Lorenzo Maria Pacini
December 4, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

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Nihil sub sole novum, the ancient Latins would have said: the European Union confirms its choice to descend into the hell of war. At the expense of popular will and strategic calculations, obedience to Washington triumphs. More.

The immovable yoke

The so-called passum sub iugum (‘passage under the yoke’) was a practice imposed in ancient Italy, in which one or more people were forced to pass literally under a rural yoke, or under a theory of spears arranged as if to form a symbolic gate. Defeated enemies were made to pass under a yoke made of spear poles. The purpose was to inflict humiliation for the defeat received, but it was also a ritual gesture performed in order to remove the ‘guilt of blood’. Historian William Fowler in the early 20th century interpreted this practice as a means of removing a ‘taboo’. The stripping of possessions and the passage under the yoke, therefore, had cathartic, purifying characteristics, drawing an interesting parallelism that brings the gesture closer to an ‘initiatory’ phase. Fowler identified a similar need for purification in the ritual that greeted the return of Roman soldiers to the city, who were made to pass under the Porta Triumphalis in the Campus Martius: this gesture too was considered a practice of expiation and purification on a par with the abandonment of weapons within the sacredly fenced area, the pomerium.

Even today, despite several centuries having passed, the game is there to show us a humiliation that is perpetuated over time, like a sort of life sentence: the USA won the Second World War and subjugated the peoples of Europe militarily, with a stable occupation, economically with the imposition of the dollar as the currency of reference, culturally with the intrusion of junk cultural products in a mass manner. Ideologically, then, the victory of globalism has sanctioned decades of political struggle.

This is how the whole of Europe found itself not only defeated and invaded, but also forced to pay daily tribute to its tormentor. The Americans first invented the Atlantic Treaty in 1949, forcing the major European countries they had conquered to join it; then the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, inventing the European Union, the political body that would define the previously established economic dependence, with the aim of deteriorating the last vestiges of national sovereignty, leading them towards a kind of ‘United States of Europe’, in which the central government, divided between political and economic, would have the ability to overpower the governments of the member states, so as to ensure a univocal leadership consistent with the interests of the master, certainly not of the peoples of Europe.

More than 30 years of wicked policies have led the whole of Europe not only to unprecedented financial decadence, but above all to a functional inability to rise from the abyss in which it finds itself. The European Parliament with its Commission has turned out to be an organ of oppression of states, imposing laissez-faire laws that run counter to the protection of national interests and cultural, historical and religious identities, eroding traditional values and replacing them with Mephistophelian fetishes.

The Euro has been a deadly trap, devised in minute detail to impoverish all its adherents, and now, after blindly obeying Washington’s orders to impose sanctions on Russia, not only has Europe’s perpetual economic crisis worsened, but even the Eurozone’s growth forecasts are falling sharply, while those of the US are rising. Europe has ensured that it remains a political and economic vassal of Washington and has paid the price. A true self-sanction, or rather the renewal of debt that is reminded of the yoke. The sanctions enacted turned out to be an unprecedented boomerang, a disaster. None of the countries that imposed sanctions benefited from them, all of them came out devastated. The only ones who benefited were the other countries of the world that did not adhere to the sanctions and started, within the last two years, to think according to different market logics: new trade routes, transactions with national currencies, de-dollarization, multilateral agreements, multipolar perspectives. This is not rhetoric; it is a fact.

An echo sounds across the continent: inflation, misery, poverty. And now all we need is war.

Trump’s election does not improve the situation

NATO has been, even before the EU, the armed arm to keep Europe under control. With a military occupation passed off as ‘patronage’, ‘international security’ and ‘peaceful cooperation’, the US has extended its power eastwards, continuing its long-term military campaign better known as ‘world conquest’.

