Declan Hayes
March 21, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Let’s briefly survey its disreputable history to show why it has lost any and all credibility it might once have had.

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Although scrapping the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) and putting their judges on trial for their complicity in war crimes should be a no brainer, let’s briefly survey their disreputable history to show why these NATO outfits have lost any and all credibility they might once have had. And where better to start than their complicity in their favourite stomping ground of Africa and with its colonialists, past and present?

What set me off was this recent report that Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is blaming Belgium’s colonial legacy for Rwanda’s current plight. Although Belgium has an overwhelming historical case to answer, so too do Kagame’s fascists for their role in the Democratic Republic of Congo and for their role in Rwanda itself, where the Hutus have always got the short end of the stick, both from the Belgians and from Belgium’s Tutsi lapdogs. Leaving aside that Irish nuns I know who were stationed in Rwanda during the turbulent 1994 events the ICC concern itself with overwhelmingly sided with the Hutus, and that Kagame is bosom pals with flotsam like Tony Blair, who should be top of the line for summary justice, Belgium, of all countries jailed two Hutu nuns, Africans of course, for their alleged roles in the anti-Tutsi pogroms. Now, you don’t have to know much about the Hutus to know that they would have much tougher cookies than a brace of Catholic nuns, but that is the type of low hanging fruit these flotsam go for in Rwanda, as much as in Russia and anywhere else that catches their beady eyes.

Although the ICC have indicted a large number of African nonenties to justify their inflated budgets, they also have African judges in their collective pockets and one of them, Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde, is of particular note as she is, both by faith and by political conviction, a rampant Zionist who refuses to countenance that Israel could commit any war crime of any magnitude, great or small.

Not that Julia Sebutinde is the ICJ’s/ICC’s only dead weight. Let’s not forget Albion’s Karim Khan, who issued arrest warrants for war crimes committed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas boss Yahya Sinwar. Before getting on to his targets, let’s leave aside that Khan is a serial sex abuser from a family of serial sex abusers and note that, not only was Khan too thick to complete his PhD but he has earned his considerable crust by being both defence counsel and prosecutor in these Dutch judicial circuses. The man, like the courts he operates in, has no credibility as an impartial player.

And nor does his indictments against Netanyhau and his buddies because, were these Dutch circuses to harm a hair on Netanyahu’s chinny chin chin, then the United States will implement the Hague Invasion Act, spring Netanyahu and give some very rough justice to Khan and his fellow cronies. Not my words but those of POTUS Trump, who echoes the words of all previous American administrations on this affair.

And, as we are on the subject of the ICC/ICJ’s top tier targets, let’s recall them boasting that the ICC issued arrest warrants on 17 March 2023 for Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Russia, Maria Lvova-Belova, for allegedly abducting children caught up in the current Ukrainian war. Although I previously addressed this travesty here, let me again repeat that Lvova-Belova is one of those soft hearted women to be found everywhere that just loves children and, were I caught up in that war, I would sincerely hope that she or anyone else would rescue me. Her indictment, like those of those Rwandan nuns, is ample testimony as to why these judges should be made answer for their own crimes, just as Hitler’s judges had to answer for theirs.

Further regarding the alleged child abductions by Putin and Lvova-Belova, here is a recent report that Yale University has terminated its research into these alleged events because CIA funding for the self-styled Yale Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) has likewise been terminated. But if that research was being genuinely conducted to get to the bottom of a war crime and was not simply a vehicle to score some propaganda points against Russia, would these Yale pay for play merchants and their ICC/ICJ collaborators not continue in their endeavours? Maybe Zelensky’s wife could cut back on her shopping and ship them a few shekels? Oh well, never mind, on we go.

As for Putin and, for that matter, Lukashenko, there is no doubt that they are tough eggs and those close to them are even tougher eggs and rougher diamonds. But tough times demand tough people and that is not a crime in and of itself. But Putin’s main crime, and it is a very major crime in NATO’s eyes, is he not only stopped them looting Russia but picked Russia up from the pitiable state they put it in after the Soviet Union imploded.

