Declan Hayes
September 26, 2022
© Photo: REUTERS/Wana News Agency

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians.

Global protests against Iranian ordinances that women must wear head scarves in public can be traced back to the usual suspects of the CIA, the Brookings Institute and their employees, who have been hell bent on causing mayhem in Iran since the 1979 fall of their puppet Shah when the CIA and their Tehran spy base got considerable egg on their collective faces.

These protests are an integral part of Which Path to Persia?, the Brookings’ Institute blue print to colonize Iran by not only terrorizing Lebanon and Syria but by instigating Orwellian named velvet revolutions in Iran itself. Central to such CIA controlled insurgencies are pliable minorities like the ever malleable Kurds and Iranian women who are now objecting to laws on how they should dress.

Suffice it to say about the Kurds that Iraqi Kurds, by being the biggest source of illegal immigrants into Britain, prove that the trickle down effect does not apply to the CIA’s takeovers. Rather, it is a case of the winner, the USA, Israel and their handful of collaborating puppets, in the case of Kurdistan, take all and to hell or to England with everyone else.

Though wearing headscarves was never popular in Iran and though such theocratic perversions should end, Iran finds itself under attack principally because it refuses to be the USA’s footstool. Its supply of kamikaze drones to Russian peace keeping forces in Ukraine would not have gone unnoticed by the CIA’s many Iranian proxies, who have retaliated by unleashing murder gangs on the streets of England and Iran, just as the CIA’s Chinese proxies recently did in Hong Kong.

Whereas the CIA’s agents are murdering Iranians for the right of Iranian women to dispense with their scarves, in Syria, they murder women who do not cover themselves from head to toe and, as with Hong Kong, there is no doubt that the CIA, their NGOs and their agents are behind all of this, just as they are behind the attacks on Pakistani ministers, who do not cover their heads in England. Just as they are behind guys who wear outlandishly large prosthetic breasts to school in Canada, as well as Femem and Pussy Riot, who deliberately desecrate all that is sacred in Russia and beyond.

Reading Lolita in Tehran

And then we have CIA employee Masih Alinejad, who fronts this Iranian dissident group from her CIA base in New York, offering proof, if any were needed, that this is a CIA dirty tricks Which Path to Persia? operation to undermine Iran, so that it may be subjugated and so that jackals like Alinejad can feed off the CIA’s scraps.

Alinejad belongs in the same rubbish tip as Azar Nafisi, the author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, her best selling bore fest of locking herself and a small group of female students in a room in Tehran University to read Nabokov and other “Western” greats as the Islamic Revolution raged around them. Outside of one short passage about the burial of an elderly Baháʼí lady, there was absolutely nothing of interest in the book, which was the NYT’s number one best seller because it was the start of the CIA’s ongoing campaign to subvert the current Iranian government as well as the Iranian civil society it anchors.

Sam Harris’ original screed, as well as all those which followed from both him and others in that same cottage industry of attacking all religions, Judaism, excepted, was a CIA follow up. Although Harris never wrote anything which Thomas Paine did not write more eloquently about over 200 years ago, Harris and his fellow scribes were important to justify NATO’s wars on secular Iraq, secular Syria and, now, on secular Russia, where NATO pretends to be keeping religious extremism at bay by slaughtering innocents of all religions and none.

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan, just after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians, was just another massive coincidence. We cannot say.

But what we can say is this. The United States and its Israeli and British sidekicks should have no hand, act of part in anything to do with Iran as they have perpetrated too many murders there already. The way forward for Iran and with Iran is through dialogue to arrive at a situation where the rights and aspirations of all Iranian stakeholders, including those women who dispense with their scarves, are respected and accommodated. However, before that position is reached, it must be acknowledged that ongoing British, American and Israeli attacks both directly and through their Saudi, Kurdish and other proxies puts back the clock on all of that. Whether we approve of the current Iranian status quo or whether we loathe it as I do, there can be no liberalizing of sartorial choices in Iran until Khomeini’s Three Satans back off from Iran and from countries allied to Iran.

