Tag: Poland

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Lacking volunteers, Poland could scrap planned “Ukrainian Legion”
Editor's Сhoice
Lacking volunteers, Poland could scrap planned “Ukrainian Legion”
October 4, 2024

The defense ministry admitted that Kyiv ‘misled’ Warsaw by suggesting that thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Poland were ready to sign up and fight.

How the west is wrong to exclude Russia from the Auschwitz memorial
October 1, 2024

It’s time, once more, to come together and talk, however difficult that is, to search for peace and reconciliation.

How the west is wrong to exclude Russia from the Auschwitz memorial
“Is This a Joke?” Polish PM Given Democracy Prize Despite Crackdowns
Editor's Сhoice
“Is This a Joke?” Polish PM Given Democracy Prize Despite Crackdowns
June 24, 2024

The announcement that Poland’s new Europhile prime minister Donald Tusk is the latest recipient of the Chatham House Prize for “restoring democracy” in his country has met with widespread derision. Critics have pointed out how his government has jailed opposition MPs, deployed police against the state broadcaster, and purged the judiciary six months after taking office.

¡Que viene el oso!
March 1, 2024

No parece probable que ni a corto o medio plazo, Rusia tenga intención alguna de ocupar toda Ucrania

¡Que viene el oso!
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Why Medvedev Is Free to Go Full ‘Born to Be Wild’
Why Medvedev Is Free to Go Full ‘Born to Be Wild’
February 8, 2024

Washington is actively splitting the EU in favor of a rabidly Russophobic Vilnius-Warsaw-Kiev axis.

Anti-Belarusian Rumors Spread by Poland Aimed at Discrediting the Union State
February 1, 2024

Poland and the entire West continue to escalate tensions against Minsk.

Anti-Belarusian Rumors Spread by Poland Aimed at Discrediting the Union State
Rumores anti-Belarus espalhados pela Polônia visavam desacreditar o Estado da União
Rumores anti-Belarus espalhados pela Polônia visavam desacreditar o Estado da União
January 31, 2024

A Polônia e todo o Ocidente continuam as tensões contra Minsk.

Poland Deeply Involved in Nord Stream Terrorist Attack
January 13, 2024

Polish participation in the Nord Stream attack may be related to an American geopolitical project for Europe.

Poland Deeply Involved in Nord Stream Terrorist Attack