Declan Hayes
September 5, 2024
© Photo: SCF

Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.

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As Stephen Karganovic et al analyse Pavel Durov’s arrest, they could do worse than look back at fascist Italy, where Mussolini was always right. Even though half of Italy’s 44 million citizens were nominal Fascist Party members, they had no say in running their country, which was the job of the country’s vast bureaucracy, whose orders came down to them from Mussolini on high. Durov, Assange, Kim Dotcom, Peter Thiel, John McAfee, and others we will presently come to, would not have done well in Mussolini’s Italy, as they were not the sort of brain-dead team players fascist countries like Mussolini’s Italy or Macron’s France need to keep the cult of their tin god duces ticking over.

Fascist Italy is, in fact, a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan, the other two members of the Tripartite Pact. Not only was Italy the initial aggressor in North Africa, Albania and Greece, but she also committed war crimes with gay abandon. And, just like today’s NATO crew, she got away with all of that, with not even one Italian ever facing prison time, never mind the rope, for war crimes.

Not that you would ever imagine that Italy could ever have been the baddy from watching Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which whitewashes Italy’s Greek Occupation. The idea that the Italians were the good guys has been so pervasive since 13 October 1943, when Italy declared war on its former Axis allies, that the Italians are almost on a par with the Yanks who, if Hollywood is to be believed, stole the War and very much more besides all on their own.

The comparative ease with which King Victor Emanuel and General Pietro Badoglio, Mussolini’s former chief of staff, could switch sides, and the manner in which Mussolini met his grisly end, suggest that il Duce was not the great leader his endless propaganda had made him out to be, but that he was just one more bureaucratic buffoon straddled atop other bureaucratic buffoons.

Applying this template to our own times and reverting to our earlier argument that NATO’s game is to muzzle and marginalise its political enemies, Durov’s arrest makes sense in a sequence of such demonisations and arrests past, present and future that include Manning, Assange, Durov, Rumble’s Chris Pavlovski and, perhaps, RFK, Elon Musk and POTUS Trump as well.

The key commonality that bunch share is a bent towards libertarianism, old fashioned civil rights concerns and/or small c conservatism, which lead them all to be averse to today’s insidious technological dictatorship that, inter alia, helped mask NATO’s Epstein and Hunter Biden cover ups, and that is so beloved of the European Union’s top brass and their friends in Langley on that account.

RFK, to take but one example, has written a best selling book exposing Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their Big Pharma racket and, though his critics in the mainstream media have been quick to point out he is unqualified to criticise tin gods like Fauci and Gates, it is worth noting that they too are equally unqualified to defend them, and that Kennedy did get some heavily qualified heavy hitters to endorse his reader-friendly book.

This is, in no way, to endorse Trump, Musk or RFK on anything, but it is to say that, while there may be an outside chance of negotiating on some things with them, there is as much chance of negotiating with their Democratic opponents as there was of negotiating for better wages or anything else in fascist Italy. And, as for their support for Israel, well we too are not going to dwell on the fate of the Abyssinians and Libyans at the hands of General Badoglio and his fellow war criminals, who got a pass on all of that.

Although a comparison with Mussolini might bring ancient Rome’s bread and circuses to mind, it is worth noting that Italy were World Cup football winners in 1934 and 1938, and Mussolini milked that to the max, just as the Caesars of old did, and just as NATO’s own tin god Caesars milk comparable circuses today. Mussolini, by this metric, was ahead of NATO’s game in how he marginalised his enemies, and placated his people, as he dreamed of recreating the Roman Empire, albeit without the military or civil means to do so.

Even as NATO arrests Durov and cracks down on China’s 5G shenanigans, China has launched a 6G satellite, thus making NATO’s repression of their soon to be obsolete systems both obsolete and ridiculous. Although NATO is always right in a NATO dominated world, just as Mussolini was always right in his stultified world, and just as Newtonian physics is always right within its own special domain, that does not mean their rules, their censorship and their arrogance can be applied beyond their own well-defined boundaries.

We are not the only ones to spot France’s gross hypocrisy in this Durov affair. Belarusian peace activist Alexander Lukashenko had some wise words to say on the matter, but then so had the Trotskyites and, I am sure, most others NATO have banished to the margins of their decaying realm. Although NATO would dismiss all of them for one spurious reason or another, they are indicative of the ongoing libertarian, conservative and human rights’ murmurs that make NATO’s despots so uneasy.

