Declan Hayes
March 6, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

If Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass.

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Say what you like about Hitler, but he gave Operation Barbarossa his bet shot, when almost 4 million Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Italian, Finnish and German troops swarmed over the western border of the Soviet Union on the 22nd June 1941, with the main goal of establishing the so-called A-A line between Arkhangelsk in Russia’s far north and Astrakhan in Russia’s far south. Though the Romanians, Hungarians and Slovaks have wisely decided to sit this next Barbarossa out, Estonia’s Kaja Kallas has replaced them with Britain, Canada, Poland, Ireland and the equally insignificant pinprick Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Although it is tempting to write off such a toothless alliance, the Russian High Command, together with whatever civilians might get in their way can afford no such luxury, not least because the entire Internet tends to be one blinding echo chamber where we hear only what we want to hear.

I mention civilians because Russia Today (banned for speaking truth to power in my homeland) reports that scores of Russian old age pensioners and children kidnapped from Kursk have recently been returned to their motherland. Though this is of import as it shows how Starmer’s Coalition of the Willing rolls, this criminal act was subject to no punitive measures similar to those levied against Russian civil society leaders by the recently defanged International Criminal Court.

In my own case, I live in Ireland, where the Government has not only been over-generous to the corrupt Zelensky regime but positively hostile, if not downright racist to everyone and everything Russian. And, although Ireland is totally irrelevant to what happens in the wider world, the question as to why this tiny island in the North Atlantic is buying fighter jets and sabre rattling to a no doubt bemused Russia is not.

Even leaving aside that Thales’ Belfast missile factory is supplying Ukraine with another 5,000 air defence missiles to prolong the killing, the answer to all the rest is, because if Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass until DOGE takes a bulldozer to the lot of them; even as I write this piece, Brigadier Rossa Mulchahy has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, where he replaces Liet General Seán Clancy, who has landed a plum gig as the next chair of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) – the highest military body within von der Leyen’s gangrenous EU club. Add in that the Irish media now owes its total existence to government subsidies and government advertising and you see a contemptible little island where the message of Zelensky and similar criminals is uncritically amplified by a compliant media to almost universal acclaim round the clock.

Although there is an unfounded belief that the Irish are somehow radical, there is no basis for that belief because, historically, the biggest employers of Irish men have been the British Army and the British Navy, making it not all that different from anywhere outside of the Home Counties on the adjoining island.Add to that the organised crime gang of the American Democrats have Ireland, as well as most other European countries, thoroughly infiltrated and, whatever they have missed, grants from Kallas and the pathologically corrupt von der Leyen ensure only approved voices are heard. Journalists get “research grants” (read bribes) to track for months on end and then bad mouth political dissidents like Clare Daly and Mick Wallace and the European Union joins forces with Bill Clinton’s Peace Foundations to fund dubious professors in dubious universities, Professor John O’Brennan, who holds the Jean Monenet (sic) Chair of European Integration at Maynooth University, once the world’s largest Catholic seminary, is an excellent example of this as his pompous ignorance makes this empty vessel a figure of fun whenever he is rolled out on state controlled Irish television which is, in itself a standing joke.

The result of all these numerous micro infiltrations is there are large swathes of the public with a vested interest in not rocking the boat that von der Leyen, Kallas and Europe’s other Napoleons in high heels are supposed to command. To phrase that differently, it is a waste of time trying to put Russia’s case to them or to try to persuade them that there is a hard, anti Semitic core at the heart of power in Kiev. They simply are not interested. Putin, Trump and Vance are, like Saddam, Assad, Gaddafi and a hundred others before them, Hitler reincarnated and Zelensky’s Nazis are as sweet as apple pie.

We have all been down this road before, most notably when millions of young Irish, English and French men marched off to defend the right of gallant little Belgium to chop the hands off millions of Congolese children in what the pimps of their era sold as the war to end all wars. Although the only positive side of Verdun, Passchendaele and the Somme was that it woke quite a few Irish people up to the horrible cost of fighting for imperialists, the world at large has taken that awakening as being the norm whereas, in fact, it was only a temporary aberration, before Ireland and the rest of the West fell into its current slumber.

