Declan Hayes
May 4, 2024
© Photo: Wikimedia

Russia is in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres.

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First off, hats off to Russia Today’s fine article on Sudan, which synopsised the conflict there into a short introduction, plus six digestible sub-sections titled as follows: what caused the fighting; what do the warring factions want; humanitarian catastrophe; failed mediation; foreign interference; are peace hopes delusional? The beauty of that RT approach to Sudan is it gives us an overview of the situation and breaks it down into compartments, so we can identify bottlenecks hindering a solution and, as the Sudanese problem has, like that in Ukraine, been bubbling along for some years, we have a track record with which to gauge the veracity of the various players and contributors to the conflict. So let’s begin the process of applying that to Ukraine.

What caused the fighting?

Just as the Palestinian issue did not begin on October 7th 2023, even Wikipedia admits that the Ukrainian issue did not begin when Russian President Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine in February 2022. Although Putin tried to explain the historical roots of the conflict in his famous Tucker Carlson interview, because wars are fuelled on emotions, not cold realism, Westerners tuned into Putin for sound bites, not for relevant history lessons. That said, the Russian government have been clear that they cannot and will not live with a Nazi rump Reich in Ukraine being used as a knife held to their throat. They decided to fight that menace today, rather than fight a bigger menace tomorrow. That, for what it is worth, is their position.

The Zelensky regime sees things differently. Even though they have removed all trappings of democracy, they argue they are fighting for democracy and, therefore, for me and thee. Though I really wish they wouldn’t, NATO’s media are still portraying them as heroes, warrior angels with Nazi era tattoos and dodgy accounting practices.

What do the warring factions want?

The Russian government have been clear in their war aims. Believing that the lives and liberties of those Russian speakers living in Eastern Ukraine cannot be guaranteed under Kiev’s rule, they are determined to fight and die to remove what they believe is Kiev’s tyranny over them.

The Zelensky junta sees things differently. They believe all of those disputed areas have been Ukrainian since the dawn of time and that Russia, for some perverse reason hidden deep within the Russian psyche, has been stifling all things Ukrainian for almost as long. It is to frustrate that Russian psyche that the 20% or so of Ukrainians, for whom, like Zelensky himself, Russian is their mother tongue, can no longer hear Russian spoken on Ukrainian TV, in public or even in their church services, which have been outlawed “to combat Russian disinformation”.

Humanitarian catastrophe

Although all wars are humanitarian catastrophes, for many, they are business opportunities. Western Europe is now awash with so-called Ukrainian refugees, who now comprise over 2% of the Irish population, where they and their equally pampered pets live on the hog at the taxpayers’ expense and where, in the case of Kate Karpento, who is running for election for the rabidly Russophobic Labour Party; having lived in Ireland for all of two years, this “refugee” figures she is now fully qualified to rule over the indigenous Irish aboriginals, whose taxes keep her and her cats, dogs and goldfish in the lap of luxury.

Although Ireland’s hotels are packed to the rafters with plenty of other “Ukrainian refugee” chancers like Karpento, when it comes to humanitarian catastrophes, let’s not forget the innocent children and how NATO, even as it closes its eyes to Gaza, tried to frame Putin on child abduction charges. As hundreds of those supposedly abducted children have surfaced in Germany, as hundreds more of them are being raped in Ireland and as the Russian and Ukrainian governments are currently swapping thousands of other displaced children, we must see those charges against Putin and all similar charges as the cynical bottom of the barrel propaganda that they are.

This is not to deny that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, as there is elsewhere but to say that such catastrophes, as in Libya, Palestine and Syria, are simply human disasters that NATO cynically weaponises in its quest for full spectrum dominance.

Failed mediation

Those of us with memories longer than Karpento’s goldfish will remember that British philanderer Boris Johnson flew to Kiev to scuttle peace talks and that the Ukrainians executed Denys Kireyev for not following to the letter the Nazis’ approach to negotiations. When one thinks of those NATO gangsters, one must always recall Chief Red Cloud’s proclamation that the only promise the Yanks kept was to steal the Lakotas’ land and put the lot of them to the sword. NATO carries on that duplicitous Yankee tradition.

Foreign interference

Even leaving buccaneer Boris Johnson to one side, Anglo-American interference has been over-bearing in this avoidable war, not only on the rump Reich itself but on others like Germany, Moldova and the Baltic bastard states, which should have known better. As Victoria Fuck the EU Nuland has no respect for Europe, Europe should have no respect for her, for Biden or for crimes like Nordstream that they commit. But that, of course, is to wrongly presume that Europe is run by adults and not by Nuland’s puppets.

