Kayla Carman
October 30, 2024
© Photo: REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated, Kayla Carman writes.

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Divide et Impera, a tactic first utilised by Phillip of Macedon and widely attributed to ancient Rome’s most famous leader, Caesar, has been continually deployed by tyrants in order to maintain power for millennia. Unlike animals that seem to adapt to their environments and modify habits over time, we, as a species, appear to allow ourselves to be fooled by such blatant and boorish behaviour time and time again, generation after generation, demonstrating the same wretched gullibility as our fathers and forefathers. Despite the growth of a sense of humanity and compassion amongst the general public of Western states over the past 50 years, even within the education systems themselves, the strategy of divide and conquer has never been more apparent, and the proclivity of the majority to be manipulated by this is at best tragic, at worst, simply embarrassing.

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated. It’s important to recognise it, even within these articles critical of power. The establishment, like all groups and institutions, is made up of individuals, and as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn rightly points out, “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains… an unuprooted small corner of evil.” However, this quote also highlights that the propensity for good and evil fluctuates between people, and given what is understood about psychology, it is important to recognise the established relationship between psychopathy and power. Therefore, whilst acknowledging that there are people with good hearts and intentions within the establishment, it must be noted that the overall agenda is driven by psychopathy, acquisition, and retention of power, which logically results in ruthlessness, greed, lack of compassion, exploitation, and disdain of the plebs, “the other,” whom are caricatured as useless eaters and scourges on the earth. It is well known for anyone that looks into the history of eugenics that the establishment is obsessed with depopulation, with Prince Philip even suggesting that, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” Therefore, it is justified, based on empirical evidence and psychology, to view the establishment as a nefarious entity while acknowledging that the establishment itself is made up of tens of thousands of individuals whose characters vary diversely, and just like yin and yang have elements of light within the darkness. The purpose of this article, despite the caveat above, is not to analyse the establishment but the use of divide and conquer among the people.

Division amongst the populous of the West, which has confusingly been educated over the past 20 years to value inclusivity, diversity, and shared humanity, has never been more rife. The aggressive tribalism usually confined to nescient Neanderthals supporting their local sports team has seeped into the political landscape, with even the most civilised intellectuals baying for the blood of their ideological opponents. This is not a deterministic occurrence but an insidious agenda pushed upon us, top down, through the media obsession with identity politics, intellectualised by the universities and professionalised by corporate ESG scores designed to manipulate the culture. Anyone not accepting that gender is a construct, for example, is ostracised as an uncouth deplorable, clearly not intelligent enough to reject evidence that they see with their own eyes, the intuition felt within, instead deferring to generally low EQ experts that feel the need to speak for minority groups that they’re not even members of. It’s peak Raygun and frankly absurd!

The evolution of technology and those that control it, further aids this nefarious agenda by algorithmically placing people in echo chambers, with bots supporting, championing, and radicalising viewpoints through caricaturing those with different opinions as either incredibly stupid or incredibly dangerous monsters; often both. If you don’t want to be lumped with those folk, you’ve got to be fully on board with whatever nonsense is sprouted by the other tribe, the one you’ve committed to with your memes and your virtue signalling. EL James fans will be disappointed to realise there are no shades of grey, only black or white, and if you’re not all in on one then you must be “the other.” Nuance has as much meaning these days as Kamala Harris’ speeches and Joe Biden’s pledges. Heaven forbid people reach their own conclusions, using their own critical faculties, trying to understand, without prejudice, arguments made by both sides. What a tragically insecure species, desperate to be included within some sort of inhouse grouping, without the courage to guide, let alone speak, our own minds—we have become, or perhaps always were?

