Tag: Africa

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Biden dá voz ao desespero, em África, à custa da Europa
Biden dá voz ao desespero, em África, à custa da Europa
December 5, 2024

O desespero levará os EUA à fraternidade internacionalista, ou à aceleração da rapina?

The dark side of Band Aid and the Ethiopian famine 40 years on
December 3, 2024

Bob Geldof and his charity have been doing a great job all these years in helping the poor in Africa. Not quite. They’ve both been doing an even better job in being a cover up for who were really responsible for the Ethiopian famine.

The dark side of Band Aid and the Ethiopian famine 40 years on
Support for western-style democracy on decline in Africa
Support for western-style democracy on decline in Africa
November 20, 2024

Across Africa, people are less likely to say that democracy is preferable to any other kind of government than in 2021-2023

Trump e o cenário futuro da América Ibérica
November 17, 2024

O governo Trump tende a ser um continuador da Doutrina Monroe.

Trump e o cenário futuro da América Ibérica
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Trump y el escenario futuro de la América Ibérica
Trump y el escenario futuro de la América Ibérica
November 15, 2024

El nuevo contexto geopolítico y el mayor nivel de degradación de los EE. UU. imponen una serie de limitaciones a la capacidad de Washington de alcanzar sus objetivos en la región.

Can the SAHEL Alliance cut Africa? An answer from Burkina Faso
October 14, 2024

Burkina Faso is demonstrating a driving force for many that was unexpected, Lorenzo Maria Pacini writes.

Can the SAHEL Alliance cut Africa? An answer from Burkina Faso
O possível papel da Rússia na solução da questão do Saara Ocidental
O possível papel da Rússia na solução da questão do Saara Ocidental
October 12, 2024

Para a Rússia, essa solução é a única que pode permitir uma integração harmoniosa entre o Magrebe e a África Ocidental.

Relations between Morocco and Russia are about to be put on track once again
October 11, 2024

The am dram theatricals of Rabat pretending that Moscow is an enemy no longer pay dividends, it would seem.

Relations between Morocco and Russia are about to be put on track once again