Declan Hayes
August 26, 2023
© Photo: SCF

NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine.

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The recent statement on Haiti by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova is scary in its starkness. In speaking of “pervasive rape,” “extreme hunger” and other recurring features of modern Haitian society, she echoes UN and human rights spokespeople that only large contingents of foreign special forces troops can restore even a semblance of law and order there.

High up in the Himalayas, we have the Indians building the world’s largest and most expensive mountain tunnel so that they can rush troops to the Chinese border all the quicker. Just over the border, we have the Chinese building the world’s largest dam, which will dwarf even the Yangtze’s Three Gorges Dam. Leaving to one side the ecological fallouts from these projects, we can be sure the Yanks will bomb one or both of them at the most opportune moment to get the world’s most populous country at the throat of the world’s second most populous country. Divide and conquer, as the Caesars had it.

Israel, which seems to have carte blanche to rob, maim and murder, is barely worth a comment, except to say that their back story, that a God, most of them do not believe in, told the British and French at the end of The Great War to allow these fascists to rob this land of milk and honey from the Palestinians, its rightful owners. Though their back story is obvious nonsense, it works as they get legions of others to be fully complicit in their crimes.

Chief amongst those others is the United States, which not only must cop the primary blame for Haiti, even as it eyes up both India and China for further acts of terrorism, but which has its own bundles of self-serving lies as well, which enable it to hijack Iranian ships for their oil and to imprison Julian Assange for bringing the light of day to the tiniest fraction of their crimes, which the tides of time are now burying, along with Assange himself.

Among Assange’s primary detractors are the likes of John Bolton, who squirmed his way out of serving in Vietnam, even as he called for an escalation of America’s war crimes in Vietnam. Whereas there was, eventually, some blowback to American war crimes in Vietnam, today’s slaughterhouses of Ukraine and Syria beget no such criticisms, even though the casualties in Ukraine resemble those of the Somme, Passchendaele and Verdun, which were, until recently at least, embedded in our collective memories as tombstones of man’ inhumanity to man. It is like we are back in Victorian times, when Europe carved up Africa and when Albion’s opium lords ran history’s biggest drug cartel in China, whose ill effects did not end until long into Chairman Mao’s reign.

To make sense of all this, we must first revert not to Victorian times but to ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and, indeed, ancient Egypt where the Hebrews were tasked to make bricks without straw, theories with nothing to bind them together as modern econometricians would put it. Haiti, Israel and the Himalayas are our straw, our stylised facts we must use to bind our world view into some sort of cogent whole.

As regards the Greeks, it was Plato who first came up with the idea of the Noble Lie where the golden elite, those with the best talents, will get the others to believe in some myth or other for the greater good. As ideas go, it is not a bad one for who, after all, wants to be made live in Haiti under the Pax Americana or in Israel if one cannot fully buy into their crock of self-serving lies? Better, as the Hindus say, to first appease the angry gods before praying to the more benevolent ones.

Although Plato is undoubtedly a giant of Western philosophy, the problem is that ideas like his get hijacked by venal minds in high places and none more venal or held in higher regard than Rome’s Caesars, from whose etymological roots the Russians got their Tsars and the Germans their Kaisers.

Although the most pertinent shocks to those Noble Lies were the French and Russian Revolutions, both of those events were packed to the brim with their own ignoble liars, dilettantes like Rousseau, Voltaire and Diderot who even got to name their own age, the Age of Enlightenment, after their own ill-founded narcissism.

Although Voltaire wrote like an angel, he never said anything of consequence and Rousseau’s feet of clay are best portrayed in Leon Feuchtwanger’s Death and Transfiguration of Jean Jacques Rousseau, where Louis XV1’s toadies try to adjust themselves to the new circumstances where the King is gone and the half-baked ideas of Rousseau, “the Master”, are suddenly all the rage.

