Tag: Syria

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The end of Obama’s war on Syria
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The end of Obama’s war on Syria
July 7, 2024

Lesson to be learned from Syria: never participate in any U.S. war abroad using terrorists as assets.

“Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state in Syria” interview with Dr. Nidal Kabalan
June 13, 2024

Steven Sahiounie interviews Dr. Nidal Kabalan, journalist, political analyst, and former Syrian Ambassador to Turkey.

“Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state in Syria” interview with Dr. Nidal Kabalan
Iraqi mediation efforts between Turkey and Syria
Iraqi mediation efforts between Turkey and Syria
June 3, 2024

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on May 31, his government was working on reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus.

Emir of Kuwait dissolves the National Assembly and takes aim at the Muslim Brotherhood
May 16, 2024

One of the main problems of the Kuwaiti democracy was its Muslim Brotherhood, whose lawmakers undermined the government at every turn.

Emir of Kuwait dissolves the National Assembly and takes aim at the Muslim Brotherhood
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What Syrian leader Assad said about socialist construction and Chinese socialism
What Syrian leader Assad said about socialist construction and Chinese socialism
May 9, 2024

Although it is not openly accepted by the West, everyone is aware that the Syrian war has ended and the Baath Party will complete this process successfully.

U.S. boots on the Arab ground
May 6, 2024

America’s military presence in the Middle East remains significant even as its focus shifts to Asia-Pacific, specifically to containing China. Around 50,000 U.S. troops are stationed in the Arab countries of the Middle East, including 900 troops illegally occupying the oil-rich areas of Syria. Major U.S. troop developments (estimated numbers).

U.S. boots on the Arab ground
The death of Pascal Sleiman: Was it a crime, or a political assassination?
The death of Pascal Sleiman: Was it a crime, or a political assassination?
April 14, 2024

In Lebanon’s fractured political landscape, there are several interpretations to the story, depending on what political party you are affiliated with, and even depending on what religious sect you have been born into.

Brutal, chaotic war – norms, conventions and laws of conduct are being erased
April 8, 2024

We stand on the cusp of what might be termed Chaotic War. Not the formula often used by Israel to intimidate adversaries; this is different.

Brutal, chaotic war – norms, conventions and laws of conduct are being erased