Declan Hayes
January 25, 2025
© Photo: SCF

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America.

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While newly elected POTUS Trump is planning all out war on America’s illegal immigrants, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, supported by no less a bullhorn than Pope Francis, is demanding that their members visiting their Syrian caliphate on holidays do not have their German social welfare payments suspended. Because these sentimental savages wish to visit Idlib’s Al-Ahm death hole, where their heroes dumped the beheaded bodies of Syrian soldiers or allied militias, people accused of apostasy, adultery, or homosexuality, and Shia civilians they had murdered, the Pope and his sidekicks regard them as Rousseau’s noble savages.

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America. Zelensky’s man in the Vatican is living in fairyland.

The nature of the drugs suppliers’ world is that only the toughest survive and, as for the Latin American cartels, who teach young Mexican children how to saw their hostages in two (from the crotch up to the neck, slowly, for maximum pain), the time for hugs is long gone and the time for generous doses of lead is at hand. This is all the more so as each new batch of arrivals, Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang being the latest batch, are always more violent than Tony Montana, El Chapo, Pablo Escobar and all the other Cuban, Colombian and Mexican scumbags who preceded them. Contrary to what the Pope pretends to believe, Jesus does not live in their hearts.

Although Trump’s preferred method of killing the lot of them and letting Jesus sort them out has its attractions, it fails to see that these psychopaths have a lot of allies embedded not only in the Vatican but also in America’s legal and NGO networks that permeate all of the safe cities and safe universities that the Democrats and their European clones run and that all deliberately turn a blind eye to the rank criminality of the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated mobs.

Until RICO style laws are enacted against the Muslim Brotherhood and their Latin American equivalents, expect no improvement on the supply side. As long as MI6 consort with the Muslim Brotherhood not only in England but overseas as well, their bombs will continue to maim wherever and whenever they feel it is appropriate to blow their opponents away.

Although the collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic shows the utility to MI6 of the Muslim Brotherhood, who now rule there, the Muslim Brotherhood were not MI6’s only organised criminal gang undermining Syria. Step forward Syria’s accomplished Turkmen smugglers, who joined ISIS en masse and who were pivotal to the Muslim Brotherhood’s 2014 looting of Kessab and Aleppo.

If we return to the land of the free and the home of the brave, journalist Gary Webb, who exposed Colonel Ollie North’s cocaine dealing during the Iran Contra affair comes to mind. Because the CIA and the White House both need organised crime as much as errant Jesuits need their altar boys, the mafia is not going out of business any time soon. And, as long as the CIA and American society in general continue to encourage mass cocaine and fentanyl use, America will continue to attract violent legions of Tony Montanas in search of the American dream. Isn’t it odd that these informative CIA documents here, here and here addressing the drugs war only ever talk about the foreign supply side and never once address the domestic demand side? But then chronic drug use has always been a ghetto, not a Beltway problem.

As long as America sanctions war crimes, such as those we recently witnessed in Gaza and those which are a daily occurrence on the West Bank, Palestinian mothers will continue to flee and who could blame them or, indeed, the Ukrainian gangsters who flee Zelensky’s press gangs?

All that is on the debit side. On the credit side, no matter where I go, there are great Catholic nuns working with those on the business end of NATO’s bombs and bullets and it is really a pity those angels have no agency at either the Vatican or at the White House but neither the poor nor their agents ever have agency. Talking on behalf of the poor is what beauty pageant contestants and High School Rachel Corries do. Elon Musk and Donald Trump have other fish to fry.

Musk but especially Trump bring us back to the principal-agent problem. Musk is simply a rich kid, who wants to fulfill his Flash Gordon childhood dream of flying to Mars and making a bundle of money in the process. For that, he needs to import a bunch of smart Indians and Chinese, who can do the necessary sums to make that happen. Though he doesn’t need the poor the Pope pretends to be so concerned about, who, in our hi tech world, really needs those who have only their bodies and souls to sell? Nobody, not even the poor, and there’s the rub!

