If atheism makes individuals more moral than their religious peers, one must wonder about the moral quality of abandoned religion.
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At my previous workplace, a right-wing Brazilian newspaper, I wrote an article that, right from the title, alluded to a Jewish PT member who was being sued because of his anti-Zionism. I thought the title would be provocative because the opposition, following the Zionist lobby, was trying to represent PT as an anti-Semite party. To my surprise, however, in the comments section there were a number of readers outraged by the mere possibility that a Jew could be a PT member. They considered it an insult to Jews to say that one of them was a PT member – despite the fact that the government leader in the Senate was a PT member, and a Zionist (Jaques Wagner).
I then noticed that a lot has changed since The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. If, in old days, the Right thought that every Jew was a Bolshevik, now they believe that every Jew is right-winger – and from an Americanized mainstream Right that includes religiosity. If both beliefs are false, the former at least had some basis in reality. In the history of communism, there are many important Jews, starting with Karl Marx himself. The history of the Russian Revolution and the composition of European communist cadres in the 20th century made it possible that the false belief that every Jew is a Communist (and vice-versa) could arise spontaneously and in various parts of the world. The case of the right-wing Jew is quite different. Throughout the West, it is really hard to find a Jew wearing a skullcap, that is, a religious Jew. And if the stereotype of the communist Jew fell with the Iron Curtain, the stereotype of the leftist Jew still stands. If we look at left-wing leaders in the US searching for Jews, we easily find Bernie Sanders, the radical leader of the Democratic Party. The he anti-Zionist Jew Jill Stein ran for presidency as an independent candidate. One Democrat who was considered to be Kamala’s running mate was Josh Shapiro, a Jew who is also the governor of the decisive Pennsylvania. If we look for right-wing Jewish politicians, none come to mind. Trump’s Jewish son-in-law is a businessman. In the intellectual sphere, there are neoconservative thinkers, who nevertheless confirm the stereotype by being notorious former Trotskyists. And finally, there is the star of conservatism Ben Shapiro, who strictly corresponds to the new stereotype: he wears a skullcap, boasts that he respects the Sabbath, is conservative “in customs”, a staunch Zionist, liberal in economics, and defends “Western Judeo-Christian civilization”. So I suppose that right-wingers, exposed to a lot of US or Americanophile media, think that every Jew is Ben Shapiro. For anyone who has contact with real Jews has no reason to have this kind of belief.
In the case of Brazil, where there are few Jews, it is possible that these people have no contact with them. But in the US, where there are many, and where they are politically very active, it is unlikely that a right-winger will not come across secular left-wing Jews – such as Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, Bill Maher, Naomi Wolf, Norman Finkelstein… In any case, with the pro-Palestine agitation promoted by anti-Zionist Jews, a right-winger will inevitably come across the figure of the red Jew. And to this, he will have a singular response: “he is not a real Jew!” This response is wrong, because every child of a Jewish womb is considered a Jew by the Jewish religion. Not even with an “excommunication” does a Jew cease to be a Jew; their “excommunication” is more like a strong social sanction similar to cancellation.
So where does the idea that a left-wing Jew is not a real Jew come from? I believe Norman Finkelstein provides the answer. Here is what he writes in The Holocaust Industry, p. 23: “The Final Solution was a taboo topic of American Jewish elites for yet another reason. Leftist Jews, who were opposed to the Cold War alignment with Germany against the Soviet Union, would not stop harping on it. Remembrance of the Nazi holocaust was tagged as a Communist cause. Strapped with the stereotype that conflated Jews with the Left – in fact, Jews did account for a third of the vote for progressive presidential candidate Henry Wallace in 1948 – American Jewish elites did not shrink from sacrificing fellow Jews on the altar of anti-Communism. Offering their files on alleged Jewish subversives to government agencies, the AJC and the ADL actively collaborated in the McCarthy-era witch-hunt. The AJC endorsed the death penalty for the Rosenbergs, while its monthly publication, Commentary, editorialized that they weren’t really Jews.” The American couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Jews and communists, were executed in 1953 for Soviet espionage. In other words, the idea that a leftist Jew is not a true Jew (the exact opposite of the common sense of the time) dates back at least to the 1950s; and it was probably an early reaction by the Jewish elites to both McCarthyism and the stereotype of the communist Jew itself.
It didn’t stop there. Billy Graham, the most famous televangelist to promote Christian Zionism, even argued that Jews who do not adhere to Jewish traditions are the “synagogue of Satan”. The theory came to light in 2007 through indirect means: tapes of conversations with President Nixon surfaced, and in 1973, Graham had told him that Jews control the media and that it was the synagogue of Satan. In 2007, his spokesperson explained that, for Graham, this expression, taken from the Bible, refers to Jews who do not follow their traditions. If it was an invention by someone caught in the act, it was a perfect fit, because Jewish journalists are not religious. And since everything on the online right is a copy, Olavo de Carvalho spread to Brazilians the theory that communist Jews are false Jews, and therefore are the synagogue of Satan. What’s more, the blame for the Holocaust was theirs, the communist Jews, who made everyone believe that Jews were communists.
Thus, it seems that a biblical passage, according to which false Jews are the synagogue of Satan, was used to argue that only Jews like Ben Shapiro are good, while secular Jews, who are generally leftists, are the synagogue of Satan. The problem is that, since Jesus and his apostles were Jews who did not respect their tradition (so much so that they founded a new religion), Christianity itself would have to be interpreted as a fruit of the synagogue of Satan… If the conclusion is not obvious in the US, it is because there are a number of Calvinist cults there that believe that Christianity is somehow a continuation of Judaism.
This fabrication is useful for Zionist Christians to support the State of Israel. However, a significative part of the Jews who live in Western societies have absorbed their universalism (albeit in a secularized version), and are the most strident opposition to the State of Israel. Are evangelicals going to burn them at the stake?
History has, in fact, played a trick. Thanks to Calvinism, Christianity, a universalist religion, has become tribal. On the other hand, in parts of the West where Christianity has died out, its universalism has crystallized into an ideal of human rights that, although easy to distort, serves to guide Jews who reject the tribalism of their ancestral culture. And then we have tribal Christians preaching racial superiority of Jews, while atheist universalist Jews call for world compassion towards Palestinians.
Now, if atheism makes individuals more moral than their religious peers (like Ben Shapiro and Itamar Ben Gvir), one must wonder about the moral quality of abandoned religion.