Declan Hayes
December 24, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life.

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  • Dr Hayes not only has a profound grasp of the Armenian genocide and the debt Armenians owe their Syrian saviours but he is able to plant it firmly within the context of the current war being waged against the Syrian people. ~ Armenian Ambassador to Syria, His Excellency, Arshak Poladian.
  • It was instructive to discuss the reconstruction of Syria today with the Irish academic, Dr Declan Hayes. ~ Kamal Eddin Touma, Minister of Industry, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Declan Hayes is a witness for the terrible things that have been done to my tribe and to my people. ~ Mhd Deeb Al Youssef, Member of People’s Assembly, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dr Declan Hayes has proved himself to be a true and consistent friend of the Syrian people in their time of need. ~ Eng. Beshr Yazji, Minister of Tourism, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The assistance Dr Declan Hayes has given us at Damascus University is both necessary and highly appreciated. ~ Atef Naddaf, Higher Education Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The work of Dr Declan Hayes is essential reading to grasp the enormity of the crimes being committed against the Syrian people. ~ Wael Nader al-Halqi, former Syrian Prime Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dear Dr. Hayes: Thank you for disclosing the hidden truth about the Syrian War. It was never an “uprising;” its origins lay with the CIA, MI-6 and the host of vultures intent on destroying the Syrian people and ripping the flesh from their dead carcasses. Hundreds of billions were spent to topple the duly-elected government of Syria. Though small in numbers, Syria proved to be one of the world’s most stable, tenacious nations. Its army has fought with astounding gallantry and success against two-thirds of the world’s mightiest industrial and military powers. The multibillion-dollar propaganda campaign that western powers waged against Syria has deceived people. While reporting that America, France and Great Britain supported “moderate rebels, fighting for democracy,” our nations actually allied themselves with the world’s most brutal tyrants; the dictators of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Together, we supported hideous barbarians, who raped, beheaded, burned and crucified incredible numbers—then bragged openly of it by publishing videos of their atrocities. The West reacted as if by saying, “Move along now. Nothing to see here. Get along now with you!” Yet our penniless army of bulldog journalists like you has become a most vexing irritant to the vicious coalition we are leading in our effort to topple Syria. But the fight goes on. Please keep up the fight to defend Syria. Millions of Christians, Alawites and other Syrians depend on us for their survival. May God bless you and your work. ~ Senator Richard H. Black, USA.
  • You are a special person, a true warrior in The Army of God ~ Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, Syrian-Palestinian and pan-Arab national hero.
  • You have done the people of Syria a great service. May God bless you forever. ~ His Holiness, Patriarch Ignatius Ephraim, Global Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
  • I thank the Irish citizen, Dr. Declan Hayes, who visited us in Syria. He visited my house and wrote a book about that. He swore that he would let my voice be heard. I thank Declan for that. ~ His Grace, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syria. Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees, Dublin, Ireland.
  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great work on behalf of the people of Syria. ~ His Beatitude, Patriarch Gregorios Laham, Global Leader of the Greek Catholic Church.
  • Thank you for your generous donation to our school. It helped us to pay for counseling for the children who survived the double suicide bombing attack on them. ~ Ms Fatima Al Hussain, Principal, Akrameh al-Makhzum School, Homs, Syria.
  • Thank you, Dr Hayes, for paying for me to go to Turkey to bring Gafar Azouz, my sole surviving [baby] grandson, back to Damascus after our entire family were murdered trying to cross the border. ~ Ms Hagar Saleh, Damascus.
  • Hayes’ views on the merits of NATO and Western values, and the democratic freedoms that NATO seeks to protect, will not give any comfort to those whose duty it is to protect the UK. Frankly, it’s dangerous. ~ Crispin Blunt, MP.

We have a saying in Ireland that, though we may not have gone to school, we have met the scholars coming back. With that in mind, the above quotes are given to say that, though I may not have not been seduced with the dulcet words of Lord Ram, Vishu or Krishna as they returned from school, I have met many patriotic Syrians and Armenians who are far more knowledgeable than those who use this site to denigrate them.

