Declan Hayes
January 19, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch.

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Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? ~ Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

Looking back at my own 2022 article on the Armenian genocide and Ed Rampell’s more recent excellent article on Jimmy Carter’s war crimes in Afghanistan and Iran, things look very dark indeed for Syria’s plurality of ethnic and religious minorities. That is because their emasculation and even elimination fits into the grand plans of NATO, Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood alliance of Turkey, Qatar and their various proxy groups.

Before getting on to giving only the smallest taste of their crimes, it is important to state that all those who belong in the dock include not only Julani’s shaggy haired head choppers, but the Turkish, Qatari, American and European movers and shakers, who have always enabled them. Although books should and could be written castigating all NATO’s modern day Vichys and Quislings, German failed trampolinist Annalena Baerbock will suffice for our purposes. Here she is, being slated in late October 2024, for saying that Gaza’s hospitals and schools should, along with all within them, be obliterated if that is what Netanyahu thinks must be done to bring about a final solution to the Gazan question.

Although that failed German trampolinist is straight out of Nazi Germany’s central casting, here is British warlord (or is it lady?) Mo Mowlam praising the IRA internal “housekeeping”, as this hag euphemistically called the IRA’s policy of murdering anyone who knew too much about their child raping or other recreational rackets. And, although Belfast, Damascus and Kabul are all worlds apart, what unites them here is, as Rampell brilliantly explains, the willingness of NATO’s lords and ladies of darkness to green light all crimes, no matter how blatantly barbaric they are, if that is what it takes to get NATO’s desired outcome of peace for our time.

So, who are these Druze and Alawite characters anyway?

Having consorted with a cross range of Alawites and Druze from all military, political and civilian sections of Syrian society, I would say they are a mixed bag, a not atypical mixture of honourable and dishonourable people, all of whom had to historically watch their backs lest the Muslim Brotherhood head hackers get the upper hand. Although many were amongst the most honourable and patriotic people I have ever met, others were just useless free loaders, no different from grifters, bums and layabouts elsewhere.

That being so, they are all now under the cosh for holding beliefs their new Uyghur overlords find anathema. The funny thing about those beliefs is the shaggy haired Chinese Uyghurs know nothing about them or, for that matter, what they profess to believe in themselves. Although I would be loathe to recommend MI6 connected pop historians like Tom Holland, on the wider canvass, these more esoteric religions should be of interest to civilised people, the St Augustines of our time, because of the wide cast of characters who were strutting about the Fertile Crescent, when the Apostles were in their heyday. Although Simon Magus is one of the false prophets the Apostles give a jolly good rollicking to, no less a figure than the secretive Pythagoras had followers galore in Greater Syria and no doubt some of his ascetic influence still lingers, not least amongst the Alawi and Druze there or, indeed, with Iraq’s Yazidis and Mandaeans, both of whom were protected by Saddam Hussein and both of whom were slaughtered and enslaved after the CIA and MI6, strangers both to St Augustine, overthrew him.

And, though I would not rush to recommend Holland, neither I nor anyone else can recommend the great William Dalrymple’s From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the shadow of Byzantium highly enough. Although every sentence and every page of it is a treasure, Dalrymple’s overarching point is that the Syrian Arab Republic was the only country in our entire cradle of civilisation where Christians could breathe easily. With the collapse of Syria, those days are over, perhaps forever.

So what is the Muslim Brotherhood’s beef?

When Hafez Assad finally crushed the The Muslim Brotherhood uprising in 1982, many of their High Command escaped to Britain, Turkey and other bolt holes where, not unlike Bandera’s Ukrainian crew, they and their NATO handlers planned for better days ahead. Because Zelensky shows the riches that can be accrued by being a NATO lackey, the Muslim Brotherhood’s High Command, backed by MI6, put in the heavy lifting during their lean years.

