The problem is the U.S. does not want other peoples to decide how they want to live. It wants America Über Alles.
“Ignorance is bliss” my grandmother used to say when I was a child. That is the “American Way” I came to learn especially when the governments and military-intelligence agencies conduct all sorts of crimes against their own people and to other peoples and governments.
My grandmother had a point, because most “common” people accept this daily reality. They have learned to do so by watching what “their” governments do against those who seek information that the powerful wish to hide from us. That is why they want to kill our messenger Julian Assange. That is why they murdered the only U.S. president who challenged the might and will of the “deep state”, namely, the Central Intelligence Agency.
This article summarizes some of that history and reports new evidence about murderous CIA.
The truth is that the CIA runs United States’ foreign policy covertly, along with the Pentagon and the weapons/oil/minerals industries, which are somewhat more visible. The Establishment knows the “intelligence community” murdered President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy, who would have reopened the murder investigation of his brother had he been allowed to win the 1968 presidential campaign. New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House – CovertAction Magazine
The military-industrial complex dominates, Dwight Eisenhower—one of its generals and presidents—told us upon turning over the reins of official power to John Kennedy. Eisenhower and Vice-President Richard Nixon delivered its parting gift to Kennedy: Overthrow Cuba’s revolution and its legitimate government with an invasion, starting at the Bay of Pigs, southwest of Havana.
(See chapters 1-6 of my book, The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert, for the following information on U.S. aggression against Cuba.
On the day that Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth, April 12, 1961, the new president told the media there was no plan to invade Cuba. The day after, CIA’s Operation 40 was launched from Guatemala Fourteen hundred paramilitaries, mostly anti-revolutionary Cuban exiles, sailed on U.S. navy boats to the Bay of Pigs, 200 kilometers southwest from Havana. After just three days, local farmer militia and some military troops, led by President Fidel Castro, defeated the invaders.
Kennedy had refused to send in official U.S. aircraft to rescue the mission and the CIA was livid. It then set up Operation Mongoose, which included sabotage of production centers, food stores, a harbor, and even schools; assassinations of Cubans, including scores (eventually hundreds) of attempts on President Fidel Castro’s life. Later CIA-led operations included the use of chemical and biological warfare, which destroyed food crops, caused the entire loss of all its pigs, and caused diseases with deaths of hundreds of people. (See Backfire: The CIA’s Biggest Burn: Ridenour, Ron: 9780962497513: Books, especially chapter 4, “Germ Warriors”).
Imagine any government acting that way against the United States! Cuba and its Soviet ally obviously had to protect the Cuban people and its state. Cuba received some Soviet nuclear missiles to discourage an all-out nuclear war, which the Pentagon and the CIA wanted Kennedy to undertake once they learned that missiles were in the process of being assembled for potential use. This led to the October Missile Crisis, October 1962.
Once again, this U.S. president chose to defy the warmongers—the only American president to do so where it really counts, other than Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He had Big Business against him, even to the point of a plot to overthrow him—the same Big Business that helped finance Mussolini’s fascist regime, Franco’s and Hitler’s military. Nazis & America: The USA’s Fascist Past | History Cooperative and Business Plot – Wikipedia (See also chapter eight, The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert.)
Three decades later, President Kennedy rejected the Pentagon-CIA nuclear war plan. Instead, he ordered the navy to conduct a blockade to prevent any more Soviet ships from entering Cuba.
When U.S. Navy ships engaged one of four Soviet submarines sailing in international waters on the way to Cuba, the captains of the submarine thought the U.S. had started a war. U.S. naval depth charges had destroy the submarine’s communications. The Russians had no way to contact Moscow or the U.S. ships. They had one nuclear missile and one captain proposed using it. Another captain, Vasili Arkhipov talked him out of it. They surfaced and turned back to Russia as U.S. jets strafed their vessel. No one was killed.
At the Havana Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 2002, a key organizer and leader of the non-governmental National Security Archives, Thomas Blanton, called Arkhipov, “the guy who saved the world.”