Americans, who boast that killing Russians by sacrificing Ukrainians is the best money that America can spend, belong at the end of a rope, not so much for Russia’s sake, but for humanity’s. Following the 1918 Armistice, the British Labour movement were in uproar at the Tories who had profited from the carnage of the preceding four years. It seems, with Graham and his ilk, that those Tory ghouls still plague us all, as much in America as in England itself.

As for Moldova, following Estonia’s lead by threatening to fine and imprison people for commemorating Victory in Europe Day, pass the puke bucket! The leaders of these pimple states, no matter how big are the bribes paid to them to sound off, should shut up and stop adding fuel to the fires of these endless NATO wars.

Are peace hopes delusional?

Yes, they are. Two of the contributory factors to the carnage of the Wars of the Reformation, Europe’s most destructive wars ever, were that war technology had moved ahead in leaps and bounds and Europe was awash with mercenaries with no other means save war to make a living. As Ukraine and much else are back to those days, there is, on the ground, the urge to fight on for a further pay cheque.

For those who write those pay cheques, the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons, the Blairs, the BlackRocks and Vanguards, this carnage is a risk free investment with the huge upside of buying the rump Ukrainian Reich at cents to the dollar and, should Russia ever fall, riches beyond even their most avaricious dreams.

The only proximate hope for Ukraine is the only hope there was for Bohemia, which lost 33% of its population during the Reformation’swars. That hope is that Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood and China will pull the eye of the storm away from them by visiting NATO’s carnage on other unfortunates.

As things currently stand, the Yanks and their partners in crime are getting the Ukrainians to make one last stand, not so much like Custer at Little Big Horn but like Germany’s 1918 Spring Offensive which broke the back of their own army, successful though it appeared to have been to their own armchair generals.

War is just another marketing opportunity

Nancy Pelosi’s recent Irish visit got much international media traction when, like the clapping seal that she is, she blamed something or other on Russian disinformation. Across in England, Conservative MP Ben Wallace blamed Indian and Nigerian scammer gangs on “unconventional warfare” being waged by Putin and his buddies. As this nut case told Sky News’ Kay Burley “Many of the big cyber-crime syndicates are based in Russia, curiously protected by the Russian state, They are the ones robbing your granny and my parents with phishing emails. So, Russia is directly challenging us at all levels.”

And that, presumably, is why Polish President Andrzej Duda wants America to site nuclear missiles along the Belarusian border so they can nuke Minsk in a flash.

And, if we switch from Poland to these demobbed IRA thugs without a brain cell between them singing an infantile war song, we wonder, like the narrator in Thomas Mann’s Faustus did regarding the Third Reich, where did all these NATO creatures great and small leave their brains.

Fortunately or otherwise, former American war hawk Zbigniew Brzezinski already gave us the answer when he said people would be so completely indoctrinated that they would be incapable of having a single, solitary, sovereign idea of their own.

So, Is there Hope?

If you now think things could not be bleaker, have a look at this recent SCF Infographics on Haiti, which looks like it was inspired by Dante’s Inferno. But, as hope is precisely what NATO and its predecessors have always needed us to abandon, that objective explains their brutality in Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Haiti and everywhere else they have turned into hell on earth.

Although all areas of conflict have their unique characteristics (Puskin, for example, is not public enemy number one in Port-au-Prince), they do have commonalities with NATO and its acolytes instigating, manipulating and marketing wars and collateral humanitarian catastrophes for their own profit; such are the lessons of our stylistic facts approach.

The view from where I sit is that Russia is now in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres, features which Steven Karganoic’s recent article says are still features of NATO’s Ukrainian military.

Although Karganovic insists “The Kiev regime must not get away with it”, in all probability they will, as NATO, thanks to their hired hands, have already got away with much more than that. All that said, there is hope even in this hellish darkness. That hope lies in Russia’s Armed Forces prevailing, in Russia’s diplomats and whatever other diplomats that might still be out there in the long grass plying their trade, in SCF’s Karganovic and Infographics doing what they do best, in America’s students setting us an exemplary moral standard in their repugnance to genocide and in the rest of us exercising our minds, bodies and souls to end NATO’s endless wars in Ukraine, Haiti and eveywhere else NATO have tried reducing to abject despair.

