José Goulão
January 7, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it.

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I cannot guarantee that the war in Ukraine resulting from the anti-democratic Western coup carried out ten years ago “in the name of democracy”, has already caused a million deaths so far, among Ukrainians and also Russians – which, contrary to the single truth imposed by “our civilization”, they are also people.

The number, however, is close to it, it may even exceed it because the daily killings on the battlefields and the “collateral damage” they generate in the societies of both countries, with much greater repercussions in the unfortunate Ukraine, support such a tragic calculation. For example, the size of some Ukrainian cemeteries has been multiplied fourfold since the start of the Russian special military operation, completed through an illegitimate military invasion. Those responsible for this humanitarian catastrophe, to put a stop to the usual propagandistic delusions of the Euro-“commentary” and national commentators, are the sponsors of the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, successfully launched in 2014 by the main Western powers., with the United States – an “exceptional” and “indispensable” nation and its main satellite countries integrated (or dissolved?) in NATO and the European Union at the forefront.

Victoria Nuland explained to us at the time, without any shame or trace of secrecy, with the authority of someone who occupied a high position in the North American State Department, that the United States invested five billion dollars to overthrow the government of Kiev, by the way resulting from democratic, free and fair elections that no one contested, and put in its place a dictatorial junta with Nazi-Banderist tutelage.

According to the official figure revealed by Nuland and giving the extermination of a million people as probable, the price of human life in the purse of abuses practiced by liberal democracy in the always alleged defense of human rights is five thousand dollars (more or less the same thing in euros) per head.

Looking at the Western economic collapse, one can deduce that the investment seems excessive but, in truth, the possibility of NATO surrounding and even dismantling Russia and thus being able to open the doors to astronomical looting, taking a giant step towards imposing the much-desired globalism seems well worth that price.

The reality, however, was poorly budgeted and sales at a unit price of five thousand dollars represent an inconsequential Western waste of manpower and money because thousands of people continue to die every day on the battlefields of a war lost by Kiev, Washington and Brussels. The Western political classes and their well-trained microphone feet and keyboard-hammering zombies guarantee that no, that the victory of Zelensky and his Hitler supporters will come, perhaps on a foggy day, in exchange for a modest daily expenditure of around 50 million dollars in human lives (around 10 thousand deaths per day), which will be perfectly in line with the predictions of losses and damages – at least according to the technocratic spirit and the “invisible hand” of the Market. It should be noted that the five billion invested in the coup itself plus Western spending on the war to date, on weapons and direct and indirect financing for the Banderista regime, must be close to a total of one billion million, that which the Anglo-Saxons refer to as a trillion dollars – or euros, it doesn’t matter when we enter the domain of these astronomical sums, still the 30th part of the sovereign debt of the United States.

The beginning of the end

The official and only admitted story about the Ukrainian drama, which we have to accept under penalty of being classified as incorrigible Putinists, tells us that it all started on February 24, 2022, when “Russia invaded Ukraine”. And if someone claims that we must go back to February 2014, then the official version is adapted informing us that the problem at that time was triggered by the “Russian invasion of Crimea”.

What Western elites never admit is that it all started with the coup on Maidan Square in Kiev on February 22, 2014, when the legitimate Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich, democratically elected with 49% of the vote on February 25, was overthrown. 2010.

No one contested these elections or the results, and all Western countries considered them within Ukraine’s democratic normality. One of the “deviations” of the elections, as it belatedly and opportunistically came to be invoked when the crowds of the “revolution of dignity” were already moving through the streets of Kiev under the leadership of Nuland and the American ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, was the fact that Yanukovich received more votes in the East than in the West of the country, a geographical inclination that, after all, seems to be a peccadillo for democratic sensibilities. But, to better sustain the coup through the faithful media echoes, the owners of truth and democracy in the West soon accused Yanukovych of being corrupt, in a country where corruption is congenital, and of “handing the country over to Russia”, when he had limited himself to reject a partnership agreement with the European Union; which, as is customary, subjected Kiev to the autocrats in Brussels. In other words, the legitimate president was a victim of his government in defense of national sovereignty – a practice that the West does not even want to hear about, not because it is “retrograde”, as it says, but because it is uncomfortable for the strategy of neoliberal globalism, a condition in which we will be happy without having anything and half a dozen hidden mega-thieves will have everything.

Even so, on February 21, 2014, the foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany went to Kiev, respectively Radoslav Sikorsky (also a British citizen, now again in office), Laurent Fabius and Frank-Walter Steinmeyer, who mediated and arrived at an agreement between the government and the opposition to resolve the crisis through the holding of general elections and the re-entry into force of the 2004 Constitution. By that time, Nuland and Pyatt were already distributing biscuits to protesters on Maidan Square – it seems that the always diligent politician Portuguese Ana Gomes tried it and liked it – while members of Nazi-Banderist groups, distributed on the roofs of surrounding buildings, wearing Ukrainian police uniforms, shot at the crowd, causing dozens of deaths. The fact is duly proven, which is why it was buried in the silence of Western elites, including the media.