Putin and Lvova-Belova were not the only Russians these NATO jokers targeted. In March 2024, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Sergey Kobylash, the commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, and Viktor Sokolov, the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

Fair enough, but what differentiates the actions of Kobylash and Sokolov from those of the likes of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, who bombed Belgrade for months on end, even taking out the Chinese Embassy and a brace of TV stations as part and parcel of their war crimes? Although we could fill libraries detailing their crimes, let’s just recall that Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Sudan to deflect from his rape of Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Not only a war criminal, in other words, but a particularly venal and repulsive one as well

As regards Belarus, I mention it as there is some deluded imposter doing the rounds claiming she is the President of Belarus and she seems unaware that Lukashenko has that gig sewn up. Although her fantasies should be as harmless as all those inmates of lunatic asylums who fancy they are Napoleon, NATO not only funds and encourages her in her delusions but uses her and her fellow cronies to make war on Belarus which, of itself, is a crime against the peace, a war crime, in short.

As regards Poland and the Baltic pimple states, not only are they actively gunning for World War Three but they are all up to their scrawny necks in Zelensly’s rump Ukrainian Reich, where Nazi war criminals are a dime a dozen.

But hey, as being a Nazi seems to be chic now, let’s push on to Asia, where these Dutch based jokers are boasting that they bagged their first Asian big fish in the form of former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, about whom I recently had some words and for whom ordinary Pinoys have been marching in their millions in places as diverse as Cebu, Tokyo, the Netherlands, the merchant navy and his political base of turbulent Mindanao and Davao city.

Although Mindanao and the Visayas, together with the millions of Pinoys in their diaspora, are solidly pro Duterte, the Marcoses’ pork barrel ensures Luzon, which is central to NATO’s pending war with China, remains conjoined to the wider Marcos mob, which includes his sister and cousin, who has raided the country’s health funds and essentially bankrupted the country. That Senator Imee Marcos, the President’s sister, is going to lead a senatorial investigation into Duterte’s kidnapping is just adding national insult to national injury and national self-immolation.

Not that that is of any concern to NATO and its ICC/ICJ puppets. Though grinding poverty, the collaboration of the Catholic hierarchy and some opportune attacks by NATO’s ISIS-linked Au Sayyaf terror gang will keep that lot on their toes, it will also serve NATO’s interests of making Luzon a primary forward station to destroy China and, for that matter, the Philippines itself.

No war crime in any of that for the one eyed jokers of the ICC/ICJ circus, but let us wrap things up. Although the illegal kidnapping of Duterte and his rendition to the Hague has huge internal repercussions for the Philippines and its pending war with China, it also serves as a warning to Russia and similar countries that NATO, if given the chance, will kidnap and render its citizens too. Putin and his more pensive mates best make appropriate contingencies with their rough diamonds for that.

As regards the Chinese, the old adage that one Chinese is smarter than one Japanese but that three Japanese are smarter than three Chinese still holds. Whether we are talking about east Asia, eastern Europe or Africa, China best wake up and stop leaving all the heavy lifting to Russia and a handful of more minor countries.

As regards the ICC/ICJ circus, they are now making noises about environmental crimes and, that old chestnut, prosecuting the Taliban over their treatment of women. Although the treatment the Taliban metes out to women is indefensible, it reminds me of when Chris Patten and Prince (now King) Charles sailed out of Hong Kong Harbour in 1997 with the Union ensign in their hands and their tails between their legs. Having denied Hong Kong democracy since 1841, they both decreed that Hong Kong urgently needed British style democracy to undermine China. And, though opinions might differ on Hong Kong’s 2019/2020 turbulence, my own opinion is that necklacing random mainland Chinese accountants, as MI6’s “mostly peaceful” protesters did, is a war crime, for which MI6 and the CIA should answer in a Chinese court.