Donald Trump’s return to the presidency was celebrated by many as a success that would also bring prosperity to Europe… and yet this has not been the case, at least so far. In fact, far from it. As soon as the tycoon MAGA arrived, the EU made the paradigm shift and set Europe on a war economy: compulsory increased military spending, higher inflation, more sanctions packages on Russia and China, a tightening in foreign policy towards eastern countries and the BRICS+ orbit, arrogant proclamations of supposed wars to be won.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the European Parliament did not hold back: as a first act, it confirmed full support for Ukraine, proposing more aggressive measures towards Russia and its allies. With 390 votes in favour, 135 against and 52 abstentions, the MEPs approved a text that, while declaring that it seeks a ‘peaceful solution’ to the conflict, seems not to want to deviate from the path of war and sanctions, despite the obvious failure of this strategy. Moreover, this resolution is set in the context of the alleged involvement of international actors such as China and North Korea, accused of supporting Russia in the conflict, but without any concrete evidence to justify these accusations. On the contrary, military response and continued escalation seem to be seen as the only viable option, with increasing risks to global security. The justification for this would be to protect Europe from the alleged alliance between Russia, Belarus, North Korea and Iran. The statements by the foreign ministers of EU countries are a parade of embarrassing nonsense to be collected in the history album.

In the Middle East, the situation is the same: more weapons to Israel, with full and unconditional political and military support, fighting against the ‘terrorists’ of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Yemen and who knows what other victims of Western media propaganda. The construction of the Third Temple is an existential imperative for the American godfather of Zionism. It will probably take time or international catastrophes to make Europeans realise that the US will not be the long-awaited messiah. Still the infatuation is very high, because the previous years of the Biden administration were a source of intense disappointment even for European Dems.

The problem is that the US is ready to wage war upon war, exploiting the ‘backyard’ with its chickens, i.e. Europe. They won’t even need to ask permission, because Europe is their property.

The EU will make Europe lose

One success has to be acknowledged for the colonialist policy on European soil: it worked. Yes, it worked, because it took at least two generations of manipulation and indoctrination to arrive at a political class totally subservient, in every sense, to the American hegemon. A very effective generational reprogramming, from which it will be very difficult to get out, because it will take just as many years of waiting and intense educational activity to get decent politicians back.

Dismantling neo-liberalism will not only be an educational problem, but also a structural problem, because the institutions were designed according to that model and therefore, need to be reconfigured on other bases.

The EU system has not worked. Recognising this first fact is indispensable. The EU has proved to be the EU’s own worst enemy. From a constitutional point of view, it does not exist: the EU is a pact between states that only concerns international law. The infamous ‘European constitution’ proposed in 2004 and overwhelmingly rejected in 2005, was the perfect expression of a class of self-referential bureaucrats with no representation. Its 2007 sweetened version, known as the Lisbon Treaty, reaffirmed the EU’s factual inability to adopt a basic law with a single text valid toto orbe Europae. While it is true that constituted power presupposes constituent power, the idea of a European constituent power is the great absentee in discourses on Europe. From the point of view of its purported constitution, the European Union therefore has no legitimacy

The project of a Europe of the peoples has been wrecked to the point of making it an unattainable utopia, but it remains in truth the only option for redemption and rebirth.

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

The European Union is in the trap

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

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Nihil sub sole novum, the ancient Latins would have said: the European Union confirms its choice to descend into the hell of war. At the expense of popular will and strategic calculations, obedience to Washington triumphs. More.

The immovable yoke

The so-called passum sub iugum (‘passage under the yoke’) was a practice imposed in ancient Italy, in which one or more people were forced to pass literally under a rural yoke, or under a theory of spears arranged as if to form a symbolic gate. Defeated enemies were made to pass under a yoke made of spear poles. The purpose was to inflict humiliation for the defeat received, but it was also a ritual gesture performed in order to remove the ‘guilt of blood’. Historian William Fowler in the early 20th century interpreted this practice as a means of removing a ‘taboo’. The stripping of possessions and the passage under the yoke, therefore, had cathartic, purifying characteristics, drawing an interesting parallelism that brings the gesture closer to an ‘initiatory’ phase. Fowler identified a similar need for purification in the ritual that greeted the return of Roman soldiers to the city, who were made to pass under the Porta Triumphalis in the Campus Martius: this gesture too was considered a practice of expiation and purification on a par with the abandonment of weapons within the sacredly fenced area, the pomerium.

Even today, despite several centuries having passed, the game is there to show us a humiliation that is perpetuated over time, like a sort of life sentence: the USA won the Second World War and subjugated the peoples of Europe militarily, with a stable occupation, economically with the imposition of the dollar as the currency of reference, culturally with the intrusion of junk cultural products in a mass manner. Ideologically, then, the victory of globalism has sanctioned decades of political struggle.

