Declan Hayes
January 9, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Syria and state and non-state actors allied to it are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

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You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44.

NATO’s recent articles and actions validate not only my 21st December 2022 piece that the Syrian Arab Republic and state and non-state actors allied to it are not narco peddlers but that they and not their NATO adversaries are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

Chief amongst those NATO actions are attacks by the Royal Jordanian Air Force on what they alleged are major captagon factories in Sweida in Southern Syria. The significance of that is Sweida is largely controlled by the Druze, for whom it is a very major place of pilgrimage. As the Druze are also prominent in Northern Israel, the Golan Heights and on the Lebanese side of the Syrian Lebanese border, they have long been in the cross hairs of Mossad, MI6, the CIA and the various terrorist proxy groups and state actors they control. If the Druze of Sweida could be importuned to switch their allegiance from the Syrian Republic to one or other of the Mossad controlled rebel groups, then Damascus’ writ would be in very serious trouble indeed. It is through that over-arching NATO lens that Jordan’s latest bout of adventurism must be viewed.

If we assume that the Jordanians did indeed hit captagon factories, those factories could not have been under the autonomous control of either the Syrian Army or Hezbollah that MI6’s Chatham House, along with their running dogs in the BBC and allied NATO media, have long linked to this trade. Whatever chance rogue elements in the Syrian Army or Hezbollah would have of producing captagon under the radar in other parts of Syria, they would have absolutely none of doing it on the Druze’ turf, which is riven with its own long running Mossad inspired intrigues.

Let’s now switch to NATO’s war of words and, in particular to this key article on the finances of Hamas from The Economist which, along with the BBC, is NATO’s pre-eminent MI6 media outlet. Leaving their flowery English and the James Bond settings to one side, we are told that “Hamas has three sources of power: its physical force inside Gaza, the reach of its ideas and its income” and that “Israel’s declared goal of destroying Hamas for good requires its financial base to be dismantled”.

NATO’s objective is to smash the armies of Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria, to eviscerate them as an intellectual, or moral force and to deprive them of the necessary funds which The Economist tells us, in the case of Hamas, “pays for everything from schoolteachers’ salaries to missiles”.

If we first of all note that that makes “schoolteachers’ salaries”, along with those of nurses, hairdressers, ambulance drivers and seamstresses legitimate targets, we are told that “the easiest source of cash for Israel to strangle”, about a third of Hamas’s total, is taxes Hamas exacts on produce entering Gaza from Egypt.

Great! So the more Israel bombs the sewage facilities of Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the less money there is for Hamas and the others to “squander” on fighting diseases, feeding children and launching missiles. The fact that captagon is being produced in Syria (as well as in Sicily and Saudi Arabia) helps to give Mossad, along with the Jordanian and Israeli Air Forces, the moral high ground and the licence to bomb the Druze, as they both have repeatedly done over the last decade. It is that high moral ground that allows Mossad’s Haaertz outlet to praise Israel’s serial criminality “against money mules” they assassinate in Beirut and Qatar and for White House National Security Council apologist for genocide, John Kirby, to say that South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide is “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.” In the lying minds of Kirby and cretins like him, there can only be NATO-aligned goodies like Mossad and NATO-maligned baddies like Hamas et al, who flood the Mossad controlled Western world with narcotics.

But back to The Economist which reckons Hamas get the lion’s share of their funds “from friendly governments, the biggest of which is Iran”. The task then for those who hold NATO’s high moral ground, for the Americans, the Israelis and the various head hacking terror groups they control is to interdict that flow of funds from Iran to Gaza (Syria and Lebanon). Forget that Hamas, in its current incarnation, is mostly a child of the Shiaphobic Muslim Brotherhood but concentrate here on the main objective which, in the words of the late serial American war criminal John McCain, is to bomb, bomb bomb Iran, Iran being like Putin’s Russia, the source of all the evil in this world the CIA and its ISIS aligned terror groupings so selflessly and valiantly battle against.

