Tag: Transport

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La Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica: un progetto rivoluzionario per il futuro dell’ASEAN
La Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica: un progetto rivoluzionario per il futuro dell’ASEAN
March 5, 2025

Con la realizzazione della Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica, promossa dalla Cina nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative, si apre una nuova era per l’integrazione completa dei Paesi ASEAN, collegando Laos, Vietnam e Thailandia e stimolando scambi commerciali, sviluppo sostenibile e cooperazione regionale.

Cina e Thailandia portano avanti la costruzione della linea ad alta velocità
February 15, 2025

La Thailandia compie un passo decisivo verso una maggiore connettività regionale con l’approvazione della seconda fase della ferrovia ad alta velocità Cina-Thailandia. Il progetto rafforza la cooperazione con Pechino nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative e consolida Bangkok come nodo strategico.

Cina e Thailandia portano avanti la costruzione della linea ad alta velocità
World’s top airlines by market value
World’s top airlines by market value
September 24, 2024

This infographic shows the world’s top airlines by market value as of May 2024.

Azerbaijan, the perfect move: Russia and Iran consolidate the North-South corridor with the help of Minsk
August 27, 2024

Since 2022, Ilham Aliyev’s Azerbaijan has changed direction and has now become Russia and Iran’s new strategic ally. With the authoritative support of Minsk behind the scenes.

Azerbaijan, the perfect move: Russia and Iran consolidate the North-South corridor with the help of Minsk
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«Necesitamos rompehielos”… y más asociaciones estratégicas
«Necesitamos rompehielos”… y más asociaciones estratégicas
June 25, 2024

La «contención» estadounidense de la asociación estratégica Rusia-China ya se está deshaciendo en tiempo real.

“We need icebreakers” – and more strategic partnerships
June 20, 2024

The U.S. “containment” of the Russia-China strategic partnership is already unravelling in real time.

“We need icebreakers” – and more strategic partnerships
Cómo perjudica el bloqueo estadounidense a los ferrocarriles cubanos
Cómo perjudica el bloqueo estadounidense a los ferrocarriles cubanos
June 16, 2024

Los ferrocarriles se ven gravemente afectados por el bloqueo. Estados Unidos no deja entrar nada de otros países. Si no existiera el bloqueo, los ferrocarriles funcionarían mucho mejor.

China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
June 12, 2024

The report of the death of China’s Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all. Within days of the US President Joe Biden’s acerbic remark during an interview last week with the Time magazine that the BRI has “become a nuisance graveyard initiative,” a trilateral intergovernmental agreement to commence construction work on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan [CKU] railway project was signed in Beijing on Thursday. 

China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
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