Martin Jay
February 15, 2023
© Photo: REUTERS/Sputnik

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in treachery to the German people, Martin Jay writes.

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in not only an act of international terrorism, but also treachery on a grand scale to the German people who have been led to war in Ukraine under entirely false pretenses.  

The entire Seymour Hersh scandal produces more questions than answers as this legend in the newsroom who has been upsetting the western elites since the mid-sixties has really rocked the boat this time with this latest exposes of how the US destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines.

But one question raises its ugly head and refuses to go away.

If we are to assume that Germany’s cavernous chancellor was aware of Biden’s intentions as early as January 2022, when Scholz was in the White House, what does that say about Germany’s role or indeed that of the entire EU? Are these two power houses now both slaves to a new world order which expects Europe to acquiesce to its demands, no matter how extreme they may be in the name of serving Uncle Sam?

Biden was planning all along for his navy to plant bombs on the pipelines which would immediately destroy Germany’s economy which was having a boom on cheap gas; he also knew that it would be much easier to draw Germany into a war with Ukraine once the country no longer had a dependency on Russian gas; and he also believed, wrongly, that the operation would shake the Russian economy to its core.

Two out of three guess right, isn’t bad for a half-wit like Biden who remarkably isn’t, it would seem, as dumb as he looks. But if we are to assume that this international act of terrorism wasn’t part of a plan which Scholz was informed about beforehand, then what should the EU and Berlin now do to respond to it?

The answer perhaps is already there in the German press which has decided to place Hersh’s article buried in the high brow foreign pages attributing it to “Russian allegations”. It’s a similar story with the Norwegian press (as Norway played a considerable role in the operation and is exploiting the situation to its own gains with gas sales) which dismisses it as “nonsense”, following the pattern set out by western media who have invested too much now in the hilarious fake news ruse that Russia was behind it all along. Even Reuters cannot resist to put the boot into Hersh, referring to his epic work of investigative journalism as a “blog”.

Scholz might have been told in the White House about the scheme. He may well have not liked what he heard, but what was he going to do? Three weeks later the war started and Germany was very quick to respond with its neutral position and the news that it only intended to send military helmets to the Ukrainian army as support, which erupted with a baptism of mockery around Europe as Germany’s new leader hesitated, spluttered and gasped on the world stage. What a sorry excuse for a leader. A sort of male German version of Theresa May with the competence and agility of Liz Truss.

If Scholz did know what was coming in the summer, in June when NATO carried out its military manoeuvres, then this might explain why he opted to go in the opposite direction from his initial position and throw the switch completely on Germany’s rearmament. But if he did know that Biden was planning the pipeline attack, then he must have also realised that the US president was luring Putin into a trap in letting the war take place in the first place, when there was a very simple option to stop it simply by agreeing to “look at” the notion of Ukraine not becoming a NATO member. That’s all it would have taken.

But Biden was determined to let the war start and then chose the right moment to blow up the pipelines and cash in a massive pay day – a triple whammie which is really the heart of what the war is really about: making Germany and the EU more servile to Washington’s geopolitical objectives, cashing in on US gas deals (sold at four times the Russian rate) and giving a huge boost to the US military industrial complex all in one shot.

Germany’s role is unprecedented in all this. If Scholz knew the bigger picture, then he has acted as a traitor to his own countrymen who are now paying a huge price in how subservient Germany has become to the US, even down to many companies relocating to America simply to survive.

This single act of Biden’s though, which can be believed by many humble Americans as being patriotic as it created jobs and helped US businesses – is even more worrying on an EU level. Yes, the EU project is young and inexperienced, but if the truth behind the cardboard facades in the institutions in Brussels is that “America calls the shots, EU follows” then the EU project is doomed even before Josep Borrell’s garden has had a chance to blossom. The Americans have got the garden they want in Europe, the gardener to perform his tasks to their orders and now the ultimate confirmation that there is no limit to what the strongest EU country will do for them to cling on to the dying tentacles of a dream where Washington was the sole super power in the unipolar world.

Nostalgia plays a huge role in this relationship which cannot be described as master and concubine, but more like King Kong and pathetic blond shrieking doll. No wonder Scholz and von der Leyen are looking more and more dazed and confused these days. They are wondering how long this secret can remain intact. Is that why the EU just announced even more sanctions against Russia Today, or rather its employees? An act so extraordinarily desperate that it leaves you wondering if these EU apparatchiks have any sense of how the public sees them, as the latest fad feels like armed robbers getting away with a hundred million dollar bank heist only to return to the bank the next day to picks up a handful of five dollar bills which got left on the car park floor in the commotion. Desperation. Scholz particularly looks distressed like a man tortured. What will he tell his grand children when the truth comes out Germany is a sex slave to Washington’s gimp in chief and it will be generations of Germans who will have to pay for that repugnant relationship?