The Economist then goes on to claim, perhaps correctly, that “the lion’s share of Hamas’s money—at least $500m a year, say Israeli officials—comes from its investments, some of which are firms registered in countries across the Middle East”. In other words, Hamas, like Hezbollah and the Syrian government, have legitimate businesses that reinvest their profits into resisting their enemies slaughtering their women and children rather than living the high life chomping on prawn sandwiches with long-legged Ukrainian floozies in Dubai.

Contradicting themselves by proving the point that the Muslim Brotherhood is at the heart of Hamas, the Economist goes on to say how Turkey and Qatar, both of which are Muslim Brotherhood strongholds, are the main hubs through which Hamas conducts its financial affairs. The article, which oozes faux tears for Israel’s innocent victims, concludes that “while Gazans have been plunged into tragedy, Hamas’s money is safely ensconced elsewhere—and its financiers can eat lobster as they gaze across the Bosporus”.

So, the solution is clear. Send Mossad agents into Istanbul and Doha and assassinate any and all “Gazans gazing across the Bosporus” whilst vacuously chomping their way through lobster laden platters, which the Gazans NATO slaughter would otherwise be eating, along with the local water NATO has deliberately poisoned.

Job done. Game, set and match to the good guys. Unless that is, we also forget the first two legs that Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas all stand on. Those are, firstly, their military power, which doesn’t directly concern us here and, secondly and far more importantly, “the reach of their ideas,” the likes of which have no parallels or precedents in the modern world.

The sad truth, for NATO and its Israeli forward base, is that the Fertile Crescent has an increasingly robust Axis of Resistance. And, though Mossad, MI6 and the CIA can get their various think tanks here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here to lie till the cows come home that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Syrian Army and the Axis’ other key players are narco traffickers, that just does not compute with what the Israelis call facts on the ground.

Those facts are that NATO are committing genocide in Gaza, just as they have committed similar outrages in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, countries they have and never had any business attacking or being in. The human targets in that Fertile Crescent have decided, even at the cost of everyone and everything they hold dear, to stand four square behind that Axis of Resistance until the tides of blood and human misery are stemmed, which they will be, even if the Israelis and their Royal Jordanian lackeys kill every last Palestinian on the face of the earth.

And, even though basic statistical probability tells us that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Syrian Army must have rogues in their ranks, the situation is such that opening the door to Mossad by dealing in captogen would be a one-way ticket to the hereafter. We are not here talking about quasi criminal opportunists like the IRA, who left opportunities aplenty for MI6 and the CIA to infiltrate and undermine them but of a large cohort of Arabs, whose conscience leaves them no other choice than to pin their colours to their respective masts.

Though NATO’s imperialist campaigns against them were built on the tried and trusted means of dividing, conquering and endlessly smearing them with the foulest of libels, the sacrifices of Israel’s civilian victims in Gaza, the West Bank and all along the Axis of Resistance have shredded the supposedly higher moral standing of Israel and NATO into a billion or more parts that will never again coagulate in any fair-minded person’s mind.

Although it is now 2024, ten years since I first reached Homs and the Qalamoun Hills which Hezbollah and the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army had only recently liberated from the still unspeakable horrors the Muslim Brotherhood, there is one very pertinent memory I will share of Homs, which I entered just ahead of a gaggle of Western show boaters when, in the company of a very prominent Arab journalist, a young boy told me that I, along with all those other Westerners, would twist their testimony into its converse.

Although I spent much of the interceding ten years treating those NATO Holocaust enablers like the contemptible scum that they are, NATO’s rivers of blood through Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Palestine can now no more be denied than can we deny the existence of any other of the world’s great oceans or mountain ranges; the sheer scale of these atrocities is too big for anyone but White House creeps like John Kirby and his parrots at The Economist to deny. The perpetrators of these massacres, meanwhile, folk like Blair, Bush, Blinken, Netanyahu and Nuland must be concerned when the blood of all those innocents they had slaughtered inexorably seeps ever closer to them for there is, along with that slowly moving crimson tide, a day of reckoning, inching ever closer to these serial liars that I and millions more like me in the Axis of Resistance hope and pray will wash them and the lies that underwrite them away for ever.