Critical minds are almost as rare as white blackbirds not least because, occasional exceptions like Gillette and Bud Light apart, marketing works as toilet cleaning products like Pepsi ad Coca Cola amply exemplify. People fall for the same nonsense all the time and that is why marketing schools and PR firms with their 5 Ps will not be going out of business any time soon. We have, in Zelensky, a song and dance clown, a modestly successful comedian as POTUS Trump calls him, who was elected on a peace platform as a result of a cynically successful 5P PR campaign, but who has proved himself to be a thoroughly corrupt war monger who cosplays even in the Oval Office and the Vatican. Yet Zelensky has been able to get away with all this because the Democrats and their European agents are so heavily invested in his scams.

Much the same happened with Hitler after his triumphant return from his Wehrmacht conquering France. Who could argue with the great man after such a swift and decisive victory? Certainly not the 22,000 men he had executed for deserting and thereby “undermining the military spirit”, another of whom was almost the late Pope Benedict and at least two of whom were executed by an SS firing squad on 13 May 1945, after Germany’s surrender and with the full cooperation of the Canadians, who are currently biting at the bit to ram their bayonets into Russian bellies instead of, as Maria Zakharova suggests, first putting their own house in order.

Because wars, as Hitler’s and Napoleon’s Russian experiences attest, don’t always go to plan, it could be the invading Canadians and not the incensed Russians who get the bayonets in their bellies but who is to know? Not former Canadian Deputy PM and foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland (grand daughter of a Ukrainian Nazi war criminal), who wants Ottawa to use Europe’s nuclear arsenal as a first strike deterrence against the “predatory” United States. The very fact that lunatics like Freeland are still lionised in Canada just shows how far off the rails the West is and how anything, even Starmer’s second Barbarossa, remains on the table.

It is not that NATO’s bravest and brightest have not put their minds to betting on who would win a punching match between Russia and Western Europe. These articles here, here and here have given thought to the matter and have awarded the fight’s laurels to Europe. But wars are full of wild cards and, with insane buffoons like Freeland, Kallas and von der Leyen on the loose, who can guarantee that their forces will make it to Poland, never mind to places further east?

Though, like Guy Sajer’s The Forgotten Soldier, I have already paid tribute to the 22,000 who were executed for deserting the Wehrmacht, it should be noted that, just mere days before Hitler blew his brains out, Michael Chomiak, Christya Freeland’s Nazi grandfather, who was allowed to immigrate to Canada along with over 8,000 other Ukrainian Nazis, wrote in his Krakivs’ki Visti (Kraków News) newspaper, that Hitler was winning. Not only was Hitler not winning the war in April 1945 but Chomiak’s faulty analysis has been passed on not only to his criminally insane granddaughter but to armies of other Democrat/NATO freeloaders as well.

So much for the diagnosis and now for the prognosis. Though it is the function of the Russian High Command to prepare their troops for the battles that lie ahead, they must also prepare them for the 9th May Victory Parade to commemorate their victory over Finland and her German and Italian allies. Although the March of the Immortal Regiment was a brainwave, I really think Russia could spruce things up by getting these women from Belarus, Vietnam, North Korea, India and especially China to join the festivities. Not only would their presence on the streets of Moscow fill the void the Ukrainian soldiers of more recent years left but it would wrong foot the flat footed West and, particularly in the case of Vietnam, it would be a reminder of their lean, clean and mean Manny Pacquiao heroes of yesteryear as well as being a clear signal to the West that there is life and opportunities galore beyond their crumbling empire. Maybe such a gathering might not play in Peoria but it would go down a treat not only in Russia but in the aforementioned countries that really matter and that are the mother of all marketing counterweights to what von der Leyen, Kallas and their fellow freaks can cobble together.

Kallas, Freeland and von der Leyen pimp their Barbarossa 2.0 to a supine Europe

If Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass.