France fell not because of the ideas of those simpletons but because France bankrupted itself winning freedom for George Washington and his fellow slave traders, who went on to write a pile of self-serving garbage we now know as the American Constitution. Cincinnati, for example, is named after a secretive bunch of auxiliaries who were camp followers of the French and who named their club after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a dictator in the early Roman Republic who supposedly saved Rome from a crisis, and then retired, like one of Washington’s narcissistic sycophants, to farming because he did not want to remain in power. We poor plebs are supposed to believe that the Yanks and their Israeli psychopaths are just benevolent cut throats like Cincinnatus, reluctant psychopaths, who would never dare tell a lie but would much better prefer to be writing self-serving constitutions than to be what they are, the reincarnation of Schindler List’s Commandant Amon Goeth.

Let’s recap. NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine. Then we have the emerging powers of India and China squaring up for a nuclear showdown over scarce water resources in the Himalayas and NATO, with its ecological Trojan Horses, hell bent on causing mayhem there.

The only silver lining in these dark and menacing clouds is that because the Russian Armed Forces are holding the line in Ukraine, they and their allies might make the West see sense. And though the Russian Armed Forces, like Zakharova herself, have performed admirably, it seems at one level they are merely punching air.

That is because, since Plato’s time, the West has constructed a spider’s web of re-enforced lies that are immune to being critiqued. Forget the Minsk Accord and Nordstream, which was such a devilishly fiendish crime that Sherlock Holmes, never mind NATO, could never unravel who did it, or why Germany let the obvious culprits get away with it. Think instead of Jeffrey Epstein and those, like POTUS Clinton, who are implicated in his unspeakable crimes as well as the no less horrendous ones of Haiti.

Now consider Peter Mandelson, who is directly implicated in NATO’s Iraqi and Libyan war crimes and his particularly close relationships with the enigmatic Epstein, who had obviously top-tier CIA, MI6 and Mossad clearance. Now listen to former British MP George Galloway from 3:43 onwards in this video where he insinuates that Peter Wilby, the former editor of the New Statesman and the Independent on Sunday newspaper, who was recently convicted of the most heinous sexual crimes against children, owes his career, as gatekeeper of Britain’s left-wing, to the fact that he was once “the live-in lover, boyfriend, of a then little known man called Peter Mandelson, now Lord Mandelson, bosom buddy of the late Jeffrey Epstein”. Then consider child sex predator Greville Janner, Baron Janner, as he became, whose victims included Jewish children who survived Hitler’s Amon Goeths. Then wonder if any silver lining can reside in such black hearts.

My own reading, for what it is worth, is that these frauds will continue with their crimes in Haiti, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine until they are stopped. They are so enmeshed in their ignoble lies that they cannot extricate themselves from them without the severest loss of face and all that entails. They have their networks, their lie factories that extend out from Epstein’s bosses through the likes of Janner, Mandelson, Blair and Wilby into every corridor of NATO power and they have no intention of stopping until superior armies make them stop.

The only hope there can be is that the Russian Armed Forces stop their gallop in Ukraine, that the Iranians and allied powers somehow teach them that hijacking ships has consequences and that India and China see sense before NATO’s Nordstream crews cause the Himalayas to come tumbling down upon them. As for Haiti and similar places, I see no hope until there is some kind of deliverance, until the monster that is NATO is defanged and is no more.

We have, for example, in the United States, a looming Presidential election where Donald Trump, the favourite, faces jail, where Joe Biden, the incumbent, should be in jail with his entire family and where Bobby Kennedy, the “great white hope”, must deny the multiple and ongoing war crimes of the predatory Israeli state. Whatever hope there is on the horizon cannot come from those quarters.

And so, as the latest army of Ukrainian conscripts march to their doom, and as the children of Haiti endure horrors we must not even imagine, we must conserve our tears for the deluge that must soon descend on us as a consequence of NATO founding our Pax Americana on a bedrock of unsustainable lies. Even if NATO does a Nordstream on the mega billion dollar projects of India and China in the Himalayas, the sheer scale of those projects is off our charts, as is the difference in standards between Chinese and British students of mathematics or, for that matter, Chinese hand torn steel and Western steel.

