Tag: International Criminal Court

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Why the U.S. wants to sanction HK’s judiciary and the ICC
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Why the U.S. wants to sanction HK’s judiciary and the ICC
June 18, 2024

The human mind compartmentalises, according to psychologists, to avoid distress from having to address morally or cognitively conflicting experiences together. That seems to be a prerequisite for holding high office in Washington. It was on full display by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week as he testified before both the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“We want peace”: Spain applies to join ICJ genocide case against Israel
June 7, 2024

“We do it out of commitment to the United Nations and to international law,” said the Spanish foreign minister, calling for an end to civilian deaths.

“We want peace”: Spain applies to join ICJ genocide case against Israel
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From Putin to Netanyahu: Will the ICC be able to check-and-balance itself?
From Putin to Netanyahu: Will the ICC be able to check-and-balance itself?
May 28, 2024

The ICC leaves “below the law” the countries that, formally voluntarily, have submitted, entering into the constitutive agreement of that court; and “above it” those who remain outside – chiefly the USA.

De Putin a Netanyahu: Será o TPI capaz de se compensar a si próprio?
May 26, 2024

Muitos países importantes, como os EUA, a Federação Russa, a República Popular da China e a União Indiana, não reconhecem o TPI. Isto torna de imediato o tribunal numa “coisa” muito sui generis.

De Putin a Netanyahu: Será o TPI capaz de se compensar a si próprio?
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Israel has lost the battle of global public opinion
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Israel has lost the battle of global public opinion
May 25, 2024

Netanyahu’s war on Gaza has been so brutal, devastating, and objectively inhumane that even the greatest public relations machine in the world could not whitewash the horrors it has manifested.

International Court of Justice Rules Against Israel but Declines to Order End to Genocide in Gaza
January 28, 2024

On Friday, the International Court of Justice issued an 86-paragraph written decision on the request for “provisional measures” in the pending case by the government of South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

International Court of Justice Rules Against Israel but Declines to Order End to Genocide in Gaza
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NATO’s Mass Murdering Arab Children Is ‘a Philosophical Not a Moral Question’
NATO’s Mass Murdering Arab Children Is ‘a Philosophical Not a Moral Question’
January 15, 2024

Though South Africa is to be congratulated for giving this philosophical debate over Israel’s war crimes the proper international arena it deserves, the time for talk is over.

Sudáfrica, miembro del Brics, lleva al sionismo ante los tribunales
January 14, 2024

El caso de genocidio de Pretoria contra Israel es crucial, no sólo para detener la carnicería de Tel Aviv en Gaza, sino para plantar la primera bandera del multipolarismo en los tribunales del mundo: éste es el primer caso de muchos que tratarán de detener la impunidad occidental y restablecer el derecho internacional tal como se contempla en la Carta de la ONU.

Sudáfrica, miembro del Brics, lleva al sionismo ante los tribunales