As regards the Taliban, there is the whiff of NATO’s old Khmer Rouge in them. Though the Khmer Rouge were not the nicest of folk, collaborating with them both in their genocidal war against the heroic Vietnamese Army and in allowing them to retain Cambodia’s seat at the UN was one in a long list of NATO war crimes that MI6 and the CIA never paid a price for. Without those criminal entities, there would have been no Taliban and not only is that a fact but it makes them as culpable as is the most primitive of Taliban cut throats in all they cry crocodile tears for.

Regarding China, what can one say except they will, as always, sit things out. Russia will soldier on, the people of Africa, the Philippines and elsewhere will continue to pay with their lives for the greed of Blair, Bush and Kagame, while the pretend kings and queens of Belarus, like the ICC/ICJ jokers in the Hague, will continue on their journey, just like the King did in Hans Christian Andersen‘s famous tale. And, though the Emperor’s New Clothes is a cracking tale, most folk forget it ends by the King and his entourage ignoring the little boy’s protests and that the procession continues as before, just as the circuses of the ICC/ICJ will continue until NATO’s soft power is uprooted root and branch and their farce of justice is not only exposed for the charade that it is, but ended one way or the other once and forever. On all of this the ball, to use NATO’s currently most popular metaphor, is in China’s court. Let’s see if, for once, they will return the serve.

Scrap the International Criminal Court and put its judges on trial for their lives

Let’s briefly survey its disreputable history to show why it has lost any and all credibility it might once have had.

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Although scrapping the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) and putting their judges on trial for their complicity in war crimes should be a no brainer, let’s briefly survey their disreputable history to show why these NATO outfits have lost any and all credibility they might once have had. And where better to start than their complicity in their favourite stomping ground of Africa and with its colonialists, past and present?

What set me off was this recent report that Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is blaming Belgium’s colonial legacy for Rwanda’s current plight. Although Belgium has an overwhelming historical case to answer, so too do Kagame’s fascists for their role in the Democratic Republic of Congo and for their role in Rwanda itself, where the Hutus have always got the short end of the stick, both from the Belgians and from Belgium’s Tutsi lapdogs. Leaving aside that Irish nuns I know who were stationed in Rwanda during the turbulent 1994 events the ICC concern itself with overwhelmingly sided with the Hutus, and that Kagame is bosom pals with flotsam like Tony Blair, who should be top of the line for summary justice, Belgium, of all countries jailed two Hutu nuns, Africans of course, for their alleged roles in the anti-Tutsi pogroms. Now, you don’t have to know much about the Hutus to know that they would have much tougher cookies than a brace of Catholic nuns, but that is the type of low hanging fruit these flotsam go for in Rwanda, as much as in Russia and anywhere else that catches their beady eyes.

Although the ICC have indicted a large number of African nonenties to justify their inflated budgets, they also have African judges in their collective pockets and one of them, Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde, is of particular note as she is, both by faith and by political conviction, a rampant Zionist who refuses to countenance that Israel could commit any war crime of any magnitude, great or small.

Not that Julia Sebutinde is the ICJ’s/ICC’s only dead weight. Let’s not forget Albion’s Karim Khan, who issued arrest warrants for war crimes committed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas boss Yahya Sinwar. Before getting on to his targets, let’s leave aside that Khan is a serial sex abuser from a family of serial sex abusers and note that, not only was Khan too thick to complete his PhD but he has earned his considerable crust by being both defence counsel and prosecutor in these Dutch judicial circuses. The man, like the courts he operates in, has no credibility as an impartial player.

And nor does his indictments against Netanyhau and his buddies because, were these Dutch circuses to harm a hair on Netanyahu’s chinny chin chin, then the United States will implement the Hague Invasion Act, spring Netanyahu and give some very rough justice to Khan and his fellow cronies. Not my words but those of POTUS Trump, who echoes the words of all previous American administrations on this affair.

