Tag: Iran

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Trump, Iran and the Obama strategic blueprint
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Trump, Iran and the Obama strategic blueprint
January 13, 2025

In acts of wanton destruction, Netanyahu destroyed the prevailing status quo, which he saw as an American straitjacket

La liberazione di Cecilia Sala e la brutta figura dell’Italia
January 12, 2025

Cecilia Sala è stata liberata dopo la liberazione dell’ingegnere iraniano Abedini. Una vittoria diplomatica o l’ennesima figuraccia?

La liberazione di Cecilia Sala e la brutta figura dell’Italia
2024: No hay vencedores
2024: No hay vencedores
January 9, 2025

Unos Estados Unidos en crisis interna intentan una proyección «muscular» hacia el exterior. Roto contra el «muro» ruso en Ucrania, se hunde en los bajos fondos de Oriente Medio arrastrado por el ariete israelí.

Cecilia Sala, o della stupidità della narrazione occidentale
January 7, 2025

La propaganda occidentale fatta di distorsione e manipolazione ha un nuovo volto del mese: Cecilia Sala. Riflettori puntati, telecamere accese, ultima lettura al copione e… si comincia!

Cecilia Sala, o della stupidità della narrazione occidentale
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The link between Lockerbie, collapse of Assad regime and Jimmy Carter
The link between Lockerbie, collapse of Assad regime and Jimmy Carter
January 5, 2025

Reagan blamed Libyan “mad dog” leader Ghadaffi knowing full well that it was Iran who carried Lockerbie out, Martin Jay argues.

Cecilia Sala, or the stupidity of the western narrative
January 4, 2025

Western propaganda made of distortion and manipulation has a new face of the month: Cecilia Sala. Spotlights on, cameras on, last reading of the script and… we’re off!

Cecilia Sala, or the stupidity of the western narrative
2025, Iran is back in the U.S. crosshairs for regime change
2025, Iran is back in the U.S. crosshairs for regime change
January 4, 2025

A new American president and a new Middle East configuration have brought Iran back into the crosshairs for regime change with an intoxicating vengeance.

Syria’s next chapter: Fragile unity or permanent fragmentation?
December 26, 2024

With Assad gone, Syria’s future hangs in the balance as foreign powers and internal divisions threaten to pull the country apart. Can a unified state emerge, or is partition inevitable?

Syria’s next chapter: Fragile unity or permanent fragmentation?
Editor's Сhoice