NATO Disproves Its Own Lies That Syria, South Lebanon & Gaza Are Narco States

Syria and state and non-state actors allied to it are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

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You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44.

NATO’s recent articles and actions validate not only my 21st December 2022 piece that the Syrian Arab Republic and state and non-state actors allied to it are not narco peddlers but that they and not their NATO adversaries are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

Chief amongst those NATO actions are attacks by the Royal Jordanian Air Force on what they alleged are major captagon factories in Sweida in Southern Syria. The significance of that is Sweida is largely controlled by the Druze, for whom it is a very major place of pilgrimage. As the Druze are also prominent in Northern Israel, the Golan Heights and on the Lebanese side of the Syrian Lebanese border, they have long been in the cross hairs of Mossad, MI6, the CIA and the various terrorist proxy groups and state actors they control. If the Druze of Sweida could be importuned to switch their allegiance from the Syrian Republic to one or other of the Mossad controlled rebel groups, then Damascus’ writ would be in very serious trouble indeed. It is through that over-arching NATO lens that Jordan’s latest bout of adventurism must be viewed.

If we assume that the Jordanians did indeed hit captagon factories, those factories could not have been under the autonomous control of either the Syrian Army or Hezbollah that MI6’s Chatham House, along with their running dogs in the BBC and allied NATO media, have long linked to this trade. Whatever chance rogue elements in the Syrian Army or Hezbollah would have of producing captagon under the radar in other parts of Syria, they would have absolutely none of doing it on the Druze’ turf, which is riven with its own long running Mossad inspired intrigues.

Let’s now switch to NATO’s war of words and, in particular to this key article on the finances of Hamas from The Economist which, along with the BBC, is NATO’s pre-eminent MI6 media outlet. Leaving their flowery English and the James Bond settings to one side, we are told that “Hamas has three sources of power: its physical force inside Gaza, the reach of its ideas and its income” and that “Israel’s declared goal of destroying Hamas for good requires its financial base to be dismantled”.

NATO’s objective is to smash the armies of Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria, to eviscerate them as an intellectual, or moral force and to deprive them of the necessary funds which The Economist tells us, in the case of Hamas, “pays for everything from schoolteachers’ salaries to missiles”.

If we first of all note that that makes “schoolteachers’ salaries”, along with those of nurses, hairdressers, ambulance drivers and seamstresses legitimate targets, we are told that “the easiest source of cash for Israel to strangle”, about a third of Hamas’s total, is taxes Hamas exacts on produce entering Gaza from Egypt.

Great! So the more Israel bombs the sewage facilities of Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the less money there is for Hamas and the others to “squander” on fighting diseases, feeding children and launching missiles. The fact that captagon is being produced in Syria (as well as in Sicily and Saudi Arabia) helps to give Mossad, along with the Jordanian and Israeli Air Forces, the moral high ground and the licence to bomb the Druze, as they both have repeatedly done over the last decade. It is that high moral ground that allows Mossad’s Haaertz outlet to praise Israel’s serial criminality “against money mules” they assassinate in Beirut and Qatar and for White House National Security Council apologist for genocide, John Kirby, to say that South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide is “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.” In the lying minds of Kirby and cretins like him, there can only be NATO-aligned goodies like Mossad and NATO-maligned baddies like Hamas et al, who flood the Mossad controlled Western world with narcotics.

But back to The Economist which reckons Hamas get the lion’s share of their funds “from friendly governments, the biggest of which is Iran”. The task then for those who hold NATO’s high moral ground, for the Americans, the Israelis and the various head hacking terror groups they control is to interdict that flow of funds from Iran to Gaza (Syria and Lebanon). Forget that Hamas, in its current incarnation, is mostly a child of the Shiaphobic Muslim Brotherhood but concentrate here on the main objective which, in the words of the late serial American war criminal John McCain, is to bomb, bomb bomb Iran, Iran being like Putin’s Russia, the source of all the evil in this world the CIA and its ISIS aligned terror groupings so selflessly and valiantly battle against.

