Hugo Dionísio
September 18, 2024
© Photo: Social media

It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

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Hillary Clinton, in a tête a tête with Rachel Maddow (Rachel One-to-One program on MSNBC), who is herself the queen of Russophobic propagandists and the main mainstream propagator of the infamous “Russiagate”, defend the lift of criminal charges against Americans who spread Russian “disinformation”.

Hillary Clinton herself bears enormous responsibility for disinformation, it must be said, since it was in her personal circle that “Russiagate”, and a whole strategy of demonizing Russia with the aim of separating the EU from this Eurasian power, were projected. Although it wasn’t so transparent at the time, this strategy of accusing the Russian Federation of wanting to “interfere” in Western democracies – as if the U.S. wasn’t the monopolist power of “democratic” interventionism – already represented the result of what we can call the ideological political “new normal”: the “normal” in which the parties of the center unite into a single monolithic and cohesive mass of principles, values and objectives. At the time, the Democratic Party already represented Wall Street and the entire military-industrial complex, as did the most fervent neocons, who many people thought were only in the Republican Party.

The support from people like Dick Cheney, accompanied by the massive support of 238 neocons, former George W. Bush “staffers”, McCain and Mitt Romney, referring to Kamala Harris as the “savior of democracy”, clearly demonstrates the reach of the Democratic Party among the ruling class. Don’t be fooled, for these people, many of them genocidal of the worst kind, responsible for crimes like the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, responsible for eternal wars like the one in Afghanistan, it’s not about “saving democracy”! It’s about pursuing the plan to regain world hegemony. With everything that this recovery might mean. Trump, for now, is threatening this project by turning inwards. We’ll see what he does when he realizes that nothing, he can do, will stop the loss of U.S. dominance in the world.

If anyone is to blame for the escalation that is destroying the West, it is Hillary Clinton. During the reign of her husband (Bill Clinton), between saxophones and adultery, the Democratic Party not only sold out to Wall Street, starting a process in which, over time, it began to collect as many corporate donations (PACS) as the Republican Party, demonstrating the game played by most corporations on both boards. The truth of today is that the Democratic party collects individual donations from the most important billionaires, like Michael Bloomberg and many others. No longer is the Democratic Party a Worker’s party.

The role of the Democratic Party as an instrument of anti-democratic domination suddenly came to the fore during the Clinton era, as when, in 1996, it destroyed, through the Telecommunications Act, Roosevelt’s regulations about the media sector, which prevented what happened later and what we see today: the concentration of the mainstream media in a handful of large conglomerates that cartelize and create a common narrative. All under the banner of the “liberalization of media markets”, which wiped out the smaller operators, accused of having “local monopolies”. Deregulation ended with the domination of the media by half a dozen large conglomerates.

In other words, it was with Hillary and the Democratic Party, and then with the Patriot Act under Bush jr, that the U.S. lost freedom of the press, privacy and freedom of opposition, opening the door to torture and mass surveillance, all of these policies backed by the “fight against terror”. 9/11 worked as a form of power legitimation through victimization.

At that time, the Democratic Party broke in two parts. There were still 45 congress representatives who resisted the logic of eternal war. By the time we reached 2022 and Ukraine, this number had been substantially reduced. Today, it is more common to see resistance on the Republican side than on the Democratic one, so you can see how corrupted the Democratic National Committee has become.

Proving that repression never starts with the head under the guillotine, but is rather the result of an escalating process aimed at responding to a crisis, in the U.S. – and in Europe – the loss of democratic elasticity and the consequent ideological hardening has been progressive. Today, as with 9/11 in 2001, Ukraine war and U.S.’s “support” was an attempt to legitimize world power again through victimization. But the U.S. of today lack the world confidence that it had before. This loss of confidence accompanies the decline of the Western bloc in terms of its importance in the world and, in the case of the U.S., the growing repression is a direct result of the loss of world hegemony. Repression is thus a “rallying call” to prevent the crisis from progressing.

The growing breakdown of the dollar – which even they themselves can no longer disguise – , with Trump proposing a measure (100% on products that don´t use the dollar), combined with the growing discrediting and dismantling, by more and more countries, of its soft power (media, Think Tank and academia), as well as the emergence of a luxury competitor, which is taking the place it has always had in history, shifting the center of the world economy once again to Asia, brings to the U.S. a reality in which, if it loses Europe and its dominance over it, it will not only be isolated from the heartland (Emanuel Todd thought this would happen in the first decade of the 21st century, but wokism and the Republican and Democratic concentration in a unified power bloc managed to mitigate the situation for a while), but it will be relegated to its worst terror, the descent to the level of a regional power.