The billionaire Tlass family typify these Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebel leaders in waiting. Firas was a shady Syrian Sunni billionaire, with close relations to the late President Hafez al Assad; his father, Mustafa, was Minister for Defense in Hafez’s government and, as such, was the chief architect of the bloody suppression of the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising, which is at the heart of Syria’s current problems. Although the Tlass family worked closely with the governments of both Hafez and Bashar al Assad as well as with their most elite army regiments, they had also been key collaborators with the earlier French and Turkish occupation forces, an indication perhaps of where their true loyalties lie. On 26 July 2012, Firas Tlass called on the Syrian government to hand power over to himself, his family and his cronies and he further declared that he was a major financier of the Farouq Brigades in the Free Syrian Army, commanded by his cousin, the notorious sex pervert Abdul Razzaq Tlass, and officered by his fellow cannibals of the Free (sic) Syrian Army.

Manaf Tlass is a former Brigadier General of the elite Syrian Republican Guard, who defected in 2012. Tlass commanded their 104th brigade that was located in Douma and Harasta together with the now legendary Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine, a member of Syria’s Druze community, a noteworthy fact when weighing the veracity of Manaf’s self-serving allegations and spin. The hometown of the Tlass family, Rastan, became an early base for army defectors, not least because the Tlass family were busy supplying them with money, weapons, radical preachers and captagon (the drug of choice for ISIS head hackers) to fire them up, practices Manaf continued to fund when in Saudi Arabia and Turkey with his MI6 intelligence handlers. Manaf’s cousin, Abdul Razzak Tlass, has admitted that Manaf provided him and several flesh-eating units of the Free Syrian Army with arms in order to expand from their Rastan base. The end result of that support was the non-stop mortaring and car-bombing of civilian areas of Damascus, which I, amongst hundreds of thousands of Syrian innocents, had the good fortune to enjoy.

The point to note in all this is that big shots like the Tlass organised crime gang had their focus on political power and the wealth they could accrue from that, and their Syrian and imported savages were satisfied with more petty pilfering, some recreational rape and cutting the throats of Alawites and others with some social standing in Syria.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood runs a vast network of mosques and are setting up more ones in the grounds of Damascus University to dumb down both its students and its staff, it would, as Hazez Assad long ago pointed out, be a perversion of both logic and English to associate those savages with any religion.

The Alawite High Command

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. ~ John 2:19.

Although the Tlass crew jumped ship over a decade ago, Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s ambassador in Moscow, is a much more recent convert to the head hackers’ cause. In a series of recent interviews, Jaafari has told anyone who will listen that Assad’s Syria “was a corrupt mafia system that served its own interests”. All very well until we recall that Jaafari was Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, a position he used to leverage American and Canadian grifters, who are now proposing all kinds of ridiculous ideas about how Syria fell, for no net gain to Syria. If the Assad “regime” was so corrupt, then Judas Jaafari must cop his own considerable portion of the blame.

Oh, and did I mention that Jaafari is an Alawite? Not a big deal I reckon until some Muslim Brotherhood knuckledragger with a personal grudge to settle whacks him, or some of those other favoured ones who escaped Sham at the last minute.

Christians on the Cross

Though the likes of Jaafari “disappoints” me and all others with a sense of integrity, as I have met countless Alawites, Druze and Christians like him before who also have a scorpion’s treachery embedded in their DNA, he is irrelevant. Cockroaches like him are not my immediate concern, which is factored around those ordinary Syrians getting it in the neck and their pristine leaders like Patriarch John of Antioch, who is speaking truth to power in a fashion Jesus, Pythagoras and the apostles would all whole heartedly admire.

John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other true religious leaders show up our own plastic leaders such as failed German trampolinist Annalena Baerbock and the fake news media who fawn on her, as the charlatans that they are. Were these people not the reincarnated Nazis that they are, they would, at the very least, meet in Damascus with those gallant leaders to hear from the horse’s mouth who is today being slaughtered in Syria.

