Declan Hayes
October 13, 2023
© Photo: Social media

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”.

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The recent attack on Israeli forces and settlement camps by Gazan militants, chronicled here, and in more detail by Al Mayadeen, Haaretz and The Times of Israel, was both daring and provocative. The indiscriminate retaliatory response of the Israeli Air Force was as predictable as were the statements of condemnation by EU fat cat Ursula von der Leyen, Robert F Kennedy and similar nobodies.

The mealy mouthed statements of quasi gangster groups like Sinn Féin, who are no strangers to indiscriminate sectarian slaughter or taking hostages themselves, were as unhelpful as were the unhinged tweets in support of Hamas of safely retired former Hindu activist Tim Anderson and similar choirboys.

A quick Twitter trawl will give evidence galore of past Israeli and/or Palestinian barbarities. Though the Israeli Defence Forces’ tweets of female soldiers missing in action is supposed to pull at our heart strings (if we still have any), calumniating those female soldiers, who won’t be doing any more of their sex dancing for some time yet, is as childish as was their dance porn.

Though the statements of the Russian governments were much more measured and, as evidenced by the Arab League’s leaders flying to Moscow, more helpful, there is another, seemingly perennial dimension to all this that needs addressing.

That is, that there is a hierarchy of victims, that the blood of Israelis, Americans, Ukrainians and Europeans is more valuable than that of Armenians, Nigeriens, Russians, Syrians and Palestinians.

Just a few days prior to this attack on “peaceful Israel”, NATO’s media were keening from a missile attack in Ukraine which, they alleged, caused over 50 fatalities. This attack occurred contemporaneously with an attack on Nigerien troops by France’s ISIS’ chums, which left 29 dead, and also with a U.S. drone attack on a passing out parade in Homs where over 120 Syrian civilians were murdered. Whereas the Ukrainian attack got saturation coverage, the Nigerien and Syrian slaughters were barely mentioned in dispatches because the blood of Nigeriens and Syrians, be they adults, children, Alawite, Druze, Shia, Sunni or Christian have little to no value. As far as the BBC and other NATO outlets go, the Syrians may as well be Libyans, Palestinians, Nigeriens or, heaven help us, Russians.

And let’s just forget about the blood of the hundreds of thousands of Armenians, who were recently cleansed from mountainous Nagorno-Karabekh, which has been Armenian for over 1,500 years but which the Muslim Brotherhood, aided and abetted by NATO, now claim as their own, just as the whacky Banderites claim the Black Sea because their ancestors dug all 436 squared kms of it out of the ground with wooden spoons. Although evidence that both Western Armenia and Nagorno-Karabekh had always been Armenian is far more prevalent than that of the Ukrainians and their spoons or the Jews’ sketchy claims to Palestine, which they attribute to a nod and a wink from a god most of them don’t even believe in and which all of their movers and shakers regularly insult, the Armenians’ claims are of no account. They are children of a lesser god.

Although Stephen Karganovic’s excellent recent article on how Joseph Goebbels remains an inspiration for the Ukrainian Armed Forces explains how the German Nazi cult, together with Ukraine’s home grown Banderite variety, remains a state enforced inspiration for these millions of swaggering Ukrainian Nazis, we must note that pre-war Poland was awash with its own bands of fascists and that many, like those of Nobel Prize winner Menachim Begin, and Ben Gurion, were fascistic Jewish Zionists, who brought their Nazi-inspired ideas of lebensraum to Mandatory Palestine where they and their indiscriminate acts of terrorism and mass murder of the innocents had no right to be.

Although massive overseas investments allowed the early Zionist kibbutz colonies to drain swamps and make the deserts bloom, ethnic cleansing has always been at the heart of the Israeli project. This can be seen not only at the early morning West Bank checkpoints where half dead Palestinians have to line up to be vetted before working on the lands the Israelis stole from them but all over Twitter, where there is overwhelming testimony to the unrelenting violence Israel metes out to them and which, because the Israeli state has normalised it, barely warrants a mention.

Although Israelis moan how hard done by they are, their tales of woe are akin to those of The Clean Wehrmacht, from which the Israeli Defence Forces stole their own order of battle. Though Israel can highlight all the dances of all the big-bottomed teenage female conscripts it likes there has always been, whether they admit it or not, the whiff of the Nazi jackboot in all their actions.