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Say what you like about Hitler, but he gave Operation Barbarossa his bet shot, when almost 4 million Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Italian, Finnish and German troops swarmed over the western border of the Soviet Union on the 22nd June 1941, with the main goal of establishing the so-called A-A line between Arkhangelsk in Russia’s far north and Astrakhan in Russia’s far south. Though the Romanians, Hungarians and Slovaks have wisely decided to sit this next Barbarossa out, Estonia’s Kaja Kallas has replaced them with Britain, Canada, Poland, Ireland and the equally insignificant pinprick Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Although it is tempting to write off such a toothless alliance, the Russian High Command, together with whatever civilians might get in their way can afford no such luxury, not least because the entire Internet tends to be one blinding echo chamber where we hear only what we want to hear.

I mention civilians because Russia Today (banned for speaking truth to power in my homeland) reports that scores of Russian old age pensioners and children kidnapped from Kursk have recently been returned to their motherland. Though this is of import as it shows how Starmer’s Coalition of the Willing rolls, this criminal act was subject to no punitive measures similar to those levied against Russian civil society leaders by the recently defanged International Criminal Court.

In my own case, I live in Ireland, where the Government has not only been over-generous to the corrupt Zelensky regime but positively hostile, if not downright racist to everyone and everything Russian. And, although Ireland is totally irrelevant to what happens in the wider world, the question as to why this tiny island in the North Atlantic is buying fighter jets and sabre rattling to a no doubt bemused Russia is not.

Even leaving aside that Thales’ Belfast missile factory is supplying Ukraine with another 5,000 air defence missiles to prolong the killing, the answer to all the rest is, because if Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass until DOGE takes a bulldozer to the lot of them; even as I write this piece, Brigadier Rossa Mulchahy has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, where he replaces Liet General Seán Clancy, who has landed a plum gig as the next chair of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) – the highest military body within von der Leyen’s gangrenous EU club. Add in that the Irish media now owes its total existence to government subsidies and government advertising and you see a contemptible little island where the message of Zelensky and similar criminals is uncritically amplified by a compliant media to almost universal acclaim round the clock.

Although there is an unfounded belief that the Irish are somehow radical, there is no basis for that belief because, historically, the biggest employers of Irish men have been the British Army and the British Navy, making it not all that different from anywhere outside of the Home Counties on the adjoining island.Add to that the organised crime gang of the American Democrats have Ireland, as well as most other European countries, thoroughly infiltrated and, whatever they have missed, grants from Kallas and the pathologically corrupt von der Leyen ensure only approved voices are heard. Journalists get “research grants” (read bribes) to track for months on end and then bad mouth political dissidents like Clare Daly and Mick Wallace and the European Union joins forces with Bill Clinton’s Peace Foundations to fund dubious professors in dubious universities, Professor John O’Brennan, who holds the Jean Monenet (sic) Chair of European Integration at Maynooth University, once the world’s largest Catholic seminary, is an excellent example of this as his pompous ignorance makes this empty vessel a figure of fun whenever he is rolled out on state controlled Irish television which is, in itself a standing joke.

The result of all these numerous micro infiltrations is there are large swathes of the public with a vested interest in not rocking the boat that von der Leyen, Kallas and Europe’s other Napoleons in high heels are supposed to command. To phrase that differently, it is a waste of time trying to put Russia’s case to them or to try to persuade them that there is a hard, anti Semitic core at the heart of power in Kiev. They simply are not interested. Putin, Trump and Vance are, like Saddam, Assad, Gaddafi and a hundred others before them, Hitler reincarnated and Zelensky’s Nazis are as sweet as apple pie.

We have all been down this road before, most notably when millions of young Irish, English and French men marched off to defend the right of gallant little Belgium to chop the hands off millions of Congolese children in what the pimps of their era sold as the war to end all wars. Although the only positive side of Verdun, Passchendaele and the Somme was that it woke quite a few Irish people up to the horrible cost of fighting for imperialists, the world at large has taken that awakening as being the norm whereas, in fact, it was only a temporary aberration, before Ireland and the rest of the West fell into its current slumber.