This is how the whole of Europe found itself not only defeated and invaded, but also forced to pay daily tribute to its tormentor. The Americans first invented the Atlantic Treaty in 1949, forcing the major European countries they had conquered to join it; then the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, inventing the European Union, the political body that would define the previously established economic dependence, with the aim of deteriorating the last vestiges of national sovereignty, leading them towards a kind of ‘United States of Europe’, in which the central government, divided between political and economic, would have the ability to overpower the governments of the member states, so as to ensure a univocal leadership consistent with the interests of the master, certainly not of the peoples of Europe.

More than 30 years of wicked policies have led the whole of Europe not only to unprecedented financial decadence, but above all to a functional inability to rise from the abyss in which it finds itself. The European Parliament with its Commission has turned out to be an organ of oppression of states, imposing laissez-faire laws that run counter to the protection of national interests and cultural, historical and religious identities, eroding traditional values and replacing them with Mephistophelian fetishes.

The Euro has been a deadly trap, devised in minute detail to impoverish all its adherents, and now, after blindly obeying Washington’s orders to impose sanctions on Russia, not only has Europe’s perpetual economic crisis worsened, but even the Eurozone’s growth forecasts are falling sharply, while those of the US are rising. Europe has ensured that it remains a political and economic vassal of Washington and has paid the price. A true self-sanction, or rather the renewal of debt that is reminded of the yoke. The sanctions enacted turned out to be an unprecedented boomerang, a disaster. None of the countries that imposed sanctions benefited from them, all of them came out devastated. The only ones who benefited were the other countries of the world that did not adhere to the sanctions and started, within the last two years, to think according to different market logics: new trade routes, transactions with national currencies, de-dollarization, multilateral agreements, multipolar perspectives. This is not rhetoric; it is a fact.

An echo sounds across the continent: inflation, misery, poverty. And now all we need is war.

Trump’s election does not improve the situation

NATO has been, even before the EU, the armed arm to keep Europe under control. With a military occupation passed off as ‘patronage’, ‘international security’ and ‘peaceful cooperation’, the US has extended its power eastwards, continuing its long-term military campaign better known as ‘world conquest’.

Donald Trump’s return to the presidency was celebrated by many as a success that would also bring prosperity to Europe… and yet this has not been the case, at least so far. In fact, far from it. As soon as the tycoon MAGA arrived, the EU made the paradigm shift and set Europe on a war economy: compulsory increased military spending, higher inflation, more sanctions packages on Russia and China, a tightening in foreign policy towards eastern countries and the BRICS+ orbit, arrogant proclamations of supposed wars to be won.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the European Parliament did not hold back: as a first act, it confirmed full support for Ukraine, proposing more aggressive measures towards Russia and its allies. With 390 votes in favour, 135 against and 52 abstentions, the MEPs approved a text that, while declaring that it seeks a ‘peaceful solution’ to the conflict, seems not to want to deviate from the path of war and sanctions, despite the obvious failure of this strategy. Moreover, this resolution is set in the context of the alleged involvement of international actors such as China and North Korea, accused of supporting Russia in the conflict, but without any concrete evidence to justify these accusations. On the contrary, military response and continued escalation seem to be seen as the only viable option, with increasing risks to global security. The justification for this would be to protect Europe from the alleged alliance between Russia, Belarus, North Korea and Iran. The statements by the foreign ministers of EU countries are a parade of embarrassing nonsense to be collected in the history album.

In the Middle East, the situation is the same: more weapons to Israel, with full and unconditional political and military support, fighting against the ‘terrorists’ of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Yemen and who knows what other victims of Western media propaganda. The construction of the Third Temple is an existential imperative for the American godfather of Zionism. It will probably take time or international catastrophes to make Europeans realise that the US will not be the long-awaited messiah. Still the infatuation is very high, because the previous years of the Biden administration were a source of intense disappointment even for European Dems.

The problem is that the US is ready to wage war upon war, exploiting the ‘backyard’ with its chickens, i.e. Europe. They won’t even need to ask permission, because Europe is their property.