The agreement was nothing more than a useless piece of paper and Yanukovych was overthrown. Victoria Nuland then formed a government junta in Kiev including ten members of Nazi-Fascist-Banderist groups and, when mildly criticized for not having shared the task with European leaders, responded with the usual elegance and consideration of the United States towards the satellites: “Fuck the EU” (unnecessary translation).

The West was quick to recognize the coup junta, France, Germany and Poland did not even invoke the agreement they mediated and Kiev’s war soon began against the populations of Russian origin in the east of the country and the Crimean Peninsula, territory originally from Russia but that the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, for whom the October Revolution was a dead and buried event and during a night of libations, in the fifties, decided to join Ukraine.

Moscow then reappropriated Crimea, shortly after the coup in Kiev, but the fact was accomplished only after a democratic consultation with the population; and, as it always happens that the electoral results are not what they wanted, the Western elites considered them a falsification – despite more than 90% of the population having spoken out for reintegration into Russia.

However, in Eastern Ukraine, generally known as the Donbass region, the population had to wait eight years for direct support from Moscow and was forced to organize themselves into self-defence structures, thus managing to stop Kiev’s offensive after many months., which reduced the intensity of the conflict.

The Minsk agreements were then negotiated, which established a type of federative solution for Ukraine and were signed by the Ukrainian parties to the conflict under guarantees granted by Russia and, again, France and Germany.

We would later learn that Poland, France and Germany’s disregard for the agreement between the government and the opposition established in 2014 was not a sporadic case of mystification and bad faith. François Hollande and Angela Merkel, French president and German chancellor, revealed a few years later, without shame, that their signatures on the Minsk agreements were due solely to the need for the Banderist regime in Kiev to gain time and be able to arm itself to achieve in the East the that began on Maidan – the expansion of the apartheid and xenophobic regime under the control of Nazi-Banderism throughout the territory. A need that Paris, now owned by Macron, and Berlin under Scholz, together with the countries of the European Union and NATO, under the tutelage of Washington, met without reluctance over the course of a decade, even paying the price of plunging the West into a deep crisis., possibly explosive.

A parenthesis to point out that Viktor Yanukovych, since then in exile, was sentenced to 13 years in prison by the Kiev regime, which in the meantime suppressed parties capable of authentic opposition to the dictatorial junta; This sentence prompted the European Union, true to its habits, to impose sanctions on the deposed president and his family. While the Biden family, vice-presidents of the Obama administration – the true masters of Maidan – increased their countless wealth by plundering Ukraine’s natural wealth, for their own benefit, mainly in the natural gas sector. Meanwhile, the European General Court ruled on December 23, 2023, to clear Yanukovych and the family of the Kiev charges, invalidating the sentence and ruling that the European Union must lift the consequential sanctions because they were imposed on the basis of “an error of assessment ” since the Ukrainian regime authorities were unable to demonstrate that the trial carried out was fair.

As can be concluded, Western political elites have always been on the side of the lie, the violation of democracy and the international agreements they signed regarding the situation generated by the Kiev regime, where they pontificate nostalgic for Hitler. As if that were not enough, when they could have guaranteed the suspension of the conflict through the Istanbul agreement, still in 2022, these same elites sent the trampoline British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to Kiev to sabotage it. At that time, Kiev’s war against the East had already caused 13 thousand deaths since 2014. A first and modest investment of 65 million dollars by the Nazi-Banderist regime in the extermination of its people.

The political caste that administers the so-called collective West, in the service of globalist economic-financial mafias and expansionist war, has thus left the planet under the greatest threat to its existence of all time. Therefore, it is not worthy of respect, of credibility, of any consideration from the people of its countries. Liberal democracy is nothing more than a gross falsification of democracy.

The ICC has a difficult task ahead

Let’s pretend we are all very naive and believe that one day the recent decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Benjamin Netanyahu will have some practical effect.

Weeks ago, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a UN body, had taken the same position, but without practical results so far. Netanyahu is immune and unpunished and will remain so. And if it accepted a ceasefire, certainly temporary, in Lebanon, it is because once again its troops and hordes of assassins are unable to bend the Lebanese people and Hezbollah as their stronghold, which once again stood up to the Zionist war apparatus and did not give in, despite the successive beheadings of its main leaders.

Unfortunately, within the UN there are always those who manage to soften and deauthorize the work of the ICJ, such as, in this case, the secretary general, António Guterres. By attending a conference in Lisbon together with the Zionist war criminal Tzipi Livni, directly involved in the permanent genocide in Gaza, Guterres blatantly ignored the court’s position: he knows very well that the ICJ’s decision is not personalized on Netanyahu, who alone would not be able to carry out the ongoing carnage, a work that is the responsibility of the transnational Nazi-Zionist ideology.

