Tag: Coup

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Corporate Coup assassination excerpt: Venezuela’s Maduro on John Bolton’s plot to kill him
Editor's Сhoice
Corporate Coup assassination excerpt: Venezuela’s Maduro on John Bolton’s plot to kill him
July 17, 2024

Following the attempt on President Donald Trump’s life, Anya Parampil offers a detailed look back at the failed assassination of Venezuela’s President, Nicolas Maduro, and Washington’s role in the plot, in her new book, “Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire.”

Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
July 6, 2024

The U.S. appears to be following a long-haul model that seeks to use weak forces like gravity to change the situation over time.

Morales accuses Arce of “self-coup” – Bolivia’s political crisis deepens
Autogolpe na Bolívia? O problema das teorias conspiratórias
Autogolpe na Bolívia? O problema das teorias conspiratórias
July 2, 2024

Não devemos ficar surpresos se voltarmos à era dos golpes e assassinatos políticos na América Latina, conforme os EUA tentam compensar as suas perdas com os recursos dos nossos países.

Autogolpe en Bolivia? El problema de las teorías conspirativas
July 1, 2024

Es difícil creer que no hubo ningún involucramiento extranjero en este intento de golpe.

Autogolpe en Bolivia? El problema de las teorías conspirativas
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Bolivia: the coup did not fail; it is still being prepared
Bolivia: the coup did not fail; it is still being prepared
June 27, 2024

Regardless of what happens in the American elections, Latin America will be in the eye of the storm from now on.

USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
June 18, 2024

While a great deal of controversies have arisen in the world-wide activities of USAID it may be worthwhile to explore its attempts of preventing individuals from finding information that challenges official narratives.

USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
Editor's Сhoice
What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
June 12, 2024

Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question.

Robert Fico’s failed assassination raises specter of Western plotting
May 31, 2024

Slovak PM Robert Fico’s independent stance earned him the wrath of NATO and the EU. Did a Western-directed plot to remove his troublesome government from office trigger his assassination attempt?

Robert Fico’s failed assassination raises specter of Western plotting
Editor's Сhoice