And then there are all the other Iranian Satans, the most lethal of which is the Albania-based People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (MEK), a CIA-sponsored cult group, which has used poison gas attacks, assassinations and all the other calling cards of the CIA to destabilize Iran. Though the Iranian Foreign Office has been busy summoning the British Ambassador because of the terrorist activities of these characters against their embassy in London, no doubt that process will be ongoing as MI5 and the CIA continue their attacks on Tehran.

Iran and I

On my trips to Iran, I have conferred with Ayatollah Khomeini’s family, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and many more who favor keeping the chador compulsory. However, the Iranian who impressed me most was a young, chador bedecked Iranian woman, a seamstress, I met at some jamboree or other where she was helping out happy, as rounded people the world over are happy, to be part of something bigger than themselves. When she turned to me and plaintively asked, in her broken English, why people hate Iranians, she floored me for, though I have better things to do with my time than hate harmless Iranian seamstresses, it is obvious to her, as it became obvious to me, that those who swallow the propaganda of the CIA and MI5, can only see Iran through hate filled lenses.

Thanks to hucksters like Sam Harris, Masih Alinejad and Azar Nafisi, Iranians, along with all non complying Shias, have been demonized and, in many cases, targeted for assassinations and bombings. And all because Iran has assets the United States feels entitled to rob by hook or by crook.

So yes, Iran, like Afghanistan, has issues with regard to what women can wear in public. But Afghanistan was on the hippies’ trail until the CIA weaponized the conservatism of the Pashtun, Afghanistan’s dominant tribe, just as they weaponized Iranian conservatism. Of course, Afghanistan, like Iran, should relax its dress code but, before that can happen, the USA and its satrapies must unconditionally return the Afghans’ billions it has robbed and pay redress for its decades of war crimes there. Nor is that rounded opinion only mine for, as these clips of Syria’s Hafez Assad and Egypt’s Gamal Nasser both show, the Arab world’s greatest leaders both concur that moderation should be the maxim. But, as the CIA’s attacks against Iran, Egypt, Syria and a host of other countries show, there can be no moderation when dealing with CIA affiliated thugs of the caliber of the MEK or the Muslim Brotherhood when they are on the war path.

So, as far as I am concerned, Iranian women can dispense with their chadors and, along with Miss Palestine, win as many Miss World contests as they like. But those states of affairs cannot even be considered until Britain, the United States, Israel and their proxies cease and desist from all attempts to undermine the theocratric government of Iran which, along with that in Afghanistan, should, like all societies, be allowed to develop free from their never ending hypocrisy and terrorism.

Wearing Headscarves in Tehran

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians.

Global protests against Iranian ordinances that women must wear head scarves in public can be traced back to the usual suspects of the CIA, the Brookings Institute and their employees, who have been hell bent on causing mayhem in Iran since the 1979 fall of their puppet Shah when the CIA and their Tehran spy base got considerable egg on their collective faces.

These protests are an integral part of Which Path to Persia?, the Brookings’ Institute blue print to colonize Iran by not only terrorizing Lebanon and Syria but by instigating Orwellian named velvet revolutions in Iran itself. Central to such CIA controlled insurgencies are pliable minorities like the ever malleable Kurds and Iranian women who are now objecting to laws on how they should dress.

Suffice it to say about the Kurds that Iraqi Kurds, by being the biggest source of illegal immigrants into Britain, prove that the trickle down effect does not apply to the CIA’s takeovers. Rather, it is a case of the winner, the USA, Israel and their handful of collaborating puppets, in the case of Kurdistan, take all and to hell or to England with everyone else.

Though wearing headscarves was never popular in Iran and though such theocratic perversions should end, Iran finds itself under attack principally because it refuses to be the USA’s footstool. Its supply of kamikaze drones to Russian peace keeping forces in Ukraine would not have gone unnoticed by the CIA’s many Iranian proxies, who have retaliated by unleashing murder gangs on the streets of England and Iran, just as the CIA’s Chinese proxies recently did in Hong Kong.

