Tag: Zionism

Ever since Tel Aviv’s 1948 creation, much has been said and written about ‘Greater Israel’ – the notion Zionism’s ultimate end goal is the forcible annexation and ethnic cleansing of vast swaths of Arab lands for Jewish settlement, based on Biblical claims that this territory was promised to Jews by God.

Julia Sebutinde stood alone in rejecting South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Now the court’s president, the Ugandan judge suggests her motives for protecting Israel can be found in the Old Testament.

In the case of Elon Moreh we find all the fallacious condiments that feed the writing of current planetary history according to the Western slogans.

Habitantes do colonato de Elon Moreh tinham sido convidados para presenciar os acontecimentos. Alguns aplaudiram e exclamaram: “Belo espectáculo”.