And, as we are on the subject of the ICC/ICJ’s top tier targets, let’s recall them boasting that the ICC issued arrest warrants on 17 March 2023 for Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Russia, Maria Lvova-Belova, for allegedly abducting children caught up in the current Ukrainian war. Although I previously addressed this travesty here, let me again repeat that Lvova-Belova is one of those soft hearted women to be found everywhere that just loves children and, were I caught up in that war, I would sincerely hope that she or anyone else would rescue me. Her indictment, like those of those Rwandan nuns, is ample testimony as to why these judges should be made answer for their own crimes, just as Hitler’s judges had to answer for theirs.

Further regarding the alleged child abductions by Putin and Lvova-Belova, here is a recent report that Yale University has terminated its research into these alleged events because CIA funding for the self-styled Yale Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) has likewise been terminated. But if that research was being genuinely conducted to get to the bottom of a war crime and was not simply a vehicle to score some propaganda points against Russia, would these Yale pay for play merchants and their ICC/ICJ collaborators not continue in their endeavours? Maybe Zelensky’s wife could cut back on her shopping and ship them a few shekels? Oh well, never mind, on we go.

As for Putin and, for that matter, Lukashenko, there is no doubt that they are tough eggs and those close to them are even tougher eggs and rougher diamonds. But tough times demand tough people and that is not a crime in and of itself. But Putin’s main crime, and it is a very major crime in NATO’s eyes, is he not only stopped them looting Russia but picked Russia up from the pitiable state they put it in after the Soviet Union imploded.

Putin and Lvova-Belova were not the only Russians these NATO jokers targeted. In March 2024, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Sergey Kobylash, the commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, and Viktor Sokolov, the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

Fair enough, but what differentiates the actions of Kobylash and Sokolov from those of the likes of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, who bombed Belgrade for months on end, even taking out the Chinese Embassy and a brace of TV stations as part and parcel of their war crimes? Although we could fill libraries detailing their crimes, let’s just recall that Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Sudan to deflect from his rape of Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Not only a war criminal, in other words, but a particularly venal and repulsive one as well

As regards Belarus, I mention it as there is some deluded imposter doing the rounds claiming she is the President of Belarus and she seems unaware that Lukashenko has that gig sewn up. Although her fantasies should be as harmless as all those inmates of lunatic asylums who fancy they are Napoleon, NATO not only funds and encourages her in her delusions but uses her and her fellow cronies to make war on Belarus which, of itself, is a crime against the peace, a war crime, in short.

As regards Poland and the Baltic pimple states, not only are they actively gunning for World War Three but they are all up to their scrawny necks in Zelensly’s rump Ukrainian Reich, where Nazi war criminals are a dime a dozen.

But hey, as being a Nazi seems to be chic now, let’s push on to Asia, where these Dutch based jokers are boasting that they bagged their first Asian big fish in the form of former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, about whom I recently had some words and for whom ordinary Pinoys have been marching in their millions in places as diverse as Cebu, Tokyo, the Netherlands, the merchant navy and his political base of turbulent Mindanao and Davao city.

Although Mindanao and the Visayas, together with the millions of Pinoys in their diaspora, are solidly pro Duterte, the Marcoses’ pork barrel ensures Luzon, which is central to NATO’s pending war with China, remains conjoined to the wider Marcos mob, which includes his sister and cousin, who has raided the country’s health funds and essentially bankrupted the country. That Senator Imee Marcos, the President’s sister, is going to lead a senatorial investigation into Duterte’s kidnapping is just adding national insult to national injury and national self-immolation.

Not that that is of any concern to NATO and its ICC/ICJ puppets. Though grinding poverty, the collaboration of the Catholic hierarchy and some opportune attacks by NATO’s ISIS-linked Au Sayyaf terror gang will keep that lot on their toes, it will also serve NATO’s interests of making Luzon a primary forward station to destroy China and, for that matter, the Philippines itself.