As regards retired USMC Col Black, many folks like him understand the art and science of war much more deeply than those like me, who never went to Boot Camp, could ever hope to. Syria, as one patriotic Alawite explained in a nutshell to me over a decade ago, was like a giant buffalo, which was brought down by an unending number of spears being rammed into its vitals. The question with Syria then and Russia now is how to endure.

As regard the uninformed gutter sniping at Asma Assad, let me just say that I keep in touch with her family and, once Asma and her better half settle in Russia, I would hope to avail of his professional services as well as those of Fawaz Akhras, her Harley Street cardiologist father. I would also like to discuss with Asma how we can continue to support Syria’s military and civilian heroes. Call it my bourgeois prejudices but I love cultured women like her, who are a cut and more above their European equivalents, as they are above the rest of us.

Although Lord Ram, Vishu and Krishna might think the Assads betrayed Syria and Asma caught a bad dose of cancer as part of that charade, Kaouthar Bachraoui explained to me years ago that they were the biggest prisoners of the lot, at least so far as the war for Syria’s survival went.

Switching to Russia, we see its President issuing executive orders to its army and making all kinds of pronouncements on BRICS. The dismemberment of Syria and the coming war on Iran’s doorstep should be enough to put that concoction and those who endlessly prattle on about it on ice for the next decade.

Before Putin again turns his mind to that, he must first win the existential war Russia faces in Ukraine where, not unlike Assad, he thought NATO would play by the Queensbury Rules. As NATO is cockahoop about Syria’s destruction, Russia must expect the worst in the form of more assassinations (as in Tehran and Damascus).

Russia boasts of all its new weapons and it warns Rheinmettal about hiding behind Romania’s Ukrainian border. Fine! Turn those factories into ash and turn parts of Ukraine into a car park. Then return for the double tap. Although Russia’s High Command has no doubt worked through all such scenarios, they must act resolutely if Russia is not to become another Syria.

The IRA had a unique approach to issues like this. They would simply assassinate British politicians and blow up their financial infrastructure to catch their attention. Not the Queensbury Rules but it worked. As far as Ukraine is concerned, that is a risk free NATO bet as Ukrainian canon fodder is of no consequence to them. Unless Russia destroys Ukraine, Russia will be finished in the same way the secular Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and Libya were. As Russia is not going to win any Western popularity contest any time soon, it would be much better off making its point, as the IRA did before it. Russia, like the IRA of decades ago, must call the shots

Russia cannot be deflected by the pie in the sky of BRICS, not at least until the Zelensky regime is hung, drawn and quartered and the punk states of the Baltics learn the hard way their neo-Nazi posturing is not worth the candle.

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. And let Zelensky and his fellow crooks smell the napalm. And an avalanche of Oreshnik hypersonic missiles as well.

Urgent lessons for Russia from the Syrian and Armenian nightmares

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life.

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Contact us:

  • Dr Hayes not only has a profound grasp of the Armenian genocide and the debt Armenians owe their Syrian saviours but he is able to plant it firmly within the context of the current war being waged against the Syrian people. ~ Armenian Ambassador to Syria, His Excellency, Arshak Poladian.
  • It was instructive to discuss the reconstruction of Syria today with the Irish academic, Dr Declan Hayes. ~ Kamal Eddin Touma, Minister of Industry, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Declan Hayes is a witness for the terrible things that have been done to my tribe and to my people. ~ Mhd Deeb Al Youssef, Member of People’s Assembly, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dr Declan Hayes has proved himself to be a true and consistent friend of the Syrian people in their time of need. ~ Eng. Beshr Yazji, Minister of Tourism, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The assistance Dr Declan Hayes has given us at Damascus University is both necessary and highly appreciated. ~ Atef Naddaf, Higher Education Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The work of Dr Declan Hayes is essential reading to grasp the enormity of the crimes being committed against the Syrian people. ~ Wael Nader al-Halqi, former Syrian Prime Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dear Dr. Hayes: Thank you for disclosing the hidden truth about the Syrian War. It was never an “uprising;” its origins lay with the CIA, MI-6 and the host of vultures intent on destroying the Syrian people and ripping the flesh from their dead carcasses. Hundreds of billions were spent to topple the duly-elected government of Syria. Though small in numbers, Syria proved to be one of the world’s most stable, tenacious nations. Its army has fought with astounding gallantry and success against two-thirds of the world’s mightiest industrial and military powers. The multibillion-dollar propaganda campaign that western powers waged against Syria has deceived people. While reporting that America, France and Great Britain supported “moderate rebels, fighting for democracy,” our nations actually allied themselves with the world’s most brutal tyrants; the dictators of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Together, we supported hideous barbarians, who raped, beheaded, burned and crucified incredible numbers—then bragged openly of it by publishing videos of their atrocities. The West reacted as if by saying, “Move along now. Nothing to see here. Get along now with you!” Yet our penniless army of bulldog journalists like you has become a most vexing irritant to the vicious coalition we are leading in our effort to topple Syria. But the fight goes on. Please keep up the fight to defend Syria. Millions of Christians, Alawites and other Syrians depend on us for their survival. May God bless you and your work. ~ Senator Richard H. Black, USA.
  • You are a special person, a true warrior in The Army of God ~ Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, Syrian-Palestinian and pan-Arab national hero.
  • You have done the people of Syria a great service. May God bless you forever. ~ His Holiness, Patriarch Ignatius Ephraim, Global Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
  • I thank the Irish citizen, Dr. Declan Hayes, who visited us in Syria. He visited my house and wrote a book about that. He swore that he would let my voice be heard. I thank Declan for that. ~ His Grace, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syria. Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees, Dublin, Ireland.
  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great work on behalf of the people of Syria. ~ His Beatitude, Patriarch Gregorios Laham, Global Leader of the Greek Catholic Church.
  • Thank you for your generous donation to our school. It helped us to pay for counseling for the children who survived the double suicide bombing attack on them. ~ Ms Fatima Al Hussain, Principal, Akrameh al-Makhzum School, Homs, Syria.
  • Thank you, Dr Hayes, for paying for me to go to Turkey to bring Gafar Azouz, my sole surviving [baby] grandson, back to Damascus after our entire family were murdered trying to cross the border. ~ Ms Hagar Saleh, Damascus.
  • Hayes’ views on the merits of NATO and Western values, and the democratic freedoms that NATO seeks to protect, will not give any comfort to those whose duty it is to protect the UK. Frankly, it’s dangerous. ~ Crispin Blunt, MP.

We have a saying in Ireland that, though we may not have gone to school, we have met the scholars coming back. With that in mind, the above quotes are given to say that, though I may not have not been seduced with the dulcet words of Lord Ram, Vishu or Krishna as they returned from school, I have met many patriotic Syrians and Armenians who are far more knowledgeable than those who use this site to denigrate them.

As regards retired USMC Col Black, many folks like him understand the art and science of war much more deeply than those like me, who never went to Boot Camp, could ever hope to. Syria, as one patriotic Alawite explained in a nutshell to me over a decade ago, was like a giant buffalo, which was brought down by an unending number of spears being rammed into its vitals. The question with Syria then and Russia now is how to endure.

As regard the uninformed gutter sniping at Asma Assad, let me just say that I keep in touch with her family and, once Asma and her better half settle in Russia, I would hope to avail of his professional services as well as those of Fawaz Akhras, her Harley Street cardiologist father. I would also like to discuss with Asma how we can continue to support Syria’s military and civilian heroes. Call it my bourgeois prejudices but I love cultured women like her, who are a cut and more above their European equivalents, as they are above the rest of us.

Although Lord Ram, Vishu and Krishna might think the Assads betrayed Syria and Asma caught a bad dose of cancer as part of that charade, Kaouthar Bachraoui explained to me years ago that they were the biggest prisoners of the lot, at least so far as the war for Syria’s survival went.

Switching to Russia, we see its President issuing executive orders to its army and making all kinds of pronouncements on BRICS. The dismemberment of Syria and the coming war on Iran’s doorstep should be enough to put that concoction and those who endlessly prattle on about it on ice for the next decade.

Before Putin again turns his mind to that, he must first win the existential war Russia faces in Ukraine where, not unlike Assad, he thought NATO would play by the Queensbury Rules. As NATO is cockahoop about Syria’s destruction, Russia must expect the worst in the form of more assassinations (as in Tehran and Damascus).

