Tag: International Court of Justice

Julia Sebutinde stood alone in rejecting South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Now the court’s president, the Ugandan judge suggests her motives for protecting Israel can be found in the Old Testament.

It is likely that the farce of the ICJ and the parody of international law it assumes to champion will soon end.

The Maidan coup is behind the loss of about a million human lives and will have to be the basis, the starting point for a necessary and fair trial of everyone associated with it.

Netanyahu is getting cozy with Congress, just days after the ICJ told UN members to stop aiding the Israeli occupation. By Marjorie COHN ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su The U.S. has long ignored many commands of international law, but […]