Pavel Durov may well be a genius, just as Julian Assange, Kim Dotcom, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Rachmaninoff and Rimsky-Korsakov are geniuses. Who is to know and who is to care? What we do know is this: technological evolution and technological decentralisation have opened the door in Russia, China, India, Iran and God knows where else for tens of millions of potential entrepreneurs to follow in the footsteps of Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree. And, though we should wish NATO all the best in trying to censor and imprison all of them, we should take heart in that NATO and its EU and sundry other flunkeys have as much hope of stifling all of them, and thereby stifling freedom itself, as King Canute of old had in stopping the tide. And if, in the march of time, Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree are to stand for anything, it is to wrong foot NATO’s jailers, and to affirm alongside MLK that the arc of the moral universe is indeed long, but it bends toward justice and freedom of thought and of association and, all things considered, there could be no finer eternal testimony to them than that.

Still, what do I know when compared to Macron who, like Mussolini, is always right, even when he is wrong by losing a $20 bn UAE contract to purchase 80 fighter jets from France as a direct consequence of Pavel’s arrest? Although it is a sign of our changing times when the UAE is more interested in free speech and fairness than pathetic France, there is another dimension to this that King Canute’s troops would have been familiar with, when they waded into the waves with their swords.

Not only do the UAE’s actions show it is inching away from France and all of NATO, but so too is the evolving technology the UAE and its sister Gulf State countries want to be a part of. Durov’s arrest is not only an attack on free speech, but it is also to put a spanner in the combined efforts of Telegram and Toncoin, the world’s 8th largest crypto, to make a potentially immensely powerful Fintech emitting money at interest. Although Toncoin suffered a 20% drop after Durov’s arrest, that is only a blip and we should buy for the rebound, right? Of course we should, but we should also follow the money and not just that of Telegram, Toncoin, the UAE and Durov. Much of that money will be headed to Kazan in October, where Putin (no Punch without Judy) has some big jamboree planned regarding launching a BRICS related currency.

Because Putin and Xi are cautious men, talk about a gold-backed currency would be just so much Macron guff, all bluster, no meat and much too inflexible to work in today’s highly leveraged world. Much better for Putin and Xi would be to take a leaf, not out of the Macron/Mussolini book, but out of Chairman Mao’s and let a million crypto currencies bloom, and to give, at Kazan, outfits like Telegram and Toncoin the potential to grow even further. The more such outfits grow, the nearer the day of reckoning arrives for Macron and his fellow control freaks, who do not even have the collective wisdom of a stopped clock, which can claim to be right twice a day which, as Durov’s arrest exemplifies, is two times more than any of NATO’s King Canutes can currently manage to do.

NATO, Mussolini 2.0, is always right

Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.

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As Stephen Karganovic et al analyse Pavel Durov’s arrest, they could do worse than look back at fascist Italy, where Mussolini was always right. Even though half of Italy’s 44 million citizens were nominal Fascist Party members, they had no say in running their country, which was the job of the country’s vast bureaucracy, whose orders came down to them from Mussolini on high. Durov, Assange, Kim Dotcom, Peter Thiel, John McAfee, and others we will presently come to, would not have done well in Mussolini’s Italy, as they were not the sort of brain-dead team players fascist countries like Mussolini’s Italy or Macron’s France need to keep the cult of their tin god duces ticking over.

Fascist Italy is, in fact, a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan, the other two members of the Tripartite Pact. Not only was Italy the initial aggressor in North Africa, Albania and Greece, but she also committed war crimes with gay abandon. And, just like today’s NATO crew, she got away with all of that, with not even one Italian ever facing prison time, never mind the rope, for war crimes.

Not that you would ever imagine that Italy could ever have been the baddy from watching Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which whitewashes Italy’s Greek Occupation. The idea that the Italians were the good guys has been so pervasive since 13 October 1943, when Italy declared war on its former Axis allies, that the Italians are almost on a par with the Yanks who, if Hollywood is to be believed, stole the War and very much more besides all on their own.