The two international courts thus reserved seats for Netanyahu on two benches. The scope of the measure, however, will have to be broader and more comprehensive. The opening of these precedents – which had already happened in relation to Vladimir Putin – can and should mean that those responsible for the war in Ukraine will have to face their Nuremberg on a day when the world is able to do so, if the many candidates for these banks of defendants have not destroyed it before.

With the historical rigor on which these necessary tribunals will have to be based, the individuals to be brought to trial will all be those directly responsible for the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, not just the operatives – Obama, Biden, Nuland and Pyatt – but also those who supported its execution and those who supported and became involved in the consequent war. That has already killed around a million human beings, crimes that cannot go unpunished.

It is difficult, and it is not even possible here, to list all the leaders, civil and military, who will one day have to sit in the dock so that the memories of the fatal victims, the drama of their families and the damage caused are repaired. to millions of wounded and maimed, Ukrainians and Russians.

All heads of government, ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs and high military commands of the United States of America and NATO and European Union countries will have to be indicted. The exception may be Prime Minister Fico of Slovakia, who was already paying with his life the price for his daring to go against the grain. Many will think that Hungarian Viktor Orban could be spared due to his cyclical reticence about involvement in Ukraine; however, he is unconditionally in heart and soul with the murderer Netanyahu, which makes him an equal defendant.

Without the Maidan coup there would be no war in Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula would still be integrated into Ukrainian territory, there probably wouldn’t even have been the massacre at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014; and Ukrainian Nazism would remain residual as was the case before those responsible for the coup that overthrew the elected president Yanukovych gave him gas as the most qualified agent to guarantee repression, torture, terror, the militarization of society and the implementation of apartheid as state policy. And without Maidan, Ukraine would continue to be a state with full territorial integrity and living within normality – although always at the mercy of the colour revolutions organized by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a powerful coup branch of the CIA currently headed by Victoria Nuland herself, as recognition of their terrorist abilities.

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it. We can mention Obama, Biden and Trump, several U.S. secretaries of state such as Blinken, Pompeo, Tillerson and Kerry, heads of the Pentagon, autocrats from the European Union and NATO such as Van der Leyen, Stoltenberg, Rutte, Charles Michel, Mogherini, Borrel and Kallas and the main leaders of the governments of NATO and European Union countries, without forgetting Costa and Montenegro, Santos Silva and Rangel (Portuguese PM and ministers), both for their support of the war in Ukraine and for their active collaboration with the Zionist genocide and the deliberate and overt tolerance in regarding Israel’s crimes. António Costa, it will never be too much to remind him, appropriated 200 million dollars belonging to Portuguese people to hand it over to the deranged war criminal Zelensky. The 200 million, according to the original value of human life in this war, contributed to the murder of 40 thousand people, a fraction of the slaughter to which no one can remain indifferent, much less justice.

In the name of humanism, human rights, the canons of “Western civilization”, invoked so many times only to be violated so many times, the million dead in the war imposed on the territory of Ukraine following the Maidan coup, on February 22, 2014, and the millions killed, injured, dispossessed and exiled since 1948 at the hands of Zionism demand justice. As citizens, it is an inevitable duty and obligation to actively fight against our governments, the European Union, NATO and imperialism to make this happen. Brute force works in favor of criminals, but courage, determination, unity, even time are in our favor because human reason is difficult, even impossible to bend and break. It is the laws of History.

One million dead claim justice

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it.

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I cannot guarantee that the war in Ukraine resulting from the anti-democratic Western coup carried out ten years ago “in the name of democracy”, has already caused a million deaths so far, among Ukrainians and also Russians – which, contrary to the single truth imposed by “our civilization”, they are also people.

The number, however, is close to it, it may even exceed it because the daily killings on the battlefields and the “collateral damage” they generate in the societies of both countries, with much greater repercussions in the unfortunate Ukraine, support such a tragic calculation. For example, the size of some Ukrainian cemeteries has been multiplied fourfold since the start of the Russian special military operation, completed through an illegitimate military invasion. Those responsible for this humanitarian catastrophe, to put a stop to the usual propagandistic delusions of the Euro-“commentary” and national commentators, are the sponsors of the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, successfully launched in 2014 by the main Western powers., with the United States – an “exceptional” and “indispensable” nation and its main satellite countries integrated (or dissolved?) in NATO and the European Union at the forefront.

Victoria Nuland explained to us at the time, without any shame or trace of secrecy, with the authority of someone who occupied a high position in the North American State Department, that the United States invested five billion dollars to overthrow the government of Kiev, by the way resulting from democratic, free and fair elections that no one contested, and put in its place a dictatorial junta with Nazi-Banderist tutelage.

According to the official figure revealed by Nuland and giving the extermination of a million people as probable, the price of human life in the purse of abuses practiced by liberal democracy in the always alleged defense of human rights is five thousand dollars (more or less the same thing in euros) per head.

Looking at the Western economic collapse, one can deduce that the investment seems excessive but, in truth, the possibility of NATO surrounding and even dismantling Russia and thus being able to open the doors to astronomical looting, taking a giant step towards imposing the much-desired globalism seems well worth that price.