Critical minds are almost as rare as white blackbirds not least because, occasional exceptions like Gillette and Bud Light apart, marketing works as toilet cleaning products like Pepsi ad Coca Cola amply exemplify. People fall for the same nonsense all the time and that is why marketing schools and PR firms with their 5 Ps will not be going out of business any time soon. We have, in Zelensky, a song and dance clown, a modestly successful comedian as POTUS Trump calls him, who was elected on a peace platform as a result of a cynically successful 5P PR campaign, but who has proved himself to be a thoroughly corrupt war monger who cosplays even in the Oval Office and the Vatican. Yet Zelensky has been able to get away with all this because the Democrats and their European agents are so heavily invested in his scams.

Much the same happened with Hitler after his triumphant return from his Wehrmacht conquering France. Who could argue with the great man after such a swift and decisive victory? Certainly not the 22,000 men he had executed for deserting and thereby “undermining the military spirit”, another of whom was almost the late Pope Benedict and at least two of whom were executed by an SS firing squad on 13 May 1945, after Germany’s surrender and with the full cooperation of the Canadians, who are currently biting at the bit to ram their bayonets into Russian bellies instead of, as Maria Zakharova suggests, first putting their own house in order.

Because wars, as Hitler’s and Napoleon’s Russian experiences attest, don’t always go to plan, it could be the invading Canadians and not the incensed Russians who get the bayonets in their bellies but who is to know? Not former Canadian Deputy PM and foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland (grand daughter of a Ukrainian Nazi war criminal), who wants Ottawa to use Europe’s nuclear arsenal as a first strike deterrence against the “predatory” United States. The very fact that lunatics like Freeland are still lionised in Canada just shows how far off the rails the West is and how anything, even Starmer’s second Barbarossa, remains on the table.

It is not that NATO’s bravest and brightest have not put their minds to betting on who would win a punching match between Russia and Western Europe. These articles here, here and here have given thought to the matter and have awarded the fight’s laurels to Europe. But wars are full of wild cards and, with insane buffoons like Freeland, Kallas and von der Leyen on the loose, who can guarantee that their forces will make it to Poland, never mind to places further east?

Though, like Guy Sajer’s The Forgotten Soldier, I have already paid tribute to the 22,000 who were executed for deserting the Wehrmacht, it should be noted that, just mere days before Hitler blew his brains out, Michael Chomiak, Christya Freeland’s Nazi grandfather, who was allowed to immigrate to Canada along with over 8,000 other Ukrainian Nazis, wrote in his Krakivs’ki Visti (Kraków News) newspaper, that Hitler was winning. Not only was Hitler not winning the war in April 1945 but Chomiak’s faulty analysis has been passed on not only to his criminally insane granddaughter but to armies of other Democrat/NATO freeloaders as well.

So much for the diagnosis and now for the prognosis. Though it is the function of the Russian High Command to prepare their troops for the battles that lie ahead, they must also prepare them for the 9th May Victory Parade to commemorate their victory over Finland and her German and Italian allies. Although the March of the Immortal Regiment was a brainwave, I really think Russia could spruce things up by getting these women from Belarus, Vietnam, North Korea, India and especially China to join the festivities. Not only would their presence on the streets of Moscow fill the void the Ukrainian soldiers of more recent years left but it would wrong foot the flat footed West and, particularly in the case of Vietnam, it would be a reminder of their lean, clean and mean Manny Pacquiao heroes of yesteryear as well as being a clear signal to the West that there is life and opportunities galore beyond their crumbling empire. Maybe such a gathering might not play in Peoria but it would go down a treat not only in Russia but in the aforementioned countries that really matter and that are the mother of all marketing counterweights to what von der Leyen, Kallas and their fellow freaks can cobble together.

If Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass.