The comparative ease with which King Victor Emanuel and General Pietro Badoglio, Mussolini’s former chief of staff, could switch sides, and the manner in which Mussolini met his grisly end, suggest that il Duce was not the great leader his endless propaganda had made him out to be, but that he was just one more bureaucratic buffoon straddled atop other bureaucratic buffoons.

Applying this template to our own times and reverting to our earlier argument that NATO’s game is to muzzle and marginalise its political enemies, Durov’s arrest makes sense in a sequence of such demonisations and arrests past, present and future that include Manning, Assange, Durov, Rumble’s Chris Pavlovski and, perhaps, RFK, Elon Musk and POTUS Trump as well.

The key commonality that bunch share is a bent towards libertarianism, old fashioned civil rights concerns and/or small c conservatism, which lead them all to be averse to today’s insidious technological dictatorship that, inter alia, helped mask NATO’s Epstein and Hunter Biden cover ups, and that is so beloved of the European Union’s top brass and their friends in Langley on that account.

RFK, to take but one example, has written a best selling book exposing Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their Big Pharma racket and, though his critics in the mainstream media have been quick to point out he is unqualified to criticise tin gods like Fauci and Gates, it is worth noting that they too are equally unqualified to defend them, and that Kennedy did get some heavily qualified heavy hitters to endorse his reader-friendly book.

This is, in no way, to endorse Trump, Musk or RFK on anything, but it is to say that, while there may be an outside chance of negotiating on some things with them, there is as much chance of negotiating with their Democratic opponents as there was of negotiating for better wages or anything else in fascist Italy. And, as for their support for Israel, well we too are not going to dwell on the fate of the Abyssinians and Libyans at the hands of General Badoglio and his fellow war criminals, who got a pass on all of that.

Although a comparison with Mussolini might bring ancient Rome’s bread and circuses to mind, it is worth noting that Italy were World Cup football winners in 1934 and 1938, and Mussolini milked that to the max, just as the Caesars of old did, and just as NATO’s own tin god Caesars milk comparable circuses today. Mussolini, by this metric, was ahead of NATO’s game in how he marginalised his enemies, and placated his people, as he dreamed of recreating the Roman Empire, albeit without the military or civil means to do so.

Even as NATO arrests Durov and cracks down on China’s 5G shenanigans, China has launched a 6G satellite, thus making NATO’s repression of their soon to be obsolete systems both obsolete and ridiculous. Although NATO is always right in a NATO dominated world, just as Mussolini was always right in his stultified world, and just as Newtonian physics is always right within its own special domain, that does not mean their rules, their censorship and their arrogance can be applied beyond their own well-defined boundaries.

We are not the only ones to spot France’s gross hypocrisy in this Durov affair. Belarusian peace activist Alexander Lukashenko had some wise words to say on the matter, but then so had the Trotskyites and, I am sure, most others NATO have banished to the margins of their decaying realm. Although NATO would dismiss all of them for one spurious reason or another, they are indicative of the ongoing libertarian, conservative and human rights’ murmurs that make NATO’s despots so uneasy.

Pavel Durov may well be a genius, just as Julian Assange, Kim Dotcom, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Rachmaninoff and Rimsky-Korsakov are geniuses. Who is to know and who is to care? What we do know is this: technological evolution and technological decentralisation have opened the door in Russia, China, India, Iran and God knows where else for tens of millions of potential entrepreneurs to follow in the footsteps of Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree. And, though we should wish NATO all the best in trying to censor and imprison all of them, we should take heart in that NATO and its EU and sundry other flunkeys have as much hope of stifling all of them, and thereby stifling freedom itself, as King Canute of old had in stopping the tide. And if, in the march of time, Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree are to stand for anything, it is to wrong foot NATO’s jailers, and to affirm alongside MLK that the arc of the moral universe is indeed long, but it bends toward justice and freedom of thought and of association and, all things considered, there could be no finer eternal testimony to them than that.

Still, what do I know when compared to Macron who, like Mussolini, is always right, even when he is wrong by losing a $20 bn UAE contract to purchase 80 fighter jets from France as a direct consequence of Pavel’s arrest? Although it is a sign of our changing times when the UAE is more interested in free speech and fairness than pathetic France, there is another dimension to this that King Canute’s troops would have been familiar with, when they waded into the waves with their swords.