Vasili Arkhipov. Photo courtesy of M Yarovskaya and A. Labunskaya
Daniel Ellsberg, once a key figure in the Establishment who risked his life to show the world U.S. government-military-CIA crimes against humanity by revealing its own documents, the Pentagon Papers. In 2017, Ellsberg published a whistleblowing book, The Doomsday Machine. Here is evidence that the U.S. has always thought of using nuclear weapons in first strike.
Following the closest call ever to a nuclear Armageddon, President Kennedy resisted being the usual lackey president for big business and its war machine. He started to secretly contact Cuban leadership hoping to find a way out of the aggressive post he inherited. He did the same with the Vietnamese. Kennedy realized that the United States could not win a war against these resilient peoples, not without using nuclear weapons. He also realized that the U.S. could not drop atomic bombs again without retaliation, leading to an eventual nuclear world war.
When Kennedy’s Democrat president predecessor, Harry Truman, was preparing to kill hundreds of thousands Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets already knew the Yankee and British governments were planning to do that and to manufacture additional bombs that could be used against them with the aim of taking over Russia-Soviet’s sovereignty.
Winston Churchill planned “Operation Unthinkable” for a summer 1945 invasion against Soviet controlled Eastern European areas, and to drop nuclear bombs on key Russian cities. Harry Truman developed a similar plan, “Operation Pincher”, on March 2, 1946—U.S. Joint War Plans. (Chapter 10 of The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert.)
Fortunately, for the safety of the world, some people working on the Manhattan Project gave information to the Soviets so they could make their own bombs, which they did by 1949 before the U.S. had made enough new bombs. Given that balance of nuclear power, the U.S. has not used its monstrous nuclear weapons again, other than less holocaust-causing weapons, known as depleted uranium, which the U.S. has used against many countries’ peoples.
The profit-making war-makers’ solution for everlasting growth, and its America Über Alles mission for world power, “eliminated” its key obstacle, President Kennedy. Under Kennedy’s gleeful successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, they continued their sabotage, and innumerable attempts to assassinate Cuba’s president and his closest comrades Raul Castro and Che Guevara.
The military-industrial complex needed more troops, more war machinery against the stubborn Vietnamese. Lyndon Johnson concocted the “Gulf of Tonkin incident”. He lied that its ship USS Maddox was attacked, on August 2, 1964, by North Vietnamese ships in Vietnam’s territorial waters. There were no U.S. casualties. Two days later, another “enemy attack” was reported. Johnson got the congress to grant him the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowing full war operations without declaring war. The war lasted another 11 years before the Vietnamese finally defeated the U.S. and its South Vietnamese lackeys. The war cost between three and five million peoples’ lives, including about 60,000 American lives over a 15-year period, plus several thousand suicides of depressed troops after returning home.
National Security Agency documents, which became public in 2005, show that the North Vietnamese did not engage either ship. Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, a war leader during JFK and LBJ administrations, later admitted it never happened.
Most of us know that the Warren Commission decided beforehand that Lee Harvey Oswald was the patsy for the one-lone-man lie, and therefore he had to be killed, immediately.
Jack Ruby shot Oswald surrounded by police in a police station two days after the president’s assassination. Ruby was connected to the Mafia, operating strip joints in Dallas. He was sentenced to death, which was later overturned. Ruby asked the Warren several times to take him to Washington D.C., so he could speak freely about the assassinations. He told the Commission “my life is in danger here”. “I want to tell the truth, and I can’t tell it here.”
Ruby was taken to a hospital for pneumonia, December 6, 1966. Suddenly he had cancer and died extraordinarily quickly, January 3, one month before granted a new trial.
While the mass media covers up who is actually responsible for many mysterious deaths of important persons, from time to time bits and pieces slip out. Such happened recently in Miami of all places. Ricardo Morales Jr., is a son of Richard Morales, known as “Monkey”—“contract CIA worker, anti-Castro militant, counter-intelligence chief for Venezuela, FBI informant and drug dealer”, wrote the Herald. He spoke recently on Miami’s Actualidad Radio 1040 AM, and to the “Miami Herald”. He added new light to one of the theories of President Kennedy’s assassination.
