Tag: Klaus Schwab

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From Reset to World War: Will the WEF say farewell to “The Message”?
From Reset to World War: Will the WEF say farewell to “The Message”?
October 15, 2024

Whether through ideological soft power or financial manipulation, the core agenda remains intact, albeit masked in new forms.

Um “inimigo comum” coletivo agora persegue a espécie humana
April 23, 2024

– Assassinos em série psicopatas, utilizando os seus vastos recursos financeiros, políticos e mediáticos, estão inexoravelmente a pôr em prática uma agenda homicida de despovoamento global.

Um “inimigo comum” coletivo agora persegue a espécie humana
A collective “common enemy” now stalks mankind
A collective “common enemy” now stalks mankind
April 20, 2024

The psychopathic serial killers using their vast financial, political and media resources are inexorably putting into effect a homicidal global depopulation agenda.

Davos Is a Living Fossil of an Empire at War With Itself and the World
January 29, 2024

The World Economic Forum gives us the exceptional privilege of a study that only living fossils can give.

Davos Is a Living Fossil of an Empire at War With Itself and the World
Sign up for
the Strategic
Culture Foundation
All Quiet (Panic) on the Western Front
All Quiet (Panic) on the Western Front
January 16, 2023

Nobody with an IQ over room temperature will expect Davos this week to discuss any aspect of the NATO vs. Eurasia existential war seriously.

Disquiet at Davos and the Unsaid Fear of Failure – The First Shoots of a U.S. Ukraine Shift
May 30, 2022

The unspoken fear disquieting Davos attendees is the fear of another débacle, following that of Afghanistan.

Disquiet at Davos and the Unsaid Fear of Failure – The First Shoots of a U.S. Ukraine Shift
The Globalists’ Race Against Time
The Globalists’ Race Against Time
May 26, 2022

A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead.