One of the most glaring examples of this nonsense approach can be found within the hot topic issue of paedophilia. The right’s alarmism over institutionalised paedophilia versus the left’s desire for organisations to do more to protect children from sexual abuse within the home. Both sides sensationalise the threat they highlight while downplaying or outright ignoring the threat to children raised by the other side. The facts are that child sex-trafficking often carried out by gangs or institutions has reportedly tripled in the past 5 years, yet concurrently, just over 70% of child abuse claims are made against a family member. Both sides have a legitimate argument. Both sides want to protect children, but rather than understanding this commonality and working together, recognising their mutual objective, they’d rather engage in sensationalism and denialism to sustain tribal lines because acknowledging common values and humanity requires cognitive dissonance and acceptance that “the other” isn’t the dangerous, idiotic monster you’d written them off as.

This extreme tribalism diminishes the basic ability to be rational and reach individual conclusions within realms once considered to be hot and reasonable. You’re either an ignorant bigot unless you support militant trans rights or you’re in favour of mutilating children if you recognise that a minute percentage of people have gender dysphoria and should be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion. There is no in between, and yet the silent majority probably slots somewhere between this polemic, hyperbolic nonsense, having compassion for anyone struggling with gender dysphoria whilst also recognising that it’s clearly unfair for humans born as biological males to be competing in women’s sports. In fact, horrified though those most vocal on either side may be to hear this, the majority of people are not affected by this and don’t really care. If society can turn a blind eye to contemporary genocide, it’s hard to be fixated on such a minority issue despite how much it is foisted upon us by the powers that be to deliberately cause upset and division. Yet due to the perpetual bombardment of trans issues into the culture, a large percentage of people are forced to audibly discuss and support the side that aligns more politically with their liberal or conservative perspective, regardless of what they truly believe.

In solidarity with all virtue-signalling standpoints these days, those narcissistically sounding their self-righteous drum appear wholly ignorant of their own hypocrisy. Preaching diversity while finding diversity of perspective unacceptable is a case in point. Those smugly declaring that they’re only intolerant of intolerance—you’re not a magnet; this doesn’t make you tolerant; it’s just simply another form of intolerance. Yet this supposed intolerance of intolerance is being utilised to justify the soft criminalising of subjective offensiveness and even potentially causing offence to a third party, with UK residents recently arrested for antisemitism due to their online criticism of Israeli foreign policy and the year-long genocide it’s been engaged in.

Insidiously, this notion of offensiveness is being utilised, synonymously with another quacksalver tactic of combating disinformation in order to allegedly protect people from rising levels of hatred and its potentially violent consequences. Again, this is yet more subterfuge from the establishment. The advance in communications technology has been engineered to entrench division despite initially creating platforms for users to share information. This has led to an awakening where more and more people realise how corrupt the establishment is, realise the game is rigged, realise this is a constructed reality that subdues and enslaves them, realise the media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of this particular other, and demand freedom and justice. The establishment cannot allow its mask to slip more, hence the call for censorship under the perfidious guise of citizen protection. Of course it’s not at all patronising to be told by the least competent, most corrupt members of our species that we shouldn’t be allowed to read things because they might be inaccurate or distressing. Being babied by the same charlatans that provided the least accurate and overly distressing narrative during COVID times, when the common flu was actually more deadly to people under 40 with no comorbidities. Fear is all they know to control with because genuine respect and faith in leadership is dependent on decency, values, and capability, and anyone with those traits is swiftly booted out of the club because they refuse to enact the nefarious, exploitative, wealth-hoarding agendas of the elites that own them.

Division and anger are rising; both access to truth and dissenters are being crushed. The trajectory appears bleak. Unless we listen to opposing views with intent to understand and find commonality and points of agreement, things will only get worse. We need to realise we’re being played and that identity politics is just a divisive distraction to stop us from focusing on the genuine, exponentially increasing economic disparity between the elitists and the rest of us, hence the throttling of the middle class over the past few decades. Unless we stop viewing the bulk of fellow citizens who may disagree with some of our beliefs as extreme caricatures and realise who the actual “other” danger is, we will eventually descend into global technocratic serfdom. We must replace their mantra of divide et impera with our own, conduc et impera before it’s too late.