The Horse’s Mouth

To get us in the right rebel rebel mood, I was going to show a link to a bunch of supervised children murdering some unfortunate in the Dummar region, north of Damascus but luckily Twitter has removed the tweet so as not to offend our delicate sensibilities.

Never mind! Here is Walid Kabuli, Latakia’s new Education Minister demanding that Syria be “purified of Alawites and Shiites”. Here, a radical Jolani imam tells the Alawites that “if you don’t stop overstepping, you will be expelled from your homes.”

Here, from the village of Dniba in rural Salamiyah, is the assassinated Alawite couple of Sheikh Ali Deeb and his wife, Narman Hadid (Umm Rami). And here are two Qusayr men murdered for being Shia (and therefore worthy only of death). Here, to keep the theme going, are two Syrians getting 25 lashes apiece because they did not go to listen to Julani’s imams bullshit their ignorant way through Friday prayers.

Here, here, here, here and here are reports of Alawi and Christian businesses and hospitals being closed and the Valley of the Christians being stripped of its resources so that, much like Palestine, the locals have no economic future. And, just like Palestine, Christian and Alawi areas are being colonised by outsiders, Chinese Uyhgurs and London Pakistani slappers in Syria’s case. As even women in hijabs are being made wear niqabs, Syria is well on the road to social and economic destruction. And all this is happening when Julani’s Justice Minister—famous for getting his rocks off overseeing public executions of women in Idlib—is sitting down with a Turkish delegation to chat about war crimes by the former Assad government.

What is to be done? Organise, educate, agitate

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other heroes who are at the cutting edge of NATO’s barbarity. And, though things are dark, we cannot be despondent and must believe that, as God closes one door and opens another, we might ourselves prise the odd window or mouse hole open as well.

In this respect, a methodical, calibrated and calculated approach along Lenin’s well known template is needed. First off, relevant information must be collected not only to help those wishing to follow the judicial path on behalf of Syria‘s new “moderate rebels” but also to hound the high heaven out of the Annalena Baerbocks and other failed trampolinists of NATO’s demi-monde. And, though I am not going to go all kumbaya about how Trump changed, on the surface at least, Yankeeland’s politics, he has shown that failed trapeze artists like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton and Big Mike Obama can be brought back to earth with a bang.

Though the Russian, Egyptian and Iranian High Commands have no doubt absorbed some of the lessons of the fall of Syria and its aftermath, we too must learn so that we may be in a position to help force China to insist on the repatriation, to Chinese gulags, of Syria’s 200,000 Uyghurs as a first step to allowing Syrians once again breathe clean air unpolluted by them and the rest of their Muslim Brotherhood throat-cutting ilk.

Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Alawites?

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch.

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Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? ~ Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

Looking back at my own 2022 article on the Armenian genocide and Ed Rampell’s more recent excellent article on Jimmy Carter’s war crimes in Afghanistan and Iran, things look very dark indeed for Syria’s plurality of ethnic and religious minorities. That is because their emasculation and even elimination fits into the grand plans of NATO, Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood alliance of Turkey, Qatar and their various proxy groups.

Before getting on to giving only the smallest taste of their crimes, it is important to state that all those who belong in the dock include not only Julani’s shaggy haired head choppers, but the Turkish, Qatari, American and European movers and shakers, who have always enabled them. Although books should and could be written castigating all NATO’s modern day Vichys and Quislings, German failed trampolinist Annalena Baerbock will suffice for our purposes. Here she is, being slated in late October 2024, for saying that Gaza’s hospitals and schools should, along with all within them, be obliterated if that is what Netanyahu thinks must be done to bring about a final solution to the Gazan question.

Although that failed German trampolinist is straight out of Nazi Germany’s central casting, here is British warlord (or is it lady?) Mo Mowlam praising the IRA internal “housekeeping”, as this hag euphemistically called the IRA’s policy of murdering anyone who knew too much about their child raping or other recreational rackets. And, although Belfast, Damascus and Kabul are all worlds apart, what unites them here is, as Rampell brilliantly explains, the willingness of NATO’s lords and ladies of darkness to green light all crimes, no matter how blatantly barbaric they are, if that is what it takes to get NATO’s desired outcome of peace for our time.