A stylised facts approach to the war in Ukraine

Russia is in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres.

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First off, hats off to Russia Today’s fine article on Sudan, which synopsised the conflict there into a short introduction, plus six digestible sub-sections titled as follows: what caused the fighting; what do the warring factions want; humanitarian catastrophe; failed mediation; foreign interference; are peace hopes delusional? The beauty of that RT approach to Sudan is it gives us an overview of the situation and breaks it down into compartments, so we can identify bottlenecks hindering a solution and, as the Sudanese problem has, like that in Ukraine, been bubbling along for some years, we have a track record with which to gauge the veracity of the various players and contributors to the conflict. So let’s begin the process of applying that to Ukraine.

What caused the fighting?

Just as the Palestinian issue did not begin on October 7th 2023, even Wikipedia admits that the Ukrainian issue did not begin when Russian President Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine in February 2022. Although Putin tried to explain the historical roots of the conflict in his famous Tucker Carlson interview, because wars are fuelled on emotions, not cold realism, Westerners tuned into Putin for sound bites, not for relevant history lessons. That said, the Russian government have been clear that they cannot and will not live with a Nazi rump Reich in Ukraine being used as a knife held to their throat. They decided to fight that menace today, rather than fight a bigger menace tomorrow. That, for what it is worth, is their position.

The Zelensky regime sees things differently. Even though they have removed all trappings of democracy, they argue they are fighting for democracy and, therefore, for me and thee. Though I really wish they wouldn’t, NATO’s media are still portraying them as heroes, warrior angels with Nazi era tattoos and dodgy accounting practices.

What do the warring factions want?

The Russian government have been clear in their war aims. Believing that the lives and liberties of those Russian speakers living in Eastern Ukraine cannot be guaranteed under Kiev’s rule, they are determined to fight and die to remove what they believe is Kiev’s tyranny over them.

The Zelensky junta sees things differently. They believe all of those disputed areas have been Ukrainian since the dawn of time and that Russia, for some perverse reason hidden deep within the Russian psyche, has been stifling all things Ukrainian for almost as long. It is to frustrate that Russian psyche that the 20% or so of Ukrainians, for whom, like Zelensky himself, Russian is their mother tongue, can no longer hear Russian spoken on Ukrainian TV, in public or even in their church services, which have been outlawed “to combat Russian disinformation”.

Humanitarian catastrophe

Although all wars are humanitarian catastrophes, for many, they are business opportunities. Western Europe is now awash with so-called Ukrainian refugees, who now comprise over 2% of the Irish population, where they and their equally pampered pets live on the hog at the taxpayers’ expense and where, in the case of Kate Karpento, who is running for election for the rabidly Russophobic Labour Party; having lived in Ireland for all of two years, this “refugee” figures she is now fully qualified to rule over the indigenous Irish aboriginals, whose taxes keep her and her cats, dogs and goldfish in the lap of luxury.

Although Ireland’s hotels are packed to the rafters with plenty of other “Ukrainian refugee” chancers like Karpento, when it comes to humanitarian catastrophes, let’s not forget the innocent children and how NATO, even as it closes its eyes to Gaza, tried to frame Putin on child abduction charges. As hundreds of those supposedly abducted children have surfaced in Germany, as hundreds more of them are being raped in Ireland and as the Russian and Ukrainian governments are currently swapping thousands of other displaced children, we must see those charges against Putin and all similar charges as the cynical bottom of the barrel propaganda that they are.

This is not to deny that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, as there is elsewhere but to say that such catastrophes, as in Libya, Palestine and Syria, are simply human disasters that NATO cynically weaponises in its quest for full spectrum dominance.

Failed mediation

Those of us with memories longer than Karpento’s goldfish will remember that British philanderer Boris Johnson flew to Kiev to scuttle peace talks and that the Ukrainians executed Denys Kireyev for not following to the letter the Nazis’ approach to negotiations. When one thinks of those NATO gangsters, one must always recall Chief Red Cloud’s proclamation that the only promise the Yanks kept was to steal the Lakotas’ land and put the lot of them to the sword. NATO carries on that duplicitous Yankee tradition.

Foreign interference

Even leaving buccaneer Boris Johnson to one side, Anglo-American interference has been over-bearing in this avoidable war, not only on the rump Reich itself but on others like Germany, Moldova and the Baltic bastard states, which should have known better. As Victoria Fuck the EU Nuland has no respect for Europe, Europe should have no respect for her, for Biden or for crimes like Nordstream that they commit. But that, of course, is to wrongly presume that Europe is run by adults and not by Nuland’s puppets.

