Although all wars, even Europe’s destructive wars, have to end, one way or the other, in the end, politicians have to negotiate, even if it is from a position of weakness.
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This article throws strategic structural light on the much greater war crimes the ongoing genocide in Gaza will lead to in the coming months and how a Chinese brokered Westphalian solution is the only feasible way out of the morass Mad Joe Biden’s crackpots have us all bogged down in. It does this by arguing within the well-defined parameters of the principles, practices & frameworks of warfare informed commentators from Clausewitz onwards have so eloquently spelled out for us.
First off, though, a salute to the fallen, to those innocent young children Israel has recently massacred on such an industrial level that it evokes well deserved comparisons to the Nakba, Sabra & Shatila, Fu’ah & Kafriya and all the other worst chapters in NATO’s recent rampages. I salute the tweet which informed me of one young martyr, who, before his murder, had hoped to have a successful gaming channel but now, since his martyrdom, his followers have grown from the 1,000 he had in life to more than 1,000,000 evidence, if such were needed, that good hearts beat in gamers, as they do in most others. Before moving on to analysing where we all now stand, I would just like to comment that that tweet, like so many others, saluted those fallen angels and their families much more eloquently than I can ever hope to do and I thank them most sincerely and humbly for that.
However, as I said in a recent article, we must endure so that we may overcome these NATO inspired anti Christs that walk amongst us. And though I will go all Biblical on this, because Finian Cunningham’s recent article showed that war criminal Netanyahu is pulling that stunt, so we must also go down into the intellectual sewers after him and root him and his fellow gangsters out like the craven crooks that they are.
And make no mistake, crooks are what they are, and this current genocide is as much fuelled by the efforts of the Netanyahu and Biden organised crime families to defer their own days of reckoning on racketeering charges as it is by the manifest destiny of America and Israel to follow their Which Path to Persia policy of burying the Middle East in a sea of dead children’s bodies.
Not only is this genocide a long standing central plank in America’s long term plans of destroying the Middle East but Chapter 5 of that paper, Leave it to Bibi: Allowing or Encouraging an Israeli Military Strike, specifically spells out how and why America encourages Netanyahu to commit monstrous war crimes such as this.
There is, in short, nothing new or novel in this Gazan Slaughter of the Innocents. All that is new is that Israel, cheered on by the United States, has once more upped the ante, cock sure in itself that America and her minions in the European Union, in the International Criminal Court and in the world’s media will once again absolve Israel of any wrong.
If you and I feel angry about this, we are far from alone. Paddy Cosgrove has had to relinquish his high profile Web Summit position to some NATO asswipe simply because he thinks genocide is not kosher and the concerned citizens of Dagestan are in hot water because they took, however imperfectly, a stand.
It seems we must be like Hitler’s Willing Executioners and stand idly by while NATO perpetrates another Iraq on all of the countries of the Fertile Crescent. That is why the United States has an astounding two armadas in the Eastern Mediterranean. Their mission, quite simply, is to fulfil the game plan of Which Path to Persia and to literally bomb the living shit out of Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran.
Although the criminals of the US Marine Corps can be seen here singing the eschatological hymn that there is no god like Jehovah, in truth there is no power like two American carrier groups, whose supporting vessels and integrated systems ensure they are invulnerable to any form of land, sea or air attack.
Although I wrote about this in my 2014 bestseller Japan: The Toothless Tiger, it seems not every cretin on the planet got the message. The last time aircraft carriers were lost in combat was in the Second World War and most of those occurred in the Pacific War when the Japanese Imperial Navy gave the Yanks and the Brits, then the world’s two primary maritime countries, a good run for their money. No carrier has been sunk by hostile forces since then and, though China in particular, has devoted considerable resources to developing asymmetric systems to sink America’s 7th Fleet, all that is still a work in the progress, pie in the sky for sundry morons and narcissists, who think they know more than the admirals of the United States, Britain, China, Japan, India, Russia, France, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Brazil and Thailand to feed off.
