Tag: Nord Stream

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Columbo, Crime and Punishment, NordStream & Putin’s book shelf
Columbo, Crime and Punishment, NordStream & Putin’s book shelf
May 12, 2024

Germany, which had its economy destroyed by this terrorist act, does not seem at all anxious to even investigate the matter, Declan Hayes writes.

UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were ‘government’ backed
April 23, 2024

The legal team representing high-powered insurers Lloyd’s and Arch says that since the Nord Stream explosions were “more likely than not to have been inflicted by… a government,” they have no responsibility to pay for damages to the pipelines. To succeed with that defense, the companies will presumably be compelled to prove, in court, who carried out those attacks. 

UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were ‘government’ backed
Editor's Сhoice
Sweden Closing Nordsteam Investigation a Shocking Coverup – Investigator
Editor's Сhoice
Sweden Closing Nordsteam Investigation a Shocking Coverup – Investigator
March 17, 2024

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who led the first independent investigation to the site of the Nordstream pipelines blast sites, on the Swedish government’s sudden closing of the investigation into the terror attack on the eve of joining NATO.

Poland Deeply Involved in Nord Stream Terrorist Attack
January 13, 2024

Polish participation in the Nord Stream attack may be related to an American geopolitical project for Europe.

Poland Deeply Involved in Nord Stream Terrorist Attack
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Polônia profundamente envolvida no ataque terrorista ao Nord Stream
Polônia profundamente envolvida no ataque terrorista ao Nord Stream
January 12, 2024

A participação polonesa no ataque ao Nord Stream pode estar relacionada com um projeto geopolítico americano para a Europa.

Hungary Calls Halt of Nord Stream Probe ‘Outrageous and Scandalous’
October 28, 2023

Hungary’s Foreign Minister brought up the Nord Stream explosion in connection with a recent incident at Finland’s Baltic connector pipeline that took place earlier this month.

Hungary Calls Halt of Nord Stream Probe ‘Outrageous and Scandalous’
Editor's Сhoice
Nord Stream Syndrome: One year On, EU States and the U.S. Collude to Sweep the Pipeline Attacks Under the Rug
Editor's Сhoice
Nord Stream Syndrome: One year On, EU States and the U.S. Collude to Sweep the Pipeline Attacks Under the Rug
October 13, 2023

It seemed easy to blame Russia at first, but now that the evidence doesn’t add up, the West doesn’t want to talk about the truth By Chay BOWES ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. It’s been more than a year since one […]

Crime and Impunity… One Year Lying About U.S.-Led NATO’s Nord Stream Terrorism Breeds More War
September 29, 2023

The fact that Biden and the U.S. have been permitted to get away with the outrage of Nord Stream terrorism is why Washington and its NATO acolytes have continually escalated the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia over the past year.

Crime and Impunity… One Year Lying About U.S.-Led NATO’s Nord Stream Terrorism Breeds More War