For the time being, there hasn’t been a single report in the Western mainstream press about the adoption of BRICS Pay or the fact that in October, in Kazan, 126 countries will discuss ending their dependence on the dollar. These countries are home to 85% of the world’s population. If that’s not enough news for a simple media footnote… Innocuousness or systemic advantage has become the fundamental characteristic of media news activity.

Despite all these developments and their predictability, as early as 2022, unfortunately only a tiny percentage of people saw what the Ukrainian conflict was really about. Historically, the Eurasian relationship is the worst threat to U.S. hegemonism. Russia and relations between Western and Eastern Europe are the key. They must be separated. However, human separation cannot resist geographical connection and, above all, mutual necessity. These will, in my opinion, be inexorable. Until Western domination by brute force in the 15th-16th centuries, the world had always been multipolar. That’s where it’s heading again.

To prevent this, the strategy is still and always based on demonizing and isolating Russia. The intercontinental connection between Europe, Asia and Africa must be prevented. Faced with the inability and impossibility of characterizing everything as “Kremlin propaganda” when the facts don’t fit the official narrative, Hillary is now proposing a new phase in mind control. The Nazis too understood the importance of this vast country for world domination.

I’ve often wondered when, in the West, they would start arresting people for speaking “propaganda”, now from the Kremlin, tomorrow from anything else deemed inappropriate by those in charge. Just like in any fascist state. I’ve written about this several times before, warning that the material relations (economic, political and social) of the regime we live in constitute the kind of reality that shapes regimes that can be called “fascist”: the highest level of wealth concentration in a dominant oligarchy, which uses the power it has acquired to accelerate the concentration even further and which, when faced with the masses’ resistance to the destruction of their well-being, uses repression to contain them. That’s what fascism is in its essence. There’s no need to develop theoretical and idealistic elaborations.

The most incautious, blindfolded, reactionary or deluded, incapable of recognizing in history its movement, the dialectical relationship between reality and human action, believed that fascism would not return. That we lived in a democracy and that, by voting, everything would be guaranteed. In fascism you voted, and in fascist constitutions there was also talk of democracy. Fascism is just a more aggressive phase in the process of concentrating wealth, with the effects that this has on political life, as a mirror of the social relations that underlie it.  Some still think they are living in the same phase of the regime as they were 20 years ago, even though the structure of wealth redistribution has changed radically. As if the concentration of greater power in an dominant class – and with ever greater dominance – didn’t change anything in politics.

As if politics weren’t a mirror of the material relations that give rise to it! The fascist phase also inaugurated the most serious phase of the capitalist crisis, reproduced in our time in the crisis of the hegemony of the US-led neoliberal economic system. As Mathew C. Klein and Michael Pettis tell us in their book “Trade Wars are Class Wars”, the US-China trade war is also the result of the class struggle. Even if this book is nothing more than a MAGA propaganda piece against China and EU, the scientific starting points under which the book is written are valid.

Hillary has set the political – and theoretical – tone for the beginning of the repressive process in which the struggle of the people against the ruling class is intensifying. Control of the media, censorship of social networks, mass surveillance of every phone, computer, television or household appliance, all flowing into the neural networks of the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency), profiling, predicting and predicting behavior, have not been enough to prevent the degradation of “full spectrum dominance”, a doctrine that since the Second World War has been the script of “U.S. world leadership”.

After Jack Rubin blamed RT for the failure of the Ukrainian project (what better assumption of the artificiality of this conflict?), Killary is now proposing the next step: arresting those who tell the truth! The U.S. has failed to create a fake Palestine (Ukraine) and a fake Israel (the Russian Federation), providing for Russia the global treatment it prevented for Israel, and Jack Rubin blames RT. It’s not reality’s fault, it’s not the fallacy of the narrative. It’s the fault of those who dismantle it.

You could say to me “oh, but it’s Kremlin propaganda”! But who decides what is or isn’t “Kremlin propaganda”? When communists, progressives and other democrats denounced repression during the fascist night, “it was communist propaganda”, when they denounced poverty, hunger, misery and illiteracy, “it was communist propaganda”. It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

And no repression happens for no reason, unjustifiably or gratuitously. Everyone assumes the best intentions in the world when they respond to a deep crisis with the instruments of repression. And the U.S. is the one that talks best about its “good intentions” …

However, as the popular saying goes: “The devil is full of good intentions”

Killary starts a new phase of systemic repression

It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

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Hillary Clinton, in a tête a tête with Rachel Maddow (Rachel One-to-One program on MSNBC), who is herself the queen of Russophobic propagandists and the main mainstream propagator of the infamous “Russiagate”, defend the lift of criminal charges against Americans who spread Russian “disinformation”.