Americans, who boast that killing Russians by sacrificing Ukrainians is the best money that America can spend, belong at the end of a rope, not so much for Russia’s sake, but for humanity’s. Following the 1918 Armistice, the British Labour movement were in uproar at the Tories who had profited from the carnage of the preceding four years. It seems, with Graham and his ilk, that those Tory ghouls still plague us all, as much in America as in England itself.

As for Moldova, following Estonia’s lead by threatening to fine and imprison people for commemorating Victory in Europe Day, pass the puke bucket! The leaders of these pimple states, no matter how big are the bribes paid to them to sound off, should shut up and stop adding fuel to the fires of these endless NATO wars.

Are peace hopes delusional?

Yes, they are. Two of the contributory factors to the carnage of the Wars of the Reformation, Europe’s most destructive wars ever, were that war technology had moved ahead in leaps and bounds and Europe was awash with mercenaries with no other means save war to make a living. As Ukraine and much else are back to those days, there is, on the ground, the urge to fight on for a further pay cheque.

For those who write those pay cheques, the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons, the Blairs, the BlackRocks and Vanguards, this carnage is a risk free investment with the huge upside of buying the rump Ukrainian Reich at cents to the dollar and, should Russia ever fall, riches beyond even their most avaricious dreams.

The only proximate hope for Ukraine is the only hope there was for Bohemia, which lost 33% of its population during the Reformation’swars. That hope is that Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood and China will pull the eye of the storm away from them by visiting NATO’s carnage on other unfortunates.

As things currently stand, the Yanks and their partners in crime are getting the Ukrainians to make one last stand, not so much like Custer at Little Big Horn but like Germany’s 1918 Spring Offensive which broke the back of their own army, successful though it appeared to have been to their own armchair generals.

War is just another marketing opportunity

Nancy Pelosi’s recent Irish visit got much international media traction when, like the clapping seal that she is, she blamed something or other on Russian disinformation. Across in England, Conservative MP Ben Wallace blamed Indian and Nigerian scammer gangs on “unconventional warfare” being waged by Putin and his buddies. As this nut case told Sky News’ Kay Burley “Many of the big cyber-crime syndicates are based in Russia, curiously protected by the Russian state, They are the ones robbing your granny and my parents with phishing emails. So, Russia is directly challenging us at all levels.”

And that, presumably, is why Polish President Andrzej Duda wants America to site nuclear missiles along the Belarusian border so they can nuke Minsk in a flash.

And, if we switch from Poland to these demobbed IRA thugs without a brain cell between them singing an infantile war song, we wonder, like the narrator in Thomas Mann’s Faustus did regarding the Third Reich, where did all these NATO creatures great and small leave their brains.

Fortunately or otherwise, former American war hawk Zbigniew Brzezinski already gave us the answer when he said people would be so completely indoctrinated that they would be incapable of having a single, solitary, sovereign idea of their own.

So, Is there Hope?

If you now think things could not be bleaker, have a look at this recent SCF Infographics on Haiti, which looks like it was inspired by Dante’s Inferno. But, as hope is precisely what NATO and its predecessors have always needed us to abandon, that objective explains their brutality in Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Haiti and everywhere else they have turned into hell on earth.

Although all areas of conflict have their unique characteristics (Puskin, for example, is not public enemy number one in Port-au-Prince), they do have commonalities with NATO and its acolytes instigating, manipulating and marketing wars and collateral humanitarian catastrophes for their own profit; such are the lessons of our stylistic facts approach.

The view from where I sit is that Russia is now in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres, features which Steven Karganoic’s recent article says are still features of NATO’s Ukrainian military.

Although Karganovic insists “The Kiev regime must not get away with it”, in all probability they will, as NATO, thanks to their hired hands, have already got away with much more than that. All that said, there is hope even in this hellish darkness. That hope lies in Russia’s Armed Forces prevailing, in Russia’s diplomats and whatever other diplomats that might still be out there in the long grass plying their trade, in SCF’s Karganovic and Infographics doing what they do best, in America’s students setting us an exemplary moral standard in their repugnance to genocide and in the rest of us exercising our minds, bodies and souls to end NATO’s endless wars in Ukraine, Haiti and eveywhere else NATO have tried reducing to abject despair.

