Tag: Afghanistan

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The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
July 24, 2024

Russia is beginning to be seriously affected by the processes taking place in the Middle East and higher up in the Pacific region.

Russia, SCO, BRICS: The normalization of Afghanistan
June 1, 2024

The whole Russia-Taliban affair involves a humongous package – encompassing oil, gas, minerals and loads of rail connectivity.

Russia, SCO, BRICS: The normalization of Afghanistan
How to waste two trillion dollars
Editor's Сhoice
How to waste two trillion dollars
May 6, 2024

Brown University’s cost of the Afghan war project just concluded that America’s longest war cost an estimated $US 2.2 trillion dollars – that’s ‘trillion dollars.” If we add in George W. Bush’s fake `war on terror,’ Brown’s scholars estimate that the cost rises to US $8 trillion!

China e Rússia subjugam os EUA na arena do Talibã
February 8, 2024

O reconhecimento diplomático do governo Talibã no Afeganistão em 31 de janeiro de 2024 pela China deve ser colocado entre dois outros movimentos de política regional de longo alcance de Pequim na era pós-guerra fria – os Cinco de Xangai em 1996 – mais tarde renomeados como Organização de Cooperação de Xangai em 2001 – e a Iniciativa Cinturão e Rotas anunciada pelo Presidente Xi Jinping em 2013.

China e Rússia subjugam os EUA na arena do Talibã
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A New and True Arab Spring
A New and True Arab Spring
January 31, 2024

There is a revolutionary process underway in the Middle East, the trigger for which was the start of Operation al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023.

Is It Aid or Global Empire Building?
December 27, 2023

Bush’s moral monstrosity was executed in the name of retaliation, deterrence and liberation, but in reality, it was American hubris.

Is It Aid or Global Empire Building?
Editor's Сhoice
John Pilger: We Are Spartacus
Editor's Сhoice
John Pilger: We Are Spartacus
November 12, 2023

There can’t be democracy and colonial war; one aspires to decency, the other to fascism. Meanwhile, once welcomed mavericks are heretics now in an underground of journalism amid a landscape of mendacious conformity.

Washington’s Afghanistan Debacle is Prelude to NATO’s Ultimate Disaster in Ukraine
August 18, 2023

The glaring fact – absurdly ignored by Western media – is that Afghanistan’s struggle for recovery is a result of the 20-year destruction that the U.S. and NATO inflicted on that country.

Washington’s Afghanistan Debacle is Prelude to NATO’s Ultimate Disaster in Ukraine