Tag: Demography

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Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy
Israel and U.S. display the demographic problem of liberal democracy
December 1, 2024

The right to vote makes certain communities seen as enemies to be physically fought. Democracy, therefore, establishes a war of all against all, which supposedly precedes the social contract.

Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
November 29, 2024

A democracia instaura a guerra de todos contra todos, que supostamente antecede o contrato social.

Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
O que está por trás da cruzada moral de Vladimir Putin?
O que está por trás da cruzada moral de Vladimir Putin?
October 2, 2024

A guerra contra a Rússia é cada vez mais iminente e é preciso povoar o país, principalmente a Rússia central e oriental, para assegurar a proteção de sua integridade territorial.

How Britain ignored its ethnic conflict
August 7, 2024

Following the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017, the aftermath, like those of other recent terrorist atrocities, was marked by what later revealed to be a coordinated British government policy of “controlled spontaneity”.

How Britain ignored its ethnic conflict
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Labour, not the “far right,” are the real threat to our safety
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Labour, not the “far right,” are the real threat to our safety
August 6, 2024

It is betrayal enough that our politicians have imported so many foreigners prone to violence. Now they plan to forbid Brits from noticing? By Harrison PITT ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su Many will be familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s […]

Immigration, emigration and the great replacements
June 4, 2024

This article looks at Europe’s demographic changes which, NATO’s media informs us, is a major election issue in the forthcoming Euro elections.

Immigration, emigration and the great replacements
Vacation inequality in the EU
Vacation inequality in the EU
May 10, 2024

This infographic shows the percentage of population aged 16 or over were unable to afford a one-week annual holiday away from home in 2023.

Confirmed: America’s Declining Native-born Population Is Due to Ideology
December 13, 2021

We are wallowing in the sludge at the bottom of a mental abyss of Hedonism that we need to pull ourselves out from in order for our cultures to continue into the future.

Confirmed: America’s Declining Native-born Population Is Due to Ideology