Although China’s bosses may not be up to speed on the intricacies of Greek philosophy., they have a bulky file on American violations of international trade law, whether by “undermining the multilateral trading rules, imposing unilateral sanctions, manipulating double standards in industrial policies, and disturbing global industrial and supply chains” or “taking unilateral measures against other members under the guise of so-called ‘national security,’ ‘human rights’ and ‘forced technology transfer’” and “coercing others into abiding by its diplomatic policies and illegitimate demands”.

Although the Americans can hijack Iranian ships to their heart’s content and demand that Iran spends its money in accordance with how the Americans decide it should be spent, China is proving a tougher nut and, though Russia has set the pace to date with resisting NATO, China is sure to emerge from its slumber before long and put paid to American machinations not only in the Himalayas but, hopefully in Haiti and Palestine as well.

No matter who told us of the head start lies have over the unvarnished truth, it is time we buried the concept of Plato’s noble lie for there is nothing wholesome or honourable in a lie or those, like Blair or Wilby, who are paid to tell them, just as there is nothing wholesome or honourable in the nightmare the United States is making the people of Haiti, along with so many others, suffer through. And, though this short article will be of little immediate consolation to the Haitians, if it and other articles and voices like it help people move, however imperceptibly, away from NATO and its ignoble lies which underwrite its ignoble crimes and towards the truths espoused by Julian Assange and NATO’s other living martyrs, then it will have served its purpose.

NATO’s Noble Liars on Israel, Pervasive Rape in Haiti & Mexican Stand-offs in the Himalayas

NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine.

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The recent statement on Haiti by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova is scary in its starkness. In speaking of “pervasive rape,” “extreme hunger” and other recurring features of modern Haitian society, she echoes UN and human rights spokespeople that only large contingents of foreign special forces troops can restore even a semblance of law and order there.

High up in the Himalayas, we have the Indians building the world’s largest and most expensive mountain tunnel so that they can rush troops to the Chinese border all the quicker. Just over the border, we have the Chinese building the world’s largest dam, which will dwarf even the Yangtze’s Three Gorges Dam. Leaving to one side the ecological fallouts from these projects, we can be sure the Yanks will bomb one or both of them at the most opportune moment to get the world’s most populous country at the throat of the world’s second most populous country. Divide and conquer, as the Caesars had it.

Israel, which seems to have carte blanche to rob, maim and murder, is barely worth a comment, except to say that their back story, that a God, most of them do not believe in, told the British and French at the end of The Great War to allow these fascists to rob this land of milk and honey from the Palestinians, its rightful owners. Though their back story is obvious nonsense, it works as they get legions of others to be fully complicit in their crimes.

Chief amongst those others is the United States, which not only must cop the primary blame for Haiti, even as it eyes up both India and China for further acts of terrorism, but which has its own bundles of self-serving lies as well, which enable it to hijack Iranian ships for their oil and to imprison Julian Assange for bringing the light of day to the tiniest fraction of their crimes, which the tides of time are now burying, along with Assange himself.

Among Assange’s primary detractors are the likes of John Bolton, who squirmed his way out of serving in Vietnam, even as he called for an escalation of America’s war crimes in Vietnam. Whereas there was, eventually, some blowback to American war crimes in Vietnam, today’s slaughterhouses of Ukraine and Syria beget no such criticisms, even though the casualties in Ukraine resemble those of the Somme, Passchendaele and Verdun, which were, until recently at least, embedded in our collective memories as tombstones of man’ inhumanity to man. It is like we are back in Victorian times, when Europe carved up Africa and when Albion’s opium lords ran history’s biggest drug cartel in China, whose ill effects did not end until long into Chairman Mao’s reign.

To make sense of all this, we must first revert not to Victorian times but to ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and, indeed, ancient Egypt where the Hebrews were tasked to make bricks without straw, theories with nothing to bind them together as modern econometricians would put it. Haiti, Israel and the Himalayas are our straw, our stylised facts we must use to bind our world view into some sort of cogent whole.