So, who are these Druze and Alawite characters anyway?

Having consorted with a cross range of Alawites and Druze from all military, political and civilian sections of Syrian society, I would say they are a mixed bag, a not atypical mixture of honourable and dishonourable people, all of whom had to historically watch their backs lest the Muslim Brotherhood head hackers get the upper hand. Although many were amongst the most honourable and patriotic people I have ever met, others were just useless free loaders, no different from grifters, bums and layabouts elsewhere.

That being so, they are all now under the cosh for holding beliefs their new Uyghur overlords find anathema. The funny thing about those beliefs is the shaggy haired Chinese Uyghurs know nothing about them or, for that matter, what they profess to believe in themselves. Although I would be loathe to recommend MI6 connected pop historians like Tom Holland, on the wider canvass, these more esoteric religions should be of interest to civilised people, the St Augustines of our time, because of the wide cast of characters who were strutting about the Fertile Crescent, when the Apostles were in their heyday. Although Simon Magus is one of the false prophets the Apostles give a jolly good rollicking to, no less a figure than the secretive Pythagoras had followers galore in Greater Syria and no doubt some of his ascetic influence still lingers, not least amongst the Alawi and Druze there or, indeed, with Iraq’s Yazidis and Mandaeans, both of whom were protected by Saddam Hussein and both of whom were slaughtered and enslaved after the CIA and MI6, strangers both to St Augustine, overthrew him.

And, though I would not rush to recommend Holland, neither I nor anyone else can recommend the great William Dalrymple’s From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the shadow of Byzantium highly enough. Although every sentence and every page of it is a treasure, Dalrymple’s overarching point is that the Syrian Arab Republic was the only country in our entire cradle of civilisation where Christians could breathe easily. With the collapse of Syria, those days are over, perhaps forever.

So what is the Muslim Brotherhood’s beef?

When Hafez Assad finally crushed the The Muslim Brotherhood uprising in 1982, many of their High Command escaped to Britain, Turkey and other bolt holes where, not unlike Bandera’s Ukrainian crew, they and their NATO handlers planned for better days ahead. Because Zelensky shows the riches that can be accrued by being a NATO lackey, the Muslim Brotherhood’s High Command, backed by MI6, put in the heavy lifting during their lean years.

The billionaire Tlass family typify these Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebel leaders in waiting. Firas was a shady Syrian Sunni billionaire, with close relations to the late President Hafez al Assad; his father, Mustafa, was Minister for Defense in Hafez’s government and, as such, was the chief architect of the bloody suppression of the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising, which is at the heart of Syria’s current problems. Although the Tlass family worked closely with the governments of both Hafez and Bashar al Assad as well as with their most elite army regiments, they had also been key collaborators with the earlier French and Turkish occupation forces, an indication perhaps of where their true loyalties lie. On 26 July 2012, Firas Tlass called on the Syrian government to hand power over to himself, his family and his cronies and he further declared that he was a major financier of the Farouq Brigades in the Free Syrian Army, commanded by his cousin, the notorious sex pervert Abdul Razzaq Tlass, and officered by his fellow cannibals of the Free (sic) Syrian Army.

Manaf Tlass is a former Brigadier General of the elite Syrian Republican Guard, who defected in 2012. Tlass commanded their 104th brigade that was located in Douma and Harasta together with the now legendary Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine, a member of Syria’s Druze community, a noteworthy fact when weighing the veracity of Manaf’s self-serving allegations and spin. The hometown of the Tlass family, Rastan, became an early base for army defectors, not least because the Tlass family were busy supplying them with money, weapons, radical preachers and captagon (the drug of choice for ISIS head hackers) to fire them up, practices Manaf continued to fund when in Saudi Arabia and Turkey with his MI6 intelligence handlers. Manaf’s cousin, Abdul Razzak Tlass, has admitted that Manaf provided him and several flesh-eating units of the Free Syrian Army with arms in order to expand from their Rastan base. The end result of that support was the non-stop mortaring and car-bombing of civilian areas of Damascus, which I, amongst hundreds of thousands of Syrian innocents, had the good fortune to enjoy.