Russia boasts of all its new weapons and it warns Rheinmettal about hiding behind Romania’s Ukrainian border. Fine! Turn those factories into ash and turn parts of Ukraine into a car park. Then return for the double tap. Although Russia’s High Command has no doubt worked through all such scenarios, they must act resolutely if Russia is not to become another Syria.

The IRA had a unique approach to issues like this. They would simply assassinate British politicians and blow up their financial infrastructure to catch their attention. Not the Queensbury Rules but it worked. As far as Ukraine is concerned, that is a risk free NATO bet as Ukrainian canon fodder is of no consequence to them. Unless Russia destroys Ukraine, Russia will be finished in the same way the secular Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and Libya were. As Russia is not going to win any Western popularity contest any time soon, it would be much better off making its point, as the IRA did before it. Russia, like the IRA of decades ago, must call the shots

Russia cannot be deflected by the pie in the sky of BRICS, not at least until the Zelensky regime is hung, drawn and quartered and the punk states of the Baltics learn the hard way their neo-Nazi posturing is not worth the candle.

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. And let Zelensky and his fellow crooks smell the napalm. And an avalanche of Oreshnik hypersonic missiles as well.

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life.

Join us on TelegramTwitter, and VK.

Contact us:

  • Dr Hayes not only has a profound grasp of the Armenian genocide and the debt Armenians owe their Syrian saviours but he is able to plant it firmly within the context of the current war being waged against the Syrian people. ~ Armenian Ambassador to Syria, His Excellency, Arshak Poladian.
  • It was instructive to discuss the reconstruction of Syria today with the Irish academic, Dr Declan Hayes. ~ Kamal Eddin Touma, Minister of Industry, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Declan Hayes is a witness for the terrible things that have been done to my tribe and to my people. ~ Mhd Deeb Al Youssef, Member of People’s Assembly, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dr Declan Hayes has proved himself to be a true and consistent friend of the Syrian people in their time of need. ~ Eng. Beshr Yazji, Minister of Tourism, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The assistance Dr Declan Hayes has given us at Damascus University is both necessary and highly appreciated. ~ Atef Naddaf, Higher Education Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • The work of Dr Declan Hayes is essential reading to grasp the enormity of the crimes being committed against the Syrian people. ~ Wael Nader al-Halqi, former Syrian Prime Minister, Syrian Arab Republic.
  • Dear Dr. Hayes: Thank you for disclosing the hidden truth about the Syrian War. It was never an “uprising;” its origins lay with the CIA, MI-6 and the host of vultures intent on destroying the Syrian people and ripping the flesh from their dead carcasses. Hundreds of billions were spent to topple the duly-elected government of Syria. Though small in numbers, Syria proved to be one of the world’s most stable, tenacious nations. Its army has fought with astounding gallantry and success against two-thirds of the world’s mightiest industrial and military powers. The multibillion-dollar propaganda campaign that western powers waged against Syria has deceived people. While reporting that America, France and Great Britain supported “moderate rebels, fighting for democracy,” our nations actually allied themselves with the world’s most brutal tyrants; the dictators of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Together, we supported hideous barbarians, who raped, beheaded, burned and crucified incredible numbers—then bragged openly of it by publishing videos of their atrocities. The West reacted as if by saying, “Move along now. Nothing to see here. Get along now with you!” Yet our penniless army of bulldog journalists like you has become a most vexing irritant to the vicious coalition we are leading in our effort to topple Syria. But the fight goes on. Please keep up the fight to defend Syria. Millions of Christians, Alawites and other Syrians depend on us for their survival. May God bless you and your work. ~ Senator Richard H. Black, USA.
  • You are a special person, a true warrior in The Army of God ~ Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, Syrian-Palestinian and pan-Arab national hero.
  • You have done the people of Syria a great service. May God bless you forever. ~ His Holiness, Patriarch Ignatius Ephraim, Global Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
  • I thank the Irish citizen, Dr. Declan Hayes, who visited us in Syria. He visited my house and wrote a book about that. He swore that he would let my voice be heard. I thank Declan for that. ~ His Grace, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syria. Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees, Dublin, Ireland.
  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great work on behalf of the people of Syria. ~ His Beatitude, Patriarch Gregorios Laham, Global Leader of the Greek Catholic Church.
  • Thank you for your generous donation to our school. It helped us to pay for counseling for the children who survived the double suicide bombing attack on them. ~ Ms Fatima Al Hussain, Principal, Akrameh al-Makhzum School, Homs, Syria.
  • Thank you, Dr Hayes, for paying for me to go to Turkey to bring Gafar Azouz, my sole surviving [baby] grandson, back to Damascus after our entire family were murdered trying to cross the border. ~ Ms Hagar Saleh, Damascus.
  • Hayes’ views on the merits of NATO and Western values, and the democratic freedoms that NATO seeks to protect, will not give any comfort to those whose duty it is to protect the UK. Frankly, it’s dangerous. ~ Crispin Blunt, MP.

