Tag: Zionism

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O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
July 22, 2024

Ignorar as religiões como se fossem atividades puramente privadas e não tivessem repercussões sérias na esfera pública impede o Estado de se antecipar ao surgimento de seitas perigosas, o que propicia fenômenos como o narcopentecostalismo.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
July 20, 2024

El 10 de julio, se anunció que el gigante de las redes sociales Meta ampliaría el alcance de su censura y supresión de contenidos relacionados con el genocidio de Gaza.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
July 16, 2024

El plan para el robo de la Cisjordania es totalmente apoyado por Netanyahu y conforma la base para la actual coalición extremista de derecha judía que mantiene a Netanyahu en el poder – y fuera de la cárcel.

Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
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Israel wins the French and British general elections
Israel wins the French and British general elections
July 12, 2024

As the French, along with their old British sparring partners, dust themselves down from these latest elections, they should give consideration to what flag they wish to serve and who best to give their loyalty to.

Former Israeli PM admits Israel’s war crimes can’t happen without U.S. support
July 5, 2024

“All of Israel’s air power is based on the American commitment to defend Israel. We have no other reliable source for essential supplies of equipment, munitions and advanced weapons that Israel cannot manufacture on its own.”

Former Israeli PM admits Israel’s war crimes can’t happen without U.S. support
Editor's Сhoice
Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter
Editor's Сhoice
Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter
July 5, 2024

The Murdoch machine comprises well over 100 newspapers – some of them among the world’s most well-known and influential, as well as dozens of TV channels and a formidable publishing empire. This power allows him to set the political agenda across much of the world. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair claimed that Murdoch was an “unofficial member” of his cabinet and that he was one of the four most powerful men in the United Kingdom.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state
July 1, 2024

The plan to steal the West Bank is fully supported by Netanyahu, and forms a basis for the current right-wing Jewish extremist coalition keeping Netanyahu in power, and out of jail.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state