Martin Jay
September 13, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

9/11 is a phenomenon which can be called an illness, when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated

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It came and went almost unnoticed. Given that 9/11 is without any doubt the biggest travesty of U.S. justice in the history of this young country – and perhaps its greatest betrayal of its own people – this was not surprising. While Harris and Trump made their respects and a few articles were written which just re-hack the same talking points, an entire nation bleeds. 9/11 is a phenomenon which cannot be compared really to anything. It can almost be called an illness when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated to protect George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Condo Rice and possibly scores of secret service agents who were in on it. Yes, 9/11 is really an illness which has no cure. Only the very few lunatics in white jackets who created it are immune from it.

How do most Americans cope with dealing with terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Centre in New York City? And then having to grasp the mere notion that it was conducted entirely with the knowledge and support of their own elite? The answer is they don’t. Most Americans simply close their eyes and ears and refuse to see and hear anything such is the extent of their adoration of their own country and their stoic refusal to face a reality which they have indulged themselves for over 300 years in refusing to believe: that the ruling elites of Europe in the 17th century who manipulated the working classes for their own rotten needs simply transferred the business model via the Pilgrim Fathers when America was built. The idea that America was built as a ‘solution’ to the depravity of Europe is a farce. It is literally a sick joke.

On the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, the two scenarios that the very, very few Americans embrace, if they care to, are equally appalling. Either George W Bush and his cronies became aware of an imminent terrorist attack and simply let it happen; or worse they were part of its planning from the beginning and spent months preparing each and every detail.

Whoever it was who planned it, made sure of one thing meticulously: that the American people would never even get close to finding the truth about the day where commercial airliners killed over 2,500 people. Not one American journalist working for Fox or CNN, or the Times or the Post would even waste a day’s work in the office digging away at the mere residual traces of evidence left – largely anecdotal from individuals – and face a baptism of persecution, financial destitution, prison or even assassination.

What we are left with are the ‘truthers’ an endearing but condescending name given to the thousands of Americans who don’t accept the narrative presented to them by the 9/11 Commission NIST report and who turn to the internet to produce amateur or semi-professional documentaries – which are all tarnished with the same ‘conspiracy theory’ brush by the establishment press.

But conspiracy theory operators still ask the pertinent questions and point to the incendiary evidence which still exists today. And unlike the JFK assassination, the 2,500 9/11 families were robbed of their loved ones in a government plot which profited those who were in a position of power at that time which makes the case unique on a number of levels. If Americans believe in democracy as a birth right, then they deserve to know what really happened on that day, certainly the families who have been left with an official version which is so far from the truth that it is barely credible.

We tend to think of America as a pretty whacky place. The internet is full of mad, stupid, weird and hilarious stunts that Americans carry out every day captured on film. What we haven’t seen though is anyone go to an abandoned steel frame building and flood its upper floors with gasoline and set it alight. If someone were to do that in the name of democracy how would CNN and Fox report that fire when, ultimately it would become apparent that the building was not going to fall down? Steel frame buildings don’t fall down due to fires. The level of heat generated by burning gasoline isn’t anywhere near enough to bend or break the vertical columns which hold them together. This is 3rd grade science class stuff.

And despite planes being sent to the 13 graveyards – or ‘boneyards’ as they are called – in the U.S. every day, no one in America has yet to fly one of these planes into an empty steel framed skyscraper as part of an experiment – not the deep state, not private individuals. No one.

If either of these experiments were to be carried out, the American people who hunker down and refuse to be drawn into the conspiracy theory zone would have no choice but to face their most ghoulish demon.

Planes did not bring down the Twin towers. Nor the fire which they created. The evidence to prove it is pretty over-whelming as there has never been a single steel framed building before 9/11 to burn down. And not one since.

The most extraordinary aspect of 9/11 is the sheer extent of the cover-up. Those who carried it out made sure no genuine investigation could be carried out. Within days of Bush standing on the rubble and posing for photos with firemen, the steel beams which held the building together and which gave it is characteristic unique strength were removed from the site and sent to China on boats. It was critically important that investigators could not take them and examine them as part of an investigation.

The steel beams could not break at the low temperatures that aviation fuel burns at, particularly starved of oxygen. Those beams needs to burn at a much, much higher temperature of around 1300 degrees Celsius before they finally buckle and then break. To get to this temperature and to break the main vertical support beams, thermite is needed which was found on the site in abundance. There was literally tones of it in the dust. And as the hundreds of architects and engineers have all said, to achieve the ‘freefall’ of the building, a certain ‘zero resistance’ from each floor has to be mastered, which can only be done by a controlled demolition on each floor timed perfectly. This is not conspiracy theory. These are facts proven by history, supported by professionals all around the world.