“The Miami Herald”, and its Spanish kin, “El Nuevo Herald”, headlined Cuban-born Nora Gámez Torres’ blockbuster article, “Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp”. It is rare that Oswald is not named “the” killer. Ricardo “Monkey” Morales told sons he knew Lee Harvey Oswald | Miami Herald; Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp ( and Ricardo “el Mono” Morales le dijo a sus hijos que conocía a Lee Harvey Oswald | El Nuevo Herald
Morales Jr. said that his father was a sniper instructor in secret CIA camps where Cuban exiles and others trained to invade Cuba, and that he realized in the hours after JFK was murdered that the accused killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been one of his sniper trainees.
“Monkey” Morales told his son that he didn’t believe Oswald had killed Kennedy because he had witnessed him shooting, and said “there is no way that guy could shoot that well.”
Morales also told his two sons that two days before the assassination, his CIA handler told him and his “clean-up” team to go to Dallas for a mission. But after the assassination, they were ordered back to Miami without learning what the mission was about, wrote the “Miami Herald”.
The “Miami Herald” pointed to other serious reports “that a group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles, including the leader of the organization Alpha 66, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro, met at a house in Dallas days before the assassination, and that Oswald was seen visiting the house or been in the area. As that theory goes, Cuban exiles, who felt betrayed by Kennedy’s lack of support in the 1961 Bay of Pigs operation and his deal with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev after the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis not to invade Cuba, could have planned to kill JFK and blamed Castro so the U.S. would invade the island.”
These claims “point the finger at the CIA, which some observers believe could help explain why President Joe Biden backed off last week on declassifying the remaining documents in the case,” wrote journalist Nofra Gámez Torres.
Although Oswald was basically convicted by the government post mortem, the House Select Committee on Assassinations 1979 report contradicted the 1964 Warren Commission conclusion. “The committee instead concluded that the president was likely slain as the result of a conspiracy and that there was a high probability that two gunmen fired at him,” Gámez Torres referenced.
“The House Select Committee, which also interviewed Morales, said they couldn’t preclude the possibility that Cuban exiles were involved.”
“Whatever happened, Biden’s decision to postpone the declassification of the remaining 15,000 documents linked to the case is once again giving life to the conspiracy theories. Morales’ son believes the documents might never be made public.”
Although Biden had advocated for the release of all JFK murder documents, he suddenly ordered the postponement on October 22. The president claimed that the COVID pandemic caused the delay with the caveat for the “need to protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure.”
Republican President George W. Bush signed a law, in 1992, requiring the release of all records concerning JFK’s murder within 25 years—before October 26, 2017. That Democrat President Biden disobeys this law is more evidence that Kennedy’s own party leaders are afraid of the CIA.
Biden’s previous boss, Barack Obama, also went along with the CIA. John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director, sat with the official president every Tuesday to order who should be droned to death. Brennan also dreamed up the fairy tale Russiagate, that is, that President Vladimir Putin, seeking sovereignty and world peace, is behind every interference to the military-industrial complex mission: America Über Alles.
There might still exist some documents that could point to how the president’s fractured brain disappeared. The Mystery of JFK’s Brain: How Did it Disappear? – Historic Mysteries.
Maybe there is evidence showing that one “magic bullet” could not possibly have first penetrated through Kennedy’s back, puncturing his spine, then twisting around and exiting through the front of his neck smashing part of his brain. Then this same bullet penetrated the front seat into Texas Governor John Connally’s right rib, then exiting the front of his chest, wounding his right wrist, and finally stopping in his left thigh.
Maybe there are even papers that show how 17 eye-witnesses who saw what the Warren Commission was forced to hide from us—that there were shots from different directions—came to be murdered or died suddenly within a short time.
After an extensive search on the Bill Gates-founded Microsoft search machine, I could not find any major medium, other than MSN, that picked up on the “Miami Herald” story about the Morales revelations. Yet many media did report on President Joe Biden’s decision of October 22 to postpone for at least a year (or forever) the release of the remaining 15,000 documents held in secret concerning the murder of John Kennedy.
The British daily “Independent” headlined: “Is Biden blocking JFK records over hidden bombshells?” The “bombshell” being that the Central Intelligence Agency “eliminated the obstacle”.
Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana’s own biography-as-told-to his brother and godson, Double Cross (Warner Books, 1992), named the conspirators and killers. Mobster Giancana had close ties with the CIA when one of them, most likely, shot him in his home on June 19, 1975, the day before he was ordered to testify before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The Senate was investigating some of the CIA’s “dirty tricks”. Giancana’s family co-authors are convinced he would not have “double crossed” his cohorts in crime, but they double-crossed him.
“The Independent” suggests that if the “remainder” of the documents are eventually released, we should not expect that anything revealing the actual murderers will be released: “National Security Act”. Is Biden blocking the JFK assassination files over hidden bombshells? – NewsBreak
That anti-democratic 1917 law protects “intelligence agencies” when they murder people, especially world leaders. This is also the reason why they seek to silence—kill one way or another—Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange.
“The Independent” wrote:
“Former Massachusetts Representative Patrick Kennedy said: “I think for the good of the country, everything has to be put out there so there’s greater understanding of our history”. His cousin Robert F Kennedy Jr, called the memorandum “an outrage against American democracy”. [RFK called the Warren Report, a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.”]
“We’re not supposed to have secret governments within the government,” said Mr. Kennedy, whose father — Senator Robert Kennedy — reportedly did not believe that Oswald acted alone.”
“Kel McClanahan, an attorney specialising in national security law and information and privacy law who previously served as an associate editor for the American Intelligence Journal, told The Independent that those looking to see everything by the end of next year shouldn’t get too excited.”
Mr. McClanahan predicted that Mr. Biden would follow the bipartisan practice of deferring to intelligence officials’ wishes in keeping some records hidden, despite his December 2022 deadline.
“Unless you have a very strong willed president who will say: ‘I do not care because I am so pro-transparency’, they will defer to their intelligence people,” he said. He added that as time goes on and the Kennedy assassination fades from public memory, the clamour for new revelations will grow dimmer and dimmer.
Author James K. Galbraith wrote about the documents postponement on the website for the Assassination Archives and Research Center. Blog Page (
“In reporting this story, The New York Times reminds us that an exhaustive, ‘yearlong inquiry into the murder led by Chief Justice Earl Warren concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.’ Oswald, like Kennedy, has been dead for 58 years. If he acted alone, and if an exhaustive inquiry established this fact 57 years ago, what secret could be left? If he acted alone, there were no other guilty parties. Not then, not 29 years later, and not today. The Times distinguishes between ‘researchers and conspiracy theorists.’ One may infer that researchers are those who trust the Warren Commission, whereas conspiracy theorists are those who do not. But apart from those few who have made careers out of defending the Commission against its many critics, why would anyone who didn’t distrust the official story be interested in this case? In fact, as the Times admits, people are interested, with surveys finding that ‘most Americans believe others were involved.’”
“…I take them [Biden and related agencies] at their word: that in their view, a full disclosure of all documents would compromise military, intelligence, and foreign relations. It is not difficult to imagine how. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that there was a conspiracy. Suppose that the remaining documents, together with those already released, were to establish – or permit private citizens to establish – what most Americans already believe. In that case, it would be obvious that the cover-up involved senior U.S. government officials – including the leaders of the very agencies currently being tasked with reviewing the records. And, as a point of logic, it follows that in every succeeding cohort, under every president, the cover-up has continued. Isn’t that the only plausible way the current interests of those agencies might be damaged?
“The irony is that by withholding the records, the government has already admitted, without saying so, that the Warren Commission lied and that there are vile secrets, which it is determined to protect. It concedes, without saying so, that there was a conspiracy and that there is an ongoing cover-up. If there were not, all the records would have been released long ago. You don’t have to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to see this. Biden’s 2022 deadline will come and go. The song and dance will continue. No one who remembers 1963 will live to see the U.S. government admit the full truth about Kennedy’s murder.”
No U.S. President Can Control the CIA
If the United States’ “Deep State” murdered its own president, there is little else that it would not do. The September 11, 2001 attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon, the most heavily guarded building in the world, were impossible to achieve without insider collaboration, at the very least.
What the U.S. government told the world about 9/11 is full of lies and impossibilities, just like the “magic bullet”. No steel building, such as the twin towers, has ever collapsed from fire alone. Never. Witnesses close by and inside heard explosions, like demolitions, inside the building.
