Tag: Genocide

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From arming Nazis to supporting genocide, the West’s mask of morality burns to dust
From arming Nazis to supporting genocide, the West’s mask of morality burns to dust
July 5, 2024

Despite the public waking up to the moral bankruptcy of Western leaders, they’re still woefully unaware of the depth of the depravity of the agendas of the powerful.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock supports Israel’s genocide and war offensive in the Middle East
June 28, 2024

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s trip to the Middle East highlighted once again the devastating role played by German imperialism in the genocide in Gaza and the escalation of war throughout the region.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock supports Israel’s genocide and war offensive in the Middle East
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U.S. service members to Congress: “Stop Genocide”
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U.S. service members to Congress: “Stop Genocide”
June 17, 2024

As Israel continues its genocide against the Palestinians, the number of active-duty U.S. conscientious objectors is increasing, writes Marjorie Cohn.

“We want peace”: Spain applies to join ICJ genocide case against Israel
June 7, 2024

“We do it out of commitment to the United Nations and to international law,” said the Spanish foreign minister, calling for an end to civilian deaths.

“We want peace”: Spain applies to join ICJ genocide case against Israel
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Pogroms, censura, manipulação midiática: o que Ocidente esconde sobre o genocídio palestino
Pogroms, censura, manipulação midiática: o que Ocidente esconde sobre o genocídio palestino
May 31, 2024

Israel rompe todos os limites de ultraje, humilhação e desprezo pela dignidade humana, cuja vítima há 75 anos é o povo palestino em termos de genocídio, apartheid e limpeza étnica

Israel massacres children, which the western press says is fine
May 28, 2024

Anyone who’s been following the Gaza genocide on social media today will be seeing this phrase “legally killed child” alongside footage of children ripped apart by Israeli military explosives in a civilian displacement camp.

Israel massacres children, which the western press says is fine
Editor's Сhoice
Odesa hace diez años. El silencio de medios occidentales encubre a la OTAN
Odesa hace diez años. El silencio de medios occidentales encubre a la OTAN
May 21, 2024

Hace diez años una brutal y bestial masacre fue perpetrada en Odesa por seguidores del régimen de Kiev apoyado por la OTAN.

American military planners declare: “War is peace”
May 12, 2024

In a roundtable discussion Wednesday, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley and Palantir CEO Alex Karp defended Israel’s massacre of Palestinian civilians by advocating military brutality as a general principle.

American military planners declare: “War is peace”
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