But the mainstream media isn’t going to get anywhere close to acknowledging these points. Nor even for that matter the scores of accounts of firefighters who spoke of hearing explosions shortly before the towers came down. Most Americans believe otherwise and that suits the mainstream press and the elite which controls it. Americans believe in the collapsing pancake theory which is that one floor collapsed onto the other as the support beams buckled and could no longer hold them. And the compounded weight alone made them all fall in perfect succession.

And most Americans chose to believe that an act of terrorism so horrific couldn’t have had the fingerprints of George W Bush and his cronies on it, despite the fact that he secured a second term easily and the ambitions of his father were realized: get into Iraq and Afghanistan where you will loot and plunder everything. Iraq had a lot of oil. Afghanistan was ripe for a 5 trillion dollar gas pipeline deal which had been a blueprint of a Californian energy company which the Bush family was connected to. Who masterminded it though? The Israelis can’t be ruled out as they also stood to gain by using 9/11 as a way of fuelling western hatred against Muslims – something which has worked very well since the U.S. invasion of Iraq lead to the creation of ISIS which then spurned a number of terror attacks in western countries. Indeed, the Israeli genocide of today possibly could not have been carried out if it weren’t for the number of horrific killings in Europe by terrorists their seeking an allegiance to the group. Join up the dots.

But historical context is not on offer by western media on the 9/11 anniversary. Media knows that we are possibly decades away from even being close to exposing the tawdry truth about the twin towers attacks. And possibly even 50 years away from getting what Americans really need to heal what is probably the most traumatic experience they have had since Pearl Harbor: a second investigation.

9/11: The American illness which still has no cure

9/11 is a phenomenon which can be called an illness, when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated

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It came and went almost unnoticed. Given that 9/11 is without any doubt the biggest travesty of U.S. justice in the history of this young country – and perhaps its greatest betrayal of its own people – this was not surprising. While Harris and Trump made their respects and a few articles were written which just re-hack the same talking points, an entire nation bleeds. 9/11 is a phenomenon which cannot be compared really to anything. It can almost be called an illness when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated to protect George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Condo Rice and possibly scores of secret service agents who were in on it. Yes, 9/11 is really an illness which has no cure. Only the very few lunatics in white jackets who created it are immune from it.

How do most Americans cope with dealing with terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Centre in New York City? And then having to grasp the mere notion that it was conducted entirely with the knowledge and support of their own elite? The answer is they don’t. Most Americans simply close their eyes and ears and refuse to see and hear anything such is the extent of their adoration of their own country and their stoic refusal to face a reality which they have indulged themselves for over 300 years in refusing to believe: that the ruling elites of Europe in the 17th century who manipulated the working classes for their own rotten needs simply transferred the business model via the Pilgrim Fathers when America was built. The idea that America was built as a ‘solution’ to the depravity of Europe is a farce. It is literally a sick joke.

On the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, the two scenarios that the very, very few Americans embrace, if they care to, are equally appalling. Either George W Bush and his cronies became aware of an imminent terrorist attack and simply let it happen; or worse they were part of its planning from the beginning and spent months preparing each and every detail.

Whoever it was who planned it, made sure of one thing meticulously: that the American people would never even get close to finding the truth about the day where commercial airliners killed over 2,500 people. Not one American journalist working for Fox or CNN, or the Times or the Post would even waste a day’s work in the office digging away at the mere residual traces of evidence left – largely anecdotal from individuals – and face a baptism of persecution, financial destitution, prison or even assassination.

What we are left with are the ‘truthers’ an endearing but condescending name given to the thousands of Americans who don’t accept the narrative presented to them by the 9/11 Commission NIST report and who turn to the internet to produce amateur or semi-professional documentaries – which are all tarnished with the same ‘conspiracy theory’ brush by the establishment press.

But conspiracy theory operators still ask the pertinent questions and point to the incendiary evidence which still exists today. And unlike the JFK assassination, the 2,500 9/11 families were robbed of their loved ones in a government plot which profited those who were in a position of power at that time which makes the case unique on a number of levels. If Americans believe in democracy as a birth right, then they deserve to know what really happened on that day, certainly the families who have been left with an official version which is so far from the truth that it is barely credible.

We tend to think of America as a pretty whacky place. The internet is full of mad, stupid, weird and hilarious stunts that Americans carry out every day captured on film. What we haven’t seen though is anyone go to an abandoned steel frame building and flood its upper floors with gasoline and set it alight. If someone were to do that in the name of democracy how would CNN and Fox report that fire when, ultimately it would become apparent that the building was not going to fall down? Steel frame buildings don’t fall down due to fires. The level of heat generated by burning gasoline isn’t anywhere near enough to bend or break the vertical columns which hold them together. This is 3rd grade science class stuff.

