Tag: Nationalism

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Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
Editor's Сhoice
Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
July 19, 2024

Compact is anti-establishment and anti-immigration—but not advocating constitutional overthrow.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
July 16, 2024

El plan para el robo de la Cisjordania es totalmente apoyado por Netanyahu y conforma la base para la actual coalición extremista de derecha judía que mantiene a Netanyahu en el poder – y fuera de la cárcel.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
Zelensky deve uma explicação a Orban
Zelensky deve uma explicação a Orban
July 4, 2024

Além de perseguir os russos no leste, o regime neonazista de Kiev também promove limpeza étnica contra os húngaros da Transcarpátia.

EU in a cold sweat over Le Pen triumph
July 2, 2024

It’s hard to predict that Le Pen will get the required 51% with another party, the conservatives, in a coalition.

EU in a cold sweat over Le Pen triumph
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Macron’s idiotic Ukraine policies have paved way for triumph of the french right
Editor's Сhoice
Macron’s idiotic Ukraine policies have paved way for triumph of the french right
June 24, 2024

The foreign policy establishment in both Europe and Washington fears that large-scale joint initiatives like ramped-up military spending and the new push to fund Ukraine’s defense for years to come could also be in question, given Macron had long become among Kiev’s top cheerleaders.

France: How the system defends itself
June 20, 2024

Politicians, celebrities, and the media are pulling out all the stops to prevent an RN victory.

France: How the system defends itself
Editor's Сhoice
Is Europe going to embrace right-wing wokeism?
Is Europe going to embrace right-wing wokeism?
June 16, 2024

Watching the news on TV after European elections, we can think that Descartes really gave a good explanation of error.

Why Modi’s India is suddenly getting Washington’s cold shoulder
June 15, 2024

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be forgiven for thinking the United States has a schizoid view of his government and the world’s most populous country.

Why Modi’s India is suddenly getting Washington’s cold shoulder