Russia is in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres.

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First off, hats off to Russia Today’s fine article on Sudan, which synopsised the conflict there into a short introduction, plus six digestible sub-sections titled as follows: what caused the fighting; what do the warring factions want; humanitarian catastrophe; failed mediation; foreign interference; are peace hopes delusional? The beauty of that RT approach to Sudan is it gives us an overview of the situation and breaks it down into compartments, so we can identify bottlenecks hindering a solution and, as the Sudanese problem has, like that in Ukraine, been bubbling along for some years, we have a track record with which to gauge the veracity of the various players and contributors to the conflict. So let’s begin the process of applying that to Ukraine.

What caused the fighting?

Just as the Palestinian issue did not begin on October 7th 2023, even Wikipedia admits that the Ukrainian issue did not begin when Russian President Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine in February 2022. Although Putin tried to explain the historical roots of the conflict in his famous Tucker Carlson interview, because wars are fuelled on emotions, not cold realism, Westerners tuned into Putin for sound bites, not for relevant history lessons. That said, the Russian government have been clear that they cannot and will not live with a Nazi rump Reich in Ukraine being used as a knife held to their throat. They decided to fight that menace today, rather than fight a bigger menace tomorrow. That, for what it is worth, is their position.

The Zelensky regime sees things differently. Even though they have removed all trappings of democracy, they argue they are fighting for democracy and, therefore, for me and thee. Though I really wish they wouldn’t, NATO’s media are still portraying them as heroes, warrior angels with Nazi era tattoos and dodgy accounting practices.

What do the warring factions want?

The Russian government have been clear in their war aims. Believing that the lives and liberties of those Russian speakers living in Eastern Ukraine cannot be guaranteed under Kiev’s rule, they are determined to fight and die to remove what they believe is Kiev’s tyranny over them.

The Zelensky junta sees things differently. They believe all of those disputed areas have been Ukrainian since the dawn of time and that Russia, for some perverse reason hidden deep within the Russian psyche, has been stifling all things Ukrainian for almost as long. It is to frustrate that Russian psyche that the 20% or so of Ukrainians, for whom, like Zelensky himself, Russian is their mother tongue, can no longer hear Russian spoken on Ukrainian TV, in public or even in their church services, which have been outlawed “to combat Russian disinformation”.

Humanitarian catastrophe

Although all wars are humanitarian catastrophes, for many, they are business opportunities. Western Europe is now awash with so-called Ukrainian refugees, who now comprise over 2% of the Irish population, where they and their equally pampered pets live on the hog at the taxpayers’ expense and where, in the case of Kate Karpento, who is running for election for the rabidly Russophobic Labour Party; having lived in Ireland for all of two years, this “refugee” figures she is now fully qualified to rule over the indigenous Irish aboriginals, whose taxes keep her and her cats, dogs and goldfish in the lap of luxury.

Although Ireland’s hotels are packed to the rafters with plenty of other “Ukrainian refugee” chancers like Karpento, when it comes to humanitarian catastrophes, let’s not forget the innocent children and how NATO, even as it closes its eyes to Gaza, tried to frame Putin on child abduction charges. As hundreds of those supposedly abducted children have surfaced in Germany, as hundreds more of them are being raped in Ireland and as the Russian and Ukrainian governments are currently swapping thousands of other displaced children, we must see those charges against Putin and all similar charges as the cynical bottom of the barrel propaganda that they are.

This is not to deny that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, as there is elsewhere but to say that such catastrophes, as in Libya, Palestine and Syria, are simply human disasters that NATO cynically weaponises in its quest for full spectrum dominance.

Failed mediation

Those of us with memories longer than Karpento’s goldfish will remember that British philanderer Boris Johnson flew to Kiev to scuttle peace talks and that the Ukrainians executed Denys Kireyev for not following to the letter the Nazis’ approach to negotiations. When one thinks of those NATO gangsters, one must always recall Chief Red Cloud’s proclamation that the only promise the Yanks kept was to steal the Lakotas’ land and put the lot of them to the sword. NATO carries on that duplicitous Yankee tradition.

Foreign interference

Even leaving buccaneer Boris Johnson to one side, Anglo-American interference has been over-bearing in this avoidable war, not only on the rump Reich itself but on others like Germany, Moldova and the Baltic bastard states, which should have known better. As Victoria Fuck the EU Nuland has no respect for Europe, Europe should have no respect for her, for Biden or for crimes like Nordstream that they commit. But that, of course, is to wrongly presume that Europe is run by adults and not by Nuland’s puppets.

