremacist thought guides Judaism, and Judaism guides the State of Israel, it is clear that the talk of two states is nonsense, because, as far as Israel is concerned, the Palestinians will not have a state.

According to Israel Shahak, Judaism itself is supremacist
In Siria è stato aperto un secondo fronte
In Siria è stato aperto un secondo fronte
December 5, 2024

Israel, with the support of the West, has unleashed a genocide in Palestine – Gaza, a bloodbath in Lebanon, and has opened the Syrian front again.

Os palestinos contra Israel são “terroristas”, os sírios contra Assad são “rebeldes”
December 4, 2024

A ofensiva liderada pelo Hayat Tahrir al Sham contra Bashar al Assad começou no mesmo dia em que entrou em vigor o cessar-fogo entre Hezbollah e Israel. Será coincidência?

Os palestinos contra Israel são “terroristas”, os sírios contra Assad são “rebeldes”