The Economist then goes on to claim, perhaps correctly, that “the lion’s share of Hamas’s money—at least $500m a year, say Israeli officials—comes from its investments, some of which are firms registered in countries across the Middle East”. In other words, Hamas, like Hezbollah and the Syrian government, have legitimate businesses that reinvest their profits into resisting their enemies slaughtering their women and children rather than living the high life chomping on prawn sandwiches with long-legged Ukrainian floozies in Dubai.

Contradicting themselves by proving the point that the Muslim Brotherhood is at the heart of Hamas, the Economist goes on to say how Turkey and Qatar, both of which are Muslim Brotherhood strongholds, are the main hubs through which Hamas conducts its financial affairs. The article, which oozes faux tears for Israel’s innocent victims, concludes that “while Gazans have been plunged into tragedy, Hamas’s money is safely ensconced elsewhere—and its financiers can eat lobster as they gaze across the Bosporus”.

So, the solution is clear. Send Mossad agents into Istanbul and Doha and assassinate any and all “Gazans gazing across the Bosporus” whilst vacuously chomping their way through lobster laden platters, which the Gazans NATO slaughter would otherwise be eating, along with the local water NATO has deliberately poisoned.

Job done. Game, set and match to the good guys. Unless that is, we also forget the first two legs that Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas all stand on. Those are, firstly, their military power, which doesn’t directly concern us here and, secondly and far more importantly, “the reach of their ideas,” the likes of which have no parallels or precedents in the modern world.

The sad truth, for NATO and its Israeli forward base, is that the Fertile Crescent has an increasingly robust Axis of Resistance. And, though Mossad, MI6 and the CIA can get their various think tanks here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here to lie till the cows come home that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Syrian Army and the Axis’ other key players are narco traffickers, that just does not compute with what the Israelis call facts on the ground.

Those facts are that NATO are committing genocide in Gaza, just as they have committed similar outrages in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, countries they have and never had any business attacking or being in. The human targets in that Fertile Crescent have decided, even at the cost of everyone and everything they hold dear, to stand four square behind that Axis of Resistance until the tides of blood and human misery are stemmed, which they will be, even if the Israelis and their Royal Jordanian lackeys kill every last Palestinian on the face of the earth.

And, even though basic statistical probability tells us that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Syrian Army must have rogues in their ranks, the situation is such that opening the door to Mossad by dealing in captogen would be a one-way ticket to the hereafter. We are not here talking about quasi criminal opportunists like the IRA, who left opportunities aplenty for MI6 and the CIA to infiltrate and undermine them but of a large cohort of Arabs, whose conscience leaves them no other choice than to pin their colours to their respective masts.

Though NATO’s imperialist campaigns against them were built on the tried and trusted means of dividing, conquering and endlessly smearing them with the foulest of libels, the sacrifices of Israel’s civilian victims in Gaza, the West Bank and all along the Axis of Resistance have shredded the supposedly higher moral standing of Israel and NATO into a billion or more parts that will never again coagulate in any fair-minded person’s mind.

Although it is now 2024, ten years since I first reached Homs and the Qalamoun Hills which Hezbollah and the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army had only recently liberated from the still unspeakable horrors the Muslim Brotherhood, there is one very pertinent memory I will share of Homs, which I entered just ahead of a gaggle of Western show boaters when, in the company of a very prominent Arab journalist, a young boy told me that I, along with all those other Westerners, would twist their testimony into its converse.

Although I spent much of the interceding ten years treating those NATO Holocaust enablers like the contemptible scum that they are, NATO’s rivers of blood through Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Palestine can now no more be denied than can we deny the existence of any other of the world’s great oceans or mountain ranges; the sheer scale of these atrocities is too big for anyone but White House creeps like John Kirby and his parrots at The Economist to deny. The perpetrators of these massacres, meanwhile, folk like Blair, Bush, Blinken, Netanyahu and Nuland must be concerned when the blood of all those innocents they had slaughtered inexorably seeps ever closer to them for there is, along with that slowly moving crimson tide, a day of reckoning, inching ever closer to these serial liars that I and millions more like me in the Axis of Resistance hope and pray will wash them and the lies that underwrite them away for ever.