And before returning to the eye of the storm, let us quickly dismiss this Global South bullshit. The Global South consists mostly of penguins and oceans and, outside of the ANZACS, the militarily insignificant continents of South America and Africa, neither of which presents a major challenge to NATO. India, the last leg of that stool, has gone from being passionately pro Palestinian to being passionately pro Israeli. Coupled with its own issues with China,. Pakistan and so on ad infinitum, it currently has nothing of significance to offer to a solution to the Palestinian issue.
And nor, according to these links, do the armed forces of SouthEast Asia, Latin America and Africa, unless they want NATO to hand them their collective arses on a platter, something NATO has long made contingencies for.
Israeli Defence Forces: Gott mit uns
The Israeli Defence Forces are a different kettle of fish. Although some very well known social media influencers had great fun mocking a grossly obese female Israeli soldier doing one of those dumb dances Israeli female conscripts have been encouraged to dance, those sexist ignoramuses miss the point. Israel can muster more than 3 million men and women at a push and, even in the most critical situation, less than 20% of them would, for simple logistical reasons familiar to any army, be pushed into front line positions at any one time.
And guess what. Israel has no shortage of fresh, fit fanatics willing and able to fill those slots twice over. How do I know that? Because they told me and I put more weight on their words than some pot bellied pisspots who extrapolate their analysis from one obese Israeli youngster to a giant army who lust for Arab blood, just as their fathers, grand fathers and great grandfathers before them successfully lusted for that same Blood of the Innocents.
And, as for hardware, forget about it. Israel will not suffer the fate of Hitler’s one million strong 10th army, which was forced to surrender north of the Po River after having run out of both materiel and ammo. No such fate awaits the Israeli Defence Forces which has an unlimited blank cheque book with the Yanks, who are with them to the death even if God is not. So, if you are thinking of trivialising the Holocaust, as these Sopranos gangsters did, remember that there are scores of tooled up Jewish gangsters more than happy to pack you and yours off to happier, Elysian fields.
Behold! Damascus Has Fallen
Now that Netanyahu and the USMC heretics have gone all Scofield Bible on us, let us too enter the asylum. Isaiah 17:1 tells us that Damascus of happy memories has been turned into a ruinous heap and that the Assyrians who, incredibly, have been castigated on this site, have been vanquished. But let us be under no illusions as to why this will happen.
It has nothing to do with Isaiah or the USMC’s Days of Elijah and everything to do with the Pentagon’s Path to Persia, which has already racked up a death toll of millions of would be gamers, skateboarders, little innocent boys and girls too young know of anything but their blessed innocence, their parents’ unblemished love and their childish daydreams of Ronaldo, Messi, Salah and Gazan Mohammad Assaf who once won Arabs Got Talent.
And so, yes, Damascus will fall and Aleppo too and most likely Tehran too and true civilisation and true religions will most certainly perish in the rubble to be heard of no more. But from that rubble will first emerge Hezbollah and the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army who will, God willing, exact the highest of prices on those who levelled Damascus and Gaza before it.
Hezbollah, beloved by the true Christians of Syria and Lebanon, are a formidable force, perhaps the best trained and equipped army in the Axis of Resistance, the Fertile Crescent, that stretches from the vanishing cedars of Lebanon to the hills of far away Iran.
Iran, Iran, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran. Such lovely food. And such friendly people. And such formidable defence weaponry you can get primers on here, here, here, here and here.
Gog and Magog
Staying on our Bible for American Simpletons narrative, let’s now turn to Gog and Magog, the two bogeymen the Hebrews use as justification for their own crimes. In our current times, they can be cited as the Sunni and Shia who unite who destroy Israel Inc, or to be more secular, Russia and China who do a tag team smack-down of Israel.
Leaving to one side their theological differences, the Sunni and Shia are not going to suddenly unite because the MI6 controlled Muslim Brotherhood who are, as Syria’s Hafez Assad and Egypt’s Colonel Nasser both rightly attested, the utter scum of the earth, have a different agenda in mind, as can be seen, inter alia, from the ongoing genocide of the Nagorno Karabakh Armenians, the sectarian, self serving rantings of Erdoğan about wars between the crescent and the cross and the lily livered attitude of collaborationist Turks in Germany. As regards the Shia, let’s just note that the pretender to the Iranian throne recently visited Jerusalem where he prayed at the Wailing Wall but didn’t bother his fat arse entering the nearby Al-Aqsa mosque, which is the third holiest site in Islam and one most Iranians would metaphorically give their right (and left) arms to visit.