Americans, who boast that killing Russians by sacrificing Ukrainians is the best money that America can spend, belong at the end of a rope, not so much for Russia’s sake, but for humanity’s. Following the 1918 Armistice, the British Labour movement were in uproar at the Tories who had profited from the carnage of the preceding four years. It seems, with Graham and his ilk, that those Tory ghouls still plague us all, as much in America as in England itself.

As for Moldova, following Estonia’s lead by threatening to fine and imprison people for commemorating Victory in Europe Day, pass the puke bucket! The leaders of these pimple states, no matter how big are the bribes paid to them to sound off, should shut up and stop adding fuel to the fires of these endless NATO wars.

Are peace hopes delusional?

Yes, they are. Two of the contributory factors to the carnage of the Wars of the Reformation, Europe’s most destructive wars ever, were that war technology had moved ahead in leaps and bounds and Europe was awash with mercenaries with no other means save war to make a living. As Ukraine and much else are back to those days, there is, on the ground, the urge to fight on for a further pay cheque.

For those who write those pay cheques, the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons, the Blairs, the BlackRocks and Vanguards, this carnage is a risk free investment with the huge upside of buying the rump Ukrainian Reich at cents to the dollar and, should Russia ever fall, riches beyond even their most avaricious dreams.

The only proximate hope for Ukraine is the only hope there was for Bohemia, which lost 33% of its population during the Reformation’swars. That hope is that Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood and China will pull the eye of the storm away from them by visiting NATO’s carnage on other unfortunates.

As things currently stand, the Yanks and their partners in crime are getting the Ukrainians to make one last stand, not so much like Custer at Little Big Horn but like Germany’s 1918 Spring Offensive which broke the back of their own army, successful though it appeared to have been to their own armchair generals.

War is just another marketing opportunity

Nancy Pelosi’s recent Irish visit got much international media traction when, like the clapping seal that she is, she blamed something or other on Russian disinformation. Across in England, Conservative MP Ben Wallace blamed Indian and Nigerian scammer gangs on “unconventional warfare” being waged by Putin and his buddies. As this nut case told Sky News’ Kay Burley “Many of the big cyber-crime syndicates are based in Russia, curiously protected by the Russian state, They are the ones robbing your granny and my parents with phishing emails. So, Russia is directly challenging us at all levels.”

And that, presumably, is why Polish President Andrzej Duda wants America to site nuclear missiles along the Belarusian border so they can nuke Minsk in a flash.

And, if we switch from Poland to these demobbed IRA thugs without a brain cell between them singing an infantile war song, we wonder, like the narrator in Thomas Mann’s Faustus did regarding the Third Reich, where did all these NATO creatures great and small leave their brains.

Fortunately or otherwise, former American war hawk Zbigniew Brzezinski already gave us the answer when he said people would be so completely indoctrinated that they would be incapable of having a single, solitary, sovereign idea of their own.

So, Is there Hope?

If you now think things could not be bleaker, have a look at this recent SCF Infographics on Haiti, which looks like it was inspired by Dante’s Inferno. But, as hope is precisely what NATO and its predecessors have always needed us to abandon, that objective explains their brutality in Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Haiti and everywhere else they have turned into hell on earth.

Although all areas of conflict have their unique characteristics (Puskin, for example, is not public enemy number one in Port-au-Prince), they do have commonalities with NATO and its acolytes instigating, manipulating and marketing wars and collateral humanitarian catastrophes for their own profit; such are the lessons of our stylistic facts approach.

The view from where I sit is that Russia is now in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres, features which Steven Karganoic’s recent article says are still features of NATO’s Ukrainian military.

Although Karganovic insists “The Kiev regime must not get away with it”, in all probability they will, as NATO, thanks to their hired hands, have already got away with much more than that. All that said, there is hope even in this hellish darkness. That hope lies in Russia’s Armed Forces prevailing, in Russia’s diplomats and whatever other diplomats that might still be out there in the long grass plying their trade, in SCF’s Karganovic and Infographics doing what they do best, in America’s students setting us an exemplary moral standard in their repugnance to genocide and in the rest of us exercising our minds, bodies and souls to end NATO’s endless wars in Ukraine, Haiti and eveywhere else NATO have tried reducing to abject despair.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 4, 2025

See also

March 4, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.