Hillary Clinton herself bears enormous responsibility for disinformation, it must be said, since it was in her personal circle that “Russiagate”, and a whole strategy of demonizing Russia with the aim of separating the EU from this Eurasian power, were projected. Although it wasn’t so transparent at the time, this strategy of accusing the Russian Federation of wanting to “interfere” in Western democracies – as if the U.S. wasn’t the monopolist power of “democratic” interventionism – already represented the result of what we can call the ideological political “new normal”: the “normal” in which the parties of the center unite into a single monolithic and cohesive mass of principles, values and objectives. At the time, the Democratic Party already represented Wall Street and the entire military-industrial complex, as did the most fervent neocons, who many people thought were only in the Republican Party.

The support from people like Dick Cheney, accompanied by the massive support of 238 neocons, former George W. Bush “staffers”, McCain and Mitt Romney, referring to Kamala Harris as the “savior of democracy”, clearly demonstrates the reach of the Democratic Party among the ruling class. Don’t be fooled, for these people, many of them genocidal of the worst kind, responsible for crimes like the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, responsible for eternal wars like the one in Afghanistan, it’s not about “saving democracy”! It’s about pursuing the plan to regain world hegemony. With everything that this recovery might mean. Trump, for now, is threatening this project by turning inwards. We’ll see what he does when he realizes that nothing, he can do, will stop the loss of U.S. dominance in the world.

If anyone is to blame for the escalation that is destroying the West, it is Hillary Clinton. During the reign of her husband (Bill Clinton), between saxophones and adultery, the Democratic Party not only sold out to Wall Street, starting a process in which, over time, it began to collect as many corporate donations (PACS) as the Republican Party, demonstrating the game played by most corporations on both boards. The truth of today is that the Democratic party collects individual donations from the most important billionaires, like Michael Bloomberg and many others. No longer is the Democratic Party a Worker’s party.

The role of the Democratic Party as an instrument of anti-democratic domination suddenly came to the fore during the Clinton era, as when, in 1996, it destroyed, through the Telecommunications Act, Roosevelt’s regulations about the media sector, which prevented what happened later and what we see today: the concentration of the mainstream media in a handful of large conglomerates that cartelize and create a common narrative. All under the banner of the “liberalization of media markets”, which wiped out the smaller operators, accused of having “local monopolies”. Deregulation ended with the domination of the media by half a dozen large conglomerates.

In other words, it was with Hillary and the Democratic Party, and then with the Patriot Act under Bush jr, that the U.S. lost freedom of the press, privacy and freedom of opposition, opening the door to torture and mass surveillance, all of these policies backed by the “fight against terror”. 9/11 worked as a form of power legitimation through victimization.

At that time, the Democratic Party broke in two parts. There were still 45 congress representatives who resisted the logic of eternal war. By the time we reached 2022 and Ukraine, this number had been substantially reduced. Today, it is more common to see resistance on the Republican side than on the Democratic one, so you can see how corrupted the Democratic National Committee has become.

Proving that repression never starts with the head under the guillotine, but is rather the result of an escalating process aimed at responding to a crisis, in the U.S. – and in Europe – the loss of democratic elasticity and the consequent ideological hardening has been progressive. Today, as with 9/11 in 2001, Ukraine war and U.S.’s “support” was an attempt to legitimize world power again through victimization. But the U.S. of today lack the world confidence that it had before. This loss of confidence accompanies the decline of the Western bloc in terms of its importance in the world and, in the case of the U.S., the growing repression is a direct result of the loss of world hegemony. Repression is thus a “rallying call” to prevent the crisis from progressing.

The growing breakdown of the dollar – which even they themselves can no longer disguise – , with Trump proposing a measure (100% on products that don´t use the dollar), combined with the growing discrediting and dismantling, by more and more countries, of its soft power (media, Think Tank and academia), as well as the emergence of a luxury competitor, which is taking the place it has always had in history, shifting the center of the world economy once again to Asia, brings to the U.S. a reality in which, if it loses Europe and its dominance over it, it will not only be isolated from the heartland (Emanuel Todd thought this would happen in the first decade of the 21st century, but wokism and the Republican and Democratic concentration in a unified power bloc managed to mitigate the situation for a while), but it will be relegated to its worst terror, the descent to the level of a regional power.