The point to note in all this is that big shots like the Tlass organised crime gang had their focus on political power and the wealth they could accrue from that, and their Syrian and imported savages were satisfied with more petty pilfering, some recreational rape and cutting the throats of Alawites and others with some social standing in Syria.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood runs a vast network of mosques and are setting up more ones in the grounds of Damascus University to dumb down both its students and its staff, it would, as Hazez Assad long ago pointed out, be a perversion of both logic and English to associate those savages with any religion.

The Alawite High Command

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. ~ John 2:19.

Although the Tlass crew jumped ship over a decade ago, Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s ambassador in Moscow, is a much more recent convert to the head hackers’ cause. In a series of recent interviews, Jaafari has told anyone who will listen that Assad’s Syria “was a corrupt mafia system that served its own interests”. All very well until we recall that Jaafari was Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, a position he used to leverage American and Canadian grifters, who are now proposing all kinds of ridiculous ideas about how Syria fell, for no net gain to Syria. If the Assad “regime” was so corrupt, then Judas Jaafari must cop his own considerable portion of the blame.

Oh, and did I mention that Jaafari is an Alawite? Not a big deal I reckon until some Muslim Brotherhood knuckledragger with a personal grudge to settle whacks him, or some of those other favoured ones who escaped Sham at the last minute.

Christians on the Cross

Though the likes of Jaafari “disappoints” me and all others with a sense of integrity, as I have met countless Alawites, Druze and Christians like him before who also have a scorpion’s treachery embedded in their DNA, he is irrelevant. Cockroaches like him are not my immediate concern, which is factored around those ordinary Syrians getting it in the neck and their pristine leaders like Patriarch John of Antioch, who is speaking truth to power in a fashion Jesus, Pythagoras and the apostles would all whole heartedly admire.

John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other true religious leaders show up our own plastic leaders such as failed German trampolinist Annalena Baerbock and the fake news media who fawn on her, as the charlatans that they are. Were these people not the reincarnated Nazis that they are, they would, at the very least, meet in Damascus with those gallant leaders to hear from the horse’s mouth who is today being slaughtered in Syria.

The Horse’s Mouth

To get us in the right rebel rebel mood, I was going to show a link to a bunch of supervised children murdering some unfortunate in the Dummar region, north of Damascus but luckily Twitter has removed the tweet so as not to offend our delicate sensibilities.

Never mind! Here is Walid Kabuli, Latakia’s new Education Minister demanding that Syria be “purified of Alawites and Shiites”. Here, a radical Jolani imam tells the Alawites that “if you don’t stop overstepping, you will be expelled from your homes.”

Here, from the village of Dniba in rural Salamiyah, is the assassinated Alawite couple of Sheikh Ali Deeb and his wife, Narman Hadid (Umm Rami). And here are two Qusayr men murdered for being Shia (and therefore worthy only of death). Here, to keep the theme going, are two Syrians getting 25 lashes apiece because they did not go to listen to Julani’s imams bullshit their ignorant way through Friday prayers.

Here, here, here, here and here are reports of Alawi and Christian businesses and hospitals being closed and the Valley of the Christians being stripped of its resources so that, much like Palestine, the locals have no economic future. And, just like Palestine, Christian and Alawi areas are being colonised by outsiders, Chinese Uyhgurs and London Pakistani slappers in Syria’s case. As even women in hijabs are being made wear niqabs, Syria is well on the road to social and economic destruction. And all this is happening when Julani’s Justice Minister—famous for getting his rocks off overseeing public executions of women in Idlib—is sitting down with a Turkish delegation to chat about war crimes by the former Assad government.