As regards the Greeks, it was Plato who first came up with the idea of the Noble Lie where the golden elite, those with the best talents, will get the others to believe in some myth or other for the greater good. As ideas go, it is not a bad one for who, after all, wants to be made live in Haiti under the Pax Americana or in Israel if one cannot fully buy into their crock of self-serving lies? Better, as the Hindus say, to first appease the angry gods before praying to the more benevolent ones.

Although Plato is undoubtedly a giant of Western philosophy, the problem is that ideas like his get hijacked by venal minds in high places and none more venal or held in higher regard than Rome’s Caesars, from whose etymological roots the Russians got their Tsars and the Germans their Kaisers.

Although the most pertinent shocks to those Noble Lies were the French and Russian Revolutions, both of those events were packed to the brim with their own ignoble liars, dilettantes like Rousseau, Voltaire and Diderot who even got to name their own age, the Age of Enlightenment, after their own ill-founded narcissism.

Although Voltaire wrote like an angel, he never said anything of consequence and Rousseau’s feet of clay are best portrayed in Leon Feuchtwanger’s Death and Transfiguration of Jean Jacques Rousseau, where Louis XV1’s toadies try to adjust themselves to the new circumstances where the King is gone and the half-baked ideas of Rousseau, “the Master”, are suddenly all the rage.

France fell not because of the ideas of those simpletons but because France bankrupted itself winning freedom for George Washington and his fellow slave traders, who went on to write a pile of self-serving garbage we now know as the American Constitution. Cincinnati, for example, is named after a secretive bunch of auxiliaries who were camp followers of the French and who named their club after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a dictator in the early Roman Republic who supposedly saved Rome from a crisis, and then retired, like one of Washington’s narcissistic sycophants, to farming because he did not want to remain in power. We poor plebs are supposed to believe that the Yanks and their Israeli psychopaths are just benevolent cut throats like Cincinnatus, reluctant psychopaths, who would never dare tell a lie but would much better prefer to be writing self-serving constitutions than to be what they are, the reincarnation of Schindler List’s Commandant Amon Goeth.

Let’s recap. NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine. Then we have the emerging powers of India and China squaring up for a nuclear showdown over scarce water resources in the Himalayas and NATO, with its ecological Trojan Horses, hell bent on causing mayhem there.

The only silver lining in these dark and menacing clouds is that because the Russian Armed Forces are holding the line in Ukraine, they and their allies might make the West see sense. And though the Russian Armed Forces, like Zakharova herself, have performed admirably, it seems at one level they are merely punching air.

That is because, since Plato’s time, the West has constructed a spider’s web of re-enforced lies that are immune to being critiqued. Forget the Minsk Accord and Nordstream, which was such a devilishly fiendish crime that Sherlock Holmes, never mind NATO, could never unravel who did it, or why Germany let the obvious culprits get away with it. Think instead of Jeffrey Epstein and those, like POTUS Clinton, who are implicated in his unspeakable crimes as well as the no less horrendous ones of Haiti.

Now consider Peter Mandelson, who is directly implicated in NATO’s Iraqi and Libyan war crimes and his particularly close relationships with the enigmatic Epstein, who had obviously top-tier CIA, MI6 and Mossad clearance. Now listen to former British MP George Galloway from 3:43 onwards in this video where he insinuates that Peter Wilby, the former editor of the New Statesman and the Independent on Sunday newspaper, who was recently convicted of the most heinous sexual crimes against children, owes his career, as gatekeeper of Britain’s left-wing, to the fact that he was once “the live-in lover, boyfriend, of a then little known man called Peter Mandelson, now Lord Mandelson, bosom buddy of the late Jeffrey Epstein”. Then consider child sex predator Greville Janner, Baron Janner, as he became, whose victims included Jewish children who survived Hitler’s Amon Goeths. Then wonder if any silver lining can reside in such black hearts.

My own reading, for what it is worth, is that these frauds will continue with their crimes in Haiti, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine until they are stopped. They are so enmeshed in their ignoble lies that they cannot extricate themselves from them without the severest loss of face and all that entails. They have their networks, their lie factories that extend out from Epstein’s bosses through the likes of Janner, Mandelson, Blair and Wilby into every corridor of NATO power and they have no intention of stopping until superior armies make them stop.

