Tag: Coup

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South Korea’s martial law fiasco: Legitimation crisis in the imperial vassal state
Editor's Сhoice
South Korea’s martial law fiasco: Legitimation crisis in the imperial vassal state
December 8, 2024

In the wake of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s 6-hour coup, Western pundits have opined that this was an affirmation of South Korean democracy’s robustness and resilience, its institutional maturity and strength.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
December 4, 2024

In spite of the brutality on display, no mainstream media descriptions of crackdowns on peaceful protesters were ascribed to the scenes in Newtownmountkennedy and Coolock earlier this year.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
La strategia del caos
La strategia del caos
November 26, 2024

Le risposte alla prima crisi dell’egemonia statunitense hanno scatenato forze che hanno finito per erodere il potere degli Stati Uniti.

EE.UU. refuerza el control sobre Perú
November 16, 2024

El 7 de junio de 2021 se produjo un terremoto político en Perú. Un outsider de la política, el maestro rural Pedro Castillo, fue electo presidente de la República con la promesa de transformar un sistema político y económico construido sobre grandes abismos entre la población peruana.

EE.UU. refuerza el control sobre Perú
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Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
November 15, 2024

Good governance promotes the exercise of the widest possible spectrum of liberties, but the practice of those liberties must be tempered.

Leaked files expose covert U.S. government plot to “destabilize Bangladesh’s politics”
October 10, 2024

Leaked docs reveal that prior to the toppling of Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina, the US govt-funded International Republican Institute trained an army of activists including rappers and “LGBTQI people,” even hosting “transgender dance performances,” to achieve a national “power shift.” Institute staff said the activists “would cooperate with IRI to destabilize Bangladesh’s politics.”

Leaked files expose covert U.S. government plot to “destabilize Bangladesh’s politics”
Editor's Сhoice
A nova artimanha da CIA para iludir a direita brasileira
A nova artimanha da CIA para iludir a direita brasileira
October 4, 2024

A direita e a esquerda estão iguais: ambas querem democracia liberal, ambas acham que um lado dos EUA a apoia, e que outro lado espalha ditaduras pelo mundo.

A conspiração terrorista contra a Venezuela
September 24, 2024

Uma operação de desinformação e manipulação psicológica por meio de redes sociais acompanharia a ação subversiva de mercenários, com o objetivo de promover uma mudança de regime.

A conspiração terrorista contra a Venezuela