Although it would be a stretch to ask Netanyahu or any of his fellow criminals to support Palestinian attacks on Israeli settlers, these psychopaths should be in no doubt where their victims stand when measuring Israelis’ blood against their own. Contrary to what the Ukrainian racist supremacist Golda Meir said, Palestinian children do love their children, just as anyone else does and, for that wicked witch to say otherwise is just evidence of her own racist, genocidal mindset.

A racist mindset, which is reflected not only in how Israelis now vote and play but also in how they unwind here, here, here and here, watching Syrians and Palestinians being bombed by their air force because, like this Times of Israel correspondent, they believe their genocides are permissable.

Although NATO’s jury may still be out on whether SS Panzer officer Joachim Peiper (brilliantly played by Robert Shaw in The Battle of the Bulge) was a war criminal or not, what is not in dispute is, had the Red Army got their hands on Peiper and his Blowtorch Battalion after Germany’s surrender, it would have been payback time for their war crimes in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. All that aside, those Israelis who have not yet read his works should read these snippets of his to see why his troops were driven by a fanatical hatred of their American and British enemies. “I recognize”, wrote Peiper, “that after the battles of Normandy, my unit was composed mainly of young, fanatical soldiers. A good deal of them had lost their parents, their sisters and brothers during the bombing. They had seen for themselves in Cologne, thousands of mangled corpses after a terror raid had passed. Their hatred for the enemy was such; I swear it and I could not always keep it under control.”

Or, how about this? “My men are the products of total war, grown up in the streets of scattered towns without any education. The only thing they knew was to handle weapons for the Reich. They were young people with a hot heart and the desire to win or die: right or wrong.”

Although Herodotus wrote almost 2,500 years ago that “No one is fool enough to choose war instead of peace – in peace sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons”, Israel has murdered entire generations of Palestinians and those who survive are as angry and as motivated as were Peiper’s men or, for that matter, as were those members of the Red Army, who would happily, and perhaps justifiably, have skinned them alive.

On the subject of war criminals, here is Bomber Harris saying how, in his opinion at least, those who sowed the wind would reap the whirlwind, that they would be bombed as mercilessly as Israel bombed Gaza during Cast Lead. Though Harris and Churchill agree that the Germans would have been justified in stringing them both up as war criminals, had Hitler prevailed, that too is but another historical quibble for another day.

For now, all that needs to be said is that Israel’s unrelenting campaign of terror has let the genie out of the bottle, not only in Gaza but everywhere else like Egypt Palestinians and their true allies feel they can spill Israeli blood. And, in musing on that, the Herzogs and the other shysters who run the Israeli gangster regime might like to reflect that, though Peiper survived the war and America’s kangaroo court, he was eventually assassinated long afterwards, in 1976, by former French collaborators eager to avenge their country’s 1940 humiliating surrender.

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”. Because that is not going to happen this side of NATO’s unconditional disbandment, the killing and the ethnic cleansing will go on until Israel and the NATO Anglo American supremacists, who underwrite them, are brought to heel, if not to their senses.

NATO’s Hierarchy of Victims in Armenia, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine & Russia

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”.

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The recent attack on Israeli forces and settlement camps by Gazan militants, chronicled here, and in more detail by Al Mayadeen, Haaretz and The Times of Israel, was both daring and provocative. The indiscriminate retaliatory response of the Israeli Air Force was as predictable as were the statements of condemnation by EU fat cat Ursula von der Leyen, Robert F Kennedy and similar nobodies.

The mealy mouthed statements of quasi gangster groups like Sinn Féin, who are no strangers to indiscriminate sectarian slaughter or taking hostages themselves, were as unhelpful as were the unhinged tweets in support of Hamas of safely retired former Hindu activist Tim Anderson and similar choirboys.

A quick Twitter trawl will give evidence galore of past Israeli and/or Palestinian barbarities. Though the Israeli Defence Forces’ tweets of female soldiers missing in action is supposed to pull at our heart strings (if we still have any), calumniating those female soldiers, who won’t be doing any more of their sex dancing for some time yet, is as childish as was their dance porn.

Though the statements of the Russian governments were much more measured and, as evidenced by the Arab League’s leaders flying to Moscow, more helpful, there is another, seemingly perennial dimension to all this that needs addressing.

That is, that there is a hierarchy of victims, that the blood of Israelis, Americans, Ukrainians and Europeans is more valuable than that of Armenians, Nigeriens, Russians, Syrians and Palestinians.