The only hope there can be is that the Russian Armed Forces stop their gallop in Ukraine, that the Iranians and allied powers somehow teach them that hijacking ships has consequences and that India and China see sense before NATO’s Nordstream crews cause the Himalayas to come tumbling down upon them. As for Haiti and similar places, I see no hope until there is some kind of deliverance, until the monster that is NATO is defanged and is no more.

We have, for example, in the United States, a looming Presidential election where Donald Trump, the favourite, faces jail, where Joe Biden, the incumbent, should be in jail with his entire family and where Bobby Kennedy, the “great white hope”, must deny the multiple and ongoing war crimes of the predatory Israeli state. Whatever hope there is on the horizon cannot come from those quarters.

And so, as the latest army of Ukrainian conscripts march to their doom, and as the children of Haiti endure horrors we must not even imagine, we must conserve our tears for the deluge that must soon descend on us as a consequence of NATO founding our Pax Americana on a bedrock of unsustainable lies. Even if NATO does a Nordstream on the mega billion dollar projects of India and China in the Himalayas, the sheer scale of those projects is off our charts, as is the difference in standards between Chinese and British students of mathematics or, for that matter, Chinese hand torn steel and Western steel.

Although China’s bosses may not be up to speed on the intricacies of Greek philosophy., they have a bulky file on American violations of international trade law, whether by “undermining the multilateral trading rules, imposing unilateral sanctions, manipulating double standards in industrial policies, and disturbing global industrial and supply chains” or “taking unilateral measures against other members under the guise of so-called ‘national security,’ ‘human rights’ and ‘forced technology transfer’” and “coercing others into abiding by its diplomatic policies and illegitimate demands”.

Although the Americans can hijack Iranian ships to their heart’s content and demand that Iran spends its money in accordance with how the Americans decide it should be spent, China is proving a tougher nut and, though Russia has set the pace to date with resisting NATO, China is sure to emerge from its slumber before long and put paid to American machinations not only in the Himalayas but, hopefully in Haiti and Palestine as well.

No matter who told us of the head start lies have over the unvarnished truth, it is time we buried the concept of Plato’s noble lie for there is nothing wholesome or honourable in a lie or those, like Blair or Wilby, who are paid to tell them, just as there is nothing wholesome or honourable in the nightmare the United States is making the people of Haiti, along with so many others, suffer through. And, though this short article will be of little immediate consolation to the Haitians, if it and other articles and voices like it help people move, however imperceptibly, away from NATO and its ignoble lies which underwrite its ignoble crimes and towards the truths espoused by Julian Assange and NATO’s other living martyrs, then it will have served its purpose.

NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine.

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitterand VK.

The recent statement on Haiti by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova is scary in its starkness. In speaking of “pervasive rape,” “extreme hunger” and other recurring features of modern Haitian society, she echoes UN and human rights spokespeople that only large contingents of foreign special forces troops can restore even a semblance of law and order there.

High up in the Himalayas, we have the Indians building the world’s largest and most expensive mountain tunnel so that they can rush troops to the Chinese border all the quicker. Just over the border, we have the Chinese building the world’s largest dam, which will dwarf even the Yangtze’s Three Gorges Dam. Leaving to one side the ecological fallouts from these projects, we can be sure the Yanks will bomb one or both of them at the most opportune moment to get the world’s most populous country at the throat of the world’s second most populous country. Divide and conquer, as the Caesars had it.

Israel, which seems to have carte blanche to rob, maim and murder, is barely worth a comment, except to say that their back story, that a God, most of them do not believe in, told the British and French at the end of The Great War to allow these fascists to rob this land of milk and honey from the Palestinians, its rightful owners. Though their back story is obvious nonsense, it works as they get legions of others to be fully complicit in their crimes.

Chief amongst those others is the United States, which not only must cop the primary blame for Haiti, even as it eyes up both India and China for further acts of terrorism, but which has its own bundles of self-serving lies as well, which enable it to hijack Iranian ships for their oil and to imprison Julian Assange for bringing the light of day to the tiniest fraction of their crimes, which the tides of time are now burying, along with Assange himself.

