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O que pensa a Rússia
O que pensa a Rússia
August 29, 2024

Estamos cada vez mais próximos de uma guerra frontal entre a NATO e a Rússia. E que fazem os nossos governos? Exercícios de pensamento mágico e de reescrita da história!

34 Years Since the Declaration of a “Turkic” Republic: What did the Gagauz People experience on the path to independence?
August 25, 2024

The Gagauz people do not capture the attention of Turkish “nationalism” because the Gagauz leadership represents a “Turkishness” with good relations with Russia and deep historical and cultural ties to the Russian world.

34 Years Since the Declaration of a “Turkic” Republic: What did the Gagauz People experience on the path to independence?
From the Berlin crisis of ‘61 to today’s world at war
From the Berlin crisis of ‘61 to today’s world at war
August 8, 2024

The 1961 Berlin standoff between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries is one of those pivotal moments that give us an insight into what preceded it and what has followed it right up to today.

Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
June 24, 2024

Neste dia, 18 de junho, em 1935, foi assinado o Acordo Naval Anglo-Alemão. Os dois lados concordaram que a tonelagem total da Marinha alemã seria fixada em 35% da tonelagem da Marinha Real. Pensando bem, não foi um acordo muito inteligente do ponto de vista de Londres.

Outro aniversário do qual ninguém se lembra
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Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
May 10, 2024

Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day.

The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
April 30, 2024

If it were not for imperialist intervention, the North Korean government would have taken the revolution to the south and liberated the entire nation, Eduardo Vasco writes.

The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
Liberation of Korea: From democratic revolution to socialist revolution
Liberation of Korea: From democratic revolution to socialist revolution
April 28, 2024

Eduardo Vasco explains how North Korea experienced the beginning of its national-democratic revolution.

The Christmas gift that keeps giving
April 16, 2024

The list could be extended much longer, but the overall conclusion must be that with all the complexity and uncertainty that marks today’s conflicts, there is one common thread: military intervention by the US to resolve conflicts between and within other countries.

The Christmas gift that keeps giving
Editor's Сhoice