We have a saying in Ireland that, though we may not have gone to school, we have met the scholars coming back. With that in mind, the above quotes are given to say that, though I may not have not been seduced with the dulcet words of Lord Ram, Vishu or Krishna as they returned from school, I have met many patriotic Syrians and Armenians who are far more knowledgeable than those who use this site to denigrate them.

As regards retired USMC Col Black, many folks like him understand the art and science of war much more deeply than those like me, who never went to Boot Camp, could ever hope to. Syria, as one patriotic Alawite explained in a nutshell to me over a decade ago, was like a giant buffalo, which was brought down by an unending number of spears being rammed into its vitals. The question with Syria then and Russia now is how to endure.

As regard the uninformed gutter sniping at Asma Assad, let me just say that I keep in touch with her family and, once Asma and her better half settle in Russia, I would hope to avail of his professional services as well as those of Fawaz Akhras, her Harley Street cardiologist father. I would also like to discuss with Asma how we can continue to support Syria’s military and civilian heroes. Call it my bourgeois prejudices but I love cultured women like her, who are a cut and more above their European equivalents, as they are above the rest of us.

Although Lord Ram, Vishu and Krishna might think the Assads betrayed Syria and Asma caught a bad dose of cancer as part of that charade, Kaouthar Bachraoui explained to me years ago that they were the biggest prisoners of the lot, at least so far as the war for Syria’s survival went.

Switching to Russia, we see its President issuing executive orders to its army and making all kinds of pronouncements on BRICS. The dismemberment of Syria and the coming war on Iran’s doorstep should be enough to put that concoction and those who endlessly prattle on about it on ice for the next decade.

Before Putin again turns his mind to that, he must first win the existential war Russia faces in Ukraine where, not unlike Assad, he thought NATO would play by the Queensbury Rules. As NATO is cockahoop about Syria’s destruction, Russia must expect the worst in the form of more assassinations (as in Tehran and Damascus).

Russia boasts of all its new weapons and it warns Rheinmettal about hiding behind Romania’s Ukrainian border. Fine! Turn those factories into ash and turn parts of Ukraine into a car park. Then return for the double tap. Although Russia’s High Command has no doubt worked through all such scenarios, they must act resolutely if Russia is not to become another Syria.

The IRA had a unique approach to issues like this. They would simply assassinate British politicians and blow up their financial infrastructure to catch their attention. Not the Queensbury Rules but it worked. As far as Ukraine is concerned, that is a risk free NATO bet as Ukrainian canon fodder is of no consequence to them. Unless Russia destroys Ukraine, Russia will be finished in the same way the secular Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and Libya were. As Russia is not going to win any Western popularity contest any time soon, it would be much better off making its point, as the IRA did before it. Russia, like the IRA of decades ago, must call the shots

Russia cannot be deflected by the pie in the sky of BRICS, not at least until the Zelensky regime is hung, drawn and quartered and the punk states of the Baltics learn the hard way their neo-Nazi posturing is not worth the candle.

Russia, like the Assads, is not fighting a popularity contest. Russia, like the Assads’ Syria, is fighting for its life. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. And let Zelensky and his fellow crooks smell the napalm. And an avalanche of Oreshnik hypersonic missiles as well.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 11, 2025

See also

February 11, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.