Did Scholz Know All Along About the Biden Plan to Bomb Nord Stream?

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in treachery to the German people, Martin Jay writes.

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in not only an act of international terrorism, but also treachery on a grand scale to the German people who have been led to war in Ukraine under entirely false pretenses.  

The entire Seymour Hersh scandal produces more questions than answers as this legend in the newsroom who has been upsetting the western elites since the mid-sixties has really rocked the boat this time with this latest exposes of how the US destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines.

But one question raises its ugly head and refuses to go away.

If we are to assume that Germany’s cavernous chancellor was aware of Biden’s intentions as early as January 2022, when Scholz was in the White House, what does that say about Germany’s role or indeed that of the entire EU? Are these two power houses now both slaves to a new world order which expects Europe to acquiesce to its demands, no matter how extreme they may be in the name of serving Uncle Sam?

Biden was planning all along for his navy to plant bombs on the pipelines which would immediately destroy Germany’s economy which was having a boom on cheap gas; he also knew that it would be much easier to draw Germany into a war with Ukraine once the country no longer had a dependency on Russian gas; and he also believed, wrongly, that the operation would shake the Russian economy to its core.

Two out of three guess right, isn’t bad for a half-wit like Biden who remarkably isn’t, it would seem, as dumb as he looks. But if we are to assume that this international act of terrorism wasn’t part of a plan which Scholz was informed about beforehand, then what should the EU and Berlin now do to respond to it?

The answer perhaps is already there in the German press which has decided to place Hersh’s article buried in the high brow foreign pages attributing it to “Russian allegations”. It’s a similar story with the Norwegian press (as Norway played a considerable role in the operation and is exploiting the situation to its own gains with gas sales) which dismisses it as “nonsense”, following the pattern set out by western media who have invested too much now in the hilarious fake news ruse that Russia was behind it all along. Even Reuters cannot resist to put the boot into Hersh, referring to his epic work of investigative journalism as a “blog”.

Scholz might have been told in the White House about the scheme. He may well have not liked what he heard, but what was he going to do? Three weeks later the war started and Germany was very quick to respond with its neutral position and the news that it only intended to send military helmets to the Ukrainian army as support, which erupted with a baptism of mockery around Europe as Germany’s new leader hesitated, spluttered and gasped on the world stage. What a sorry excuse for a leader. A sort of male German version of Theresa May with the competence and agility of Liz Truss.

If Scholz did know what was coming in the summer, in June when NATO carried out its military manoeuvres, then this might explain why he opted to go in the opposite direction from his initial position and throw the switch completely on Germany’s rearmament. But if he did know that Biden was planning the pipeline attack, then he must have also realised that the US president was luring Putin into a trap in letting the war take place in the first place, when there was a very simple option to stop it simply by agreeing to “look at” the notion of Ukraine not becoming a NATO member. That’s all it would have taken.

But Biden was determined to let the war start and then chose the right moment to blow up the pipelines and cash in a massive pay day – a triple whammie which is really the heart of what the war is really about: making Germany and the EU more servile to Washington’s geopolitical objectives, cashing in on US gas deals (sold at four times the Russian rate) and giving a huge boost to the US military industrial complex all in one shot.

Germany’s role is unprecedented in all this. If Scholz knew the bigger picture, then he has acted as a traitor to his own countrymen who are now paying a huge price in how subservient Germany has become to the US, even down to many companies relocating to America simply to survive.

This single act of Biden’s though, which can be believed by many humble Americans as being patriotic as it created jobs and helped US businesses – is even more worrying on an EU level. Yes, the EU project is young and inexperienced, but if the truth behind the cardboard facades in the institutions in Brussels is that “America calls the shots, EU follows” then the EU project is doomed even before Josep Borrell’s garden has had a chance to blossom. The Americans have got the garden they want in Europe, the gardener to perform his tasks to their orders and now the ultimate confirmation that there is no limit to what the strongest EU country will do for them to cling on to the dying tentacles of a dream where Washington was the sole super power in the unipolar world.

Nostalgia plays a huge role in this relationship which cannot be described as master and concubine, but more like King Kong and pathetic blond shrieking doll. No wonder Scholz and von der Leyen are looking more and more dazed and confused these days. They are wondering how long this secret can remain intact. Is that why the EU just announced even more sanctions against Russia Today, or rather its employees? An act so extraordinarily desperate that it leaves you wondering if these EU apparatchiks have any sense of how the public sees them, as the latest fad feels like armed robbers getting away with a hundred million dollar bank heist only to return to the bank the next day to picks up a handful of five dollar bills which got left on the car park floor in the commotion. Desperation. Scholz particularly looks distressed like a man tortured. What will he tell his grand children when the truth comes out Germany is a sex slave to Washington’s gimp in chief and it will be generations of Germans who will have to pay for that repugnant relationship?