Thousands of professional architects and engineers know that what we were told is impossible according to physics. Why lie? (See: Is There Any Truth in ‘The 9/11 Truth Movement?’ – 911Truth.Org; and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 (
Following the murder of 3000 people, the Bush government created Homeland Security. This agency oversees all law-enforcement, and allows the arrest of people without cause and hold them indefinitely. It ordered the National Security Agency to create technology that allows it (along with the CIA) to spy on every human being in the world. To stop any semblance of a real free press, it now prohibits all journalists in the world from doing their job to report on “Deep State”/Pentagon crimes against humanity. That is why they had Julian Assange kidnapped and imprisoned, and tried to do the same to Edward Snowden. Due to Wikileaks skill and tenacity, they got Edward Snowden to Russia and into exile, although his destiny was Latin America. Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations | Homeland Security (
The 9/11 attacks is the United States counterpart to Adolf Hitler/Herman Gøring’s Nazis burning of the German parliament, on February 27, 1933, so it could blame the legal Communist Party and Social Democratic Party from continuing to have any influence. They imprisoned 4,000 members of the CP within 24 hours. The Nazi firebombing allowed them to make the Reichstag Fire Decree, “legalizing” the round up and murder of tens of thousands opponents or dissidents, and laid the bases for the Holocaust against millions of Jews, Gypsies, Slaves, and 250,000 physically and mentally handicapped people. The Reichstag Fire | Holocaust Encyclopedia ( See also BBC’s “Rise of the Nazis” The First Six Months in Power (TV Episode 2019) – IMDb
The Nazi war caused the death of 14.5% of the 190 million Soviet people—27 million people, of them ca. 17 million civilians—plus the loss of 70,000 villages, 1,700 towns and 4.7 million house destroyed. The Nazi war caused the death of 0.32% of U.S. Americans—420,000 people, of them ca. 12,000 civilians. No destruction to its land except at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by Japanese.
The CIA is not SS. In fact, it has more power than any United States president unlike the SS, which was under Hitler. The CIA lies, cheats, steals, murders and tortures just like SS and other Nazi murder institutions did. After WWII, the CIA used Nazi scientists for United States domination, and protected Nazi murderers by bringing them to the U.S., Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. Nazis “Arian Superiority” ideology replaced or complemented by, “American Superiority”.
The CIA sought total control over South America (also Central America) through its Operation Condor during the Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan periods. The CIA provided planning, training, arms, and torture to military juntas and right-wing coup governments that the CIA either supported or put into semi-power. Between 50,000 and 100,000 civilians were murdered, 30,000 “disappeared”, ca. 50,000 imprisoned with many tortured, often repeatedly.
The CIA euphemistically called this “a cooperative effort by the intelligence security services of several South American countries to combat terrorism and subversion.” Operation Condor, 1968-1989 | National Security Archive ( and Operation Condor – Wikipedia.
“Combating terrorism and subversion” is double speak to cover up for the fact that citizens wish for and struggle for democratic rights of free press and speech; the right to choose their own governments. It is also a classic case of the “intelligence community’s” psychological projection.
The Pentagon and CIA have long used torture themselves and trained others in the use of multi-torture methods. About – SOA Watch and School of the Americas – SourceWatch.
“Since its inception the CIA has taken a keen interest in torture, avidly studying Nazi techniques and protecting exponents such as Klaus Barbie,” wrote Jeffrey St. Claire.
Barbie was SS and Gestapo, an insidious torturer—the “Butcher of Lyon—of Jews and French resisters. The CIA protected him and sent him to work for right-wing governments in Bolivia.
See Douglas Valentine’s excellent exposé book on the CIA and its torturing of Vietnamese, The Phoenix Program.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lectured at Texas A&M University, on April 15, 2019. He responded to a question. “When I was a cadet [West Point] our motto was: You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do… [when] I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”
That is to say that lying, cheating, stealing (and, of course, constant warring with mass murder and torture) is “the glory of the American experiment”. As this criminal murderer told his story, he laughed and his audience joined him.
President Harry Truman, who created the CIA in 1947, came to the same conclusion as did Pompeo about the CIA but without thinking such behavior was “glorious”. He told his biographer, Merle Miller, that he regretted having created the CIA.
