Tag: Literature

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Tolstoy, Yashin, Dostoevsky and Russia’s other immortals rock on
Tolstoy, Yashin, Dostoevsky and Russia’s other immortals rock on
January 7, 2025

Although NATO’s entitled Philistines might feel like scoffing at the Chinese and the Hungarians over their attempts to scale Everest, the laugh is very much on them.

Mikhail Bulgakov joins civilisation’s pantheon of the greats
April 1, 2024

Zelensky’s Ukrainian Institute of National Memory are disgracing themselves and their French and American backers yet again.

Mikhail Bulgakov joins civilisation’s pantheon of the greats
China and Russia Are Taking Cultural Relations to the Next Level
China and Russia Are Taking Cultural Relations to the Next Level
March 21, 2024

The comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries is running on high-gear as they share common views on the necessity of supporting the emergence of a multipolar world order based on the principle of sovereign equality.

Russia and the West or Who Cannot Understand Whom
April 24, 2023

The drama of Russia is that Russia does not understand the West. Thus, there emerges that continual consternation by Russian politicians at the (political) moves of the West at the global scene.

Russia and the West or Who Cannot Understand Whom
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Notes From the Ukrainian Underground
Notes From the Ukrainian Underground
July 12, 2022

Dostoyevsky’s “Notes from the Underground” understands the Ukrainians even better than they understand themselves, Declan Hayes writes.

Time to Reread ‘Anna Karenina’
August 10, 2021

While there may be other ways to #slowthespread of post-modern sexual mores, I would submit that a rather effective one is by picking up an old friend of 145 years: Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.

Time to Reread ‘Anna Karenina’
Editor's Сhoice
Another Hastily Confected Star Blazes Across Russia’s Literary Firmament
Another Hastily Confected Star Blazes Across Russia’s Literary Firmament
June 9, 2021

Stepanova may be straining assiduously to be heard on the major political issues of the day, but she just as clearly is no Solzhenitsyn, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Handke: The Nobel Literature Prize Committee Finally Gets Something Right
October 19, 2019

In contrast to the series of politically suitable but utterly forgettable literary non-entities over the last decades, the winner Handke has undoubtedly earned the honor, but prudence requires that we also keep an eye on the political context.

Handke: The Nobel Literature Prize Committee Finally Gets Something Right