Just a few days prior to this attack on “peaceful Israel”, NATO’s media were keening from a missile attack in Ukraine which, they alleged, caused over 50 fatalities. This attack occurred contemporaneously with an attack on Nigerien troops by France’s ISIS’ chums, which left 29 dead, and also with a U.S. drone attack on a passing out parade in Homs where over 120 Syrian civilians were murdered. Whereas the Ukrainian attack got saturation coverage, the Nigerien and Syrian slaughters were barely mentioned in dispatches because the blood of Nigeriens and Syrians, be they adults, children, Alawite, Druze, Shia, Sunni or Christian have little to no value. As far as the BBC and other NATO outlets go, the Syrians may as well be Libyans, Palestinians, Nigeriens or, heaven help us, Russians.

And let’s just forget about the blood of the hundreds of thousands of Armenians, who were recently cleansed from mountainous Nagorno-Karabekh, which has been Armenian for over 1,500 years but which the Muslim Brotherhood, aided and abetted by NATO, now claim as their own, just as the whacky Banderites claim the Black Sea because their ancestors dug all 436 squared kms of it out of the ground with wooden spoons. Although evidence that both Western Armenia and Nagorno-Karabekh had always been Armenian is far more prevalent than that of the Ukrainians and their spoons or the Jews’ sketchy claims to Palestine, which they attribute to a nod and a wink from a god most of them don’t even believe in and which all of their movers and shakers regularly insult, the Armenians’ claims are of no account. They are children of a lesser god.

Although Stephen Karganovic’s excellent recent article on how Joseph Goebbels remains an inspiration for the Ukrainian Armed Forces explains how the German Nazi cult, together with Ukraine’s home grown Banderite variety, remains a state enforced inspiration for these millions of swaggering Ukrainian Nazis, we must note that pre-war Poland was awash with its own bands of fascists and that many, like those of Nobel Prize winner Menachim Begin, and Ben Gurion, were fascistic Jewish Zionists, who brought their Nazi-inspired ideas of lebensraum to Mandatory Palestine where they and their indiscriminate acts of terrorism and mass murder of the innocents had no right to be.

Although massive overseas investments allowed the early Zionist kibbutz colonies to drain swamps and make the deserts bloom, ethnic cleansing has always been at the heart of the Israeli project. This can be seen not only at the early morning West Bank checkpoints where half dead Palestinians have to line up to be vetted before working on the lands the Israelis stole from them but all over Twitter, where there is overwhelming testimony to the unrelenting violence Israel metes out to them and which, because the Israeli state has normalised it, barely warrants a mention.

Although Israelis moan how hard done by they are, their tales of woe are akin to those of The Clean Wehrmacht, from which the Israeli Defence Forces stole their own order of battle. Though Israel can highlight all the dances of all the big-bottomed teenage female conscripts it likes there has always been, whether they admit it or not, the whiff of the Nazi jackboot in all their actions.

Although it would be a stretch to ask Netanyahu or any of his fellow criminals to support Palestinian attacks on Israeli settlers, these psychopaths should be in no doubt where their victims stand when measuring Israelis’ blood against their own. Contrary to what the Ukrainian racist supremacist Golda Meir said, Palestinian children do love their children, just as anyone else does and, for that wicked witch to say otherwise is just evidence of her own racist, genocidal mindset.

A racist mindset, which is reflected not only in how Israelis now vote and play but also in how they unwind here, here, here and here, watching Syrians and Palestinians being bombed by their air force because, like this Times of Israel correspondent, they believe their genocides are permissable.

Although NATO’s jury may still be out on whether SS Panzer officer Joachim Peiper (brilliantly played by Robert Shaw in The Battle of the Bulge) was a war criminal or not, what is not in dispute is, had the Red Army got their hands on Peiper and his Blowtorch Battalion after Germany’s surrender, it would have been payback time for their war crimes in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. All that aside, those Israelis who have not yet read his works should read these snippets of his to see why his troops were driven by a fanatical hatred of their American and British enemies. “I recognize”, wrote Peiper, “that after the battles of Normandy, my unit was composed mainly of young, fanatical soldiers. A good deal of them had lost their parents, their sisters and brothers during the bombing. They had seen for themselves in Cologne, thousands of mangled corpses after a terror raid had passed. Their hatred for the enemy was such; I swear it and I could not always keep it under control.”

Or, how about this? “My men are the products of total war, grown up in the streets of scattered towns without any education. The only thing they knew was to handle weapons for the Reich. They were young people with a hot heart and the desire to win or die: right or wrong.”