“The CIA doesn’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they’ll have something to report on…it’s become a government all of its own and all secret. They don’t have to account to anybody… If I had known what was going to happen, I never would have done [created] it.”
Presented with information that CIA Director Allen Dulles had assisted some French generals and French Nazi sympathizers to overthrow (murder) President Charles de Gaulle, in order to prevent an end to the war against Algeria’s independence, President Kennedy told de Gaulle’s ambassador in Washington, Hervé Alphand, that while he supported de Gaulle he could not vouch for the CIA.
Kennedy told Alphand that, ‘the CIA is such a vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely maneuvers might be true.’” (See article by David Talbot, founder of “Salon”, and a CIA biographer).
Republican George W. Bush learned the same lesson regarding the CIA when President Vladimir Putin tried to accommodate the United States government.
“Putin met with [President George W. Bush] several times, and they described themselves as friends. At their first meeting, June 16, 2001, held in Slovenia, Bush said: ‘I looked him in the eye and got a sense of his soul. I could trust him.’” (Chapter 14 of “The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert”.)
On the day of the terror attacks in New York, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania, Putin and his wife attended their Russian Orthodox Church to light a candle for those killed and injured, and they prayed for them. He told National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice that all preexisting hostility between the two countries would be put aside while the U.S. dealt with the tragedy.
Putin even sent arms supplies to the U.S. Northern Alliance ally. He arranged for one of Russia’s close allies, the former Soviet Republic Kyrgyzstan, to let the U.S. military use one of its bases as a spy center and launching pad for flights to and from Afghanistan. The Yankees were there until June 2014. They had moved 5.3 million military personnel (some more than once) in and out of Afghanistan in 136,000 flights.
Two other former Soviet republics assisted. Uzbekistan allowed the U.S. to use a military base with 1,500 troops until 2005. Russia had a military division in Tajikistan, and it allowed the U.S. military to use it, in order to supply weapons and other cargo to its forces in Afghanistan. The U.S. trained some Tajikistan troops.
President Putin even considered joining NATO, but Bush turned that down. Instead, Bush withdrew from the Richard Nixon-signed Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, in 1972.
Putin spoke to Oliver Stone about this double standard.
“We assumed that the Cold War was over, that we had transparent relations with the United States, with the whole world, and we certainly counted on support. But instead we witnessed the American intelligence services support terrorists. And even when we confirmed that, when we demonstrated that Al Qaeda fighters were fighting in the Caucasus, we still saw the intelligence services of the United States continue to support these fighters.
“There was one episode. I told President Bush about that, and he said, ‘Do you have any
concrete data [which] specifically does what specifically?’ And I told him, ‘Yes, I do have such data,’ and I showed him, and I even named those persons of the American intelligence services who were working in the Caucasus, including in Baku…they also provided technical support, they helped transfer fighters from one place to another.”
Bush told Putin, “I’ll sort this all out.” This was in 2004-5, and Putin had to wait a long time.
Finally, “the CIA sent us a letter. The response was quite peculiar. ‘We support all the political forces, including the opposition forces, and we’re going to continue to do that.”
Putin told “The Moscow Times” that Russian intelligence had intercepted calls between separatists in the North Caucasus and the U.S. intelligence based in the former Soviet Republic Azerbaijan during the early 2000s, proving that Washington was helping the insurgents.
Putin said that President Bush promised to “kick the ass” (a favorite Bush expression) of the intelligence officers in question. But after the CIA letter came to Russia’s intelligence service, Federal Security Service (FSB), where Putin had been director, no more was heard from Kick Ass Bush.
Putin also told Stone that he thought it was wrong of the U.S. “to impose on other nations and peoples [their] own standards and models… Democracy cannot be imported from outside, it can only be born within society…I think it would be senseless and damaging if the Soviet Union itself was to impose on other peoples and other nations their rules of conduct.”
The problem is the U.S. does not want other peoples to decide how they want to live. It wants America Über Alles. Other than its brutal might, the biggest obstacle for ending this “kiss ass” machine is that the Establishment has captured or stunned most peoples’ minds. They have convinced so many that, yes, “ignorance is bliss”, just like granny cautioned me.