No war crime in any of that for the one eyed jokers of the ICC/ICJ circus, but let us wrap things up. Although the illegal kidnapping of Duterte and his rendition to the Hague has huge internal repercussions for the Philippines and its pending war with China, it also serves as a warning to Russia and similar countries that NATO, if given the chance, will kidnap and render its citizens too. Putin and his more pensive mates best make appropriate contingencies with their rough diamonds for that.

As regards the Chinese, the old adage that one Chinese is smarter than one Japanese but that three Japanese are smarter than three Chinese still holds. Whether we are talking about east Asia, eastern Europe or Africa, China best wake up and stop leaving all the heavy lifting to Russia and a handful of more minor countries.

As regards the ICC/ICJ circus, they are now making noises about environmental crimes and, that old chestnut, prosecuting the Taliban over their treatment of women. Although the treatment the Taliban metes out to women is indefensible, it reminds me of when Chris Patten and Prince (now King) Charles sailed out of Hong Kong Harbour in 1997 with the Union ensign in their hands and their tails between their legs. Having denied Hong Kong democracy since 1841, they both decreed that Hong Kong urgently needed British style democracy to undermine China. And, though opinions might differ on Hong Kong’s 2019/2020 turbulence, my own opinion is that necklacing random mainland Chinese accountants, as MI6’s “mostly peaceful” protesters did, is a war crime, for which MI6 and the CIA should answer in a Chinese court.

As regards the Taliban, there is the whiff of NATO’s old Khmer Rouge in them. Though the Khmer Rouge were not the nicest of folk, collaborating with them both in their genocidal war against the heroic Vietnamese Army and in allowing them to retain Cambodia’s seat at the UN was one in a long list of NATO war crimes that MI6 and the CIA never paid a price for. Without those criminal entities, there would have been no Taliban and not only is that a fact but it makes them as culpable as is the most primitive of Taliban cut throats in all they cry crocodile tears for.

Regarding China, what can one say except they will, as always, sit things out. Russia will soldier on, the people of Africa, the Philippines and elsewhere will continue to pay with their lives for the greed of Blair, Bush and Kagame, while the pretend kings and queens of Belarus, like the ICC/ICJ jokers in the Hague, will continue on their journey, just like the King did in Hans Christian Andersen‘s famous tale. And, though the Emperor’s New Clothes is a cracking tale, most folk forget it ends by the King and his entourage ignoring the little boy’s protests and that the procession continues as before, just as the circuses of the ICC/ICJ will continue until NATO’s soft power is uprooted root and branch and their farce of justice is not only exposed for the charade that it is, but ended one way or the other once and forever. On all of this the ball, to use NATO’s currently most popular metaphor, is in China’s court. Let’s see if, for once, they will return the serve.

Let’s briefly survey its disreputable history to show why it has lost any and all credibility it might once have had.

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Although scrapping the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) and putting their judges on trial for their complicity in war crimes should be a no brainer, let’s briefly survey their disreputable history to show why these NATO outfits have lost any and all credibility they might once have had. And where better to start than their complicity in their favourite stomping ground of Africa and with its colonialists, past and present?

What set me off was this recent report that Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is blaming Belgium’s colonial legacy for Rwanda’s current plight. Although Belgium has an overwhelming historical case to answer, so too do Kagame’s fascists for their role in the Democratic Republic of Congo and for their role in Rwanda itself, where the Hutus have always got the short end of the stick, both from the Belgians and from Belgium’s Tutsi lapdogs. Leaving aside that Irish nuns I know who were stationed in Rwanda during the turbulent 1994 events the ICC concern itself with overwhelmingly sided with the Hutus, and that Kagame is bosom pals with flotsam like Tony Blair, who should be top of the line for summary justice, Belgium, of all countries jailed two Hutu nuns, Africans of course, for their alleged roles in the anti-Tutsi pogroms. Now, you don’t have to know much about the Hutus to know that they would have much tougher cookies than a brace of Catholic nuns, but that is the type of low hanging fruit these flotsam go for in Rwanda, as much as in Russia and anywhere else that catches their beady eyes.