Syria and state and non-state actors allied to it are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

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You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44.

NATO’s recent articles and actions validate not only my 21st December 2022 piece that the Syrian Arab Republic and state and non-state actors allied to it are not narco peddlers but that they and not their NATO adversaries are the heroes in the wars currently raging across the Fertile Crescent, aka the Axis of Resistance.

Chief amongst those NATO actions are attacks by the Royal Jordanian Air Force on what they alleged are major captagon factories in Sweida in Southern Syria. The significance of that is Sweida is largely controlled by the Druze, for whom it is a very major place of pilgrimage. As the Druze are also prominent in Northern Israel, the Golan Heights and on the Lebanese side of the Syrian Lebanese border, they have long been in the cross hairs of Mossad, MI6, the CIA and the various terrorist proxy groups and state actors they control. If the Druze of Sweida could be importuned to switch their allegiance from the Syrian Republic to one or other of the Mossad controlled rebel groups, then Damascus’ writ would be in very serious trouble indeed. It is through that over-arching NATO lens that Jordan’s latest bout of adventurism must be viewed.

If we assume that the Jordanians did indeed hit captagon factories, those factories could not have been under the autonomous control of either the Syrian Army or Hezbollah that MI6’s Chatham House, along with their running dogs in the BBC and allied NATO media, have long linked to this trade. Whatever chance rogue elements in the Syrian Army or Hezbollah would have of producing captagon under the radar in other parts of Syria, they would have absolutely none of doing it on the Druze’ turf, which is riven with its own long running Mossad inspired intrigues.

Let’s now switch to NATO’s war of words and, in particular to this key article on the finances of Hamas from The Economist which, along with the BBC, is NATO’s pre-eminent MI6 media outlet. Leaving their flowery English and the James Bond settings to one side, we are told that “Hamas has three sources of power: its physical force inside Gaza, the reach of its ideas and its income” and that “Israel’s declared goal of destroying Hamas for good requires its financial base to be dismantled”.

NATO’s objective is to smash the armies of Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria, to eviscerate them as an intellectual, or moral force and to deprive them of the necessary funds which The Economist tells us, in the case of Hamas, “pays for everything from schoolteachers’ salaries to missiles”.

If we first of all note that that makes “schoolteachers’ salaries”, along with those of nurses, hairdressers, ambulance drivers and seamstresses legitimate targets, we are told that “the easiest source of cash for Israel to strangle”, about a third of Hamas’s total, is taxes Hamas exacts on produce entering Gaza from Egypt.

Great! So the more Israel bombs the sewage facilities of Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the less money there is for Hamas and the others to “squander” on fighting diseases, feeding children and launching missiles. The fact that captagon is being produced in Syria (as well as in Sicily and Saudi Arabia) helps to give Mossad, along with the Jordanian and Israeli Air Forces, the moral high ground and the licence to bomb the Druze, as they both have repeatedly done over the last decade. It is that high moral ground that allows Mossad’s Haaertz outlet to praise Israel’s serial criminality “against money mules” they assassinate in Beirut and Qatar and for White House National Security Council apologist for genocide, John Kirby, to say that South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide is “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.” In the lying minds of Kirby and cretins like him, there can only be NATO-aligned goodies like Mossad and NATO-maligned baddies like Hamas et al, who flood the Mossad controlled Western world with narcotics.

But back to The Economist which reckons Hamas get the lion’s share of their funds “from friendly governments, the biggest of which is Iran”. The task then for those who hold NATO’s high moral ground, for the Americans, the Israelis and the various head hacking terror groups they control is to interdict that flow of funds from Iran to Gaza (Syria and Lebanon). Forget that Hamas, in its current incarnation, is mostly a child of the Shiaphobic Muslim Brotherhood but concentrate here on the main objective which, in the words of the late serial American war criminal John McCain, is to bomb, bomb bomb Iran, Iran being like Putin’s Russia, the source of all the evil in this world the CIA and its ISIS aligned terror groupings so selflessly and valiantly battle against.