By the poor, I am particularly referring to the notorious Mumbai 5-6 lot, Sikh immigrants, who have been loan sharking the length and breadth of the Philippines for over a century now. Although former President Duterte had promised to send those leeches packing, they are still there, evidence that the chain migration which they and other loan sharks before them represent is often a very evil thing.

Though Trump and his soft porn immigrant wife are also not averse to turning a coin, they have to keep America’s great unwashed, who lack Musk’s desired skill sets and who are too proud to work in Taco Bell, onside. The problem with that is world wide wrestling, Coca Cola, cute sound bites and shooting up high schools will only get them so far.

As long as the United States continues to gang up on Panama (population 4.5 million), as long as the United States continues to support head hackers in Syria, as long as the Pope lacks the cajones to call out the Muslim Brotherhood, Nigeria’s Black Axe gang and the vast eco systems supporting them and affiliated mobsters, the longer we can expect gangs like Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua to terrorise not only Venezuela and the United States but everywhere else in the Americas and beyond as well. When the hot air of the Vatican and the White House passes, it will be business as usual for the Mumbai 5-6 lot, the Black Axe Gang, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Tren de Aragua, which have infinitely more firepower than most mid-sized countries and which, if push comes to shove, will give Trump and his chorus boys a very violent run for their ill-gotten money. As regards the ordinary immigrant, as they only have the nuns and not much more beyond their simple hopes, they are of no concern to Trump, to Musk or to anyone else who could make a difference.

Deporting the Pope’s noble Syrian savages from Germany and the United States

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America.

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While newly elected POTUS Trump is planning all out war on America’s illegal immigrants, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, supported by no less a bullhorn than Pope Francis, is demanding that their members visiting their Syrian caliphate on holidays do not have their German social welfare payments suspended. Because these sentimental savages wish to visit Idlib’s Al-Ahm death hole, where their heroes dumped the beheaded bodies of Syrian soldiers or allied militias, people accused of apostasy, adultery, or homosexuality, and Shia civilians they had murdered, the Pope and his sidekicks regard them as Rousseau’s noble savages.

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America. Zelensky’s man in the Vatican is living in fairyland.

The nature of the drugs suppliers’ world is that only the toughest survive and, as for the Latin American cartels, who teach young Mexican children how to saw their hostages in two (from the crotch up to the neck, slowly, for maximum pain), the time for hugs is long gone and the time for generous doses of lead is at hand. This is all the more so as each new batch of arrivals, Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang being the latest batch, are always more violent than Tony Montana, El Chapo, Pablo Escobar and all the other Cuban, Colombian and Mexican scumbags who preceded them. Contrary to what the Pope pretends to believe, Jesus does not live in their hearts.

Although Trump’s preferred method of killing the lot of them and letting Jesus sort them out has its attractions, it fails to see that these psychopaths have a lot of allies embedded not only in the Vatican but also in America’s legal and NGO networks that permeate all of the safe cities and safe universities that the Democrats and their European clones run and that all deliberately turn a blind eye to the rank criminality of the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated mobs.

Until RICO style laws are enacted against the Muslim Brotherhood and their Latin American equivalents, expect no improvement on the supply side. As long as MI6 consort with the Muslim Brotherhood not only in England but overseas as well, their bombs will continue to maim wherever and whenever they feel it is appropriate to blow their opponents away.

Although the collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic shows the utility to MI6 of the Muslim Brotherhood, who now rule there, the Muslim Brotherhood were not MI6’s only organised criminal gang undermining Syria. Step forward Syria’s accomplished Turkmen smugglers, who joined ISIS en masse and who were pivotal to the Muslim Brotherhood’s 2014 looting of Kessab and Aleppo.

If we return to the land of the free and the home of the brave, journalist Gary Webb, who exposed Colonel Ollie North’s cocaine dealing during the Iran Contra affair comes to mind. Because the CIA and the White House both need organised crime as much as errant Jesuits need their altar boys, the mafia is not going out of business any time soon. And, as long as the CIA and American society in general continue to encourage mass cocaine and fentanyl use, America will continue to attract violent legions of Tony Montanas in search of the American dream. Isn’t it odd that these informative CIA documents here, here and here addressing the drugs war only ever talk about the foreign supply side and never once address the domestic demand side? But then chronic drug use has always been a ghetto, not a Beltway problem.