Although the ICC have indicted a large number of African nonenties to justify their inflated budgets, they also have African judges in their collective pockets and one of them, Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde, is of particular note as she is, both by faith and by political conviction, a rampant Zionist who refuses to countenance that Israel could commit any war crime of any magnitude, great or small.

Not that Julia Sebutinde is the ICJ’s/ICC’s only dead weight. Let’s not forget Albion’s Karim Khan, who issued arrest warrants for war crimes committed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas boss Yahya Sinwar. Before getting on to his targets, let’s leave aside that Khan is a serial sex abuser from a family of serial sex abusers and note that, not only was Khan too thick to complete his PhD but he has earned his considerable crust by being both defence counsel and prosecutor in these Dutch judicial circuses. The man, like the courts he operates in, has no credibility as an impartial player.

And nor does his indictments against Netanyhau and his buddies because, were these Dutch circuses to harm a hair on Netanyahu’s chinny chin chin, then the United States will implement the Hague Invasion Act, spring Netanyahu and give some very rough justice to Khan and his fellow cronies. Not my words but those of POTUS Trump, who echoes the words of all previous American administrations on this affair.

And, as we are on the subject of the ICC/ICJ’s top tier targets, let’s recall them boasting that the ICC issued arrest warrants on 17 March 2023 for Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Russia, Maria Lvova-Belova, for allegedly abducting children caught up in the current Ukrainian war. Although I previously addressed this travesty here, let me again repeat that Lvova-Belova is one of those soft hearted women to be found everywhere that just loves children and, were I caught up in that war, I would sincerely hope that she or anyone else would rescue me. Her indictment, like those of those Rwandan nuns, is ample testimony as to why these judges should be made answer for their own crimes, just as Hitler’s judges had to answer for theirs.

Further regarding the alleged child abductions by Putin and Lvova-Belova, here is a recent report that Yale University has terminated its research into these alleged events because CIA funding for the self-styled Yale Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) has likewise been terminated. But if that research was being genuinely conducted to get to the bottom of a war crime and was not simply a vehicle to score some propaganda points against Russia, would these Yale pay for play merchants and their ICC/ICJ collaborators not continue in their endeavours? Maybe Zelensky’s wife could cut back on her shopping and ship them a few shekels? Oh well, never mind, on we go.

As for Putin and, for that matter, Lukashenko, there is no doubt that they are tough eggs and those close to them are even tougher eggs and rougher diamonds. But tough times demand tough people and that is not a crime in and of itself. But Putin’s main crime, and it is a very major crime in NATO’s eyes, is he not only stopped them looting Russia but picked Russia up from the pitiable state they put it in after the Soviet Union imploded.

Putin and Lvova-Belova were not the only Russians these NATO jokers targeted. In March 2024, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Sergey Kobylash, the commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, and Viktor Sokolov, the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

Fair enough, but what differentiates the actions of Kobylash and Sokolov from those of the likes of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, who bombed Belgrade for months on end, even taking out the Chinese Embassy and a brace of TV stations as part and parcel of their war crimes? Although we could fill libraries detailing their crimes, let’s just recall that Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Sudan to deflect from his rape of Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Not only a war criminal, in other words, but a particularly venal and repulsive one as well

As regards Belarus, I mention it as there is some deluded imposter doing the rounds claiming she is the President of Belarus and she seems unaware that Lukashenko has that gig sewn up. Although her fantasies should be as harmless as all those inmates of lunatic asylums who fancy they are Napoleon, NATO not only funds and encourages her in her delusions but uses her and her fellow cronies to make war on Belarus which, of itself, is a crime against the peace, a war crime, in short.

As regards Poland and the Baltic pimple states, not only are they actively gunning for World War Three but they are all up to their scrawny necks in Zelensly’s rump Ukrainian Reich, where Nazi war criminals are a dime a dozen.