The Economist then goes on to claim, perhaps correctly, that “the lion’s share of Hamas’s money—at least $500m a year, say Israeli officials—comes from its investments, some of which are firms registered in countries across the Middle East”. In other words, Hamas, like Hezbollah and the Syrian government, have legitimate businesses that reinvest their profits into resisting their enemies slaughtering their women and children rather than living the high life chomping on prawn sandwiches with long-legged Ukrainian floozies in Dubai.

Contradicting themselves by proving the point that the Muslim Brotherhood is at the heart of Hamas, the Economist goes on to say how Turkey and Qatar, both of which are Muslim Brotherhood strongholds, are the main hubs through which Hamas conducts its financial affairs. The article, which oozes faux tears for Israel’s innocent victims, concludes that “while Gazans have been plunged into tragedy, Hamas’s money is safely ensconced elsewhere—and its financiers can eat lobster as they gaze across the Bosporus”.

So, the solution is clear. Send Mossad agents into Istanbul and Doha and assassinate any and all “Gazans gazing across the Bosporus” whilst vacuously chomping their way through lobster laden platters, which the Gazans NATO slaughter would otherwise be eating, along with the local water NATO has deliberately poisoned.

Job done. Game, set and match to the good guys. Unless that is, we also forget the first two legs that Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas all stand on. Those are, firstly, their military power, which doesn’t directly concern us here and, secondly and far more importantly, “the reach of their ideas,” the likes of which have no parallels or precedents in the modern world.

The sad truth, for NATO and its Israeli forward base, is that the Fertile Crescent has an increasingly robust Axis of Resistance. And, though Mossad, MI6 and the CIA can get their various think tanks here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here to lie till the cows come home that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Syrian Army and the Axis’ other key players are narco traffickers, that just does not compute with what the Israelis call facts on the ground.

Those facts are that NATO are committing genocide in Gaza, just as they have committed similar outrages in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, countries they have and never had any business attacking or being in. The human targets in that Fertile Crescent have decided, even at the cost of everyone and everything they hold dear, to stand four square behind that Axis of Resistance until the tides of blood and human misery are stemmed, which they will be, even if the Israelis and their Royal Jordanian lackeys kill every last Palestinian on the face of the earth.

And, even though basic statistical probability tells us that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Syrian Army must have rogues in their ranks, the situation is such that opening the door to Mossad by dealing in captogen would be a one-way ticket to the hereafter. We are not here talking about quasi criminal opportunists like the IRA, who left opportunities aplenty for MI6 and the CIA to infiltrate and undermine them but of a large cohort of Arabs, whose conscience leaves them no other choice than to pin their colours to their respective masts.

Though NATO’s imperialist campaigns against them were built on the tried and trusted means of dividing, conquering and endlessly smearing them with the foulest of libels, the sacrifices of Israel’s civilian victims in Gaza, the West Bank and all along the Axis of Resistance have shredded the supposedly higher moral standing of Israel and NATO into a billion or more parts that will never again coagulate in any fair-minded person’s mind.

Although it is now 2024, ten years since I first reached Homs and the Qalamoun Hills which Hezbollah and the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army had only recently liberated from the still unspeakable horrors the Muslim Brotherhood, there is one very pertinent memory I will share of Homs, which I entered just ahead of a gaggle of Western show boaters when, in the company of a very prominent Arab journalist, a young boy told me that I, along with all those other Westerners, would twist their testimony into its converse.

Although I spent much of the interceding ten years treating those NATO Holocaust enablers like the contemptible scum that they are, NATO’s rivers of blood through Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Palestine can now no more be denied than can we deny the existence of any other of the world’s great oceans or mountain ranges; the sheer scale of these atrocities is too big for anyone but White House creeps like John Kirby and his parrots at The Economist to deny. The perpetrators of these massacres, meanwhile, folk like Blair, Bush, Blinken, Netanyahu and Nuland must be concerned when the blood of all those innocents they had slaughtered inexorably seeps ever closer to them for there is, along with that slowly moving crimson tide, a day of reckoning, inching ever closer to these serial liars that I and millions more like me in the Axis of Resistance hope and pray will wash them and the lies that underwrite them away for ever.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.