Not only do the UAE’s actions show it is inching away from France and all of NATO, but so too is the evolving technology the UAE and its sister Gulf State countries want to be a part of. Durov’s arrest is not only an attack on free speech, but it is also to put a spanner in the combined efforts of Telegram and Toncoin, the world’s 8th largest crypto, to make a potentially immensely powerful Fintech emitting money at interest. Although Toncoin suffered a 20% drop after Durov’s arrest, that is only a blip and we should buy for the rebound, right? Of course we should, but we should also follow the money and not just that of Telegram, Toncoin, the UAE and Durov. Much of that money will be headed to Kazan in October, where Putin (no Punch without Judy) has some big jamboree planned regarding launching a BRICS related currency.

Because Putin and Xi are cautious men, talk about a gold-backed currency would be just so much Macron guff, all bluster, no meat and much too inflexible to work in today’s highly leveraged world. Much better for Putin and Xi would be to take a leaf, not out of the Macron/Mussolini book, but out of Chairman Mao’s and let a million crypto currencies bloom, and to give, at Kazan, outfits like Telegram and Toncoin the potential to grow even further. The more such outfits grow, the nearer the day of reckoning arrives for Macron and his fellow control freaks, who do not even have the collective wisdom of a stopped clock, which can claim to be right twice a day which, as Durov’s arrest exemplifies, is two times more than any of NATO’s King Canutes can currently manage to do.

Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.

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As Stephen Karganovic et al analyse Pavel Durov’s arrest, they could do worse than look back at fascist Italy, where Mussolini was always right. Even though half of Italy’s 44 million citizens were nominal Fascist Party members, they had no say in running their country, which was the job of the country’s vast bureaucracy, whose orders came down to them from Mussolini on high. Durov, Assange, Kim Dotcom, Peter Thiel, John McAfee, and others we will presently come to, would not have done well in Mussolini’s Italy, as they were not the sort of brain-dead team players fascist countries like Mussolini’s Italy or Macron’s France need to keep the cult of their tin god duces ticking over.

Fascist Italy is, in fact, a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan, the other two members of the Tripartite Pact. Not only was Italy the initial aggressor in North Africa, Albania and Greece, but she also committed war crimes with gay abandon. And, just like today’s NATO crew, she got away with all of that, with not even one Italian ever facing prison time, never mind the rope, for war crimes.

Not that you would ever imagine that Italy could ever have been the baddy from watching Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which whitewashes Italy’s Greek Occupation. The idea that the Italians were the good guys has been so pervasive since 13 October 1943, when Italy declared war on its former Axis allies, that the Italians are almost on a par with the Yanks who, if Hollywood is to be believed, stole the War and very much more besides all on their own.

The comparative ease with which King Victor Emanuel and General Pietro Badoglio, Mussolini’s former chief of staff, could switch sides, and the manner in which Mussolini met his grisly end, suggest that il Duce was not the great leader his endless propaganda had made him out to be, but that he was just one more bureaucratic buffoon straddled atop other bureaucratic buffoons.

Applying this template to our own times and reverting to our earlier argument that NATO’s game is to muzzle and marginalise its political enemies, Durov’s arrest makes sense in a sequence of such demonisations and arrests past, present and future that include Manning, Assange, Durov, Rumble’s Chris Pavlovski and, perhaps, RFK, Elon Musk and POTUS Trump as well.

The key commonality that bunch share is a bent towards libertarianism, old fashioned civil rights concerns and/or small c conservatism, which lead them all to be averse to today’s insidious technological dictatorship that, inter alia, helped mask NATO’s Epstein and Hunter Biden cover ups, and that is so beloved of the European Union’s top brass and their friends in Langley on that account.

RFK, to take but one example, has written a best selling book exposing Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their Big Pharma racket and, though his critics in the mainstream media have been quick to point out he is unqualified to criticise tin gods like Fauci and Gates, it is worth noting that they too are equally unqualified to defend them, and that Kennedy did get some heavily qualified heavy hitters to endorse his reader-friendly book.

This is, in no way, to endorse Trump, Musk or RFK on anything, but it is to say that, while there may be an outside chance of negotiating on some things with them, there is as much chance of negotiating with their Democratic opponents as there was of negotiating for better wages or anything else in fascist Italy. And, as for their support for Israel, well we too are not going to dwell on the fate of the Abyssinians and Libyans at the hands of General Badoglio and his fellow war criminals, who got a pass on all of that.

