Tag: Fascism

Sia il nazifascismo che le varie sfumature del liberalismo, adottando lo Stato come istituzione suprema, finiscono per creare un vuoto culturale, riempiendolo di fantasia.

Both Nazi-fascism and the various shades of liberalism, by adopting the State as the supreme institution, end up creating cultural vacuum, and filling it with fantasy.

Tanto o nazifascismo quanto as variadas matizes do liberalismo, ao adotarem o Estado como instituição suprema, terminam por criar vácuo cultural, e preenchem-no com a fantasia.

Congress has just passed a new bill that will see the U.S. spend huge sums of money redesigning much of the public school system around the ideology of anti-communism. The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act” is now being read in the Senate, where it is all but certain to pass. The move comes amid growing public anger at the economic system and increased public support for socialism.