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Say what you like about Hitler, but he gave Operation Barbarossa his bet shot, when almost 4 million Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Italian, Finnish and German troops swarmed over the western border of the Soviet Union on the 22nd June 1941, with the main goal of establishing the so-called A-A line between Arkhangelsk in Russia’s far north and Astrakhan in Russia’s far south. Though the Romanians, Hungarians and Slovaks have wisely decided to sit this next Barbarossa out, Estonia’s Kaja Kallas has replaced them with Britain, Canada, Poland, Ireland and the equally insignificant pinprick Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Although it is tempting to write off such a toothless alliance, the Russian High Command, together with whatever civilians might get in their way can afford no such luxury, not least because the entire Internet tends to be one blinding echo chamber where we hear only what we want to hear.

I mention civilians because Russia Today (banned for speaking truth to power in my homeland) reports that scores of Russian old age pensioners and children kidnapped from Kursk have recently been returned to their motherland. Though this is of import as it shows how Starmer’s Coalition of the Willing rolls, this criminal act was subject to no punitive measures similar to those levied against Russian civil society leaders by the recently defanged International Criminal Court.

In my own case, I live in Ireland, where the Government has not only been over-generous to the corrupt Zelensky regime but positively hostile, if not downright racist to everyone and everything Russian. And, although Ireland is totally irrelevant to what happens in the wider world, the question as to why this tiny island in the North Atlantic is buying fighter jets and sabre rattling to a no doubt bemused Russia is not.

Even leaving aside that Thales’ Belfast missile factory is supplying Ukraine with another 5,000 air defence missiles to prolong the killing, the answer to all the rest is, because if Kallas and von der Leyen get Ireland to abandon its well-established and much admired policy of neutrality, there will be yet more desk jobs in Brussels and NATO’s HQ for Ireland’s military top brass until DOGE takes a bulldozer to the lot of them; even as I write this piece, Brigadier Rossa Mulchahy has been appointed Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, where he replaces Liet General Seán Clancy, who has landed a plum gig as the next chair of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) – the highest military body within von der Leyen’s gangrenous EU club. Add in that the Irish media now owes its total existence to government subsidies and government advertising and you see a contemptible little island where the message of Zelensky and similar criminals is uncritically amplified by a compliant media to almost universal acclaim round the clock.

Although there is an unfounded belief that the Irish are somehow radical, there is no basis for that belief because, historically, the biggest employers of Irish men have been the British Army and the British Navy, making it not all that different from anywhere outside of the Home Counties on the adjoining island.Add to that the organised crime gang of the American Democrats have Ireland, as well as most other European countries, thoroughly infiltrated and, whatever they have missed, grants from Kallas and the pathologically corrupt von der Leyen ensure only approved voices are heard. Journalists get “research grants” (read bribes) to track for months on end and then bad mouth political dissidents like Clare Daly and Mick Wallace and the European Union joins forces with Bill Clinton’s Peace Foundations to fund dubious professors in dubious universities, Professor John O’Brennan, who holds the Jean Monenet (sic) Chair of European Integration at Maynooth University, once the world’s largest Catholic seminary, is an excellent example of this as his pompous ignorance makes this empty vessel a figure of fun whenever he is rolled out on state controlled Irish television which is, in itself a standing joke.

The result of all these numerous micro infiltrations is there are large swathes of the public with a vested interest in not rocking the boat that von der Leyen, Kallas and Europe’s other Napoleons in high heels are supposed to command. To phrase that differently, it is a waste of time trying to put Russia’s case to them or to try to persuade them that there is a hard, anti Semitic core at the heart of power in Kiev. They simply are not interested. Putin, Trump and Vance are, like Saddam, Assad, Gaddafi and a hundred others before them, Hitler reincarnated and Zelensky’s Nazis are as sweet as apple pie.

We have all been down this road before, most notably when millions of young Irish, English and French men marched off to defend the right of gallant little Belgium to chop the hands off millions of Congolese children in what the pimps of their era sold as the war to end all wars. Although the only positive side of Verdun, Passchendaele and the Somme was that it woke quite a few Irish people up to the horrible cost of fighting for imperialists, the world at large has taken that awakening as being the norm whereas, in fact, it was only a temporary aberration, before Ireland and the rest of the West fell into its current slumber.