Conduc et impera: Evolving the narrative from divisive identity politics and dehumanisation towards understanding and unity

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated, Kayla Carman writes.

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Divide et Impera, a tactic first utilised by Phillip of Macedon and widely attributed to ancient Rome’s most famous leader, Caesar, has been continually deployed by tyrants in order to maintain power for millennia. Unlike animals that seem to adapt to their environments and modify habits over time, we, as a species, appear to allow ourselves to be fooled by such blatant and boorish behaviour time and time again, generation after generation, demonstrating the same wretched gullibility as our fathers and forefathers. Despite the growth of a sense of humanity and compassion amongst the general public of Western states over the past 50 years, even within the education systems themselves, the strategy of divide and conquer has never been more apparent, and the proclivity of the majority to be manipulated by this is at best tragic, at worst, simply embarrassing.

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated. It’s important to recognise it, even within these articles critical of power. The establishment, like all groups and institutions, is made up of individuals, and as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn rightly points out, “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains… an unuprooted small corner of evil.” However, this quote also highlights that the propensity for good and evil fluctuates between people, and given what is understood about psychology, it is important to recognise the established relationship between psychopathy and power. Therefore, whilst acknowledging that there are people with good hearts and intentions within the establishment, it must be noted that the overall agenda is driven by psychopathy, acquisition, and retention of power, which logically results in ruthlessness, greed, lack of compassion, exploitation, and disdain of the plebs, “the other,” whom are caricatured as useless eaters and scourges on the earth. It is well known for anyone that looks into the history of eugenics that the establishment is obsessed with depopulation, with Prince Philip even suggesting that, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” Therefore, it is justified, based on empirical evidence and psychology, to view the establishment as a nefarious entity while acknowledging that the establishment itself is made up of tens of thousands of individuals whose characters vary diversely, and just like yin and yang have elements of light within the darkness. The purpose of this article, despite the caveat above, is not to analyse the establishment but the use of divide and conquer among the people.

Division amongst the populous of the West, which has confusingly been educated over the past 20 years to value inclusivity, diversity, and shared humanity, has never been more rife. The aggressive tribalism usually confined to nescient Neanderthals supporting their local sports team has seeped into the political landscape, with even the most civilised intellectuals baying for the blood of their ideological opponents. This is not a deterministic occurrence but an insidious agenda pushed upon us, top down, through the media obsession with identity politics, intellectualised by the universities and professionalised by corporate ESG scores designed to manipulate the culture. Anyone not accepting that gender is a construct, for example, is ostracised as an uncouth deplorable, clearly not intelligent enough to reject evidence that they see with their own eyes, the intuition felt within, instead deferring to generally low EQ experts that feel the need to speak for minority groups that they’re not even members of. It’s peak Raygun and frankly absurd!

The evolution of technology and those that control it, further aids this nefarious agenda by algorithmically placing people in echo chambers, with bots supporting, championing, and radicalising viewpoints through caricaturing those with different opinions as either incredibly stupid or incredibly dangerous monsters; often both. If you don’t want to be lumped with those folk, you’ve got to be fully on board with whatever nonsense is sprouted by the other tribe, the one you’ve committed to with your memes and your virtue signalling. EL James fans will be disappointed to realise there are no shades of grey, only black or white, and if you’re not all in on one then you must be “the other.” Nuance has as much meaning these days as Kamala Harris’ speeches and Joe Biden’s pledges. Heaven forbid people reach their own conclusions, using their own critical faculties, trying to understand, without prejudice, arguments made by both sides. What a tragically insecure species, desperate to be included within some sort of inhouse grouping, without the courage to guide, let alone speak, our own minds—we have become, or perhaps always were?