The reality, however, was poorly budgeted and sales at a unit price of five thousand dollars represent an inconsequential Western waste of manpower and money because thousands of people continue to die every day on the battlefields of a war lost by Kiev, Washington and Brussels. The Western political classes and their well-trained microphone feet and keyboard-hammering zombies guarantee that no, that the victory of Zelensky and his Hitler supporters will come, perhaps on a foggy day, in exchange for a modest daily expenditure of around 50 million dollars in human lives (around 10 thousand deaths per day), which will be perfectly in line with the predictions of losses and damages – at least according to the technocratic spirit and the “invisible hand” of the Market. It should be noted that the five billion invested in the coup itself plus Western spending on the war to date, on weapons and direct and indirect financing for the Banderista regime, must be close to a total of one billion million, that which the Anglo-Saxons refer to as a trillion dollars – or euros, it doesn’t matter when we enter the domain of these astronomical sums, still the 30th part of the sovereign debt of the United States.

The beginning of the end

The official and only admitted story about the Ukrainian drama, which we have to accept under penalty of being classified as incorrigible Putinists, tells us that it all started on February 24, 2022, when “Russia invaded Ukraine”. And if someone claims that we must go back to February 2014, then the official version is adapted informing us that the problem at that time was triggered by the “Russian invasion of Crimea”.

What Western elites never admit is that it all started with the coup on Maidan Square in Kiev on February 22, 2014, when the legitimate Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich, democratically elected with 49% of the vote on February 25, was overthrown. 2010.

No one contested these elections or the results, and all Western countries considered them within Ukraine’s democratic normality. One of the “deviations” of the elections, as it belatedly and opportunistically came to be invoked when the crowds of the “revolution of dignity” were already moving through the streets of Kiev under the leadership of Nuland and the American ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, was the fact that Yanukovich received more votes in the East than in the West of the country, a geographical inclination that, after all, seems to be a peccadillo for democratic sensibilities. But, to better sustain the coup through the faithful media echoes, the owners of truth and democracy in the West soon accused Yanukovych of being corrupt, in a country where corruption is congenital, and of “handing the country over to Russia”, when he had limited himself to reject a partnership agreement with the European Union; which, as is customary, subjected Kiev to the autocrats in Brussels. In other words, the legitimate president was a victim of his government in defense of national sovereignty – a practice that the West does not even want to hear about, not because it is “retrograde”, as it says, but because it is uncomfortable for the strategy of neoliberal globalism, a condition in which we will be happy without having anything and half a dozen hidden mega-thieves will have everything.

Even so, on February 21, 2014, the foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany went to Kiev, respectively Radoslav Sikorsky (also a British citizen, now again in office), Laurent Fabius and Frank-Walter Steinmeyer, who mediated and arrived at an agreement between the government and the opposition to resolve the crisis through the holding of general elections and the re-entry into force of the 2004 Constitution. By that time, Nuland and Pyatt were already distributing biscuits to protesters on Maidan Square – it seems that the always diligent politician Portuguese Ana Gomes tried it and liked it – while members of Nazi-Banderist groups, distributed on the roofs of surrounding buildings, wearing Ukrainian police uniforms, shot at the crowd, causing dozens of deaths. The fact is duly proven, which is why it was buried in the silence of Western elites, including the media.

The agreement was nothing more than a useless piece of paper and Yanukovych was overthrown. Victoria Nuland then formed a government junta in Kiev including ten members of Nazi-Fascist-Banderist groups and, when mildly criticized for not having shared the task with European leaders, responded with the usual elegance and consideration of the United States towards the satellites: “Fuck the EU” (unnecessary translation).

The West was quick to recognize the coup junta, France, Germany and Poland did not even invoke the agreement they mediated and Kiev’s war soon began against the populations of Russian origin in the east of the country and the Crimean Peninsula, territory originally from Russia but that the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, for whom the October Revolution was a dead and buried event and during a night of libations, in the fifties, decided to join Ukraine.

Moscow then reappropriated Crimea, shortly after the coup in Kiev, but the fact was accomplished only after a democratic consultation with the population; and, as it always happens that the electoral results are not what they wanted, the Western elites considered them a falsification – despite more than 90% of the population having spoken out for reintegration into Russia.

However, in Eastern Ukraine, generally known as the Donbass region, the population had to wait eight years for direct support from Moscow and was forced to organize themselves into self-defence structures, thus managing to stop Kiev’s offensive after many months., which reduced the intensity of the conflict.

The Minsk agreements were then negotiated, which established a type of federative solution for Ukraine and were signed by the Ukrainian parties to the conflict under guarantees granted by Russia and, again, France and Germany.