But hey, as being a Nazi seems to be chic now, let’s push on to Asia, where these Dutch based jokers are boasting that they bagged their first Asian big fish in the form of former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, about whom I recently had some words and for whom ordinary Pinoys have been marching in their millions in places as diverse as Cebu, Tokyo, the Netherlands, the merchant navy and his political base of turbulent Mindanao and Davao city.

Although Mindanao and the Visayas, together with the millions of Pinoys in their diaspora, are solidly pro Duterte, the Marcoses’ pork barrel ensures Luzon, which is central to NATO’s pending war with China, remains conjoined to the wider Marcos mob, which includes his sister and cousin, who has raided the country’s health funds and essentially bankrupted the country. That Senator Imee Marcos, the President’s sister, is going to lead a senatorial investigation into Duterte’s kidnapping is just adding national insult to national injury and national self-immolation.

Not that that is of any concern to NATO and its ICC/ICJ puppets. Though grinding poverty, the collaboration of the Catholic hierarchy and some opportune attacks by NATO’s ISIS-linked Au Sayyaf terror gang will keep that lot on their toes, it will also serve NATO’s interests of making Luzon a primary forward station to destroy China and, for that matter, the Philippines itself.

No war crime in any of that for the one eyed jokers of the ICC/ICJ circus, but let us wrap things up. Although the illegal kidnapping of Duterte and his rendition to the Hague has huge internal repercussions for the Philippines and its pending war with China, it also serves as a warning to Russia and similar countries that NATO, if given the chance, will kidnap and render its citizens too. Putin and his more pensive mates best make appropriate contingencies with their rough diamonds for that.

As regards the Chinese, the old adage that one Chinese is smarter than one Japanese but that three Japanese are smarter than three Chinese still holds. Whether we are talking about east Asia, eastern Europe or Africa, China best wake up and stop leaving all the heavy lifting to Russia and a handful of more minor countries.

As regards the ICC/ICJ circus, they are now making noises about environmental crimes and, that old chestnut, prosecuting the Taliban over their treatment of women. Although the treatment the Taliban metes out to women is indefensible, it reminds me of when Chris Patten and Prince (now King) Charles sailed out of Hong Kong Harbour in 1997 with the Union ensign in their hands and their tails between their legs. Having denied Hong Kong democracy since 1841, they both decreed that Hong Kong urgently needed British style democracy to undermine China. And, though opinions might differ on Hong Kong’s 2019/2020 turbulence, my own opinion is that necklacing random mainland Chinese accountants, as MI6’s “mostly peaceful” protesters did, is a war crime, for which MI6 and the CIA should answer in a Chinese court.

As regards the Taliban, there is the whiff of NATO’s old Khmer Rouge in them. Though the Khmer Rouge were not the nicest of folk, collaborating with them both in their genocidal war against the heroic Vietnamese Army and in allowing them to retain Cambodia’s seat at the UN was one in a long list of NATO war crimes that MI6 and the CIA never paid a price for. Without those criminal entities, there would have been no Taliban and not only is that a fact but it makes them as culpable as is the most primitive of Taliban cut throats in all they cry crocodile tears for.

Regarding China, what can one say except they will, as always, sit things out. Russia will soldier on, the people of Africa, the Philippines and elsewhere will continue to pay with their lives for the greed of Blair, Bush and Kagame, while the pretend kings and queens of Belarus, like the ICC/ICJ jokers in the Hague, will continue on their journey, just like the King did in Hans Christian Andersen‘s famous tale. And, though the Emperor’s New Clothes is a cracking tale, most folk forget it ends by the King and his entourage ignoring the little boy’s protests and that the procession continues as before, just as the circuses of the ICC/ICJ will continue until NATO’s soft power is uprooted root and branch and their farce of justice is not only exposed for the charade that it is, but ended one way or the other once and forever. On all of this the ball, to use NATO’s currently most popular metaphor, is in China’s court. Let’s see if, for once, they will return the serve.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 12, 2025

See also

March 12, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.