Whereas the CIA’s agents are murdering Iranians for the right of Iranian women to dispense with their scarves, in Syria, they murder women who do not cover themselves from head to toe and, as with Hong Kong, there is no doubt that the CIA, their NGOs and their agents are behind all of this, just as they are behind the attacks on Pakistani ministers, who do not cover their heads in England. Just as they are behind guys who wear outlandishly large prosthetic breasts to school in Canada, as well as Femem and Pussy Riot, who deliberately desecrate all that is sacred in Russia and beyond.

Reading Lolita in Tehran

And then we have CIA employee Masih Alinejad, who fronts this Iranian dissident group from her CIA base in New York, offering proof, if any were needed, that this is a CIA dirty tricks Which Path to Persia? operation to undermine Iran, so that it may be subjugated and so that jackals like Alinejad can feed off the CIA’s scraps.

Alinejad belongs in the same rubbish tip as Azar Nafisi, the author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, her best selling bore fest of locking herself and a small group of female students in a room in Tehran University to read Nabokov and other “Western” greats as the Islamic Revolution raged around them. Outside of one short passage about the burial of an elderly Baháʼí lady, there was absolutely nothing of interest in the book, which was the NYT’s number one best seller because it was the start of the CIA’s ongoing campaign to subvert the current Iranian government as well as the Iranian civil society it anchors.

Sam Harris’ original screed, as well as all those which followed from both him and others in that same cottage industry of attacking all religions, Judaism, excepted, was a CIA follow up. Although Harris never wrote anything which Thomas Paine did not write more eloquently about over 200 years ago, Harris and his fellow scribes were important to justify NATO’s wars on secular Iraq, secular Syria and, now, on secular Russia, where NATO pretends to be keeping religious extremism at bay by slaughtering innocents of all religions and none.

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan, just after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians, was just another massive coincidence. We cannot say.

But what we can say is this. The United States and its Israeli and British sidekicks should have no hand, act of part in anything to do with Iran as they have perpetrated too many murders there already. The way forward for Iran and with Iran is through dialogue to arrive at a situation where the rights and aspirations of all Iranian stakeholders, including those women who dispense with their scarves, are respected and accommodated. However, before that position is reached, it must be acknowledged that ongoing British, American and Israeli attacks both directly and through their Saudi, Kurdish and other proxies puts back the clock on all of that. Whether we approve of the current Iranian status quo or whether we loathe it as I do, there can be no liberalizing of sartorial choices in Iran until Khomeini’s Three Satans back off from Iran and from countries allied to Iran.

And then there are all the other Iranian Satans, the most lethal of which is the Albania-based People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (MEK), a CIA-sponsored cult group, which has used poison gas attacks, assassinations and all the other calling cards of the CIA to destabilize Iran. Though the Iranian Foreign Office has been busy summoning the British Ambassador because of the terrorist activities of these characters against their embassy in London, no doubt that process will be ongoing as MI5 and the CIA continue their attacks on Tehran.

Iran and I

On my trips to Iran, I have conferred with Ayatollah Khomeini’s family, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and many more who favor keeping the chador compulsory. However, the Iranian who impressed me most was a young, chador bedecked Iranian woman, a seamstress, I met at some jamboree or other where she was helping out happy, as rounded people the world over are happy, to be part of something bigger than themselves. When she turned to me and plaintively asked, in her broken English, why people hate Iranians, she floored me for, though I have better things to do with my time than hate harmless Iranian seamstresses, it is obvious to her, as it became obvious to me, that those who swallow the propaganda of the CIA and MI5, can only see Iran through hate filled lenses.

Thanks to hucksters like Sam Harris, Masih Alinejad and Azar Nafisi, Iranians, along with all non complying Shias, have been demonized and, in many cases, targeted for assassinations and bombings. And all because Iran has assets the United States feels entitled to rob by hook or by crook.