Although this wanna be king is a nonentity, the point here is that America and its helpers can buy off significant sectors of Muslim society not only in the West but in the very heart land of the Muslim world as well, a useful attribute when the Yankees invariably get around to setting up their democratic puppet governments.
So what then of Russia and that Putin fellow? Not much really, except that without their intervention, Damascus would long ago have been another Baghdad or Benghazi, reduced to rubble by NATO and its ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood proxies. Although Russia does not need much advice from me, the hope has to be that they will extend their Syrian footprint, at least to Damascus and Aleppo airports and that they will continue to talk to all and sundry with their end objectives and those of Syria and NATO’s other victims in mind.
Russia’s dilemma is that it is playing the role Spain’s gallant armies played in Europe’s disastrous Wars of the Reformation, Europe’s most complicated wars, where one in three Bohemians were martyred and where technological advances and large numbers of mercenaries for hire made that era so lethal.
Whereas Russia has been a rock of sense during these current upheavals, China has gone AWOL on all fronts. The situation in that culinary outpost is that its Communist Party is rewriting the Bible, probably never having even read it and certainly having no grasp of its many previous revisions or the reasons for them. China’s diplomats, meanwhile, yap for a Gazan ceasefire and some bullshit about a two state solution, as if they are bespectacled Chinese students looking for an easy grade from their brain dead professors. Their military, meanwhile, puts on impressive displays that more properly belong in Paris’ Moulin Rouge.
If China aspires to be a global power worth its salt, they should first of all help Russia defend Syria and put their aircraft carriers in harm’s way in the Persian Gulf and the coast of Syria, so that it can stop the Yanks disrupting the flow of oil to countries under NATO’s cosh in those regions. If that is too much to ask them, they should abandon their base in Djibouti and prepare to have their navy sunk off the coast of Taiwan. The message to China, vulgar as it is, is to shit or get off the pot.
Here Comes Everybody
And what of the rest of us, who would like to do something more than sign up to the site of a dead young Gazan gamer? Although the massive outpouring of support from Dagestan to Dublin shows most people have ethical issues with thugs incinerating children, the Americans and their Israeli sidekicks, like Moses’ Pharaoh of old, do not sweat small stuff like that. Because, as the Iraqi and Vietnamese genocides both show, sufficient Americans will support their country’s permanent government right or wrong, the slaughter will continue until American gets the mother of all boots into the goolies. Until steel-toed boots go into the Belly of the Beast, all is hot air, kabuki, sound and fury, signifying nothing. China should take note.
Towards a Final Solution
Although all wars, even Europe’s destructive wars, have to end, one way or the other, in the end, politicians have to negotiate, even if it is from a position of weakness as Japan did on the USS Missouri. But one, of course, can only negotiate with those who will negotiate and Nazis like Herr Hitler or Fraus von der Leyen und Merkel are not the best exemplars of the cut and thrust of negotiation if for no other reason than they find civil discourse anathema.
Bill Clinton’s Camp David Accord was one in a long line of scams perpetrated on the Palestinians and, more generally on the Arabs of the Fertile Belt. Enough of that. Just as Russia told Syria that it is now the guarantor of Syrian sovereignty, so must China make a declaration of intent and back it up with actions, with integrated air defence systems in particular.
The Middle Eastern ball is firmly in the Chinese court. The Chinese can continue to swan around, like the Japanese have been doing at America’s beck for decades now or they can join Russia and the mavericks of Yemen and not only make a statement but help to hammer out a viable peace, like that struck at Westphalia in 1648. If that is too much to ask of them, then they best get ready not only for the looming tempest but to perish in it as well. For, as the Yankee Marines and their ISIS buddies sing, these are the days of the days of Elijah and Jehovah, rather than Jesus, has a lot more children, Chinese as well as Arab, lined up for the abattoir because as the butcher boys of the USMC sing “there is no God like Jehovah”. And thank Christ, Hezbollah, the Russian Armed Forces and the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army for that.