For the time being, there hasn’t been a single report in the Western mainstream press about the adoption of BRICS Pay or the fact that in October, in Kazan, 126 countries will discuss ending their dependence on the dollar. These countries are home to 85% of the world’s population. If that’s not enough news for a simple media footnote… Innocuousness or systemic advantage has become the fundamental characteristic of media news activity.

Despite all these developments and their predictability, as early as 2022, unfortunately only a tiny percentage of people saw what the Ukrainian conflict was really about. Historically, the Eurasian relationship is the worst threat to U.S. hegemonism. Russia and relations between Western and Eastern Europe are the key. They must be separated. However, human separation cannot resist geographical connection and, above all, mutual necessity. These will, in my opinion, be inexorable. Until Western domination by brute force in the 15th-16th centuries, the world had always been multipolar. That’s where it’s heading again.

To prevent this, the strategy is still and always based on demonizing and isolating Russia. The intercontinental connection between Europe, Asia and Africa must be prevented. Faced with the inability and impossibility of characterizing everything as “Kremlin propaganda” when the facts don’t fit the official narrative, Hillary is now proposing a new phase in mind control. The Nazis too understood the importance of this vast country for world domination.

I’ve often wondered when, in the West, they would start arresting people for speaking “propaganda”, now from the Kremlin, tomorrow from anything else deemed inappropriate by those in charge. Just like in any fascist state. I’ve written about this several times before, warning that the material relations (economic, political and social) of the regime we live in constitute the kind of reality that shapes regimes that can be called “fascist”: the highest level of wealth concentration in a dominant oligarchy, which uses the power it has acquired to accelerate the concentration even further and which, when faced with the masses’ resistance to the destruction of their well-being, uses repression to contain them. That’s what fascism is in its essence. There’s no need to develop theoretical and idealistic elaborations.

The most incautious, blindfolded, reactionary or deluded, incapable of recognizing in history its movement, the dialectical relationship between reality and human action, believed that fascism would not return. That we lived in a democracy and that, by voting, everything would be guaranteed. In fascism you voted, and in fascist constitutions there was also talk of democracy. Fascism is just a more aggressive phase in the process of concentrating wealth, with the effects that this has on political life, as a mirror of the social relations that underlie it.  Some still think they are living in the same phase of the regime as they were 20 years ago, even though the structure of wealth redistribution has changed radically. As if the concentration of greater power in an dominant class – and with ever greater dominance – didn’t change anything in politics.

As if politics weren’t a mirror of the material relations that give rise to it! The fascist phase also inaugurated the most serious phase of the capitalist crisis, reproduced in our time in the crisis of the hegemony of the US-led neoliberal economic system. As Mathew C. Klein and Michael Pettis tell us in their book “Trade Wars are Class Wars”, the US-China trade war is also the result of the class struggle. Even if this book is nothing more than a MAGA propaganda piece against China and EU, the scientific starting points under which the book is written are valid.

Hillary has set the political – and theoretical – tone for the beginning of the repressive process in which the struggle of the people against the ruling class is intensifying. Control of the media, censorship of social networks, mass surveillance of every phone, computer, television or household appliance, all flowing into the neural networks of the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency), profiling, predicting and predicting behavior, have not been enough to prevent the degradation of “full spectrum dominance”, a doctrine that since the Second World War has been the script of “U.S. world leadership”.

After Jack Rubin blamed RT for the failure of the Ukrainian project (what better assumption of the artificiality of this conflict?), Killary is now proposing the next step: arresting those who tell the truth! The U.S. has failed to create a fake Palestine (Ukraine) and a fake Israel (the Russian Federation), providing for Russia the global treatment it prevented for Israel, and Jack Rubin blames RT. It’s not reality’s fault, it’s not the fallacy of the narrative. It’s the fault of those who dismantle it.

You could say to me “oh, but it’s Kremlin propaganda”! But who decides what is or isn’t “Kremlin propaganda”? When communists, progressives and other democrats denounced repression during the fascist night, “it was communist propaganda”, when they denounced poverty, hunger, misery and illiteracy, “it was communist propaganda”. It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

And no repression happens for no reason, unjustifiably or gratuitously. Everyone assumes the best intentions in the world when they respond to a deep crisis with the instruments of repression. And the U.S. is the one that talks best about its “good intentions” …

However, as the popular saying goes: “The devil is full of good intentions”

It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

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Hillary Clinton, in a tête a tête with Rachel Maddow (Rachel One-to-One program on MSNBC), who is herself the queen of Russophobic propagandists and the main mainstream propagator of the infamous “Russiagate”, defend the lift of criminal charges against Americans who spread Russian “disinformation”.