One of the most glaring examples of this nonsense approach can be found within the hot topic issue of paedophilia. The right’s alarmism over institutionalised paedophilia versus the left’s desire for organisations to do more to protect children from sexual abuse within the home. Both sides sensationalise the threat they highlight while downplaying or outright ignoring the threat to children raised by the other side. The facts are that child sex-trafficking often carried out by gangs or institutions has reportedly tripled in the past 5 years, yet concurrently, just over 70% of child abuse claims are made against a family member. Both sides have a legitimate argument. Both sides want to protect children, but rather than understanding this commonality and working together, recognising their mutual objective, they’d rather engage in sensationalism and denialism to sustain tribal lines because acknowledging common values and humanity requires cognitive dissonance and acceptance that “the other” isn’t the dangerous, idiotic monster you’d written them off as.

This extreme tribalism diminishes the basic ability to be rational and reach individual conclusions within realms once considered to be hot and reasonable. You’re either an ignorant bigot unless you support militant trans rights or you’re in favour of mutilating children if you recognise that a minute percentage of people have gender dysphoria and should be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion. There is no in between, and yet the silent majority probably slots somewhere between this polemic, hyperbolic nonsense, having compassion for anyone struggling with gender dysphoria whilst also recognising that it’s clearly unfair for humans born as biological males to be competing in women’s sports. In fact, horrified though those most vocal on either side may be to hear this, the majority of people are not affected by this and don’t really care. If society can turn a blind eye to contemporary genocide, it’s hard to be fixated on such a minority issue despite how much it is foisted upon us by the powers that be to deliberately cause upset and division. Yet due to the perpetual bombardment of trans issues into the culture, a large percentage of people are forced to audibly discuss and support the side that aligns more politically with their liberal or conservative perspective, regardless of what they truly believe.

In solidarity with all virtue-signalling standpoints these days, those narcissistically sounding their self-righteous drum appear wholly ignorant of their own hypocrisy. Preaching diversity while finding diversity of perspective unacceptable is a case in point. Those smugly declaring that they’re only intolerant of intolerance—you’re not a magnet; this doesn’t make you tolerant; it’s just simply another form of intolerance. Yet this supposed intolerance of intolerance is being utilised to justify the soft criminalising of subjective offensiveness and even potentially causing offence to a third party, with UK residents recently arrested for antisemitism due to their online criticism of Israeli foreign policy and the year-long genocide it’s been engaged in.

Insidiously, this notion of offensiveness is being utilised, synonymously with another quacksalver tactic of combating disinformation in order to allegedly protect people from rising levels of hatred and its potentially violent consequences. Again, this is yet more subterfuge from the establishment. The advance in communications technology has been engineered to entrench division despite initially creating platforms for users to share information. This has led to an awakening where more and more people realise how corrupt the establishment is, realise the game is rigged, realise this is a constructed reality that subdues and enslaves them, realise the media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of this particular other, and demand freedom and justice. The establishment cannot allow its mask to slip more, hence the call for censorship under the perfidious guise of citizen protection. Of course it’s not at all patronising to be told by the least competent, most corrupt members of our species that we shouldn’t be allowed to read things because they might be inaccurate or distressing. Being babied by the same charlatans that provided the least accurate and overly distressing narrative during COVID times, when the common flu was actually more deadly to people under 40 with no comorbidities. Fear is all they know to control with because genuine respect and faith in leadership is dependent on decency, values, and capability, and anyone with those traits is swiftly booted out of the club because they refuse to enact the nefarious, exploitative, wealth-hoarding agendas of the elites that own them.

Division and anger are rising; both access to truth and dissenters are being crushed. The trajectory appears bleak. Unless we listen to opposing views with intent to understand and find commonality and points of agreement, things will only get worse. We need to realise we’re being played and that identity politics is just a divisive distraction to stop us from focusing on the genuine, exponentially increasing economic disparity between the elitists and the rest of us, hence the throttling of the middle class over the past few decades. Unless we stop viewing the bulk of fellow citizens who may disagree with some of our beliefs as extreme caricatures and realise who the actual “other” danger is, we will eventually descend into global technocratic serfdom. We must replace their mantra of divide et impera with our own, conduc et impera before it’s too late.

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated, Kayla Carman writes.