We would later learn that Poland, France and Germany’s disregard for the agreement between the government and the opposition established in 2014 was not a sporadic case of mystification and bad faith. François Hollande and Angela Merkel, French president and German chancellor, revealed a few years later, without shame, that their signatures on the Minsk agreements were due solely to the need for the Banderist regime in Kiev to gain time and be able to arm itself to achieve in the East the that began on Maidan – the expansion of the apartheid and xenophobic regime under the control of Nazi-Banderism throughout the territory. A need that Paris, now owned by Macron, and Berlin under Scholz, together with the countries of the European Union and NATO, under the tutelage of Washington, met without reluctance over the course of a decade, even paying the price of plunging the West into a deep crisis., possibly explosive.

A parenthesis to point out that Viktor Yanukovych, since then in exile, was sentenced to 13 years in prison by the Kiev regime, which in the meantime suppressed parties capable of authentic opposition to the dictatorial junta; This sentence prompted the European Union, true to its habits, to impose sanctions on the deposed president and his family. While the Biden family, vice-presidents of the Obama administration – the true masters of Maidan – increased their countless wealth by plundering Ukraine’s natural wealth, for their own benefit, mainly in the natural gas sector. Meanwhile, the European General Court ruled on December 23, 2023, to clear Yanukovych and the family of the Kiev charges, invalidating the sentence and ruling that the European Union must lift the consequential sanctions because they were imposed on the basis of “an error of assessment ” since the Ukrainian regime authorities were unable to demonstrate that the trial carried out was fair.

As can be concluded, Western political elites have always been on the side of the lie, the violation of democracy and the international agreements they signed regarding the situation generated by the Kiev regime, where they pontificate nostalgic for Hitler. As if that were not enough, when they could have guaranteed the suspension of the conflict through the Istanbul agreement, still in 2022, these same elites sent the trampoline British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to Kiev to sabotage it. At that time, Kiev’s war against the East had already caused 13 thousand deaths since 2014. A first and modest investment of 65 million dollars by the Nazi-Banderist regime in the extermination of its people.

The political caste that administers the so-called collective West, in the service of globalist economic-financial mafias and expansionist war, has thus left the planet under the greatest threat to its existence of all time. Therefore, it is not worthy of respect, of credibility, of any consideration from the people of its countries. Liberal democracy is nothing more than a gross falsification of democracy.

The ICC has a difficult task ahead

Let’s pretend we are all very naive and believe that one day the recent decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Benjamin Netanyahu will have some practical effect.

Weeks ago, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a UN body, had taken the same position, but without practical results so far. Netanyahu is immune and unpunished and will remain so. And if it accepted a ceasefire, certainly temporary, in Lebanon, it is because once again its troops and hordes of assassins are unable to bend the Lebanese people and Hezbollah as their stronghold, which once again stood up to the Zionist war apparatus and did not give in, despite the successive beheadings of its main leaders.

Unfortunately, within the UN there are always those who manage to soften and deauthorize the work of the ICJ, such as, in this case, the secretary general, António Guterres. By attending a conference in Lisbon together with the Zionist war criminal Tzipi Livni, directly involved in the permanent genocide in Gaza, Guterres blatantly ignored the court’s position: he knows very well that the ICJ’s decision is not personalized on Netanyahu, who alone would not be able to carry out the ongoing carnage, a work that is the responsibility of the transnational Nazi-Zionist ideology.

The two international courts thus reserved seats for Netanyahu on two benches. The scope of the measure, however, will have to be broader and more comprehensive. The opening of these precedents – which had already happened in relation to Vladimir Putin – can and should mean that those responsible for the war in Ukraine will have to face their Nuremberg on a day when the world is able to do so, if the many candidates for these banks of defendants have not destroyed it before.

With the historical rigor on which these necessary tribunals will have to be based, the individuals to be brought to trial will all be those directly responsible for the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, not just the operatives – Obama, Biden, Nuland and Pyatt – but also those who supported its execution and those who supported and became involved in the consequent war. That has already killed around a million human beings, crimes that cannot go unpunished.

It is difficult, and it is not even possible here, to list all the leaders, civil and military, who will one day have to sit in the dock so that the memories of the fatal victims, the drama of their families and the damage caused are repaired. to millions of wounded and maimed, Ukrainians and Russians.

All heads of government, ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs and high military commands of the United States of America and NATO and European Union countries will have to be indicted. The exception may be Prime Minister Fico of Slovakia, who was already paying with his life the price for his daring to go against the grain. Many will think that Hungarian Viktor Orban could be spared due to his cyclical reticence about involvement in Ukraine; however, he is unconditionally in heart and soul with the murderer Netanyahu, which makes him an equal defendant.

Without the Maidan coup there would be no war in Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula would still be integrated into Ukrainian territory, there probably wouldn’t even have been the massacre at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014; and Ukrainian Nazism would remain residual as was the case before those responsible for the coup that overthrew the elected president Yanukovych gave him gas as the most qualified agent to guarantee repression, torture, terror, the militarization of society and the implementation of apartheid as state policy. And without Maidan, Ukraine would continue to be a state with full territorial integrity and living within normality – although always at the mercy of the colour revolutions organized by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a powerful coup branch of the CIA currently headed by Victoria Nuland herself, as recognition of their terrorist abilities.