Although a comparison with Mussolini might bring ancient Rome’s bread and circuses to mind, it is worth noting that Italy were World Cup football winners in 1934 and 1938, and Mussolini milked that to the max, just as the Caesars of old did, and just as NATO’s own tin god Caesars milk comparable circuses today. Mussolini, by this metric, was ahead of NATO’s game in how he marginalised his enemies, and placated his people, as he dreamed of recreating the Roman Empire, albeit without the military or civil means to do so.

Even as NATO arrests Durov and cracks down on China’s 5G shenanigans, China has launched a 6G satellite, thus making NATO’s repression of their soon to be obsolete systems both obsolete and ridiculous. Although NATO is always right in a NATO dominated world, just as Mussolini was always right in his stultified world, and just as Newtonian physics is always right within its own special domain, that does not mean their rules, their censorship and their arrogance can be applied beyond their own well-defined boundaries.

We are not the only ones to spot France’s gross hypocrisy in this Durov affair. Belarusian peace activist Alexander Lukashenko had some wise words to say on the matter, but then so had the Trotskyites and, I am sure, most others NATO have banished to the margins of their decaying realm. Although NATO would dismiss all of them for one spurious reason or another, they are indicative of the ongoing libertarian, conservative and human rights’ murmurs that make NATO’s despots so uneasy.

Pavel Durov may well be a genius, just as Julian Assange, Kim Dotcom, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Rachmaninoff and Rimsky-Korsakov are geniuses. Who is to know and who is to care? What we do know is this: technological evolution and technological decentralisation have opened the door in Russia, China, India, Iran and God knows where else for tens of millions of potential entrepreneurs to follow in the footsteps of Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree. And, though we should wish NATO all the best in trying to censor and imprison all of them, we should take heart in that NATO and its EU and sundry other flunkeys have as much hope of stifling all of them, and thereby stifling freedom itself, as King Canute of old had in stopping the tide. And if, in the march of time, Assange, Durov, Pavlovski and McAfree are to stand for anything, it is to wrong foot NATO’s jailers, and to affirm alongside MLK that the arc of the moral universe is indeed long, but it bends toward justice and freedom of thought and of association and, all things considered, there could be no finer eternal testimony to them than that.

Still, what do I know when compared to Macron who, like Mussolini, is always right, even when he is wrong by losing a $20 bn UAE contract to purchase 80 fighter jets from France as a direct consequence of Pavel’s arrest? Although it is a sign of our changing times when the UAE is more interested in free speech and fairness than pathetic France, there is another dimension to this that King Canute’s troops would have been familiar with, when they waded into the waves with their swords.

Not only do the UAE’s actions show it is inching away from France and all of NATO, but so too is the evolving technology the UAE and its sister Gulf State countries want to be a part of. Durov’s arrest is not only an attack on free speech, but it is also to put a spanner in the combined efforts of Telegram and Toncoin, the world’s 8th largest crypto, to make a potentially immensely powerful Fintech emitting money at interest. Although Toncoin suffered a 20% drop after Durov’s arrest, that is only a blip and we should buy for the rebound, right? Of course we should, but we should also follow the money and not just that of Telegram, Toncoin, the UAE and Durov. Much of that money will be headed to Kazan in October, where Putin (no Punch without Judy) has some big jamboree planned regarding launching a BRICS related currency.

Because Putin and Xi are cautious men, talk about a gold-backed currency would be just so much Macron guff, all bluster, no meat and much too inflexible to work in today’s highly leveraged world. Much better for Putin and Xi would be to take a leaf, not out of the Macron/Mussolini book, but out of Chairman Mao’s and let a million crypto currencies bloom, and to give, at Kazan, outfits like Telegram and Toncoin the potential to grow even further. The more such outfits grow, the nearer the day of reckoning arrives for Macron and his fellow control freaks, who do not even have the collective wisdom of a stopped clock, which can claim to be right twice a day which, as Durov’s arrest exemplifies, is two times more than any of NATO’s King Canutes can currently manage to do.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 16, 2025

See also

March 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.