And despite planes being sent to the 13 graveyards – or ‘boneyards’ as they are called – in the U.S. every day, no one in America has yet to fly one of these planes into an empty steel framed skyscraper as part of an experiment – not the deep state, not private individuals. No one.

If either of these experiments were to be carried out, the American people who hunker down and refuse to be drawn into the conspiracy theory zone would have no choice but to face their most ghoulish demon.

Planes did not bring down the Twin towers. Nor the fire which they created. The evidence to prove it is pretty over-whelming as there has never been a single steel framed building before 9/11 to burn down. And not one since.

The most extraordinary aspect of 9/11 is the sheer extent of the cover-up. Those who carried it out made sure no genuine investigation could be carried out. Within days of Bush standing on the rubble and posing for photos with firemen, the steel beams which held the building together and which gave it is characteristic unique strength were removed from the site and sent to China on boats. It was critically important that investigators could not take them and examine them as part of an investigation.

The steel beams could not break at the low temperatures that aviation fuel burns at, particularly starved of oxygen. Those beams needs to burn at a much, much higher temperature of around 1300 degrees Celsius before they finally buckle and then break. To get to this temperature and to break the main vertical support beams, thermite is needed which was found on the site in abundance. There was literally tones of it in the dust. And as the hundreds of architects and engineers have all said, to achieve the ‘freefall’ of the building, a certain ‘zero resistance’ from each floor has to be mastered, which can only be done by a controlled demolition on each floor timed perfectly. This is not conspiracy theory. These are facts proven by history, supported by professionals all around the world.

But the mainstream media isn’t going to get anywhere close to acknowledging these points. Nor even for that matter the scores of accounts of firefighters who spoke of hearing explosions shortly before the towers came down. Most Americans believe otherwise and that suits the mainstream press and the elite which controls it. Americans believe in the collapsing pancake theory which is that one floor collapsed onto the other as the support beams buckled and could no longer hold them. And the compounded weight alone made them all fall in perfect succession.

And most Americans chose to believe that an act of terrorism so horrific couldn’t have had the fingerprints of George W Bush and his cronies on it, despite the fact that he secured a second term easily and the ambitions of his father were realized: get into Iraq and Afghanistan where you will loot and plunder everything. Iraq had a lot of oil. Afghanistan was ripe for a 5 trillion dollar gas pipeline deal which had been a blueprint of a Californian energy company which the Bush family was connected to. Who masterminded it though? The Israelis can’t be ruled out as they also stood to gain by using 9/11 as a way of fuelling western hatred against Muslims – something which has worked very well since the U.S. invasion of Iraq lead to the creation of ISIS which then spurned a number of terror attacks in western countries. Indeed, the Israeli genocide of today possibly could not have been carried out if it weren’t for the number of horrific killings in Europe by terrorists their seeking an allegiance to the group. Join up the dots.

But historical context is not on offer by western media on the 9/11 anniversary. Media knows that we are possibly decades away from even being close to exposing the tawdry truth about the twin towers attacks. And possibly even 50 years away from getting what Americans really need to heal what is probably the most traumatic experience they have had since Pearl Harbor: a second investigation.

9/11 is a phenomenon which can be called an illness, when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated

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It came and went almost unnoticed. Given that 9/11 is without any doubt the biggest travesty of U.S. justice in the history of this young country – and perhaps its greatest betrayal of its own people – this was not surprising. While Harris and Trump made their respects and a few articles were written which just re-hack the same talking points, an entire nation bleeds. 9/11 is a phenomenon which cannot be compared really to anything. It can almost be called an illness when you pause to consider how it came about and how it has succeeded in never being examined or properly investigated to protect George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Condo Rice and possibly scores of secret service agents who were in on it. Yes, 9/11 is really an illness which has no cure. Only the very few lunatics in white jackets who created it are immune from it.

How do most Americans cope with dealing with terrorists flying planes into the World Trade Centre in New York City? And then having to grasp the mere notion that it was conducted entirely with the knowledge and support of their own elite? The answer is they don’t. Most Americans simply close their eyes and ears and refuse to see and hear anything such is the extent of their adoration of their own country and their stoic refusal to face a reality which they have indulged themselves for over 300 years in refusing to believe: that the ruling elites of Europe in the 17th century who manipulated the working classes for their own rotten needs simply transferred the business model via the Pilgrim Fathers when America was built. The idea that America was built as a ‘solution’ to the depravity of Europe is a farce. It is literally a sick joke.

On the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, the two scenarios that the very, very few Americans embrace, if they care to, are equally appalling. Either George W Bush and his cronies became aware of an imminent terrorist attack and simply let it happen; or worse they were part of its planning from the beginning and spent months preparing each and every detail.