What is to be done? Organise, educate, agitate

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other heroes who are at the cutting edge of NATO’s barbarity. And, though things are dark, we cannot be despondent and must believe that, as God closes one door and opens another, we might ourselves prise the odd window or mouse hole open as well.

In this respect, a methodical, calibrated and calculated approach along Lenin’s well known template is needed. First off, relevant information must be collected not only to help those wishing to follow the judicial path on behalf of Syria‘s new “moderate rebels” but also to hound the high heaven out of the Annalena Baerbocks and other failed trampolinists of NATO’s demi-monde. And, though I am not going to go all kumbaya about how Trump changed, on the surface at least, Yankeeland’s politics, he has shown that failed trapeze artists like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton and Big Mike Obama can be brought back to earth with a bang.

Though the Russian, Egyptian and Iranian High Commands have no doubt absorbed some of the lessons of the fall of Syria and its aftermath, we too must learn so that we may be in a position to help force China to insist on the repatriation, to Chinese gulags, of Syria’s 200,000 Uyghurs as a first step to allowing Syrians once again breathe clean air unpolluted by them and the rest of their Muslim Brotherhood throat-cutting ilk.

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch.

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Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? ~ Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

Looking back at my own 2022 article on the Armenian genocide and Ed Rampell’s more recent excellent article on Jimmy Carter’s war crimes in Afghanistan and Iran, things look very dark indeed for Syria’s plurality of ethnic and religious minorities. That is because their emasculation and even elimination fits into the grand plans of NATO, Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood alliance of Turkey, Qatar and their various proxy groups.

Before getting on to giving only the smallest taste of their crimes, it is important to state that all those who belong in the dock include not only Julani’s shaggy haired head choppers, but the Turkish, Qatari, American and European movers and shakers, who have always enabled them. Although books should and could be written castigating all NATO’s modern day Vichys and Quislings, German failed trampolinist Annalena Baerbock will suffice for our purposes. Here she is, being slated in late October 2024, for saying that Gaza’s hospitals and schools should, along with all within them, be obliterated if that is what Netanyahu thinks must be done to bring about a final solution to the Gazan question.

Although that failed German trampolinist is straight out of Nazi Germany’s central casting, here is British warlord (or is it lady?) Mo Mowlam praising the IRA internal “housekeeping”, as this hag euphemistically called the IRA’s policy of murdering anyone who knew too much about their child raping or other recreational rackets. And, although Belfast, Damascus and Kabul are all worlds apart, what unites them here is, as Rampell brilliantly explains, the willingness of NATO’s lords and ladies of darkness to green light all crimes, no matter how blatantly barbaric they are, if that is what it takes to get NATO’s desired outcome of peace for our time.

So, who are these Druze and Alawite characters anyway?

Having consorted with a cross range of Alawites and Druze from all military, political and civilian sections of Syrian society, I would say they are a mixed bag, a not atypical mixture of honourable and dishonourable people, all of whom had to historically watch their backs lest the Muslim Brotherhood head hackers get the upper hand. Although many were amongst the most honourable and patriotic people I have ever met, others were just useless free loaders, no different from grifters, bums and layabouts elsewhere.

That being so, they are all now under the cosh for holding beliefs their new Uyghur overlords find anathema. The funny thing about those beliefs is the shaggy haired Chinese Uyghurs know nothing about them or, for that matter, what they profess to believe in themselves. Although I would be loathe to recommend MI6 connected pop historians like Tom Holland, on the wider canvass, these more esoteric religions should be of interest to civilised people, the St Augustines of our time, because of the wide cast of characters who were strutting about the Fertile Crescent, when the Apostles were in their heyday. Although Simon Magus is one of the false prophets the Apostles give a jolly good rollicking to, no less a figure than the secretive Pythagoras had followers galore in Greater Syria and no doubt some of his ascetic influence still lingers, not least amongst the Alawi and Druze there or, indeed, with Iraq’s Yazidis and Mandaeans, both of whom were protected by Saddam Hussein and both of whom were slaughtered and enslaved after the CIA and MI6, strangers both to St Augustine, overthrew him.

