Tag: Victory Day

Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day.

In reaction to the Russian Federation’s special military operation to demilitarize and de-nazify Ukraine, Western countries have increasingly encouraged the rehabilitation of Fascism in the Russian strategic environment.

It is a tragedy that Europeans will not leave little Russian children alone to play with their dolls and put the smiles of peace and not the tears from war, on the faces of their elders.

In the final days of the World War II in Europe, the German command pursued a deliberate policy of successive partial capitulations in the West to bring as many as possible of the eastern military formations westwards and surrender them intact to the British and Americans. It was General Eisenhower how dashed German hopes for a separate peace with the West and facilitated the signing of the final instrument of surrender at the seat of government from where the German aggression sprang: Berlin, captured by the Red Army.