Tag: Africa

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The war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will end
Editor's Сhoice
The war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will end
July 12, 2024

In order to allow for a deeper understanding of the ongoing conflict in the Congo today, this newsletter presents an analysis of the resource theft and processes of imperialism and colonialism that have long plagued this part of Africa, including the fight over raw materials that are key for the electronic age.

São Tomé e Príncipe e Rússia, arrogância e preconceito
June 19, 2024

Passados 50 anos, não se assimilou o facto das relações de Portugal com os novos países de língua oficial portuguesa terem de se subordinar a uma lógica de pares inter pares.

São Tomé e Príncipe e Rússia, arrogância e preconceito
UK shake-up only casts a shadow over Morocco’s victory it hands on a plate to Algeria
UK shake-up only casts a shadow over Morocco’s victory it hands on a plate to Algeria
June 3, 2024

As Britain races towards the poles with a general election almost certain to topple the Conservative party in power, regional analysts will be speculating what impact, if any, a Labour party in Downing Street will have in the MENA region.

Ivorian cocoa farmers “barely survive” while chocolate company profits soar
May 27, 2024

Farmers in Ivory Coast, the source of 45 percent of the world’s cocoa beans, battle climate change and market inequality.

Ivorian cocoa farmers “barely survive” while chocolate company profits soar
Editor's Сhoice
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Niger orders the U.S. military out and invites Russia in
Niger orders the U.S. military out and invites Russia in
May 27, 2024

The days of American domination are over, and the doors in Africa are wide open for alternative help from Russia and China.

Russia gains points among former Portuguese colonies
May 26, 2024

Portugal failed, as the European Union fails, as the USA fails, to see, in the multipolar world, a world without indispensable nations, its future, our future.

Russia gains points among former Portuguese colonies
A Rússia ganha pontos entre ex-colónias Portuguesas
A Rússia ganha pontos entre ex-colónias Portuguesas
May 24, 2024

Portugal falhou, como falha a União Europeia, como falham os EUA, em ver, no mundo multipolar, um mundo sem nações indispensáveis, o seu futuro, o nosso futuro.

Failed pro-imperialist coup targets Democratic Republic of Congo
May 24, 2024

Early Sunday morning, several dozen heavily armed men attacked the Palace of the Nation, a presidential palace and home of the Minister of the Economy in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Men in fatigues opened fire, killing two of Economy Minister Vital Kamerhe’s 15 guards. The attack lasted about three hours before it was crushed.

Failed pro-imperialist coup targets Democratic Republic of Congo
Editor's Сhoice