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it. We can mention Obama, Biden and Trump, several U.S. secretaries of state such as Blinken, Pompeo, Tillerson and Kerry, heads of the Pentagon, autocrats from the European Union and NATO such as Van der Leyen, Stoltenberg, Rutte, Charles Michel, Mogherini, Borrel and Kallas and the main leaders of the governments of NATO and European Union countries, without forgetting Costa and Montenegro, Santos Silva and Rangel (Portuguese PM and ministers), both for their support of the war in Ukraine and for their active collaboration with the Zionist genocide and the deliberate and overt tolerance in regarding Israel’s crimes. António Costa, it will never be too much to remind him, appropriated 200 million dollars belonging to Portuguese people to hand it over to the deranged war criminal Zelensky. The 200 million, according to the original value of human life in this war, contributed to the murder of 40 thousand people, a fraction of the slaughter to which no one can remain indifferent, much less justice.

In the name of humanism, human rights, the canons of “Western civilization”, invoked so many times only to be violated so many times, the million dead in the war imposed on the territory of Ukraine following the Maidan coup, on February 22, 2014, and the millions killed, injured, dispossessed and exiled since 1948 at the hands of Zionism demand justice. As citizens, it is an inevitable duty and obligation to actively fight against our governments, the European Union, NATO and imperialism to make this happen. Brute force works in favor of criminals, but courage, determination, unity, even time are in our favor because human reason is difficult, even impossible to bend and break. It is the laws of History.

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it.

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I cannot guarantee that the war in Ukraine resulting from the anti-democratic Western coup carried out ten years ago “in the name of democracy”, has already caused a million deaths so far, among Ukrainians and also Russians – which, contrary to the single truth imposed by “our civilization”, they are also people.

The number, however, is close to it, it may even exceed it because the daily killings on the battlefields and the “collateral damage” they generate in the societies of both countries, with much greater repercussions in the unfortunate Ukraine, support such a tragic calculation. For example, the size of some Ukrainian cemeteries has been multiplied fourfold since the start of the Russian special military operation, completed through an illegitimate military invasion. Those responsible for this humanitarian catastrophe, to put a stop to the usual propagandistic delusions of the Euro-“commentary” and national commentators, are the sponsors of the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, successfully launched in 2014 by the main Western powers., with the United States – an “exceptional” and “indispensable” nation and its main satellite countries integrated (or dissolved?) in NATO and the European Union at the forefront.

Victoria Nuland explained to us at the time, without any shame or trace of secrecy, with the authority of someone who occupied a high position in the North American State Department, that the United States invested five billion dollars to overthrow the government of Kiev, by the way resulting from democratic, free and fair elections that no one contested, and put in its place a dictatorial junta with Nazi-Banderist tutelage.

According to the official figure revealed by Nuland and giving the extermination of a million people as probable, the price of human life in the purse of abuses practiced by liberal democracy in the always alleged defense of human rights is five thousand dollars (more or less the same thing in euros) per head.

Looking at the Western economic collapse, one can deduce that the investment seems excessive but, in truth, the possibility of NATO surrounding and even dismantling Russia and thus being able to open the doors to astronomical looting, taking a giant step towards imposing the much-desired globalism seems well worth that price.

The reality, however, was poorly budgeted and sales at a unit price of five thousand dollars represent an inconsequential Western waste of manpower and money because thousands of people continue to die every day on the battlefields of a war lost by Kiev, Washington and Brussels. The Western political classes and their well-trained microphone feet and keyboard-hammering zombies guarantee that no, that the victory of Zelensky and his Hitler supporters will come, perhaps on a foggy day, in exchange for a modest daily expenditure of around 50 million dollars in human lives (around 10 thousand deaths per day), which will be perfectly in line with the predictions of losses and damages – at least according to the technocratic spirit and the “invisible hand” of the Market. It should be noted that the five billion invested in the coup itself plus Western spending on the war to date, on weapons and direct and indirect financing for the Banderista regime, must be close to a total of one billion million, that which the Anglo-Saxons refer to as a trillion dollars – or euros, it doesn’t matter when we enter the domain of these astronomical sums, still the 30th part of the sovereign debt of the United States.

The beginning of the end

The official and only admitted story about the Ukrainian drama, which we have to accept under penalty of being classified as incorrigible Putinists, tells us that it all started on February 24, 2022, when “Russia invaded Ukraine”. And if someone claims that we must go back to February 2014, then the official version is adapted informing us that the problem at that time was triggered by the “Russian invasion of Crimea”.

What Western elites never admit is that it all started with the coup on Maidan Square in Kiev on February 22, 2014, when the legitimate Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich, democratically elected with 49% of the vote on February 25, was overthrown. 2010.