And, though I would not rush to recommend Holland, neither I nor anyone else can recommend the great William Dalrymple’s From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the shadow of Byzantium highly enough. Although every sentence and every page of it is a treasure, Dalrymple’s overarching point is that the Syrian Arab Republic was the only country in our entire cradle of civilisation where Christians could breathe easily. With the collapse of Syria, those days are over, perhaps forever.

So what is the Muslim Brotherhood’s beef?

When Hafez Assad finally crushed the The Muslim Brotherhood uprising in 1982, many of their High Command escaped to Britain, Turkey and other bolt holes where, not unlike Bandera’s Ukrainian crew, they and their NATO handlers planned for better days ahead. Because Zelensky shows the riches that can be accrued by being a NATO lackey, the Muslim Brotherhood’s High Command, backed by MI6, put in the heavy lifting during their lean years.

The billionaire Tlass family typify these Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebel leaders in waiting. Firas was a shady Syrian Sunni billionaire, with close relations to the late President Hafez al Assad; his father, Mustafa, was Minister for Defense in Hafez’s government and, as such, was the chief architect of the bloody suppression of the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising, which is at the heart of Syria’s current problems. Although the Tlass family worked closely with the governments of both Hafez and Bashar al Assad as well as with their most elite army regiments, they had also been key collaborators with the earlier French and Turkish occupation forces, an indication perhaps of where their true loyalties lie. On 26 July 2012, Firas Tlass called on the Syrian government to hand power over to himself, his family and his cronies and he further declared that he was a major financier of the Farouq Brigades in the Free Syrian Army, commanded by his cousin, the notorious sex pervert Abdul Razzaq Tlass, and officered by his fellow cannibals of the Free (sic) Syrian Army.

Manaf Tlass is a former Brigadier General of the elite Syrian Republican Guard, who defected in 2012. Tlass commanded their 104th brigade that was located in Douma and Harasta together with the now legendary Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine, a member of Syria’s Druze community, a noteworthy fact when weighing the veracity of Manaf’s self-serving allegations and spin. The hometown of the Tlass family, Rastan, became an early base for army defectors, not least because the Tlass family were busy supplying them with money, weapons, radical preachers and captagon (the drug of choice for ISIS head hackers) to fire them up, practices Manaf continued to fund when in Saudi Arabia and Turkey with his MI6 intelligence handlers. Manaf’s cousin, Abdul Razzak Tlass, has admitted that Manaf provided him and several flesh-eating units of the Free Syrian Army with arms in order to expand from their Rastan base. The end result of that support was the non-stop mortaring and car-bombing of civilian areas of Damascus, which I, amongst hundreds of thousands of Syrian innocents, had the good fortune to enjoy.

The point to note in all this is that big shots like the Tlass organised crime gang had their focus on political power and the wealth they could accrue from that, and their Syrian and imported savages were satisfied with more petty pilfering, some recreational rape and cutting the throats of Alawites and others with some social standing in Syria.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood runs a vast network of mosques and are setting up more ones in the grounds of Damascus University to dumb down both its students and its staff, it would, as Hazez Assad long ago pointed out, be a perversion of both logic and English to associate those savages with any religion.

The Alawite High Command

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. ~ John 2:19.

Although the Tlass crew jumped ship over a decade ago, Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s ambassador in Moscow, is a much more recent convert to the head hackers’ cause. In a series of recent interviews, Jaafari has told anyone who will listen that Assad’s Syria “was a corrupt mafia system that served its own interests”. All very well until we recall that Jaafari was Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, a position he used to leverage American and Canadian grifters, who are now proposing all kinds of ridiculous ideas about how Syria fell, for no net gain to Syria. If the Assad “regime” was so corrupt, then Judas Jaafari must cop his own considerable portion of the blame.