Although Herodotus wrote almost 2,500 years ago that “No one is fool enough to choose war instead of peace – in peace sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons”, Israel has murdered entire generations of Palestinians and those who survive are as angry and as motivated as were Peiper’s men or, for that matter, as were those members of the Red Army, who would happily, and perhaps justifiably, have skinned them alive.

On the subject of war criminals, here is Bomber Harris saying how, in his opinion at least, those who sowed the wind would reap the whirlwind, that they would be bombed as mercilessly as Israel bombed Gaza during Cast Lead. Though Harris and Churchill agree that the Germans would have been justified in stringing them both up as war criminals, had Hitler prevailed, that too is but another historical quibble for another day.

For now, all that needs to be said is that Israel’s unrelenting campaign of terror has let the genie out of the bottle, not only in Gaza but everywhere else like Egypt Palestinians and their true allies feel they can spill Israeli blood. And, in musing on that, the Herzogs and the other shysters who run the Israeli gangster regime might like to reflect that, though Peiper survived the war and America’s kangaroo court, he was eventually assassinated long afterwards, in 1976, by former French collaborators eager to avenge their country’s 1940 humiliating surrender.

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”. Because that is not going to happen this side of NATO’s unconditional disbandment, the killing and the ethnic cleansing will go on until Israel and the NATO Anglo American supremacists, who underwrite them, are brought to heel, if not to their senses.

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”.

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitter , and VK.

The recent attack on Israeli forces and settlement camps by Gazan militants, chronicled here, and in more detail by Al Mayadeen, Haaretz and The Times of Israel, was both daring and provocative. The indiscriminate retaliatory response of the Israeli Air Force was as predictable as were the statements of condemnation by EU fat cat Ursula von der Leyen, Robert F Kennedy and similar nobodies.

The mealy mouthed statements of quasi gangster groups like Sinn Féin, who are no strangers to indiscriminate sectarian slaughter or taking hostages themselves, were as unhelpful as were the unhinged tweets in support of Hamas of safely retired former Hindu activist Tim Anderson and similar choirboys.

A quick Twitter trawl will give evidence galore of past Israeli and/or Palestinian barbarities. Though the Israeli Defence Forces’ tweets of female soldiers missing in action is supposed to pull at our heart strings (if we still have any), calumniating those female soldiers, who won’t be doing any more of their sex dancing for some time yet, is as childish as was their dance porn.

Though the statements of the Russian governments were much more measured and, as evidenced by the Arab League’s leaders flying to Moscow, more helpful, there is another, seemingly perennial dimension to all this that needs addressing.

That is, that there is a hierarchy of victims, that the blood of Israelis, Americans, Ukrainians and Europeans is more valuable than that of Armenians, Nigeriens, Russians, Syrians and Palestinians.

Just a few days prior to this attack on “peaceful Israel”, NATO’s media were keening from a missile attack in Ukraine which, they alleged, caused over 50 fatalities. This attack occurred contemporaneously with an attack on Nigerien troops by France’s ISIS’ chums, which left 29 dead, and also with a U.S. drone attack on a passing out parade in Homs where over 120 Syrian civilians were murdered. Whereas the Ukrainian attack got saturation coverage, the Nigerien and Syrian slaughters were barely mentioned in dispatches because the blood of Nigeriens and Syrians, be they adults, children, Alawite, Druze, Shia, Sunni or Christian have little to no value. As far as the BBC and other NATO outlets go, the Syrians may as well be Libyans, Palestinians, Nigeriens or, heaven help us, Russians.

And let’s just forget about the blood of the hundreds of thousands of Armenians, who were recently cleansed from mountainous Nagorno-Karabekh, which has been Armenian for over 1,500 years but which the Muslim Brotherhood, aided and abetted by NATO, now claim as their own, just as the whacky Banderites claim the Black Sea because their ancestors dug all 436 squared kms of it out of the ground with wooden spoons. Although evidence that both Western Armenia and Nagorno-Karabekh had always been Armenian is far more prevalent than that of the Ukrainians and their spoons or the Jews’ sketchy claims to Palestine, which they attribute to a nod and a wink from a god most of them don’t even believe in and which all of their movers and shakers regularly insult, the Armenians’ claims are of no account. They are children of a lesser god.

