Tag: Democratic Party

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Who is behind Kamala Harris? Her inner circle is tied to the corporate world
Editor's Сhoice
Who is behind Kamala Harris? Her inner circle is tied to the corporate world
July 26, 2024

The centre of gravity in Democratic politics quaked on Sunday — and in a flash, everything changed. Barring an act of divine intervention, Kamala Harris will become the party’s standard bearer in Chicago in less than a month’s time.

Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
July 24, 2024

Liberal left endorsement of Kamala Harris shows how Democrats prioritize the woke agenda over world peace.

Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
Genocide monster drops out, endorses fellow genocide monster
Editor's Сhoice
Genocide monster drops out, endorses fellow genocide monster
July 22, 2024

The behavior of the empire is no more changed by getting a new president than a corporation is changed by getting a new secretary at the front desk of its main office.

U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition
July 20, 2024

The political system of the United States does not allow opposition, even though the majority of citizens want one.

U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition
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It’s that time again: MSM Launches “Muh Russia” election narrative as brands collude to silence dissent
Editor's Сhoice
It’s that time again: MSM Launches “Muh Russia” election narrative as brands collude to silence dissent
July 13, 2024

While the Democratic party melts down over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline – an obvious risk to US national security, the 2024 election wouldn’t be complete without a Trump-Russia narrative.

Só um golpe de Estado impedirá a vitória eleitoral de Trump
July 10, 2024

O primeiro debate eleitoral evidenciou a milhões de cidadãos americanos que eles são governados por uma esponja. Talvez a antecipação dos debates (nas eleições anteriores o primeiro debate ocorreu somente no final de setembro) tenha ocorrido precisamente com o objetivo de testar o recebimento da (falta de) capacidade cognitiva de Joe Biden pelo grande público para que houvesse tempo de substituí-lo por outro candidato, caso necessário.

Só um golpe de Estado impedirá a vitória eleitoral de Trump
Por que Biden é o melhor presidente liberal possível
Por que Biden é o melhor presidente liberal possível
July 7, 2024

A única forma de superar Joe Biden é criando um avatar de presidente cujas falas sejam programadas pelo ChatGPT.

Biden: ‘I’m running the world’
July 7, 2024

The comment by the sitting U.S. president in Friday’s interview has been ignored by the mainstream, but its megalomania is at the heart of why Joe Biden is defying his party and remaining in the race, writes Joe Lauria.

Biden: ‘I’m running the world’
Editor's Сhoice