Oh, and did I mention that Jaafari is an Alawite? Not a big deal I reckon until some Muslim Brotherhood knuckledragger with a personal grudge to settle whacks him, or some of those other favoured ones who escaped Sham at the last minute.

Christians on the Cross

Though the likes of Jaafari “disappoints” me and all others with a sense of integrity, as I have met countless Alawites, Druze and Christians like him before who also have a scorpion’s treachery embedded in their DNA, he is irrelevant. Cockroaches like him are not my immediate concern, which is factored around those ordinary Syrians getting it in the neck and their pristine leaders like Patriarch John of Antioch, who is speaking truth to power in a fashion Jesus, Pythagoras and the apostles would all whole heartedly admire.

John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other true religious leaders show up our own plastic leaders such as failed German trampolinist Annalena Baerbock and the fake news media who fawn on her, as the charlatans that they are. Were these people not the reincarnated Nazis that they are, they would, at the very least, meet in Damascus with those gallant leaders to hear from the horse’s mouth who is today being slaughtered in Syria.

The Horse’s Mouth

To get us in the right rebel rebel mood, I was going to show a link to a bunch of supervised children murdering some unfortunate in the Dummar region, north of Damascus but luckily Twitter has removed the tweet so as not to offend our delicate sensibilities.

Never mind! Here is Walid Kabuli, Latakia’s new Education Minister demanding that Syria be “purified of Alawites and Shiites”. Here, a radical Jolani imam tells the Alawites that “if you don’t stop overstepping, you will be expelled from your homes.”

Here, from the village of Dniba in rural Salamiyah, is the assassinated Alawite couple of Sheikh Ali Deeb and his wife, Narman Hadid (Umm Rami). And here are two Qusayr men murdered for being Shia (and therefore worthy only of death). Here, to keep the theme going, are two Syrians getting 25 lashes apiece because they did not go to listen to Julani’s imams bullshit their ignorant way through Friday prayers.

Here, here, here, here and here are reports of Alawi and Christian businesses and hospitals being closed and the Valley of the Christians being stripped of its resources so that, much like Palestine, the locals have no economic future. And, just like Palestine, Christian and Alawi areas are being colonised by outsiders, Chinese Uyhgurs and London Pakistani slappers in Syria’s case. As even women in hijabs are being made wear niqabs, Syria is well on the road to social and economic destruction. And all this is happening when Julani’s Justice Minister—famous for getting his rocks off overseeing public executions of women in Idlib—is sitting down with a Turkish delegation to chat about war crimes by the former Assad government.

What is to be done? Organise, educate, agitate

Though Syria is today what Rome was when St Augustine penned The City of God, the question we face is what can and will we do to help John of Antioch, His Holiness Ignatus Aphrem and all of Syria’s other heroes who are at the cutting edge of NATO’s barbarity. And, though things are dark, we cannot be despondent and must believe that, as God closes one door and opens another, we might ourselves prise the odd window or mouse hole open as well.

In this respect, a methodical, calibrated and calculated approach along Lenin’s well known template is needed. First off, relevant information must be collected not only to help those wishing to follow the judicial path on behalf of Syria‘s new “moderate rebels” but also to hound the high heaven out of the Annalena Baerbocks and other failed trampolinists of NATO’s demi-monde. And, though I am not going to go all kumbaya about how Trump changed, on the surface at least, Yankeeland’s politics, he has shown that failed trapeze artists like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton and Big Mike Obama can be brought back to earth with a bang.

Though the Russian, Egyptian and Iranian High Commands have no doubt absorbed some of the lessons of the fall of Syria and its aftermath, we too must learn so that we may be in a position to help force China to insist on the repatriation, to Chinese gulags, of Syria’s 200,000 Uyghurs as a first step to allowing Syrians once again breathe clean air unpolluted by them and the rest of their Muslim Brotherhood throat-cutting ilk.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 29, 2025
March 7, 2025

See also

January 29, 2025
March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.