As long as America sanctions war crimes, such as those we recently witnessed in Gaza and those which are a daily occurrence on the West Bank, Palestinian mothers will continue to flee and who could blame them or, indeed, the Ukrainian gangsters who flee Zelensky’s press gangs?

All that is on the debit side. On the credit side, no matter where I go, there are great Catholic nuns working with those on the business end of NATO’s bombs and bullets and it is really a pity those angels have no agency at either the Vatican or at the White House but neither the poor nor their agents ever have agency. Talking on behalf of the poor is what beauty pageant contestants and High School Rachel Corries do. Elon Musk and Donald Trump have other fish to fry.

Musk but especially Trump bring us back to the principal-agent problem. Musk is simply a rich kid, who wants to fulfill his Flash Gordon childhood dream of flying to Mars and making a bundle of money in the process. For that, he needs to import a bunch of smart Indians and Chinese, who can do the necessary sums to make that happen. Though he doesn’t need the poor the Pope pretends to be so concerned about, who, in our hi tech world, really needs those who have only their bodies and souls to sell? Nobody, not even the poor, and there’s the rub!

By the poor, I am particularly referring to the notorious Mumbai 5-6 lot, Sikh immigrants, who have been loan sharking the length and breadth of the Philippines for over a century now. Although former President Duterte had promised to send those leeches packing, they are still there, evidence that the chain migration which they and other loan sharks before them represent is often a very evil thing.

Though Trump and his soft porn immigrant wife are also not averse to turning a coin, they have to keep America’s great unwashed, who lack Musk’s desired skill sets and who are too proud to work in Taco Bell, onside. The problem with that is world wide wrestling, Coca Cola, cute sound bites and shooting up high schools will only get them so far.

As long as the United States continues to gang up on Panama (population 4.5 million), as long as the United States continues to support head hackers in Syria, as long as the Pope lacks the cajones to call out the Muslim Brotherhood, Nigeria’s Black Axe gang and the vast eco systems supporting them and affiliated mobsters, the longer we can expect gangs like Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua to terrorise not only Venezuela and the United States but everywhere else in the Americas and beyond as well. When the hot air of the Vatican and the White House passes, it will be business as usual for the Mumbai 5-6 lot, the Black Axe Gang, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Tren de Aragua, which have infinitely more firepower than most mid-sized countries and which, if push comes to shove, will give Trump and his chorus boys a very violent run for their ill-gotten money. As regards the ordinary immigrant, as they only have the nuns and not much more beyond their simple hopes, they are of no concern to Trump, to Musk or to anyone else who could make a difference.

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America.

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While newly elected POTUS Trump is planning all out war on America’s illegal immigrants, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, supported by no less a bullhorn than Pope Francis, is demanding that their members visiting their Syrian caliphate on holidays do not have their German social welfare payments suspended. Because these sentimental savages wish to visit Idlib’s Al-Ahm death hole, where their heroes dumped the beheaded bodies of Syrian soldiers or allied militias, people accused of apostasy, adultery, or homosexuality, and Shia civilians they had murdered, the Pope and his sidekicks regard them as Rousseau’s noble savages.

Whereas POTUS Trump seeks a quasi military solution to America’s illegal immigrant issue, the Pope believes that more hugs will lead to less drugs on the streets of Europe and North America. Zelensky’s man in the Vatican is living in fairyland.

The nature of the drugs suppliers’ world is that only the toughest survive and, as for the Latin American cartels, who teach young Mexican children how to saw their hostages in two (from the crotch up to the neck, slowly, for maximum pain), the time for hugs is long gone and the time for generous doses of lead is at hand. This is all the more so as each new batch of arrivals, Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang being the latest batch, are always more violent than Tony Montana, El Chapo, Pablo Escobar and all the other Cuban, Colombian and Mexican scumbags who preceded them. Contrary to what the Pope pretends to believe, Jesus does not live in their hearts.