So yes, Iran, like Afghanistan, has issues with regard to what women can wear in public. But Afghanistan was on the hippies’ trail until the CIA weaponized the conservatism of the Pashtun, Afghanistan’s dominant tribe, just as they weaponized Iranian conservatism. Of course, Afghanistan, like Iran, should relax its dress code but, before that can happen, the USA and its satrapies must unconditionally return the Afghans’ billions it has robbed and pay redress for its decades of war crimes there. Nor is that rounded opinion only mine for, as these clips of Syria’s Hafez Assad and Egypt’s Gamal Nasser both show, the Arab world’s greatest leaders both concur that moderation should be the maxim. But, as the CIA’s attacks against Iran, Egypt, Syria and a host of other countries show, there can be no moderation when dealing with CIA affiliated thugs of the caliber of the MEK or the Muslim Brotherhood when they are on the war path.

So, as far as I am concerned, Iranian women can dispense with their chadors and, along with Miss Palestine, win as many Miss World contests as they like. But those states of affairs cannot even be considered until Britain, the United States, Israel and their proxies cease and desist from all attempts to undermine the theocratric government of Iran which, along with that in Afghanistan, should, like all societies, be allowed to develop free from their never ending hypocrisy and terrorism.

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians.

Global protests against Iranian ordinances that women must wear head scarves in public can be traced back to the usual suspects of the CIA, the Brookings Institute and their employees, who have been hell bent on causing mayhem in Iran since the 1979 fall of their puppet Shah when the CIA and their Tehran spy base got considerable egg on their collective faces.

These protests are an integral part of Which Path to Persia?, the Brookings’ Institute blue print to colonize Iran by not only terrorizing Lebanon and Syria but by instigating Orwellian named velvet revolutions in Iran itself. Central to such CIA controlled insurgencies are pliable minorities like the ever malleable Kurds and Iranian women who are now objecting to laws on how they should dress.

Suffice it to say about the Kurds that Iraqi Kurds, by being the biggest source of illegal immigrants into Britain, prove that the trickle down effect does not apply to the CIA’s takeovers. Rather, it is a case of the winner, the USA, Israel and their handful of collaborating puppets, in the case of Kurdistan, take all and to hell or to England with everyone else.

Though wearing headscarves was never popular in Iran and though such theocratic perversions should end, Iran finds itself under attack principally because it refuses to be the USA’s footstool. Its supply of kamikaze drones to Russian peace keeping forces in Ukraine would not have gone unnoticed by the CIA’s many Iranian proxies, who have retaliated by unleashing murder gangs on the streets of England and Iran, just as the CIA’s Chinese proxies recently did in Hong Kong.

Whereas the CIA’s agents are murdering Iranians for the right of Iranian women to dispense with their scarves, in Syria, they murder women who do not cover themselves from head to toe and, as with Hong Kong, there is no doubt that the CIA, their NGOs and their agents are behind all of this, just as they are behind the attacks on Pakistani ministers, who do not cover their heads in England. Just as they are behind guys who wear outlandishly large prosthetic breasts to school in Canada, as well as Femem and Pussy Riot, who deliberately desecrate all that is sacred in Russia and beyond.

Reading Lolita in Tehran

And then we have CIA employee Masih Alinejad, who fronts this Iranian dissident group from her CIA base in New York, offering proof, if any were needed, that this is a CIA dirty tricks Which Path to Persia? operation to undermine Iran, so that it may be subjugated and so that jackals like Alinejad can feed off the CIA’s scraps.

Alinejad belongs in the same rubbish tip as Azar Nafisi, the author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, her best selling bore fest of locking herself and a small group of female students in a room in Tehran University to read Nabokov and other “Western” greats as the Islamic Revolution raged around them. Outside of one short passage about the burial of an elderly Baháʼí lady, there was absolutely nothing of interest in the book, which was the NYT’s number one best seller because it was the start of the CIA’s ongoing campaign to subvert the current Iranian government as well as the Iranian civil society it anchors.