Hillary Clinton herself bears enormous responsibility for disinformation, it must be said, since it was in her personal circle that “Russiagate”, and a whole strategy of demonizing Russia with the aim of separating the EU from this Eurasian power, were projected. Although it wasn’t so transparent at the time, this strategy of accusing the Russian Federation of wanting to “interfere” in Western democracies – as if the U.S. wasn’t the monopolist power of “democratic” interventionism – already represented the result of what we can call the ideological political “new normal”: the “normal” in which the parties of the center unite into a single monolithic and cohesive mass of principles, values and objectives. At the time, the Democratic Party already represented Wall Street and the entire military-industrial complex, as did the most fervent neocons, who many people thought were only in the Republican Party.

The support from people like Dick Cheney, accompanied by the massive support of 238 neocons, former George W. Bush “staffers”, McCain and Mitt Romney, referring to Kamala Harris as the “savior of democracy”, clearly demonstrates the reach of the Democratic Party among the ruling class. Don’t be fooled, for these people, many of them genocidal of the worst kind, responsible for crimes like the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, responsible for eternal wars like the one in Afghanistan, it’s not about “saving democracy”! It’s about pursuing the plan to regain world hegemony. With everything that this recovery might mean. Trump, for now, is threatening this project by turning inwards. We’ll see what he does when he realizes that nothing, he can do, will stop the loss of U.S. dominance in the world.

If anyone is to blame for the escalation that is destroying the West, it is Hillary Clinton. During the reign of her husband (Bill Clinton), between saxophones and adultery, the Democratic Party not only sold out to Wall Street, starting a process in which, over time, it began to collect as many corporate donations (PACS) as the Republican Party, demonstrating the game played by most corporations on both boards. The truth of today is that the Democratic party collects individual donations from the most important billionaires, like Michael Bloomberg and many others. No longer is the Democratic Party a Worker’s party.

The role of the Democratic Party as an instrument of anti-democratic domination suddenly came to the fore during the Clinton era, as when, in 1996, it destroyed, through the Telecommunications Act, Roosevelt’s regulations about the media sector, which prevented what happened later and what we see today: the concentration of the mainstream media in a handful of large conglomerates that cartelize and create a common narrative. All under the banner of the “liberalization of media markets”, which wiped out the smaller operators, accused of having “local monopolies”. Deregulation ended with the domination of the media by half a dozen large conglomerates.

In other words, it was with Hillary and the Democratic Party, and then with the Patriot Act under Bush jr, that the U.S. lost freedom of the press, privacy and freedom of opposition, opening the door to torture and mass surveillance, all of these policies backed by the “fight against terror”. 9/11 worked as a form of power legitimation through victimization.

At that time, the Democratic Party broke in two parts. There were still 45 congress representatives who resisted the logic of eternal war. By the time we reached 2022 and Ukraine, this number had been substantially reduced. Today, it is more common to see resistance on the Republican side than on the Democratic one, so you can see how corrupted the Democratic National Committee has become.

Proving that repression never starts with the head under the guillotine, but is rather the result of an escalating process aimed at responding to a crisis, in the U.S. – and in Europe – the loss of democratic elasticity and the consequent ideological hardening has been progressive. Today, as with 9/11 in 2001, Ukraine war and U.S.’s “support” was an attempt to legitimize world power again through victimization. But the U.S. of today lack the world confidence that it had before. This loss of confidence accompanies the decline of the Western bloc in terms of its importance in the world and, in the case of the U.S., the growing repression is a direct result of the loss of world hegemony. Repression is thus a “rallying call” to prevent the crisis from progressing.

The growing breakdown of the dollar – which even they themselves can no longer disguise – , with Trump proposing a measure (100% on products that don´t use the dollar), combined with the growing discrediting and dismantling, by more and more countries, of its soft power (media, Think Tank and academia), as well as the emergence of a luxury competitor, which is taking the place it has always had in history, shifting the center of the world economy once again to Asia, brings to the U.S. a reality in which, if it loses Europe and its dominance over it, it will not only be isolated from the heartland (Emanuel Todd thought this would happen in the first decade of the 21st century, but wokism and the Republican and Democratic concentration in a unified power bloc managed to mitigate the situation for a while), but it will be relegated to its worst terror, the descent to the level of a regional power.