Among Assange’s primary detractors are the likes of John Bolton, who squirmed his way out of serving in Vietnam, even as he called for an escalation of America’s war crimes in Vietnam. Whereas there was, eventually, some blowback to American war crimes in Vietnam, today’s slaughterhouses of Ukraine and Syria beget no such criticisms, even though the casualties in Ukraine resemble those of the Somme, Passchendaele and Verdun, which were, until recently at least, embedded in our collective memories as tombstones of man’ inhumanity to man. It is like we are back in Victorian times, when Europe carved up Africa and when Albion’s opium lords ran history’s biggest drug cartel in China, whose ill effects did not end until long into Chairman Mao’s reign.

To make sense of all this, we must first revert not to Victorian times but to ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and, indeed, ancient Egypt where the Hebrews were tasked to make bricks without straw, theories with nothing to bind them together as modern econometricians would put it. Haiti, Israel and the Himalayas are our straw, our stylised facts we must use to bind our world view into some sort of cogent whole.

As regards the Greeks, it was Plato who first came up with the idea of the Noble Lie where the golden elite, those with the best talents, will get the others to believe in some myth or other for the greater good. As ideas go, it is not a bad one for who, after all, wants to be made live in Haiti under the Pax Americana or in Israel if one cannot fully buy into their crock of self-serving lies? Better, as the Hindus say, to first appease the angry gods before praying to the more benevolent ones.

Although Plato is undoubtedly a giant of Western philosophy, the problem is that ideas like his get hijacked by venal minds in high places and none more venal or held in higher regard than Rome’s Caesars, from whose etymological roots the Russians got their Tsars and the Germans their Kaisers.

Although the most pertinent shocks to those Noble Lies were the French and Russian Revolutions, both of those events were packed to the brim with their own ignoble liars, dilettantes like Rousseau, Voltaire and Diderot who even got to name their own age, the Age of Enlightenment, after their own ill-founded narcissism.

Although Voltaire wrote like an angel, he never said anything of consequence and Rousseau’s feet of clay are best portrayed in Leon Feuchtwanger’s Death and Transfiguration of Jean Jacques Rousseau, where Louis XV1’s toadies try to adjust themselves to the new circumstances where the King is gone and the half-baked ideas of Rousseau, “the Master”, are suddenly all the rage.

France fell not because of the ideas of those simpletons but because France bankrupted itself winning freedom for George Washington and his fellow slave traders, who went on to write a pile of self-serving garbage we now know as the American Constitution. Cincinnati, for example, is named after a secretive bunch of auxiliaries who were camp followers of the French and who named their club after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a dictator in the early Roman Republic who supposedly saved Rome from a crisis, and then retired, like one of Washington’s narcissistic sycophants, to farming because he did not want to remain in power. We poor plebs are supposed to believe that the Yanks and their Israeli psychopaths are just benevolent cut throats like Cincinnatus, reluctant psychopaths, who would never dare tell a lie but would much better prefer to be writing self-serving constitutions than to be what they are, the reincarnation of Schindler List’s Commandant Amon Goeth.

Let’s recap. NATO’s noble lies are contradicted by the facts on the ground, by Haiti, Palestine, Syria and the terrible carnage for absolutely nothing in Ukraine. Then we have the emerging powers of India and China squaring up for a nuclear showdown over scarce water resources in the Himalayas and NATO, with its ecological Trojan Horses, hell bent on causing mayhem there.

The only silver lining in these dark and menacing clouds is that because the Russian Armed Forces are holding the line in Ukraine, they and their allies might make the West see sense. And though the Russian Armed Forces, like Zakharova herself, have performed admirably, it seems at one level they are merely punching air.

That is because, since Plato’s time, the West has constructed a spider’s web of re-enforced lies that are immune to being critiqued. Forget the Minsk Accord and Nordstream, which was such a devilishly fiendish crime that Sherlock Holmes, never mind NATO, could never unravel who did it, or why Germany let the obvious culprits get away with it. Think instead of Jeffrey Epstein and those, like POTUS Clinton, who are implicated in his unspeakable crimes as well as the no less horrendous ones of Haiti.