Sam Harris’ original screed, as well as all those which followed from both him and others in that same cottage industry of attacking all religions, Judaism, excepted, was a CIA follow up. Although Harris never wrote anything which Thomas Paine did not write more eloquently about over 200 years ago, Harris and his fellow scribes were important to justify NATO’s wars on secular Iraq, secular Syria and, now, on secular Russia, where NATO pretends to be keeping religious extremism at bay by slaughtering innocents of all religions and none.

Perhaps the timing of these protests, coinciding with Iran supplying drones to Russia, is just a massive coincidence, just like taking out Imran Khan, just after his Pakistani government did a petrol deal with the Russians, was just another massive coincidence. We cannot say.

But what we can say is this. The United States and its Israeli and British sidekicks should have no hand, act of part in anything to do with Iran as they have perpetrated too many murders there already. The way forward for Iran and with Iran is through dialogue to arrive at a situation where the rights and aspirations of all Iranian stakeholders, including those women who dispense with their scarves, are respected and accommodated. However, before that position is reached, it must be acknowledged that ongoing British, American and Israeli attacks both directly and through their Saudi, Kurdish and other proxies puts back the clock on all of that. Whether we approve of the current Iranian status quo or whether we loathe it as I do, there can be no liberalizing of sartorial choices in Iran until Khomeini’s Three Satans back off from Iran and from countries allied to Iran.

And then there are all the other Iranian Satans, the most lethal of which is the Albania-based People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (MEK), a CIA-sponsored cult group, which has used poison gas attacks, assassinations and all the other calling cards of the CIA to destabilize Iran. Though the Iranian Foreign Office has been busy summoning the British Ambassador because of the terrorist activities of these characters against their embassy in London, no doubt that process will be ongoing as MI5 and the CIA continue their attacks on Tehran.

Iran and I

On my trips to Iran, I have conferred with Ayatollah Khomeini’s family, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and many more who favor keeping the chador compulsory. However, the Iranian who impressed me most was a young, chador bedecked Iranian woman, a seamstress, I met at some jamboree or other where she was helping out happy, as rounded people the world over are happy, to be part of something bigger than themselves. When she turned to me and plaintively asked, in her broken English, why people hate Iranians, she floored me for, though I have better things to do with my time than hate harmless Iranian seamstresses, it is obvious to her, as it became obvious to me, that those who swallow the propaganda of the CIA and MI5, can only see Iran through hate filled lenses.

Thanks to hucksters like Sam Harris, Masih Alinejad and Azar Nafisi, Iranians, along with all non complying Shias, have been demonized and, in many cases, targeted for assassinations and bombings. And all because Iran has assets the United States feels entitled to rob by hook or by crook.

So yes, Iran, like Afghanistan, has issues with regard to what women can wear in public. But Afghanistan was on the hippies’ trail until the CIA weaponized the conservatism of the Pashtun, Afghanistan’s dominant tribe, just as they weaponized Iranian conservatism. Of course, Afghanistan, like Iran, should relax its dress code but, before that can happen, the USA and its satrapies must unconditionally return the Afghans’ billions it has robbed and pay redress for its decades of war crimes there. Nor is that rounded opinion only mine for, as these clips of Syria’s Hafez Assad and Egypt’s Gamal Nasser both show, the Arab world’s greatest leaders both concur that moderation should be the maxim. But, as the CIA’s attacks against Iran, Egypt, Syria and a host of other countries show, there can be no moderation when dealing with CIA affiliated thugs of the caliber of the MEK or the Muslim Brotherhood when they are on the war path.

So, as far as I am concerned, Iranian women can dispense with their chadors and, along with Miss Palestine, win as many Miss World contests as they like. But those states of affairs cannot even be considered until Britain, the United States, Israel and their proxies cease and desist from all attempts to undermine the theocratric government of Iran which, along with that in Afghanistan, should, like all societies, be allowed to develop free from their never ending hypocrisy and terrorism.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025
November 26, 2024
November 4, 2024

See also

March 7, 2025
November 26, 2024
November 4, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.