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Divide et Impera, a tactic first utilised by Phillip of Macedon and widely attributed to ancient Rome’s most famous leader, Caesar, has been continually deployed by tyrants in order to maintain power for millennia. Unlike animals that seem to adapt to their environments and modify habits over time, we, as a species, appear to allow ourselves to be fooled by such blatant and boorish behaviour time and time again, generation after generation, demonstrating the same wretched gullibility as our fathers and forefathers. Despite the growth of a sense of humanity and compassion amongst the general public of Western states over the past 50 years, even within the education systems themselves, the strategy of divide and conquer has never been more apparent, and the proclivity of the majority to be manipulated by this is at best tragic, at worst, simply embarrassing.

Demonisation of “the other” amongst humanity is perhaps one of the most dangerous of ideas to be indoctrinated. It’s important to recognise it, even within these articles critical of power. The establishment, like all groups and institutions, is made up of individuals, and as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn rightly points out, “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains… an unuprooted small corner of evil.” However, this quote also highlights that the propensity for good and evil fluctuates between people, and given what is understood about psychology, it is important to recognise the established relationship between psychopathy and power. Therefore, whilst acknowledging that there are people with good hearts and intentions within the establishment, it must be noted that the overall agenda is driven by psychopathy, acquisition, and retention of power, which logically results in ruthlessness, greed, lack of compassion, exploitation, and disdain of the plebs, “the other,” whom are caricatured as useless eaters and scourges on the earth. It is well known for anyone that looks into the history of eugenics that the establishment is obsessed with depopulation, with Prince Philip even suggesting that, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” Therefore, it is justified, based on empirical evidence and psychology, to view the establishment as a nefarious entity while acknowledging that the establishment itself is made up of tens of thousands of individuals whose characters vary diversely, and just like yin and yang have elements of light within the darkness. The purpose of this article, despite the caveat above, is not to analyse the establishment but the use of divide and conquer among the people.

Division amongst the populous of the West, which has confusingly been educated over the past 20 years to value inclusivity, diversity, and shared humanity, has never been more rife. The aggressive tribalism usually confined to nescient Neanderthals supporting their local sports team has seeped into the political landscape, with even the most civilised intellectuals baying for the blood of their ideological opponents. This is not a deterministic occurrence but an insidious agenda pushed upon us, top down, through the media obsession with identity politics, intellectualised by the universities and professionalised by corporate ESG scores designed to manipulate the culture. Anyone not accepting that gender is a construct, for example, is ostracised as an uncouth deplorable, clearly not intelligent enough to reject evidence that they see with their own eyes, the intuition felt within, instead deferring to generally low EQ experts that feel the need to speak for minority groups that they’re not even members of. It’s peak Raygun and frankly absurd!

The evolution of technology and those that control it, further aids this nefarious agenda by algorithmically placing people in echo chambers, with bots supporting, championing, and radicalising viewpoints through caricaturing those with different opinions as either incredibly stupid or incredibly dangerous monsters; often both. If you don’t want to be lumped with those folk, you’ve got to be fully on board with whatever nonsense is sprouted by the other tribe, the one you’ve committed to with your memes and your virtue signalling. EL James fans will be disappointed to realise there are no shades of grey, only black or white, and if you’re not all in on one then you must be “the other.” Nuance has as much meaning these days as Kamala Harris’ speeches and Joe Biden’s pledges. Heaven forbid people reach their own conclusions, using their own critical faculties, trying to understand, without prejudice, arguments made by both sides. What a tragically insecure species, desperate to be included within some sort of inhouse grouping, without the courage to guide, let alone speak, our own minds—we have become, or perhaps always were?