For the time being, there hasn’t been a single report in the Western mainstream press about the adoption of BRICS Pay or the fact that in October, in Kazan, 126 countries will discuss ending their dependence on the dollar. These countries are home to 85% of the world’s population. If that’s not enough news for a simple media footnote… Innocuousness or systemic advantage has become the fundamental characteristic of media news activity.

Despite all these developments and their predictability, as early as 2022, unfortunately only a tiny percentage of people saw what the Ukrainian conflict was really about. Historically, the Eurasian relationship is the worst threat to U.S. hegemonism. Russia and relations between Western and Eastern Europe are the key. They must be separated. However, human separation cannot resist geographical connection and, above all, mutual necessity. These will, in my opinion, be inexorable. Until Western domination by brute force in the 15th-16th centuries, the world had always been multipolar. That’s where it’s heading again.

To prevent this, the strategy is still and always based on demonizing and isolating Russia. The intercontinental connection between Europe, Asia and Africa must be prevented. Faced with the inability and impossibility of characterizing everything as “Kremlin propaganda” when the facts don’t fit the official narrative, Hillary is now proposing a new phase in mind control. The Nazis too understood the importance of this vast country for world domination.

I’ve often wondered when, in the West, they would start arresting people for speaking “propaganda”, now from the Kremlin, tomorrow from anything else deemed inappropriate by those in charge. Just like in any fascist state. I’ve written about this several times before, warning that the material relations (economic, political and social) of the regime we live in constitute the kind of reality that shapes regimes that can be called “fascist”: the highest level of wealth concentration in a dominant oligarchy, which uses the power it has acquired to accelerate the concentration even further and which, when faced with the masses’ resistance to the destruction of their well-being, uses repression to contain them. That’s what fascism is in its essence. There’s no need to develop theoretical and idealistic elaborations.

The most incautious, blindfolded, reactionary or deluded, incapable of recognizing in history its movement, the dialectical relationship between reality and human action, believed that fascism would not return. That we lived in a democracy and that, by voting, everything would be guaranteed. In fascism you voted, and in fascist constitutions there was also talk of democracy. Fascism is just a more aggressive phase in the process of concentrating wealth, with the effects that this has on political life, as a mirror of the social relations that underlie it.  Some still think they are living in the same phase of the regime as they were 20 years ago, even though the structure of wealth redistribution has changed radically. As if the concentration of greater power in an dominant class – and with ever greater dominance – didn’t change anything in politics.

As if politics weren’t a mirror of the material relations that give rise to it! The fascist phase also inaugurated the most serious phase of the capitalist crisis, reproduced in our time in the crisis of the hegemony of the US-led neoliberal economic system. As Mathew C. Klein and Michael Pettis tell us in their book “Trade Wars are Class Wars”, the US-China trade war is also the result of the class struggle. Even if this book is nothing more than a MAGA propaganda piece against China and EU, the scientific starting points under which the book is written are valid.

Hillary has set the political – and theoretical – tone for the beginning of the repressive process in which the struggle of the people against the ruling class is intensifying. Control of the media, censorship of social networks, mass surveillance of every phone, computer, television or household appliance, all flowing into the neural networks of the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency), profiling, predicting and predicting behavior, have not been enough to prevent the degradation of “full spectrum dominance”, a doctrine that since the Second World War has been the script of “U.S. world leadership”.

After Jack Rubin blamed RT for the failure of the Ukrainian project (what better assumption of the artificiality of this conflict?), Killary is now proposing the next step: arresting those who tell the truth! The U.S. has failed to create a fake Palestine (Ukraine) and a fake Israel (the Russian Federation), providing for Russia the global treatment it prevented for Israel, and Jack Rubin blames RT. It’s not reality’s fault, it’s not the fallacy of the narrative. It’s the fault of those who dismantle it.

You could say to me “oh, but it’s Kremlin propaganda”! But who decides what is or isn’t “Kremlin propaganda”? When communists, progressives and other democrats denounced repression during the fascist night, “it was communist propaganda”, when they denounced poverty, hunger, misery and illiteracy, “it was communist propaganda”. It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.

And no repression happens for no reason, unjustifiably or gratuitously. Everyone assumes the best intentions in the world when they respond to a deep crisis with the instruments of repression. And the U.S. is the one that talks best about its “good intentions” …

However, as the popular saying goes: “The devil is full of good intentions”

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 25, 2025
February 17, 2025
January 29, 2025

See also

January 25, 2025
February 17, 2025
January 29, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.