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in treachery to the German people, Martin Jay writes.

If the German leader knew all along about Biden’s bombing plot, then he is complicit in not only an act of international terrorism, but also treachery on a grand scale to the German people who have been led to war in Ukraine under entirely false pretenses.  

The entire Seymour Hersh scandal produces more questions than answers as this legend in the newsroom who has been upsetting the western elites since the mid-sixties has really rocked the boat this time with this latest exposes of how the US destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines.

But one question raises its ugly head and refuses to go away.

If we are to assume that Germany’s cavernous chancellor was aware of Biden’s intentions as early as January 2022, when Scholz was in the White House, what does that say about Germany’s role or indeed that of the entire EU? Are these two power houses now both slaves to a new world order which expects Europe to acquiesce to its demands, no matter how extreme they may be in the name of serving Uncle Sam?

Biden was planning all along for his navy to plant bombs on the pipelines which would immediately destroy Germany’s economy which was having a boom on cheap gas; he also knew that it would be much easier to draw Germany into a war with Ukraine once the country no longer had a dependency on Russian gas; and he also believed, wrongly, that the operation would shake the Russian economy to its core.

Two out of three guess right, isn’t bad for a half-wit like Biden who remarkably isn’t, it would seem, as dumb as he looks. But if we are to assume that this international act of terrorism wasn’t part of a plan which Scholz was informed about beforehand, then what should the EU and Berlin now do to respond to it?

The answer perhaps is already there in the German press which has decided to place Hersh’s article buried in the high brow foreign pages attributing it to “Russian allegations”. It’s a similar story with the Norwegian press (as Norway played a considerable role in the operation and is exploiting the situation to its own gains with gas sales) which dismisses it as “nonsense”, following the pattern set out by western media who have invested too much now in the hilarious fake news ruse that Russia was behind it all along. Even Reuters cannot resist to put the boot into Hersh, referring to his epic work of investigative journalism as a “blog”.

Scholz might have been told in the White House about the scheme. He may well have not liked what he heard, but what was he going to do? Three weeks later the war started and Germany was very quick to respond with its neutral position and the news that it only intended to send military helmets to the Ukrainian army as support, which erupted with a baptism of mockery around Europe as Germany’s new leader hesitated, spluttered and gasped on the world stage. What a sorry excuse for a leader. A sort of male German version of Theresa May with the competence and agility of Liz Truss.

If Scholz did know what was coming in the summer, in June when NATO carried out its military manoeuvres, then this might explain why he opted to go in the opposite direction from his initial position and throw the switch completely on Germany’s rearmament. But if he did know that Biden was planning the pipeline attack, then he must have also realised that the US president was luring Putin into a trap in letting the war take place in the first place, when there was a very simple option to stop it simply by agreeing to “look at” the notion of Ukraine not becoming a NATO member. That’s all it would have taken.

But Biden was determined to let the war start and then chose the right moment to blow up the pipelines and cash in a massive pay day – a triple whammie which is really the heart of what the war is really about: making Germany and the EU more servile to Washington’s geopolitical objectives, cashing in on US gas deals (sold at four times the Russian rate) and giving a huge boost to the US military industrial complex all in one shot.

Germany’s role is unprecedented in all this. If Scholz knew the bigger picture, then he has acted as a traitor to his own countrymen who are now paying a huge price in how subservient Germany has become to the US, even down to many companies relocating to America simply to survive.

This single act of Biden’s though, which can be believed by many humble Americans as being patriotic as it created jobs and helped US businesses – is even more worrying on an EU level. Yes, the EU project is young and inexperienced, but if the truth behind the cardboard facades in the institutions in Brussels is that “America calls the shots, EU follows” then the EU project is doomed even before Josep Borrell’s garden has had a chance to blossom. The Americans have got the garden they want in Europe, the gardener to perform his tasks to their orders and now the ultimate confirmation that there is no limit to what the strongest EU country will do for them to cling on to the dying tentacles of a dream where Washington was the sole super power in the unipolar world.

Nostalgia plays a huge role in this relationship which cannot be described as master and concubine, but more like King Kong and pathetic blond shrieking doll. No wonder Scholz and von der Leyen are looking more and more dazed and confused these days. They are wondering how long this secret can remain intact. Is that why the EU just announced even more sanctions against Russia Today, or rather its employees? An act so extraordinarily desperate that it leaves you wondering if these EU apparatchiks have any sense of how the public sees them, as the latest fad feels like armed robbers getting away with a hundred million dollar bank heist only to return to the bank the next day to picks up a handful of five dollar bills which got left on the car park floor in the commotion. Desperation. Scholz particularly looks distressed like a man tortured. What will he tell his grand children when the truth comes out Germany is a sex slave to Washington’s gimp in chief and it will be generations of Germans who will have to pay for that repugnant relationship?

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024
September 30, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
September 30, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.