Although Trump’s preferred method of killing the lot of them and letting Jesus sort them out has its attractions, it fails to see that these psychopaths have a lot of allies embedded not only in the Vatican but also in America’s legal and NGO networks that permeate all of the safe cities and safe universities that the Democrats and their European clones run and that all deliberately turn a blind eye to the rank criminality of the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated mobs.

Until RICO style laws are enacted against the Muslim Brotherhood and their Latin American equivalents, expect no improvement on the supply side. As long as MI6 consort with the Muslim Brotherhood not only in England but overseas as well, their bombs will continue to maim wherever and whenever they feel it is appropriate to blow their opponents away.

Although the collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic shows the utility to MI6 of the Muslim Brotherhood, who now rule there, the Muslim Brotherhood were not MI6’s only organised criminal gang undermining Syria. Step forward Syria’s accomplished Turkmen smugglers, who joined ISIS en masse and who were pivotal to the Muslim Brotherhood’s 2014 looting of Kessab and Aleppo.

If we return to the land of the free and the home of the brave, journalist Gary Webb, who exposed Colonel Ollie North’s cocaine dealing during the Iran Contra affair comes to mind. Because the CIA and the White House both need organised crime as much as errant Jesuits need their altar boys, the mafia is not going out of business any time soon. And, as long as the CIA and American society in general continue to encourage mass cocaine and fentanyl use, America will continue to attract violent legions of Tony Montanas in search of the American dream. Isn’t it odd that these informative CIA documents here, here and here addressing the drugs war only ever talk about the foreign supply side and never once address the domestic demand side? But then chronic drug use has always been a ghetto, not a Beltway problem.

As long as America sanctions war crimes, such as those we recently witnessed in Gaza and those which are a daily occurrence on the West Bank, Palestinian mothers will continue to flee and who could blame them or, indeed, the Ukrainian gangsters who flee Zelensky’s press gangs?

All that is on the debit side. On the credit side, no matter where I go, there are great Catholic nuns working with those on the business end of NATO’s bombs and bullets and it is really a pity those angels have no agency at either the Vatican or at the White House but neither the poor nor their agents ever have agency. Talking on behalf of the poor is what beauty pageant contestants and High School Rachel Corries do. Elon Musk and Donald Trump have other fish to fry.

Musk but especially Trump bring us back to the principal-agent problem. Musk is simply a rich kid, who wants to fulfill his Flash Gordon childhood dream of flying to Mars and making a bundle of money in the process. For that, he needs to import a bunch of smart Indians and Chinese, who can do the necessary sums to make that happen. Though he doesn’t need the poor the Pope pretends to be so concerned about, who, in our hi tech world, really needs those who have only their bodies and souls to sell? Nobody, not even the poor, and there’s the rub!

By the poor, I am particularly referring to the notorious Mumbai 5-6 lot, Sikh immigrants, who have been loan sharking the length and breadth of the Philippines for over a century now. Although former President Duterte had promised to send those leeches packing, they are still there, evidence that the chain migration which they and other loan sharks before them represent is often a very evil thing.

Though Trump and his soft porn immigrant wife are also not averse to turning a coin, they have to keep America’s great unwashed, who lack Musk’s desired skill sets and who are too proud to work in Taco Bell, onside. The problem with that is world wide wrestling, Coca Cola, cute sound bites and shooting up high schools will only get them so far.

As long as the United States continues to gang up on Panama (population 4.5 million), as long as the United States continues to support head hackers in Syria, as long as the Pope lacks the cajones to call out the Muslim Brotherhood, Nigeria’s Black Axe gang and the vast eco systems supporting them and affiliated mobsters, the longer we can expect gangs like Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua to terrorise not only Venezuela and the United States but everywhere else in the Americas and beyond as well. When the hot air of the Vatican and the White House passes, it will be business as usual for the Mumbai 5-6 lot, the Black Axe Gang, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Tren de Aragua, which have infinitely more firepower than most mid-sized countries and which, if push comes to shove, will give Trump and his chorus boys a very violent run for their ill-gotten money. As regards the ordinary immigrant, as they only have the nuns and not much more beyond their simple hopes, they are of no concern to Trump, to Musk or to anyone else who could make a difference.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.