The EU will make Europe lose

One success has to be acknowledged for the colonialist policy on European soil: it worked. Yes, it worked, because it took at least two generations of manipulation and indoctrination to arrive at a political class totally subservient, in every sense, to the American hegemon. A very effective generational reprogramming, from which it will be very difficult to get out, because it will take just as many years of waiting and intense educational activity to get decent politicians back.

Dismantling neo-liberalism will not only be an educational problem, but also a structural problem, because the institutions were designed according to that model and therefore, need to be reconfigured on other bases.

The EU system has not worked. Recognising this first fact is indispensable. The EU has proved to be the EU’s own worst enemy. From a constitutional point of view, it does not exist: the EU is a pact between states that only concerns international law. The infamous ‘European constitution’ proposed in 2004 and overwhelmingly rejected in 2005, was the perfect expression of a class of self-referential bureaucrats with no representation. Its 2007 sweetened version, known as the Lisbon Treaty, reaffirmed the EU’s factual inability to adopt a basic law with a single text valid toto orbe Europae. While it is true that constituted power presupposes constituent power, the idea of a European constituent power is the great absentee in discourses on Europe. From the point of view of its purported constitution, the European Union therefore has no legitimacy

The project of a Europe of the peoples has been wrecked to the point of making it an unattainable utopia, but it remains in truth the only option for redemption and rebirth.

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

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Nihil sub sole novum, the ancient Latins would have said: the European Union confirms its choice to descend into the hell of war. At the expense of popular will and strategic calculations, obedience to Washington triumphs. More.

The immovable yoke

The so-called passum sub iugum (‘passage under the yoke’) was a practice imposed in ancient Italy, in which one or more people were forced to pass literally under a rural yoke, or under a theory of spears arranged as if to form a symbolic gate. Defeated enemies were made to pass under a yoke made of spear poles. The purpose was to inflict humiliation for the defeat received, but it was also a ritual gesture performed in order to remove the ‘guilt of blood’. Historian William Fowler in the early 20th century interpreted this practice as a means of removing a ‘taboo’. The stripping of possessions and the passage under the yoke, therefore, had cathartic, purifying characteristics, drawing an interesting parallelism that brings the gesture closer to an ‘initiatory’ phase. Fowler identified a similar need for purification in the ritual that greeted the return of Roman soldiers to the city, who were made to pass under the Porta Triumphalis in the Campus Martius: this gesture too was considered a practice of expiation and purification on a par with the abandonment of weapons within the sacredly fenced area, the pomerium.

Even today, despite several centuries having passed, the game is there to show us a humiliation that is perpetuated over time, like a sort of life sentence: the USA won the Second World War and subjugated the peoples of Europe militarily, with a stable occupation, economically with the imposition of the dollar as the currency of reference, culturally with the intrusion of junk cultural products in a mass manner. Ideologically, then, the victory of globalism has sanctioned decades of political struggle.

This is how the whole of Europe found itself not only defeated and invaded, but also forced to pay daily tribute to its tormentor. The Americans first invented the Atlantic Treaty in 1949, forcing the major European countries they had conquered to join it; then the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, inventing the European Union, the political body that would define the previously established economic dependence, with the aim of deteriorating the last vestiges of national sovereignty, leading them towards a kind of ‘United States of Europe’, in which the central government, divided between political and economic, would have the ability to overpower the governments of the member states, so as to ensure a univocal leadership consistent with the interests of the master, certainly not of the peoples of Europe.

More than 30 years of wicked policies have led the whole of Europe not only to unprecedented financial decadence, but above all to a functional inability to rise from the abyss in which it finds itself. The European Parliament with its Commission has turned out to be an organ of oppression of states, imposing laissez-faire laws that run counter to the protection of national interests and cultural, historical and religious identities, eroding traditional values and replacing them with Mephistophelian fetishes.