Now consider Peter Mandelson, who is directly implicated in NATO’s Iraqi and Libyan war crimes and his particularly close relationships with the enigmatic Epstein, who had obviously top-tier CIA, MI6 and Mossad clearance. Now listen to former British MP George Galloway from 3:43 onwards in this video where he insinuates that Peter Wilby, the former editor of the New Statesman and the Independent on Sunday newspaper, who was recently convicted of the most heinous sexual crimes against children, owes his career, as gatekeeper of Britain’s left-wing, to the fact that he was once “the live-in lover, boyfriend, of a then little known man called Peter Mandelson, now Lord Mandelson, bosom buddy of the late Jeffrey Epstein”. Then consider child sex predator Greville Janner, Baron Janner, as he became, whose victims included Jewish children who survived Hitler’s Amon Goeths. Then wonder if any silver lining can reside in such black hearts.

My own reading, for what it is worth, is that these frauds will continue with their crimes in Haiti, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine until they are stopped. They are so enmeshed in their ignoble lies that they cannot extricate themselves from them without the severest loss of face and all that entails. They have their networks, their lie factories that extend out from Epstein’s bosses through the likes of Janner, Mandelson, Blair and Wilby into every corridor of NATO power and they have no intention of stopping until superior armies make them stop.

The only hope there can be is that the Russian Armed Forces stop their gallop in Ukraine, that the Iranians and allied powers somehow teach them that hijacking ships has consequences and that India and China see sense before NATO’s Nordstream crews cause the Himalayas to come tumbling down upon them. As for Haiti and similar places, I see no hope until there is some kind of deliverance, until the monster that is NATO is defanged and is no more.

We have, for example, in the United States, a looming Presidential election where Donald Trump, the favourite, faces jail, where Joe Biden, the incumbent, should be in jail with his entire family and where Bobby Kennedy, the “great white hope”, must deny the multiple and ongoing war crimes of the predatory Israeli state. Whatever hope there is on the horizon cannot come from those quarters.

And so, as the latest army of Ukrainian conscripts march to their doom, and as the children of Haiti endure horrors we must not even imagine, we must conserve our tears for the deluge that must soon descend on us as a consequence of NATO founding our Pax Americana on a bedrock of unsustainable lies. Even if NATO does a Nordstream on the mega billion dollar projects of India and China in the Himalayas, the sheer scale of those projects is off our charts, as is the difference in standards between Chinese and British students of mathematics or, for that matter, Chinese hand torn steel and Western steel.

Although China’s bosses may not be up to speed on the intricacies of Greek philosophy., they have a bulky file on American violations of international trade law, whether by “undermining the multilateral trading rules, imposing unilateral sanctions, manipulating double standards in industrial policies, and disturbing global industrial and supply chains” or “taking unilateral measures against other members under the guise of so-called ‘national security,’ ‘human rights’ and ‘forced technology transfer’” and “coercing others into abiding by its diplomatic policies and illegitimate demands”.

Although the Americans can hijack Iranian ships to their heart’s content and demand that Iran spends its money in accordance with how the Americans decide it should be spent, China is proving a tougher nut and, though Russia has set the pace to date with resisting NATO, China is sure to emerge from its slumber before long and put paid to American machinations not only in the Himalayas but, hopefully in Haiti and Palestine as well.

No matter who told us of the head start lies have over the unvarnished truth, it is time we buried the concept of Plato’s noble lie for there is nothing wholesome or honourable in a lie or those, like Blair or Wilby, who are paid to tell them, just as there is nothing wholesome or honourable in the nightmare the United States is making the people of Haiti, along with so many others, suffer through. And, though this short article will be of little immediate consolation to the Haitians, if it and other articles and voices like it help people move, however imperceptibly, away from NATO and its ignoble lies which underwrite its ignoble crimes and towards the truths espoused by Julian Assange and NATO’s other living martyrs, then it will have served its purpose.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 9, 2025

See also

March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.