One of the most glaring examples of this nonsense approach can be found within the hot topic issue of paedophilia. The right’s alarmism over institutionalised paedophilia versus the left’s desire for organisations to do more to protect children from sexual abuse within the home. Both sides sensationalise the threat they highlight while downplaying or outright ignoring the threat to children raised by the other side. The facts are that child sex-trafficking often carried out by gangs or institutions has reportedly tripled in the past 5 years, yet concurrently, just over 70% of child abuse claims are made against a family member. Both sides have a legitimate argument. Both sides want to protect children, but rather than understanding this commonality and working together, recognising their mutual objective, they’d rather engage in sensationalism and denialism to sustain tribal lines because acknowledging common values and humanity requires cognitive dissonance and acceptance that “the other” isn’t the dangerous, idiotic monster you’d written them off as.

This extreme tribalism diminishes the basic ability to be rational and reach individual conclusions within realms once considered to be hot and reasonable. You’re either an ignorant bigot unless you support militant trans rights or you’re in favour of mutilating children if you recognise that a minute percentage of people have gender dysphoria and should be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion. There is no in between, and yet the silent majority probably slots somewhere between this polemic, hyperbolic nonsense, having compassion for anyone struggling with gender dysphoria whilst also recognising that it’s clearly unfair for humans born as biological males to be competing in women’s sports. In fact, horrified though those most vocal on either side may be to hear this, the majority of people are not affected by this and don’t really care. If society can turn a blind eye to contemporary genocide, it’s hard to be fixated on such a minority issue despite how much it is foisted upon us by the powers that be to deliberately cause upset and division. Yet due to the perpetual bombardment of trans issues into the culture, a large percentage of people are forced to audibly discuss and support the side that aligns more politically with their liberal or conservative perspective, regardless of what they truly believe.

In solidarity with all virtue-signalling standpoints these days, those narcissistically sounding their self-righteous drum appear wholly ignorant of their own hypocrisy. Preaching diversity while finding diversity of perspective unacceptable is a case in point. Those smugly declaring that they’re only intolerant of intolerance—you’re not a magnet; this doesn’t make you tolerant; it’s just simply another form of intolerance. Yet this supposed intolerance of intolerance is being utilised to justify the soft criminalising of subjective offensiveness and even potentially causing offence to a third party, with UK residents recently arrested for antisemitism due to their online criticism of Israeli foreign policy and the year-long genocide it’s been engaged in.

Insidiously, this notion of offensiveness is being utilised, synonymously with another quacksalver tactic of combating disinformation in order to allegedly protect people from rising levels of hatred and its potentially violent consequences. Again, this is yet more subterfuge from the establishment. The advance in communications technology has been engineered to entrench division despite initially creating platforms for users to share information. This has led to an awakening where more and more people realise how corrupt the establishment is, realise the game is rigged, realise this is a constructed reality that subdues and enslaves them, realise the media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of this particular other, and demand freedom and justice. The establishment cannot allow its mask to slip more, hence the call for censorship under the perfidious guise of citizen protection. Of course it’s not at all patronising to be told by the least competent, most corrupt members of our species that we shouldn’t be allowed to read things because they might be inaccurate or distressing. Being babied by the same charlatans that provided the least accurate and overly distressing narrative during COVID times, when the common flu was actually more deadly to people under 40 with no comorbidities. Fear is all they know to control with because genuine respect and faith in leadership is dependent on decency, values, and capability, and anyone with those traits is swiftly booted out of the club because they refuse to enact the nefarious, exploitative, wealth-hoarding agendas of the elites that own them.

Division and anger are rising; both access to truth and dissenters are being crushed. The trajectory appears bleak. Unless we listen to opposing views with intent to understand and find commonality and points of agreement, things will only get worse. We need to realise we’re being played and that identity politics is just a divisive distraction to stop us from focusing on the genuine, exponentially increasing economic disparity between the elitists and the rest of us, hence the throttling of the middle class over the past few decades. Unless we stop viewing the bulk of fellow citizens who may disagree with some of our beliefs as extreme caricatures and realise who the actual “other” danger is, we will eventually descend into global technocratic serfdom. We must replace their mantra of divide et impera with our own, conduc et impera before it’s too late.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 16, 2025

See also

February 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.