Tag: Germany

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Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
Editor's Сhoice
Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
July 19, 2024

Compact is anti-establishment and anti-immigration—but not advocating constitutional overthrow.

U.S.-German missile plans at NATO summit threaten cities deep inside Russia
July 15, 2024

The decisions taken as the NATO summit in Washington closed Thursday show the NATO imperialist powers are planning direct military intervention against nuclear-armed Russia. The day before, the NATO alliance had announced the creation of an office in Ukraine and of a NATO command in Germany to coordinate the war offensive against Russia.

U.S.-German missile plans at NATO summit threaten cities deep inside Russia
Editor's Сhoice
Annalena Baerbock’s lecturing of Hungary postponed
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Annalena Baerbock’s lecturing of Hungary postponed
July 11, 2024

The hawkish German Green minister has criticised Viktor Orbán’s government on countless occasions.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock supports Israel’s genocide and war offensive in the Middle East
June 28, 2024

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s trip to the Middle East highlighted once again the devastating role played by German imperialism in the genocide in Gaza and the escalation of war throughout the region.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock supports Israel’s genocide and war offensive in the Middle East
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Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
June 24, 2024

Neste dia, 18 de junho, em 1935, foi assinado o Acordo Naval Anglo-Alemão. Os dois lados concordaram que a tonelagem total da Marinha alemã seria fixada em 35% da tonelagem da Marinha Real. Pensando bem, não foi um acordo muito inteligente do ponto de vista de Londres.

Unión Europea en la encrucijada: reforma o auto destrucción
June 19, 2024

Como lo indican los resultados de la elección, los miembros del parlamento de extrema derecha consiguieron una parte considerable del Parlamento Europeo. ¿Si Ursula von der Leyen es reelegida luchará contra ellos o acomodará sus ideas?

Unión Europea en la encrucijada: reforma o auto destrucción
European Union joins U.S. economic war against Chinese electric vehicles
Editor's Сhoice
European Union joins U.S. economic war against Chinese electric vehicles
June 16, 2024

The European Union has decided to join the US-inspired trade war against Chinese exports of electrical vehicles (EVs) despite deep divisions within its own ranks with the opposition led by Germany.

Why fight? A civilization not worth dying for is not worth living for either
June 14, 2024

Secular values are simply not enough to motivate a people to live sacrificially to perpetuate their social order.

Why fight? A civilization not worth dying for is not worth living for either
Editor's Сhoice