The Euro has been a deadly trap, devised in minute detail to impoverish all its adherents, and now, after blindly obeying Washington’s orders to impose sanctions on Russia, not only has Europe’s perpetual economic crisis worsened, but even the Eurozone’s growth forecasts are falling sharply, while those of the US are rising. Europe has ensured that it remains a political and economic vassal of Washington and has paid the price. A true self-sanction, or rather the renewal of debt that is reminded of the yoke. The sanctions enacted turned out to be an unprecedented boomerang, a disaster. None of the countries that imposed sanctions benefited from them, all of them came out devastated. The only ones who benefited were the other countries of the world that did not adhere to the sanctions and started, within the last two years, to think according to different market logics: new trade routes, transactions with national currencies, de-dollarization, multilateral agreements, multipolar perspectives. This is not rhetoric; it is a fact.

An echo sounds across the continent: inflation, misery, poverty. And now all we need is war.

Trump’s election does not improve the situation

NATO has been, even before the EU, the armed arm to keep Europe under control. With a military occupation passed off as ‘patronage’, ‘international security’ and ‘peaceful cooperation’, the US has extended its power eastwards, continuing its long-term military campaign better known as ‘world conquest’.

Donald Trump’s return to the presidency was celebrated by many as a success that would also bring prosperity to Europe… and yet this has not been the case, at least so far. In fact, far from it. As soon as the tycoon MAGA arrived, the EU made the paradigm shift and set Europe on a war economy: compulsory increased military spending, higher inflation, more sanctions packages on Russia and China, a tightening in foreign policy towards eastern countries and the BRICS+ orbit, arrogant proclamations of supposed wars to be won.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the European Parliament did not hold back: as a first act, it confirmed full support for Ukraine, proposing more aggressive measures towards Russia and its allies. With 390 votes in favour, 135 against and 52 abstentions, the MEPs approved a text that, while declaring that it seeks a ‘peaceful solution’ to the conflict, seems not to want to deviate from the path of war and sanctions, despite the obvious failure of this strategy. Moreover, this resolution is set in the context of the alleged involvement of international actors such as China and North Korea, accused of supporting Russia in the conflict, but without any concrete evidence to justify these accusations. On the contrary, military response and continued escalation seem to be seen as the only viable option, with increasing risks to global security. The justification for this would be to protect Europe from the alleged alliance between Russia, Belarus, North Korea and Iran. The statements by the foreign ministers of EU countries are a parade of embarrassing nonsense to be collected in the history album.

In the Middle East, the situation is the same: more weapons to Israel, with full and unconditional political and military support, fighting against the ‘terrorists’ of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Yemen and who knows what other victims of Western media propaganda. The construction of the Third Temple is an existential imperative for the American godfather of Zionism. It will probably take time or international catastrophes to make Europeans realise that the US will not be the long-awaited messiah. Still the infatuation is very high, because the previous years of the Biden administration were a source of intense disappointment even for European Dems.

The problem is that the US is ready to wage war upon war, exploiting the ‘backyard’ with its chickens, i.e. Europe. They won’t even need to ask permission, because Europe is their property.

The EU will make Europe lose

One success has to be acknowledged for the colonialist policy on European soil: it worked. Yes, it worked, because it took at least two generations of manipulation and indoctrination to arrive at a political class totally subservient, in every sense, to the American hegemon. A very effective generational reprogramming, from which it will be very difficult to get out, because it will take just as many years of waiting and intense educational activity to get decent politicians back.

Dismantling neo-liberalism will not only be an educational problem, but also a structural problem, because the institutions were designed according to that model and therefore, need to be reconfigured on other bases.

The EU system has not worked. Recognising this first fact is indispensable. The EU has proved to be the EU’s own worst enemy. From a constitutional point of view, it does not exist: the EU is a pact between states that only concerns international law. The infamous ‘European constitution’ proposed in 2004 and overwhelmingly rejected in 2005, was the perfect expression of a class of self-referential bureaucrats with no representation. Its 2007 sweetened version, known as the Lisbon Treaty, reaffirmed the EU’s factual inability to adopt a basic law with a single text valid toto orbe Europae. While it is true that constituted power presupposes constituent power, the idea of a European constituent power is the great absentee in discourses on Europe. From the point of view of its purported constitution, the European Union therefore has no legitimacy

The project of a Europe of the peoples has been wrecked to the point of making it an unattainable utopia, but it remains in truth the only option for redemption and rebirth.

The current EU political set-up will lead Europe to nothing less than catastrophe.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 12, 2025
March 9, 2025

See also

March 12, 2025
March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.