Tag: al-Assad

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The Syria they didn’t tell us about
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The Syria they didn’t tell us about
December 21, 2024

This is the testimony of a Syrian who fought for his country and his people and who now suffers the most terrible defeat in life.

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroic women of the Syrian Arab Republic
December 20, 2024

The patriotic women and children of Syria must be helped, until the tide turns, which it will, if those of us who remain, learn the lessons and keep the faith.

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroic women of the Syrian Arab Republic
Looking into the abyss: A journey through Damascus after Assad’s fall
Editor's Сhoice
Looking into the abyss: A journey through Damascus after Assad’s fall
December 19, 2024

With Assad’s government toppled, Syria teeters between fragile hopes for peace and the looming threat and chaos of militant rule. The Cradle’s correspondent crosses an open border into a city alive with jubilation but, in many areas, still plagued by war, fear, and an uncertain future.

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army
December 17, 2024

Although war is hell, slaughtering Syrian children by NATO’s sanctions and colluding in or justifying that slaughter is infinitely worse.

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army
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Rússia defendeu seu aliado sírio apesar do cerco da Al Qaeda
Rússia defendeu seu aliado sírio apesar do cerco da Al Qaeda
December 16, 2024

Moscou tomou todas as medidas possíveis para impedir a queda do governo de Assad, mas as condições locais favoreceram o avanço dos terroristas.

The fall of Assad and the collapse of the balance of power in the Middle East
December 16, 2024

Syria has become a geopolitical fracture zone, where the clash of global and regional powers’ interests has not led to the maintenance of a “balance of power” but has instead suddenly destabilized the entire Middle Eastern landscape.

The fall of Assad and the collapse of the balance of power in the Middle East
A queda de Assad e o colapso da balança de poder no Oriente Médio
A queda de Assad e o colapso da balança de poder no Oriente Médio
December 15, 2024

Vemos como a Síria se converteu em uma zona geopolítica de estilhaçamento, em que o choque entre os interesses geopolíticos de potências mundiais e regionais em vez de se encaminhar para a manutenção de uma “balança de poder”.

Russia defended its Syrian ally despite Al Qaeda’s siege
December 14, 2024

Moscow took all possible measures to prevent the fall of Assad’s government, but local conditions played in favor of the terrorists’ advance.

Russia defended its Syrian ally despite Al Qaeda’s siege