Although Stephen Karganovic’s excellent recent article on how Joseph Goebbels remains an inspiration for the Ukrainian Armed Forces explains how the German Nazi cult, together with Ukraine’s home grown Banderite variety, remains a state enforced inspiration for these millions of swaggering Ukrainian Nazis, we must note that pre-war Poland was awash with its own bands of fascists and that many, like those of Nobel Prize winner Menachim Begin, and Ben Gurion, were fascistic Jewish Zionists, who brought their Nazi-inspired ideas of lebensraum to Mandatory Palestine where they and their indiscriminate acts of terrorism and mass murder of the innocents had no right to be.

Although massive overseas investments allowed the early Zionist kibbutz colonies to drain swamps and make the deserts bloom, ethnic cleansing has always been at the heart of the Israeli project. This can be seen not only at the early morning West Bank checkpoints where half dead Palestinians have to line up to be vetted before working on the lands the Israelis stole from them but all over Twitter, where there is overwhelming testimony to the unrelenting violence Israel metes out to them and which, because the Israeli state has normalised it, barely warrants a mention.

Although Israelis moan how hard done by they are, their tales of woe are akin to those of The Clean Wehrmacht, from which the Israeli Defence Forces stole their own order of battle. Though Israel can highlight all the dances of all the big-bottomed teenage female conscripts it likes there has always been, whether they admit it or not, the whiff of the Nazi jackboot in all their actions.

Although it would be a stretch to ask Netanyahu or any of his fellow criminals to support Palestinian attacks on Israeli settlers, these psychopaths should be in no doubt where their victims stand when measuring Israelis’ blood against their own. Contrary to what the Ukrainian racist supremacist Golda Meir said, Palestinian children do love their children, just as anyone else does and, for that wicked witch to say otherwise is just evidence of her own racist, genocidal mindset.

A racist mindset, which is reflected not only in how Israelis now vote and play but also in how they unwind here, here, here and here, watching Syrians and Palestinians being bombed by their air force because, like this Times of Israel correspondent, they believe their genocides are permissable.

Although NATO’s jury may still be out on whether SS Panzer officer Joachim Peiper (brilliantly played by Robert Shaw in The Battle of the Bulge) was a war criminal or not, what is not in dispute is, had the Red Army got their hands on Peiper and his Blowtorch Battalion after Germany’s surrender, it would have been payback time for their war crimes in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. All that aside, those Israelis who have not yet read his works should read these snippets of his to see why his troops were driven by a fanatical hatred of their American and British enemies. “I recognize”, wrote Peiper, “that after the battles of Normandy, my unit was composed mainly of young, fanatical soldiers. A good deal of them had lost their parents, their sisters and brothers during the bombing. They had seen for themselves in Cologne, thousands of mangled corpses after a terror raid had passed. Their hatred for the enemy was such; I swear it and I could not always keep it under control.”

Or, how about this? “My men are the products of total war, grown up in the streets of scattered towns without any education. The only thing they knew was to handle weapons for the Reich. They were young people with a hot heart and the desire to win or die: right or wrong.”

Although Herodotus wrote almost 2,500 years ago that “No one is fool enough to choose war instead of peace – in peace sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons”, Israel has murdered entire generations of Palestinians and those who survive are as angry and as motivated as were Peiper’s men or, for that matter, as were those members of the Red Army, who would happily, and perhaps justifiably, have skinned them alive.

On the subject of war criminals, here is Bomber Harris saying how, in his opinion at least, those who sowed the wind would reap the whirlwind, that they would be bombed as mercilessly as Israel bombed Gaza during Cast Lead. Though Harris and Churchill agree that the Germans would have been justified in stringing them both up as war criminals, had Hitler prevailed, that too is but another historical quibble for another day.

For now, all that needs to be said is that Israel’s unrelenting campaign of terror has let the genie out of the bottle, not only in Gaza but everywhere else like Egypt Palestinians and their true allies feel they can spill Israeli blood. And, in musing on that, the Herzogs and the other shysters who run the Israeli gangster regime might like to reflect that, though Peiper survived the war and America’s kangaroo court, he was eventually assassinated long afterwards, in 1976, by former French collaborators eager to avenge their country’s 1940 humiliating surrender.

Because the Palestinians have yet again shown that they can hit back at their overlords, the Israelis and the NATO gangsters who arm and fund them should reflect on their crimes to stem further bloodshed of both the “innocent” and the “guilty”. Because that is not going to happen this side of NATO’s unconditional disbandment, the killing and the ethnic cleansing will go on until Israel and the NATO Anglo American supremacists, who underwrite them, are brought to heel, if not to their senses.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 13, 2025

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 13, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.