Tag: Ursula von der Leyen

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Von der Leyen’s legacy
Von der Leyen’s legacy
July 26, 2024

A European Union that has not only given up, but is using its own people. This is the legacy of Ursula von der Leyen and all those who support her.

O legado de von der Leyen
July 25, 2024

Uma União Europeia que não apenas desistiu, como usa os seus próprios povos. Eis o legado de Ursula von der Leyen e de todos os que a apoiam.

O legado de von der Leyen
Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
June 30, 2024

Brussels’ stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy, Martin Jay writes.

Ireland votes von der Leyen
June 14, 2024

The Irish government parties, together with their fake opposition buffers, largely swept the field.

Ireland votes von der Leyen
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EU now at a crossroads: Reform or self-destruction
EU now at a crossroads: Reform or self-destruction
June 13, 2024

As the election results show, far-right MEPs now hold a considerable part of the European parliament. Will Ursula von der Leyen, if re-elected, fight them or accommodate their ideas?

VIDEO: Biden and other Western leaders could face war crimes prosecution over Gaza and Ukraine
June 12, 2024

US President Joe Biden and European leaders are liable for war crimes in Gaza and Ukraine and could face prosecution. That’s the assessment of internationally renowned legal expert Alfred de Zayas and a collective of jurists at the Geneva International Research Peace Institute.

VIDEO: Biden and other Western leaders could face war crimes prosecution over Gaza and Ukraine
The European Union’s fires where freedom burns
The European Union’s fires where freedom burns
April 4, 2024

Faced with the more-than-announced collapse of the Kiev regime and everything it stands for; the EU is facing a challenge to survive.

Who’s Running the EU? Big Global Corporations Which Aren’t Even European!
March 28, 2024

When Borrell speaks of “our own interest” he literally means his own interest and a few of his cronies on the elitist payroll.

Who’s Running the EU? Big Global Corporations Which Aren’t Even European!