No one contested these elections or the results, and all Western countries considered them within Ukraine’s democratic normality. One of the “deviations” of the elections, as it belatedly and opportunistically came to be invoked when the crowds of the “revolution of dignity” were already moving through the streets of Kiev under the leadership of Nuland and the American ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, was the fact that Yanukovich received more votes in the East than in the West of the country, a geographical inclination that, after all, seems to be a peccadillo for democratic sensibilities. But, to better sustain the coup through the faithful media echoes, the owners of truth and democracy in the West soon accused Yanukovych of being corrupt, in a country where corruption is congenital, and of “handing the country over to Russia”, when he had limited himself to reject a partnership agreement with the European Union; which, as is customary, subjected Kiev to the autocrats in Brussels. In other words, the legitimate president was a victim of his government in defense of national sovereignty – a practice that the West does not even want to hear about, not because it is “retrograde”, as it says, but because it is uncomfortable for the strategy of neoliberal globalism, a condition in which we will be happy without having anything and half a dozen hidden mega-thieves will have everything.

Even so, on February 21, 2014, the foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany went to Kiev, respectively Radoslav Sikorsky (also a British citizen, now again in office), Laurent Fabius and Frank-Walter Steinmeyer, who mediated and arrived at an agreement between the government and the opposition to resolve the crisis through the holding of general elections and the re-entry into force of the 2004 Constitution. By that time, Nuland and Pyatt were already distributing biscuits to protesters on Maidan Square – it seems that the always diligent politician Portuguese Ana Gomes tried it and liked it – while members of Nazi-Banderist groups, distributed on the roofs of surrounding buildings, wearing Ukrainian police uniforms, shot at the crowd, causing dozens of deaths. The fact is duly proven, which is why it was buried in the silence of Western elites, including the media.

The agreement was nothing more than a useless piece of paper and Yanukovych was overthrown. Victoria Nuland then formed a government junta in Kiev including ten members of Nazi-Fascist-Banderist groups and, when mildly criticized for not having shared the task with European leaders, responded with the usual elegance and consideration of the United States towards the satellites: “Fuck the EU” (unnecessary translation).

The West was quick to recognize the coup junta, France, Germany and Poland did not even invoke the agreement they mediated and Kiev’s war soon began against the populations of Russian origin in the east of the country and the Crimean Peninsula, territory originally from Russia but that the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, for whom the October Revolution was a dead and buried event and during a night of libations, in the fifties, decided to join Ukraine.

Moscow then reappropriated Crimea, shortly after the coup in Kiev, but the fact was accomplished only after a democratic consultation with the population; and, as it always happens that the electoral results are not what they wanted, the Western elites considered them a falsification – despite more than 90% of the population having spoken out for reintegration into Russia.

However, in Eastern Ukraine, generally known as the Donbass region, the population had to wait eight years for direct support from Moscow and was forced to organize themselves into self-defence structures, thus managing to stop Kiev’s offensive after many months., which reduced the intensity of the conflict.

The Minsk agreements were then negotiated, which established a type of federative solution for Ukraine and were signed by the Ukrainian parties to the conflict under guarantees granted by Russia and, again, France and Germany.

We would later learn that Poland, France and Germany’s disregard for the agreement between the government and the opposition established in 2014 was not a sporadic case of mystification and bad faith. François Hollande and Angela Merkel, French president and German chancellor, revealed a few years later, without shame, that their signatures on the Minsk agreements were due solely to the need for the Banderist regime in Kiev to gain time and be able to arm itself to achieve in the East the that began on Maidan – the expansion of the apartheid and xenophobic regime under the control of Nazi-Banderism throughout the territory. A need that Paris, now owned by Macron, and Berlin under Scholz, together with the countries of the European Union and NATO, under the tutelage of Washington, met without reluctance over the course of a decade, even paying the price of plunging the West into a deep crisis., possibly explosive.

A parenthesis to point out that Viktor Yanukovych, since then in exile, was sentenced to 13 years in prison by the Kiev regime, which in the meantime suppressed parties capable of authentic opposition to the dictatorial junta; This sentence prompted the European Union, true to its habits, to impose sanctions on the deposed president and his family. While the Biden family, vice-presidents of the Obama administration – the true masters of Maidan – increased their countless wealth by plundering Ukraine’s natural wealth, for their own benefit, mainly in the natural gas sector. Meanwhile, the European General Court ruled on December 23, 2023, to clear Yanukovych and the family of the Kiev charges, invalidating the sentence and ruling that the European Union must lift the consequential sanctions because they were imposed on the basis of “an error of assessment ” since the Ukrainian regime authorities were unable to demonstrate that the trial carried out was fair.

As can be concluded, Western political elites have always been on the side of the lie, the violation of democracy and the international agreements they signed regarding the situation generated by the Kiev regime, where they pontificate nostalgic for Hitler. As if that were not enough, when they could have guaranteed the suspension of the conflict through the Istanbul agreement, still in 2022, these same elites sent the trampoline British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to Kiev to sabotage it. At that time, Kiev’s war against the East had already caused 13 thousand deaths since 2014. A first and modest investment of 65 million dollars by the Nazi-Banderist regime in the extermination of its people.