Whoever it was who planned it, made sure of one thing meticulously: that the American people would never even get close to finding the truth about the day where commercial airliners killed over 2,500 people. Not one American journalist working for Fox or CNN, or the Times or the Post would even waste a day’s work in the office digging away at the mere residual traces of evidence left – largely anecdotal from individuals – and face a baptism of persecution, financial destitution, prison or even assassination.

What we are left with are the ‘truthers’ an endearing but condescending name given to the thousands of Americans who don’t accept the narrative presented to them by the 9/11 Commission NIST report and who turn to the internet to produce amateur or semi-professional documentaries – which are all tarnished with the same ‘conspiracy theory’ brush by the establishment press.

But conspiracy theory operators still ask the pertinent questions and point to the incendiary evidence which still exists today. And unlike the JFK assassination, the 2,500 9/11 families were robbed of their loved ones in a government plot which profited those who were in a position of power at that time which makes the case unique on a number of levels. If Americans believe in democracy as a birth right, then they deserve to know what really happened on that day, certainly the families who have been left with an official version which is so far from the truth that it is barely credible.

We tend to think of America as a pretty whacky place. The internet is full of mad, stupid, weird and hilarious stunts that Americans carry out every day captured on film. What we haven’t seen though is anyone go to an abandoned steel frame building and flood its upper floors with gasoline and set it alight. If someone were to do that in the name of democracy how would CNN and Fox report that fire when, ultimately it would become apparent that the building was not going to fall down? Steel frame buildings don’t fall down due to fires. The level of heat generated by burning gasoline isn’t anywhere near enough to bend or break the vertical columns which hold them together. This is 3rd grade science class stuff.

And despite planes being sent to the 13 graveyards – or ‘boneyards’ as they are called – in the U.S. every day, no one in America has yet to fly one of these planes into an empty steel framed skyscraper as part of an experiment – not the deep state, not private individuals. No one.

If either of these experiments were to be carried out, the American people who hunker down and refuse to be drawn into the conspiracy theory zone would have no choice but to face their most ghoulish demon.

Planes did not bring down the Twin towers. Nor the fire which they created. The evidence to prove it is pretty over-whelming as there has never been a single steel framed building before 9/11 to burn down. And not one since.

The most extraordinary aspect of 9/11 is the sheer extent of the cover-up. Those who carried it out made sure no genuine investigation could be carried out. Within days of Bush standing on the rubble and posing for photos with firemen, the steel beams which held the building together and which gave it is characteristic unique strength were removed from the site and sent to China on boats. It was critically important that investigators could not take them and examine them as part of an investigation.

The steel beams could not break at the low temperatures that aviation fuel burns at, particularly starved of oxygen. Those beams needs to burn at a much, much higher temperature of around 1300 degrees Celsius before they finally buckle and then break. To get to this temperature and to break the main vertical support beams, thermite is needed which was found on the site in abundance. There was literally tones of it in the dust. And as the hundreds of architects and engineers have all said, to achieve the ‘freefall’ of the building, a certain ‘zero resistance’ from each floor has to be mastered, which can only be done by a controlled demolition on each floor timed perfectly. This is not conspiracy theory. These are facts proven by history, supported by professionals all around the world.

But the mainstream media isn’t going to get anywhere close to acknowledging these points. Nor even for that matter the scores of accounts of firefighters who spoke of hearing explosions shortly before the towers came down. Most Americans believe otherwise and that suits the mainstream press and the elite which controls it. Americans believe in the collapsing pancake theory which is that one floor collapsed onto the other as the support beams buckled and could no longer hold them. And the compounded weight alone made them all fall in perfect succession.

And most Americans chose to believe that an act of terrorism so horrific couldn’t have had the fingerprints of George W Bush and his cronies on it, despite the fact that he secured a second term easily and the ambitions of his father were realized: get into Iraq and Afghanistan where you will loot and plunder everything. Iraq had a lot of oil. Afghanistan was ripe for a 5 trillion dollar gas pipeline deal which had been a blueprint of a Californian energy company which the Bush family was connected to. Who masterminded it though? The Israelis can’t be ruled out as they also stood to gain by using 9/11 as a way of fuelling western hatred against Muslims – something which has worked very well since the U.S. invasion of Iraq lead to the creation of ISIS which then spurned a number of terror attacks in western countries. Indeed, the Israeli genocide of today possibly could not have been carried out if it weren’t for the number of horrific killings in Europe by terrorists their seeking an allegiance to the group. Join up the dots.

But historical context is not on offer by western media on the 9/11 anniversary. Media knows that we are possibly decades away from even being close to exposing the tawdry truth about the twin towers attacks. And possibly even 50 years away from getting what Americans really need to heal what is probably the most traumatic experience they have had since Pearl Harbor: a second investigation.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 29, 2025
February 17, 2025

See also

January 29, 2025
February 17, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.