Tag: Italy

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NATO, Mussolini 2.0, is always right
NATO, Mussolini 2.0, is always right
September 5, 2024

Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.

What the hell is happening in Trieste?
August 21, 2024

To answer this question, bearing in mind the subject of the closed-door meeting, a few words are enough: the next theatre of war.

What the hell is happening in Trieste?
Unión Europea en la encrucijada: reforma o auto destrucción
Unión Europea en la encrucijada: reforma o auto destrucción
June 19, 2024

Como lo indican los resultados de la elección, los miembros del parlamento de extrema derecha consiguieron una parte considerable del Parlamento Europeo. ¿Si Ursula von der Leyen es reelegida luchará contra ellos o acomodará sus ideas?

Europa. Creciente fascismo en los países de la UE
March 31, 2024

En diciembre pasado, en Alemania, se frustró un plan para derrocar no sólo al gobierno, sino a todo el sistema institucional. Una reedición europea (en forma ultra reducida) de lo que intentaron Trump en Estados Unidos o Bolsonaro en Brasil, y que acabó con una veintena de detenciones, y otras dos realizadas en Austria e Italia.

Europa. Creciente fascismo en los países de la UE
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Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
December 31, 2023

Average duration of national governments in Europe has significantly decreased over the past decade. According to an EU Matrix research, governments from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria last on average for less than a single year. These numbers are likely to decrease in the future also for countries that have been more stable over the past decade, such as Germany and Netherlands, which are displaying signs of rising political instability. 

Monte Casino’s Polish War Cemetery Personifies Poppy Day’s Paradoxes
November 1, 2023

When Poppy Day next rolls around, at the setting of the sun and in the morning, remember the forgotten ones.

Monte Casino’s Polish War Cemetery Personifies Poppy Day’s Paradoxes
Declassified Files Expose British Role in NATO’s Gladio Terror Armies
Editor's Сhoice
Declassified Files Expose British Role in NATO’s Gladio Terror Armies
June 20, 2023

Newly declassified British files shed disturbing light on the origins and internal workings of Operation Gladio, a covert NATO plot deploying fascist terror militias across Italy. Have spies in London applied these lessons in Ukraine?

NATO’s Hello Kitty Leaders Have Brought Us From the Sublime to the Dangerously Ridiculous
June 20, 2023

Because it takes a patriotic leader of the calibre of De Gaulle, Pierucci or Chirac to stand up to Uncle Sam, today’s Western leaders simply kowtow to the Yanks.

NATO’s Hello Kitty Leaders Have Brought Us From the Sublime to the Dangerously Ridiculous