Tag: Cuba

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La Revolución cubana: punto de inflexión histórico-geopolítico en la doctrina Monroe
La Revolución cubana: punto de inflexión histórico-geopolítico en la doctrina Monroe
December 27, 2023

La Revolución cubana es una doctrina anti-monroísta, fundada en las ideas de liberación americana de Simón Bolívar y José Martí.

Havana, 504 anos: uma Cidade Maravilha e aberta para o mundo
December 2, 2023

Em 2019, nas festividades dos 500 anos de Havana em 16 de novembro, eu, mais os jornalistas Alberto Freitas, Nestor Mendes Junior e Valci Barreto, marcamos nossa presença por 12 dias em terras cubanas, com direito a uma ida a Varadero, com Mendes Junior dirigindo um Lada, motor 1600, ano 70, a 100 quilômetros por hora.

Havana, 504 anos: uma Cidade Maravilha e aberta para o mundo
Se quedan solos: EE.UU. e Israel votan en la ONU mantener el bloqueo a Cuba, con la indecision de Ucrania
Se quedan solos: EE.UU. e Israel votan en la ONU mantener el bloqueo a Cuba, con la indecision de Ucrania
November 4, 2023

Un grito que resuena por trigésimo primer año consecutivo en los oídos de una comunidad internacional, ya casi inmune al eco de su propia voz, se ha elevado desde la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas.

How the U.S. Moved From Continental to Global Empire
August 3, 2023

Radical historian William Appleman Williams struck a consistent theme through his decades of writing on U.S. history. When confronted with a choice between building a society based on communitarian values or expanding to dodge the difficulties that would have entailed, the U.S. consistently chose imperial expansion. First, across the continent, and then around the world.

How the U.S. Moved From Continental to Global Empire
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Imperial Blowback and the CIA’s ‘Tainted Source’
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Imperial Blowback and the CIA’s ‘Tainted Source’
June 12, 2023

Among the most recent redactions lifted on documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy housed at the National Archives are two lines in a fifteen-page memorandum from presidential aide Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.—“SUBJECT: CIA Reorganization”—written in June 1961 at Kennedy’s request.

The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked
March 9, 2023

The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appeared immune to the pathology.

The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked
Editor's Сhoice
60 Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis
Editor's Сhoice
60 Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis
October 19, 2022

With the conflict in Ukraine putting the world back on the brink, Robert Dodge confronts the false narrative that nuclear weapons make us safe.

Mexico Leads in Opposing the Cuba Blockade and U.S. Imperialism
May 19, 2022

Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) visited Cuba on May 8-9. He began by highlighting regional unity as good for equal promotion of economic development for all states. AMLO addressed themes he had discussed previously when Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel visited Mexico City in 2021.

Mexico Leads in Opposing the Cuba Blockade and U.S. Imperialism
Editor's Сhoice