Critical minds are almost as rare as white blackbirds not least because, occasional exceptions like Gillette and Bud Light apart, marketing works as toilet cleaning products like Pepsi ad Coca Cola amply exemplify. People fall for the same nonsense all the time and that is why marketing schools and PR firms with their 5 Ps will not be going out of business any time soon. We have, in Zelensky, a song and dance clown, a modestly successful comedian as POTUS Trump calls him, who was elected on a peace platform as a result of a cynically successful 5P PR campaign, but who has proved himself to be a thoroughly corrupt war monger who cosplays even in the Oval Office and the Vatican. Yet Zelensky has been able to get away with all this because the Democrats and their European agents are so heavily invested in his scams.

Much the same happened with Hitler after his triumphant return from his Wehrmacht conquering France. Who could argue with the great man after such a swift and decisive victory? Certainly not the 22,000 men he had executed for deserting and thereby “undermining the military spirit”, another of whom was almost the late Pope Benedict and at least two of whom were executed by an SS firing squad on 13 May 1945, after Germany’s surrender and with the full cooperation of the Canadians, who are currently biting at the bit to ram their bayonets into Russian bellies instead of, as Maria Zakharova suggests, first putting their own house in order.

Because wars, as Hitler’s and Napoleon’s Russian experiences attest, don’t always go to plan, it could be the invading Canadians and not the incensed Russians who get the bayonets in their bellies but who is to know? Not former Canadian Deputy PM and foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland (grand daughter of a Ukrainian Nazi war criminal), who wants Ottawa to use Europe’s nuclear arsenal as a first strike deterrence against the “predatory” United States. The very fact that lunatics like Freeland are still lionised in Canada just shows how far off the rails the West is and how anything, even Starmer’s second Barbarossa, remains on the table.

It is not that NATO’s bravest and brightest have not put their minds to betting on who would win a punching match between Russia and Western Europe. These articles here, here and here have given thought to the matter and have awarded the fight’s laurels to Europe. But wars are full of wild cards and, with insane buffoons like Freeland, Kallas and von der Leyen on the loose, who can guarantee that their forces will make it to Poland, never mind to places further east?

Though, like Guy Sajer’s The Forgotten Soldier, I have already paid tribute to the 22,000 who were executed for deserting the Wehrmacht, it should be noted that, just mere days before Hitler blew his brains out, Michael Chomiak, Christya Freeland’s Nazi grandfather, who was allowed to immigrate to Canada along with over 8,000 other Ukrainian Nazis, wrote in his Krakivs’ki Visti (Kraków News) newspaper, that Hitler was winning. Not only was Hitler not winning the war in April 1945 but Chomiak’s faulty analysis has been passed on not only to his criminally insane granddaughter but to armies of other Democrat/NATO freeloaders as well.

So much for the diagnosis and now for the prognosis. Though it is the function of the Russian High Command to prepare their troops for the battles that lie ahead, they must also prepare them for the 9th May Victory Parade to commemorate their victory over Finland and her German and Italian allies. Although the March of the Immortal Regiment was a brainwave, I really think Russia could spruce things up by getting these women from Belarus, Vietnam, North Korea, India and especially China to join the festivities. Not only would their presence on the streets of Moscow fill the void the Ukrainian soldiers of more recent years left but it would wrong foot the flat footed West and, particularly in the case of Vietnam, it would be a reminder of their lean, clean and mean Manny Pacquiao heroes of yesteryear as well as being a clear signal to the West that there is life and opportunities galore beyond their crumbling empire. Maybe such a gathering might not play in Peoria but it would go down a treat not only in Russia but in the aforementioned countries that really matter and that are the mother of all marketing counterweights to what von der Leyen, Kallas and their fellow freaks can cobble together.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.