Tag: Crisis

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Biden drama reveals ruling class with power, but no authority
Editor's Сhoice
Biden drama reveals ruling class with power, but no authority
July 23, 2024

Ruling class mandarins on both sides of the Atlantic are hollowing out the institutions of liberal democratic governance.

Having invented so many technologies, how can U.S. still use Windows?
July 23, 2024

The USA, which developed all possible technologies that resulted in GNU/Linux, is also in the hands of Microsoft. How is such a thing possible?

Having invented so many technologies, how can U.S. still use Windows?
La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
July 22, 2024

Las condiciones objetivas para la liberación de los seres humanos ya existen en la mayoría de los países, es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las condiciones subjetivas para esto se desarrollen plenamente.

Ireland – mass-immigration and the Great Reset
July 21, 2024

The government-corporate alliance is presented with a ready-made pretext to implement solutions that align with their agenda.

Ireland – mass-immigration and the Great Reset
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Três possíveis destinos para os EUA em um mundo multipolar
Três possíveis destinos para os EUA em um mundo multipolar
July 17, 2024

Preservar a hegemonia não é mais uma possibilidade para Washington.

Leadership crisis in the U.S.
July 14, 2024

As the U.S. presidential election approaches, both Biden and Trump prioritize domestic political considerations over international order and principles in their foreign policies

Leadership crisis in the U.S.
Editor's Сhoice
Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center”!
Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center”!
July 11, 2024

By crystallizing into a monolithic, increasingly obsolete center, liberal “democracy” announces its death, Hugo Dionísio writes.

France in the grip of political chaos
July 10, 2024

France is like a man falling from a building who, floor by floor, says to himself “so far so good.”

France in the grip of political chaos
Editor's Сhoice