The political caste that administers the so-called collective West, in the service of globalist economic-financial mafias and expansionist war, has thus left the planet under the greatest threat to its existence of all time. Therefore, it is not worthy of respect, of credibility, of any consideration from the people of its countries. Liberal democracy is nothing more than a gross falsification of democracy.

The ICC has a difficult task ahead

Let’s pretend we are all very naive and believe that one day the recent decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Benjamin Netanyahu will have some practical effect.

Weeks ago, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a UN body, had taken the same position, but without practical results so far. Netanyahu is immune and unpunished and will remain so. And if it accepted a ceasefire, certainly temporary, in Lebanon, it is because once again its troops and hordes of assassins are unable to bend the Lebanese people and Hezbollah as their stronghold, which once again stood up to the Zionist war apparatus and did not give in, despite the successive beheadings of its main leaders.

Unfortunately, within the UN there are always those who manage to soften and deauthorize the work of the ICJ, such as, in this case, the secretary general, António Guterres. By attending a conference in Lisbon together with the Zionist war criminal Tzipi Livni, directly involved in the permanent genocide in Gaza, Guterres blatantly ignored the court’s position: he knows very well that the ICJ’s decision is not personalized on Netanyahu, who alone would not be able to carry out the ongoing carnage, a work that is the responsibility of the transnational Nazi-Zionist ideology.

The two international courts thus reserved seats for Netanyahu on two benches. The scope of the measure, however, will have to be broader and more comprehensive. The opening of these precedents – which had already happened in relation to Vladimir Putin – can and should mean that those responsible for the war in Ukraine will have to face their Nuremberg on a day when the world is able to do so, if the many candidates for these banks of defendants have not destroyed it before.

With the historical rigor on which these necessary tribunals will have to be based, the individuals to be brought to trial will all be those directly responsible for the Maidan Square coup in Kiev, not just the operatives – Obama, Biden, Nuland and Pyatt – but also those who supported its execution and those who supported and became involved in the consequent war. That has already killed around a million human beings, crimes that cannot go unpunished.

It is difficult, and it is not even possible here, to list all the leaders, civil and military, who will one day have to sit in the dock so that the memories of the fatal victims, the drama of their families and the damage caused are repaired. to millions of wounded and maimed, Ukrainians and Russians.

All heads of government, ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs and high military commands of the United States of America and NATO and European Union countries will have to be indicted. The exception may be Prime Minister Fico of Slovakia, who was already paying with his life the price for his daring to go against the grain. Many will think that Hungarian Viktor Orban could be spared due to his cyclical reticence about involvement in Ukraine; however, he is unconditionally in heart and soul with the murderer Netanyahu, which makes him an equal defendant.

Without the Maidan coup there would be no war in Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula would still be integrated into Ukrainian territory, there probably wouldn’t even have been the massacre at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014; and Ukrainian Nazism would remain residual as was the case before those responsible for the coup that overthrew the elected president Yanukovych gave him gas as the most qualified agent to guarantee repression, torture, terror, the militarization of society and the implementation of apartheid as state policy. And without Maidan, Ukraine would continue to be a state with full territorial integrity and living within normality – although always at the mercy of the colour revolutions organized by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a powerful coup branch of the CIA currently headed by Victoria Nuland herself, as recognition of their terrorist abilities.

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it. We can mention Obama, Biden and Trump, several U.S. secretaries of state such as Blinken, Pompeo, Tillerson and Kerry, heads of the Pentagon, autocrats from the European Union and NATO such as Van der Leyen, Stoltenberg, Rutte, Charles Michel, Mogherini, Borrel and Kallas and the main leaders of the governments of NATO and European Union countries, without forgetting Costa and Montenegro, Santos Silva and Rangel (Portuguese PM and ministers), both for their support of the war in Ukraine and for their active collaboration with the Zionist genocide and the deliberate and overt tolerance in regarding Israel’s crimes. António Costa, it will never be too much to remind him, appropriated 200 million dollars belonging to Portuguese people to hand it over to the deranged war criminal Zelensky. The 200 million, according to the original value of human life in this war, contributed to the murder of 40 thousand people, a fraction of the slaughter to which no one can remain indifferent, much less justice.

In the name of humanism, human rights, the canons of “Western civilization”, invoked so many times only to be violated so many times, the million dead in the war imposed on the territory of Ukraine following the Maidan coup, on February 22, 2014, and the millions killed, injured, dispossessed and exiled since 1948 at the hands of Zionism demand justice. As citizens, it is an inevitable duty and obligation to actively fight against our governments, the European Union, NATO and imperialism to make this happen. Brute force works in favor of criminals, but courage, determination, unity, even time are in our favor because human reason is difficult, even impossible to bend and break. It is the laws of History.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 4, 2025

See also

March 4, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.